La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 04, 1905, Image 1

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, i I , I II UUIUIjK " "
mmm Wmm observed
Owing to th absence of Mayor Slat-
Mr, councilman L D Reavls tu made
chalrirao, and all members nresent
Recorder Snook Nad the irioutes and
tbs coanoil Immediately proceeded to
The peUUon for aoross walk by Wm,
Miller and others, on B and Fourth
4 i - - . .
woeia, waa reaa ana ordered con
The petition of Ed Hammerer and
otners lor an extension of the water
malm on Adams avenu was acted up
on favorably and the contraction
Uquor licenses were Issued to J S
Foley and G O Bockwell.
ine bids offered for th digging of
about 6200 feet of ezoaTatlon for city
water malna were read aa follows : J L
Mara $529, J H Cbllda G92. ilr. Ohllds
objected to the bid of Mr. Juara on the'
ground that be had not filed hia bid
with the recorder until after the time
aaveruaeu uwi cIumm, buJ itlzt
Ing be waa the only bidder after the
time limit had expired, he had told
several what hia bid waa. Mr. Mara
atated thai: he had no knowledge of
Mr. Child' figure The council de
cided to reject all bide and re-ad ver
tUe. The water committee reported tba)
they had made a contract to furnish
the O R & N water at the rate of 1150
per month until anch time as it costs
the city more to pomp than at preaent
when they are using Mill creek water
for a part of the aupply. '
The atreet committee to 'whom was
referred the licencing of bicycle, re
ported that the ordinance do not pass.
The council accepted their report.
The Fir and Insurance committee
waa Instructed to look after the insur
ance on the City ball.
The council rebated A L Morris that
portion of hia an used saloon license.
The atreet oommittee waa Inatraoted
to bare an ordinance drafted for the
construction of cement side walk in
the reeident portion of the oity. The
. Idea was not to compel such walk but
to provide a system for those who
might deeire to build
The aalary of the deputy marshal F
P Chlldora waa raised from 165 to f 75
per month to commence with the
month of April.
The chairman of the water oommittee
Dr. Richardson, atated that . ha !md
been Informed that Mrs. 8 O Zuber
had connected her windmill system of
waterworks with tbe oity water malna
and that be desired the water superin
tendent to Inform the council how he
found the condition to be and that the
matter be Investigated. Superintend
ent Gil man atated that for aom time
he had . entertained suspicion that
och was the case, and a tew day ago
he started to put in meters on certain
lines entering into property belonging
to Mrs. Zuber, and found that they
were connected, and further, that ten
ante of Mr Zuber atated that when
ever the city water wm muddy, their
water aiao era. The matter waa re
ferred to the water committee with in
structions to Investigate. ;
Measra. Turner Oliver and O B Finn
appeared before the coanoil and be
came quite sarcastic in their remark
toward eaoh other, aa they differed In
opinion as to bow O atreet should be
graded. wOne lives at the top . of tbe
bill and objected to the hl'.l being cut
sway 'too much," and the- other re
sides at tbe foot of tbe bill and ob
jected to being 'buried." The matter
was referred to the street " committee
Peter Nela.n, team work.
SLadlger, labor......
J L White, "
T W Workman, "..
W Wenham,
K Bynhorst, StBupt aalary.,
H Belmer, labor..
H O Gllman, Water Bopt...
J Van Fleet, pumping.......
Ed Harding, poond muter.
W DQrandy, bay
John Wilson,, bay
J P MoKennon, pound rent
Miscellaneous small bills..
21 CO
. 4 00
. 400
0 00
- 3 00
8 00
85 00
. 75 00
60 Oil
la 20
ll2 50
' 27 00
- .
Theways and means committee was
instructed to oodlfy the oity charter
and ordinances and have them printed..
This bad been needed for a number of
years. At the present time wi'hont
hoar of research, it ia very - difficult
to tell what ordinances are in effect or
those which In years gone by have
been repealed or amended.
The following bills were allowed on
the following funds.
v.;;;. G ENERAL'FUND ", : zf
nuectrlo Light 1 123 00
Dr. Richardson, prof services
diphtheria case 26 60
City Surveyor Beltz, 15 days
, and supplies.....
