La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 06, 1905, Image 4

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v, . 3. U
a !
r ui a man's me, ana.mncn, ol, bis money, is spent in his J
P Clothes. And. itrAnffM U mriv'aAMITI. iVia'ltaftnv olntkaa Via J
aw ' r v " w
SL hnvi tha laaa mnn It rnaia
t ; ! It's thecp&litydurabilitj, style and the
All Round
For the price, that, makes
most economical ill the end.
k - or our long coat; loose trouser
are "spandm" new and very swell. Stripes, Checks and
Mixtures in the new ' shades of Brown, Grays, . and fancy
patterns. : We'll wager most ianytbing that we can show
you in short, order
Just the Stiit You'll Like
F If you'll step ia for a few minutes look. $10 for a suit 3
F along up the line to $20. There's both pleasure and profit H
mZ in ftlAihoa Kafa :- i
Tailored Turbans Dress Hats
, Cordays. New. Veilings .
Ombre Ribbons Pretty lace Collars
Handsome Jetted Collars
Xja Q-rando Oregon
- ' .- ' . - j ,
rR wT WlfffMI
Lady assistaLt, Oallsanswered day and night,
; Phone No. 21.
J. 0. Henry, residence 664
J. J. Oarr, residence 386 f
Old Jewelry mad to look Uk new
Olooki taken mi of '
1 - :; !
1 II
- II . l r s m
ii v i . m
aw -w . canntvi-v-
A heavy discount on all lace curtains and ortiers
j , vuw ftwva viuvuig U9 Bj
him fv lean J..r,,l . J
our high grade clothing the
Perhaps yon would' like one
suits for spring wear? They
La Grande Oregon
Bring it to the store and
. ve will give it the required
repairs. If it is pa t fixing
we will tell you so, and
stop the expense If we can
fix it we will do so at a
moderate cost. Watch re
pairing is our specialty.
1 Ii. PEARE,
Conference! Resolution.
The following reeolations were nn
emlnoasly pMsed at tn, closing 'eee
loo of the District Itethodlet. oonler
eace In title oiti ' '
Betolred. that we. the mem bare of
the La Grande Dlatricl Cooferedee
hereby, tender oar latere thanks to
the people of La Grande, for the oor-
dial reception reoelred at their hands
and in their homes, and to the ladies
who to boantlfolif . provided tor, oar
comfort in the ept s. nioely sexred
i tne noon time.
To Ker J D Glllilaa oar Freelding
lulderfor the brotherljr, chribtian.
and manner In whloh he preelded over
oar eeeslons and for. hie.' manuring
effort t0 make, oar, meetinx plf jut
ana saeoeeeial.
That we appreciate and are gratofal
forthe work of the eereral oommltteee
or their enocesaf ol efforta In hahalf of
the Conference In minUteringto oar
comfort .
That we aoDreclate the Dreeanoe
with neat oar eeealon of Dre.' Geo B
Bmyth, WWVaa Dasen, and D L
Bader and are thankful for the tn
epiration and help tne hare given ne
and that we have been enoooraged and
neipea dj tne preeence with as of oar
brothers A W HarUbora, W J Harvey ,
of tne Bolre Diatrlet, aa well m the
visiting brotbere of oar eittec eharohee
that we appreciate the courtesy of, the
LA Grande Observer for, the, careful
and kindly spirit in whlch it has re
ported oar sessions, ' '
The meeting of the Conference hu
Uu blc'.n; ?! ' hu to Aii the
membeis, the reports' have' been en
couraging, the discussions have been
inspiring and It has been good to meet
together and plan for tbe work la tne
Master's Kingdom. We go to oar work
stronger in faith and ooarage, wiser In
mind and method, and- .'mere detec
mined to win men for God. " v ! -'
. ,, 0heelep 8oqreUry.
' Where as the Sheriff's anAproeeont
ing attorney of toe Coanties of Union
and Maker have to a considerable, ex
tent enforced the Sabbath and other
morally wholesome laws, we hereby
declare oar appioval of their manly
and christian ooarage and ' pledge to
them oar support and coopperation.
Unaminoasly Adopted by The ' Lt
GrsnJe District Conference. I
No Warships Sold
' Bnenos Aires, May 8 The minister
of foreign affairs ' absolutely denies
that warships of either Chili or. Ar
gentine have been sold to Busaia. lie
itfltes that while flattering offers have
been received, "by both - nation fruna
represenutlves of ' Russia' and 'Japan
the answer has been that they aoald
willingly sell now, bat they mast re
fuse to dellve their warships nntll a
peaoe treaty has been signed.
Two famished rooms for rent,
Eleotrlo LlghU.' Bath. Apply 701.
Main Htreet or Phon 611.
Grand, Rcnde
ManufacUirtf of
Grande Ronde Lumber Co.
Union Notes .
- . t .
, . (Repablicao) .
John llartla and D G Moeeman are
going to Portland to work at carpenter
' Lon Cleaver, bead push of the eleo
trto, line . propoeltlon, hae gone to
Beetoa: ,
1 Mrs 0 A PhlUlps. age 8i years,
mother ot Mre J H NicboU, died at
Everett, Washington Sandsy.
