9 . & Everything you SUNDAY, IsAwaitlngjYour;Or der at . i. h ' O. RALSTON'8 .NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Coi. l'ir and Jefferson JSla. - our specialty; Foil Lii.e "Perferred Stock" 'hnred Goods. A. B. G ? STEAM .LAUNDRY ' HONE La Granie, ! YOU ! 7VT ThP T.T""Y " 0 anTtning ,rom pleasant JLN Ej JlJJ )lJ smile to clean linen V Yy10Xl J IN Of business WE DO IT RIGHT Kill Hotel . ?IR0OX BR$ Leeee WE CATER TO COMMERCIAL -- : TRADE - ! ROOMS WITH BATH z SSTEAM HEATS All Modern Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in Eastern fl Oregon. Keep Cool If jou have no other wa call on the LA GRANDE LIGHT' AND POWER CO. and secure an Kates aud all prices will be explained at the office 4 XT It1 Notary Public BARGAINS In Improved City Property Good Location I WM. GRANT, A gent full measure , Cl-ain wvod by the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain wood 3 per oord. This is cheaper than by the load. You pay tor wliat you get and get what you pay for. Phone 571 H.W. NIBLEY want'want for that ' ; WINNER SHOES Good School Shoes $ a specialty j. j I85i Oregon. Should come . to oar Laundry when in SSI bommer Ill Electric Fan 1 Insnran in J - - - -r-w-m-w-w-w srv-sv-ej Local Items Twelve notable orgtn reciula are scheduled (or the Lewis and Clerk Ex pMition. Tm recitals will be held in tbe Auditorium wbere a $10,000 pipe organ will be aal op. Joseph Palmer re ted well leal night, and today friende now hope lot bia recovery. . D H Steward manager, of Btewarda open boaae returned tbia morning from Pendleton. Mr Steward reporta Pen dleton apparently la a proaperona con dition, and every one busy, happy and oontenled. While there he arranged for the appearanoe at hia boaae of the Oraham Company, whioh will aDDear here three nigbte, commencing nest Jionaay. FOB RENT Two farnlahed rooma, electric light and bath. Inquire at .. 701 Uain atrvet, or phone 811. t Three Nights Only The next attraction at Steward?! Opera Uoaae will be the Graham Cim pany who play a three nigbte encase ment commencing Monday May 16th. Tbia company ia beaded by Woa Edgar Oraham , late of the Frawley Company aapported by auob prominent members of the profession u WE Neff, Allen Dixon, Cbaa E Day, Fred Loveridge, Eugene D'Olier, D A Wait, Florenee Plummer, Adala Barrett, Lucille Sutherland and Blanore Oaile They will open on Monday with the foar aet drama, "Woman' Bitter Atonement", Tueaday tba three act oomedr drama "Because I Love Yon", and Wednes day the three act farce comedy, "Tbe Runaway Matob." Tbe company are now playing a ' engagement at Pendleton and will come here direct from there. Each produotien will be under the personal management of Mr Graham who baa tbe reputation of aparing neither paina or money ior at aging bit playa with the moat careful attention to detail . : The pricea for tbia engagement will be 25-35-50 cents. Today's Grain Market (By Sorlppa Newa Association) Chicago May 10 Tbe quotations on the market iu the stock exohanra to day in regard to gralna were at follows: wheat 0 91& to W.91 ; corn $0.48 to 0 43; oata M.Hfl to $0.30. Expel The Jews (By Sorlppa Newa Aesociation) KelfT Russia Mar 10 The ohlef of police baa been ordered to expel many of the Jews, and not to admit any of we others to the city. Cassini's Successor By Soripps News Association Washington. Mar 10 It la annonnn. 1 that Baron De Rosen, the former miuiater o Kussla at Toklo, will be the suooeeeor of minister Caaalnl, who naa been transferred. To The Penitentiary Woodaon Gray waa taken to the nan. Itentiary last evening to aerve hia term 01 aeven years, for tbe killing of Arab le Hallgartb near Elgin laat year. It ia stated that a very large petition has been signed, petitioning tbe governor to pardon him. B Morelock, of Si gin, was the officer in charge, however, Mr Gray really required no eaoort aa he would hare gone aa readily unac companied. Jersey Cream Patent Flour Every sack, guaranteed by Romij & Staples, W WMfasafseiaw4f fwfayewejaywvj fl sajejpaveweyejsn I JTEWARsYJ Omit A HOSE I t E. H. STEWARD, The Graham Co. IN : WOMAN'S BITTER ATONEMENT. BECAUSE I LOVE YOU and THE RUMAWAY MATCH NIQHTS COMMENCING MONDAY, t Pricea 25c, Seats oa sale Saturday Articles Filed Kew, York. May. iJ-A certificate of incorporation of tbe Carnegie foun dation, a membership corporation to manage tbe fund of 110,000.000 given by Andrew Carnegie for pensions -for teachers in alveraltlea, college and technical schools ia the United Btatee, Canada and Newfoundland, waa Bled in tbe oounty clark'a offloe today. Tbe trustees named b )it Carnegie and announoed by Mr Frank A Van derlly on April 17, are named aa direct ora uatll tbe first annual meeting of tbe membereblp corporation. What bit? Can you define Osteopathy? Do you know what it really ia? Osteopathy ia tbe new American Science of bloodless surgery and drug lets medicine. It ia baaed upon a comprehensive knowledge of human anatomy and physiology