W 8ynhorat, assisting Survey r
Jo Jones, carina for hose
A T Bill, merchandise
Recorder's aalary,... ;
O E Fowler, freight paid aid
' cartage on lumber .,
Chronicle, publishing ordinance
Nebraska Grocery, mdae
Kelts Eros., stone work.
L Ray burn, salary
B Fisher, sign painting.
V Ubildera, salary
ivannoe, aalary city atty
J 11 Uhildn, Inspecting cement
walks.... , , o 75
w T under, 12298 ft lumber. . 118 96
155 30
12 B0
5 00
34 60
60 00
43 35
27 60
21 00
85 00
4 00
60 00
33 83
By Boripps News Association
New fork. May, 4. Tbe fourth
trial of Nan Patterson has resulted in
a failure. The jury after having sent
to the jury room for the second time
returned with the verdiot 'that they
could not agree. Tbe defendent, when
promptly collapsed and remained in
a dead faint for exactly twelve minu
tes. When she was able to sit up and
notice thi cgs she expressed keen dis
appointment at their failure to agree.
She seems to be tired of the role she
Is acting, and la going to quit and
oall It squire. Her counsel ' will
move at the earllat opportunity that
ahe be released on nominal bail. . It
Is thought that the district attorney
will not oppose the motion.
It is reported that tbe last ballot
stood eleven for manslaughter in the
first degree and on for aoqaittal. The
Ion Juror stood out to the end. Th
defendant's unole, Levy, stated that
"It tbe girl is not acquitted ah will
never bo plaoed on trial again.", ' '
(By ScrlppsNews Association)
Salinas, Cat, May, 4 James Moses,
alias "Snowball" known all over the
Paoiflo coast wherever racing I carried
on, and who came to California twenty
years ago, a basso singer in th origi
nal Ueorgla Minstrels, died here this
morning. He waa born fifty year ago
at Jackson Tenn,' where hi father still
live. Although at times he had been
wealthy, ha died poor
(By Hcrtppe News Association)
Singapore May 4 A fleet, evident
ly that of Admiral Nebogatoff, has
effected safe passage In tbe China
8eaj and is probably on it way to
join Admiral Rojestveasky. Tue re
port eaya that io transports of the
fleet put into Badong, on the North
ooaat of Sumatra, and are apparently
dmaged as result of oolllsioc,
(By ScrlppsNews Aseoolation)
,. St Pettergburg May 4 In a letter
written by General Rojeatvensdy to
relative her be complains of the Ids
possibility (or bim to fifth t with tbe
material at his ooramand. The lack
of disipline be says is appalling, and
after entering in tc details which re
count tbe weakness of his army and
fleet be oonoludes with this statement
"These ere the men and ship with
wbirli I am expected to feoe tbe pow
erful Japanese fleet. I fully realise
. Z'.ZZ !; nUrnriM and
nothing but a imraole oan save us !
from complete annihilation M It is
said that the government ittmely
reeents the publication of tba letter
snd haa repremaoded the General for
his indiscretion.
Gunshu Pass, May 4 The' armies
of Generals Nodzu, Oku and - Kurokl
are concentrated along th line from
Tie Pass, with tbe right flank extended
Northeast. Kamlnura Is Northeast
and Nogl West of Tie 1'sss. This
grouping of the different armies indl
catea mat tne right flank will move
firat when General Oyama sdvanoes
Hingapore - May 4 The division
sighted off Jugrah oonslsted of four
battleships, two cruisers, four colliers
and a hospital ship. It is expected
that tbe vessels will pass Blngapor
about midnight. With good weather,
tbe fleet will b able to join Admiral
Rojesbensky In tonr days.