! ! (SOOSt t , ,
i Bertha Dew, five year old daughter
of Ur and JCrw rank Dean died of
pneamoni A pril 29th. The sy m path-
les of oar people are with the bereav
ed parent -
J y Barrio and wife left this week
r Eirkland, Wash, whors their two
sons reside-. The move is maUe on ac-
ooaat of Mr Berrie's heltb They
have bees among our ' most respected
and worthy citizens and it is with- re
gret that we see them go .
Call For Bids
A lr Rtahardaon.' chairman at tha
water committee at thh Htv of l
Grande will receive bide for the fol
lowing described work at hie office
from thia date an til four o'clock p m
Mey eleventh, 1905
' Eight hundred linear feet of ditch to
e dag Iron a point at the Intersection
af H&rdinir street with Fonrth straat
of the nortbeast corner of X street.
fifteen hundred and sixty five feet
'if dltcb to bo dag from a point at the
wa v im u n u uinunuvu
atreeu to a point one block east to the
intereeoiiov 01 vauey street, tnence
north two block to Valley, street and
thenoa weet two Liuuu l T.'.-.r?-.
street. '
I Twelve hundred and &fty feet . of
atiob to be dag from a point at the
Intersection of Ostium street and North
ir aireet nonn 10 Trowbridge street,
tbeooe oast one ; blooh to inUrMctinn
at .Trowbridae and North fliMiisimt
n t . ji i . m - ... .
to be due from a point at the intersec
i aiym unoaraa ana if in imi or iai
tion of North Greenwood airnat anrf R
streete aouth to the intersection of
Monroe avenue. 1
j Three hundred and alzty nine feet
pi ditch to be dog from a point at the
Intersection of U and Eighth street
and rannlmr west
seatton or seveotn and O streets.
be dnir from a nalnt at t ha inta
of Adams avenue and Spruce street,
west to a point eighteen hundred feel
from Dlaoe of beainninir.
, Alt of Mid ditch to be dag three and
one nair ieet aeep ana one and one
nail reel wide, au street crossings . to
be lelt closed subjeof to ordere of
water - superintendent. Said ditch to
be ailed subjott to the orders of the
Water Superintendent. Bald work to
be completed on or before tbe thirtieth
objoi may iuuo, a -certified obeok
ror an amount eqaal to ten per cent
the amount of th htrl t,.
each bid. Tha Mntrantn tn (
good and sufficient bond for the faith
ful completion of said work. The city
of La Grande reservea tha rlaht tn .
ject any ana ail WJs.
LDREAVI8. J Committee
Forthe best and whitest bread
use Jersey Cream Flour.
'wrJwly jL." 'Wwt
Lumber Co.
ill work
For Sale
FOB SALE Set of Encyclopedia Brit
annlra at a bargain nearly new,
latest edition. Write to H D John -soo.Bammerville
R F D No L dAw
FDB SALE Four room house practl
. call new and CO s 110 ft. lot, O et.
i between 7 and 8 at For particulars
. apply on promisee. 5-7
FOB BALE Three quarter sections of
' good land, capable of making good
'' homes, and a paying investment
' Situated five and 'one half miles
from La Grande on the road to
Cove. For information and paitl
calars applf to H T Buell, La
Grande, Oregon.
FOB 8 ALE A bugxy, hack, wagon
and harness Inquire at A V Oliver's
, feed store.
FOR SALE Complete housekeeping
outfit, Will sell cheap it,,, sold at
once. Owner going to leave. Call
at 1204 itionroo Ave from 1 to t p m
For Rent
FOR RENT Five room furnished
house, for housekeeping. Inquire of
Mrs. W M James, the dressmaker.
rOK RENT Housekeeping rooms,
also new five room cottage. Apply
Mrs. Bhearer, opposite Star Grocery.
FOR RENT Two untarnished .rooms
! Eleotrlo light, bath. Phone 811.
FOR RENT-Nice famished - rooms
for rent. Apply of Mrs 8talti, cor
ner of 6th and Q streets.'
! light housekeeping, apply at 1517 1th
Street. .
FOB RENT Large, well famished
rooms at 17.00 per month. Inquire
; of Mrs A. L Stover, at the HUts
boose, one block horth of the round
; house. - -'
Attention Hungry Men
The centennial Hotel has room for
a few a ldltionel table boarders. Good
board furnished ' at 4.50 Der reek.
Table always furnished with tha best
the market affords -The- Centennial
Hotel opposite Farmers Feed Yard.
Board and Lodging bv Mrs Goodall
211 3rd st. Phone 707 ' tf
and Children's drees making, Mrs
w a wines, corner of Depot and U
Streets. Phone No 2078 A 201
Calves Wanted
Will pay rash . tor young calves.
Phone 573. Post bffloe 302. La trran la
Cabbage Plants
Cabbage plants both earlv anrl lata
Will sell .at reasonable rate. Prion
according to quantity bought.