and it diagnoeea diaeaae aa due to mechanical oauaea. Ita practice restores tbe aiok to health and tbe deformed to useful livee by correcting faulty adjuatment in the tiasuea of the human organism. Pasture Look out for Thoe Stephenaon with bia herd of oowa thla coming week I have in tbe neighborhood of 600 acrea for them to run on and a nice stream of water running through the place. Price 11 .60 per month for oowa. A 3tf G. E. FOWLER Tnirk smrl a c ajeave 1 Transfer I Wood and Coal Phone 1611. All order I'given prompt attention. THE NEW . FURNITURE Our Car Has Arrived And we are able to say that bet ter or more up-to-date furniture was never seen in La Qrande. We are proud of our present assortment and will consider it a real pleasure to show you all our new arrivals. The car came through without a single break or scratch. This furniture was bought right and wj are able to sell it at an extr low price and still make a ligitimate. Call and see the beautiful dis play of fine furniture. You will not be urged to buy. E. G. ADCOOK Successor to E Andross. AndrossOldstand Phone 9-1 Proprietor and Mr MAY 16 35c and roo morning, May 13. R0- 3SI3NAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. Office over HUTs Drag Store. Office Fbonel&S Beeldeace Pboie Sil N. MOLITOR. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner Adams arenas and Depot 8U Office PnoneSM Beeldeoee Phoaa 681 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN .. AND SURGEON Phone 711 Lewis bail ding, opposite Bomrner House Office Boon, 1 to i, 1 to S BACON & HALL, t S I CI A.N 3 AND SURGEONS Offlee in Foley building, Phone U9L C. T. Bacon, Residence Pi) one ILB1 af. K. Han, Reeldenoe 2121 DKS. B1GGERS & BIGGERS Pnyaiciana and Surgeons OWBlgxen,M.D. Geo, U Bitters, M. D Telephones Offloe 1331 Residence 1881 Qffloe Relaton Building over J. H. Berrjr'e 8tora Kealdenee oa Madison AVa. second door west of former residence, Dr. G. W.BItxera La GRANDE - OREGON PTofeuional calls promptly attended to day or Bight. DENTISTS REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. Office 8ommer Building Office Phone 5-1 Residence Phone 117 C. B. Cauthorn DENTIST Officio Over Hill Drug 8tore La Grande, Oregon J R. L. LINCOLN DENTIST Up stairs, Cor Adams arenas and Depot BU Phone yt VETERINARY SURQEON Dr. P A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON. Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La ffttle, Oregon Phone 1361 ..-oidence pnone 701 Farmers' line 58 DR. W. T. DJWNE3. VETERINARY SURQEON AND DENTIST lieave orders at Red Residence Cor Cross Drag store cth ud I st Thirty Ave years experience, best of reference i rurnlvhed ATTORNEYS CFAWF0RD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA QRANDE, OREQON OOIce In Foley balld ing. J. W KN0VYLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law Office in Ralston Building Phone 166 1 Grande Or. H.T. Wuiinma a. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS. ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Offlc In Ralston Building Pnone t0s La Qrande, Or. AsSAsBttsmskaK MRS. H. W. LAUGHLIN. S Teacher of vocal and piano IVTLJSIO i Graduate of Chicago Musical College phone 1970 'SSMt,,,,,,,Ma(. - Lodge Directory. i. A. MetoU, W. P. T. U. Qilham. W. 8. 1 O ft l n . . ReSrdw? P'at 080 te ,een omoeofdt, H. K. Qooiidge, f& W' Bofsoe, N U OTARENUAltPMENT No 31. I n n 9 aeeu ereqr flrw and tolid lnridLV. B'.hi month In 5dd Fellow fill. vwtS.trt6 rch.iwya welcome asuook'cfp Edmond Roblnwo. Scribe ' U r' eastern star okshow cht. m Mt, a w.ick.sJg8"" Aldr'011' w M : i month m I. O. O. F Hill au J w-7 "'the bor..recoratli;M',oAtUen't''' - John Hall, Oerk. E Rei,ltud. V. a T 8 Tlllnon. Chief Ringer. Hint Salooo. I CHAS, MELQUIST, Propridor. WINES. LIQUOR ! vrrv nT"1 t TiCr' . ASH llUiLUO Finest collections of stuffed animals on the Pacific L coast. , t Blue Front Saloon " E. TMOKSON. Proprietor. FIKKST I WINES, LI0U0RS lmportea ana aomesuc X Hot or cold lunch all hours S Jefferaoa Aveaaa Opposite Depot niiiiininiiiiiiiiiHt3 j Palace Saloon CHAS, ANDERSON. Prop. , FINK WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on hand Jeflersoo Avenne laasjsnesasistsi Opposite Depot - THE OXFORD PAR JOHN BIEVER, Prop. Complete uaortment of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Mixed Drinks a Specialty. Fir St. ItAAWtVVtVtVtVtVtVtVtV THE LOUVRE I CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. FINK I WINES. LIQUORS QIQflRS Gentlemen always Welcome Fir Street Eagle Sa'oon ULR.ICH LOHIS. Prop. FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Lunches are our specialty Jefferson Avenue, Opposite depot J.I.MRDAH3H J.W. BOOS. PKOP. FINE WINES LIQU0RJ And the best brands ol Always on hand f Mixed drink, m. v see IT yon don't ger It. This la a gen- tlemen's resort and wlU ba ran as suoh " Tom Fleming f BLACKSMITH Horscshoing and Wagonwork North Fir Street "I Thank The Lordl" healer foi- V." v 14 ,B a marveloua