By Bcripps Nsws Association
.1 Chicago May 4 Aalde from a riot
call tills morning from Archer aveaao,
where white men were besieged by
colored striker breaker there haa been
no disorder reported In connection
with the teamsters strlk It I ex
pec ted that the employer will renew
their call on the city authorities and
also ask th Govenor for troop. It la
announced that the Govenor will send
troop only upon th application of the
proper authorities. The employers
announoed this morning that they
would attempt to send out eleven hun
dred wagons today. The strike spread
thla morning to th Boyle Compny
and the Corbln-May Company. Thirty
two Wmitera of these oompanie re
fused to deliver goods to th coycotted
houses. Thirty strike breakers arrlv
ed this morning from Clnolnnatl tor
Montgomery Aard Company, but four
of the number desert! when they
learned that strike was on. .
At ten o'clock tnls morning tiuuum
ocanred at the Hob barns snd Charles
Rlebllng was attacked and, it is
thought, fatally Injured by strike
breakers. Tbe trouble began by th
booting of John Danaberry, colored,
in the leg. Riebllng was In noway con
nected with the riot whiob waa quieted
by th polio. ..
Are you Interested
in the Upbuilding
of Your Home?
We do not doubt but that we
can guess the nature of your
reply to a question of thie
kiDd. A reply which every
thinking man and wctnan,
who have the real interest of
their own home, and the up
building and improvement of
theirn own surroundings at
heart, will make without the
slightest hessitation. We
have no idea of advancing
any new arguments along
this line, but merely wish to
call your attention to the fact
that every dollar spent at
home makes for the improve
ment of your awn community
and therefore of benefit to
yourself . You are, probably,
even now planing for your
trip to the fair, and what to
weai1 we have been planing
for more than six month to
be able to supply you with up
to-date wearing apparel at
reasonable prices. There are
many undeniable reasons
why you can buy them
cheaper at home.
Traveling Bags, Suit Casas, Telescopes, and Trunks in Large
assort at the most reasonable Prices.
Help yourself and Help build
up your Home.
have the style and in
divid lality of made-to-yo
j measure clothes
and are made from
thoroughly reliable go jds
10 Dozen $2.50 and $3.00 Men's
Hats, special at
For any width, any
color, any style.
In beautiful rich silks and
tasty patterns. Now on dis
play. .'; ' '
In this lot are shoes for tbe boy, the girl and -the parents
at prises that represent a saving of from COc to $1.25 a pair
make it a point to come in and see them.
These skirts come from one of the best makers in the
world, the values will surprise you as much as they did us,1
All sizes, all styles, in tbe newest of patterns. '. y
1.50 to $5.66
St Petersburg. May. 4 Oeneral
Ltneritch repor s that ' Monday a -de
tachment of . Cossacks attacked i
eqnadron of Japan, killing on officer
and More of dragons. Eleven prison
er were taken.
Anoy, China, May 4.- The typoon
which swept over the coast of Boutb
China during this week Is said to have
damaged considerably the Russian
aeoond Paclflo squadron. The lighter
vessels of the fleet are reported to be
By Boripps News Association
Hong Kong May 4-A Chines olfioia
report says delinitely that tbe greaser
part of tbe Russian baltlo fleet arrived
at Hong Sot bay, on the aonthern
coast ol the Island of Hainan, May 1st
- By Bcripps News Association
Berlin May 4 . A dispatob from
Libau states that comrades attempted
tbe rescue of a revolutionary leader
from guard ol twelve Cossacks on
tbe streets today A fierce fight fol
lowed in which all the Coesacks wet
either killed or injure!. Tbe eaptive
made good his escape with his friends.
Riot attending th progress of a
caravan of wagon through the centre
of tbe city at eleven o'clock this
morning resulted in the serious in
jury of three men. Walter 8ohults
waa badly beaten by two colored
guards at Franklin . and Harrison
street! Dode Sootte, a colored strike
breaker of Bt Louis, was shot in tba
arm at th cornel of Madison snd
Franklin. Walter Martin, bystand
er, was shot In tbe leg while a caravan
waa passiug the Montgomery Ward
building Several arrests were made
Four men were arrested for riot at
Washington and Wabash streets, fol
lowing an attack on the wagons of
th Daniels Coal company, in which
two men were Injured and several
shots fired.