K w KAMMERBR, Adams Avenue.
Boarding House
Mrs. Joseph Pollman. Cor. flth un
Washington. Board and
board without rooms by the day, week
or month. c u
Centennial Hotel
RATES-Sl DAP As. ' tnasaie. . ORnta
fnrnlehed monthly pa-
l.nn. M i m u l- - . ". :
trona. Mrs A E Mnroheaou na' taxi
O M Garni proprietors. No
Adams Ave. Phone No 1161
Store Front
Two sections of glass storo front 12x
15 feet. A snap. Also one Ore proof
safe, weight 2300 at a bargain. Call or
write, La Grande Pawn Broker. L
Grande Oregon. Phone 168L
Take Notice
The public is hereby . notified that
L D McWhirter has left my rmnlov.
and la therefore not authorized to
transact any business for the La
Grande Marble, works. Dated this
fourth day of May, 1905, at La Grande
uregon. EC DAVIS.
Look out for Thos Stephenson with
nis nerd of cows this oomlnir went I
nave In the neighborhood of 600 acres
far them to ran on and a nice tranm
of water running through tbe place.
f rtoe si .60 per month for cows. A 3tf
Dissolution Notice
Notice Is herebr clwan that ih. --
nershin hemtnfnra avi.t.
the undersigned under the firm name
of Pohram and Raha- d..i... ...
the Union StiiSalooa 2T'5&
been ditaolvml hv mntnei .
. nener wiu continue the hniro..
... vuurout, ri.
tS5 T5C,?nU ?aiP' aU Mils
day of May A. D. 1905. '
Dont forget that G H Powers the
Land man hu any thing In the shape
of Real Estate from an acre of Garden
to a 2000 acre ranch. All property
WOllM VMM UUl RUU ' " r, . J
G If Powers
Minnesota Land Man
Hch 23 tf
Jersey Cream Patent Flour
Every sack guaranteed by Romij
& Staples,
Bids Wanted
I will receive sealed bids from this
date, April 27th, until six o'olock p m
May 0th, 1905, for tbe material and
workmanship required and to be far
oblied for the construction of a oae
story brick building, la the oitr of
La Grande, Union County, Oregon, the
same to be constructed according- to
plans snd specifications In my pos
session, which oau be seen by apply
log to me. All the bids mast be seal
ed and accompanied with a deposit of
ten percent, of the amount of tho bid.
and I reserve the right to rejeot any
and all bids. I Harris 5-7
Tn nnM ftmnahti nf air tn fraan mnA
and cutting winds, sadden ohangee of
temperature, scanty clothing, undue
exposure ol the throat and neok after
public speaking and singing, bring on
coughs and colds. Ballard's - H ore
hound Syrup ia tbe beet cure.
Mrs. A Rair, Hcnston. Texas, writes
Jsn. 31. 2002: "One bottle of Kallard'a
Uorebouod SDrun cured me of a varv
bad cough. It ie very pleasant to
take." 250. 50o. II. Sold bv Newlin
Drug Co.
t?. CJ)AVIS, Proprietor,
Oomplote aasortmeat oftfia
est marble and granit
al trays on band. Estimates
cheerfully furnished ,upon
applicati in.
Headstones and Monuments.
A Specialty.
Here is a
For You
Eighty acrss of land In Malheur
oounty, with good water right, good
bouse and outbuildinge. Every food
of this place is in cultivation. Will
raise from 9 to U- tons ol alfalfa per
"cre , Tne of this properly may
be estimated from the faot that it rents
annually for $10 per sore and renter
pas the taxes. Ihis place oan be
rented for five years longer . at this
price. Here is an investment tbat
beats ten per cent. For sale on easy
Write to 0, T. McDANIEL
Ontario.,.. ; ..Oregon.
I have , leased the Silk pas
ture for the season and am
therefore in position to care
f?.a ..SRMods-cf stock, and
especially the "town cow"
at rates which are just, I
will guarantee first class
treatment, good feed and
water. Address
E. E.Jones,
Phone 1276 La Grande
The Rllk na1ntv Artnslutat nfav onn
and is divided Into six leparftta lota
"wowwHivaiwBwui duii run logeiner
PROF. DAY. Principle.
Thia is one of the.bestjmasical.ln-
suiuuons in the stated Daring tho
roar 1904 there ware nearly Vnnr
thousand lessons given. The people
in.inw city and valley are begin
ing to discover the neat advantage
of thia school. Thesystem
tne latest and most practical, and
includes all the latest discoveries
in the art ot teachins music Tha
school la divided into two depart
ments No. 1 is for beginners, from
9 yean op, and taklna- In the let to
3rd grades. In thia dnn&rtmant
pupils oome one hoar everv dev.
In No. 2 tha oralAa a Fa (mm 9 tn
15. lllere they graduate. Pupils
take one or two lessons a week as
they denire. " No scholars will be
permitted tn MTYisiln In thlss SAhMi
6-4 6 4.
wto do not rtttdy.