John Teresa, the driver of the bass
which ran down and killed polio eer
gent uumminga wnu tne latter waa
on strike duty, was held by the grand
jury on five thousand dollars ball
He is charged with manslaughter,
The foroes of tbe sheriff will be in
creased to two thousand deputies to
morrow, vv 1th thla move, be sssnmee
oontrol of the situation, superseding
Msyor Dunne. It Is reported that the
sheriff will immediately oall troops,
If he finds that he oan not cope with
the disorderly element.
Two hundred and fifty South Watrr
street commission nv-rohaots held
meeting today and decided that they
wrold accept deliveries from tbe
trike-bouod express. oompnii, dw-
pite tbe threats that a hundred pro-
duos comraiMion leamsters will strike
if such an action i uken. Tbe gen
eral public will be seriously snVcted In
ease tbe produce t"antra go out.
' Bhrriff Bsrret this afternoon swore
in fifteen hundred deputies who will
lie used on account cf ibo strike move
ment. Ihry will be armed with re
volvers, and will reinforce tbe police
in their iff irta to move the waeons
and preserve the peace.
A carsvsu consisting of thirty load
ed coal wAgons, ctairtpd by sixty po
licemen, was attack' d by a mob of
strikers this sftcrooo i stthe corner of
Wabash Avntiue m! tin' hard Conr's.
The strike br akere wore made a target
for all kinds of mistlcs. William Hill
a colored teamsterwas struck oa the
head with a brick during tbe attack. -He
is unoonsious and may di. Wm
Fox, a policeman, was also f rioutly
ininmd. Rnral ahnta aura ftut i4
one nt them took tffttct. . ....
A committee consisting of ' twelve'
prominent Chioago business men , left
on a special train at noon tolay for
Springflsld to urge the Governor to
send troops to preserve peso and or
der at Chioago Tbvy will declare that
open rebellion exists in the streets, and
that the polio authorities are unable
to restore order. Both mayor Dunne
and sheriff Barret tefut to rrouest
the Governor to send troupe. .' : , ,
8t Louis Mo. May 4 Edward J
Smith, the defaulting tax oollector,
of San Frar cisco, now under arreat at
this place, was called on today by Bar
ney Bcbreiber a well known horseman
who offeied Smith financial help. -Smith,
at on time while collector.wa
offered a bribe if he wou'd heln nut"
Scbreiber out of business, but he re
fused. Smith said that all be wanted
was a chance to go back to 8an Fran
cisco to straighten op his affair. Tba
Pinker too. detectives are seeking some
trace of the thirty four tnousand dol
lars, which it is reported Smith secured
just before his departure. The offio. rs
are expected here Saturday to take
8mith back to San Francisco. Tbe
woman, Smytbe, ws released Wednes
day evening and wants to go back to
San Franoisoo. . . "
Many Drown
By Bcripps New Association
Newport R I, May 4Tbe tug, Ger-
fcttirla w Arkilrfca than I.-mss nl tk laaM i
ww w w w r-srw www an m V . WW !! SjV
i "a a a '' a
oarge aioonoesm wnicn nrote as ay
and foundered off point Judith last
night. All on board, including the
captain , engineers, steward and two
children of th captain', were lost. ,
(By Scrip New Association) '
Qlenwood Spring Colo May 4Tbe
now atorm which ha been raging for
th paat two day, atill oontlnnes today,
and th plan of the President's hunt
inga party are indefinite aa a conse
quence. They may not be able to move
East of the dlvld today on aocount of
th now on the range. In that case,
th President will return by New
Caatl. at which place he will take th
train Saturday. . ..
The King Returns
Scripp Nsws Association
London, Mar. 4-Klng Edward VU
arrived this afternoon on hi return
from a trip to th Mediterranean and
th continent.
The prescription department is the important
part of any drug store, Our's is modern in'
every repect. ' In the character of the drugs
used, in the methods of compounding, in the
skill of our pharmacists, it is thoroughly up-to-date.
We believe that the service rendered
has a value for you beyond' any money value,
aid it costs you nothing extra whatever. Our.
prices are as low as good prescription work can
be done anywhere, Lower than the usual cost
in most places. ; ,