'A i ; f s In order to MAKE ROOM For a mammoth car of Eastern Furniture t I wifNell daring the Next 15 Days Couches, . Springs, Mat tresses, Dressers, Commodes, Etc At a Great Reduction Couches $6.00 and op Mattresses ...... 2.00 " Springs 1.40 u Dressers and Commodes 10 per cent above cost E G ADCOOK Successor to E. Androes. Andross Old stand Phoue 9-1 YOUNG'S PARTNER TALKS Bcripp News Ateooiatlon New York April 28 John D Molten the racing partner of Caesar Young, wss placed on the iUnd in lb Kan Patterson trial Thursday forenoon. Ha told of tba eoadoet of Young and tba defendant al ration plaoaa in Califor nia. Ha aaid that ba gave eight ban dred dollars, at Young request, to Uke tb aetrew to New York, and aid that Young told her that ahe would have to leave him. Tb wit nee then told of the meeting of the defendant with Young in New York to May, 1904. Don't Forget- Remember, stamp pbotoa at 25 eta a dozen thta month only, at the Taylor Stndlo Hotel Sommer j flROUX B, Leb ; : WE CATER TO COMMERCIAL TRADE -- ROOMS ; WITH BATH mUSTEAM HEATS All Modem Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in Eastern Oregon. M0tIG THE CHURCHES CKHTBAL CHUBCH of CHRIST OPPOSITE BOMBER HOUBS fk H. King, Malar. 130 P. St. Morning Worehlp... YFSOB meeting.. Evaagalistie aanrtesw Me at Ilea pm .7 j m TJO pa Prayer meattnj Wedaceday Boy Qab, Tuesday weeing lntbaStady Morning "The Field tar ChrUUaa Kflort" iTenlng "Ckang of Heart" A eordlal laTttaUo to all tea aerrtosa. M. X. CHURCH Be.v J. D. CUUlaa, pastor Sanday8ohool , , M am Bpworth Leagaa ,, : pa Junior f-r" , ., 1 p m Cherch Serrlofia, U a m aad7J0 p a Morning "Does Salvation mean nothing ax- oet a poaslbl boat la Hearsa" Evening "I Wiee, I will, I do. Al tax morning hour, there la to ba a gener al meeting ot tba membership to bear reports fro a tba paator aad from Stewards. St. PETER'S EPISCOPAL CHUBCH Upton H. Glbbs, reotor ,. April W-lst Sunday aflat Easter Holy Coaununton I a m Saaday Bchoal . 1 a a Morning Oervloa. ,'.,U a a Evening Sendee ....i 70 p m Vestry meeting Moadsy evealag.7 Mf a Monday Hay lat raaat of 8 8 Philip and James Holy Ooamoalba PRESBYTERIAN CHUBCH ' Rev.K. B. Hays, paator ..10 1 p Saaday School.., Janloc EndaaTer Prayer Meeting Thrda7....70 pat Preaahlag Buaday U a a and 7 JO p a Moraing-'Chrlat Oar Iatercassor" ETeulng-"8anotlty of Vows" . Thm .Wih alwaV ndr lha 11MlAfi af Mm. Lyle. Aeordlallnviutioais glvea to all who hare ao ohareb boa to attead tbcaa services MANY PEOPLE CONSULT HIA They speak in the highest praise of Dr. CD. Pons AT THE SOMMER HOTEL A REFRACI10NIST OF UNCOMMON ABILITY Aakcs Examinations Free Pr. Pons is being kept busy, Many people are taking advan tage of this noted specialist's visit here to have proper glasses tiled. The doctor makes every fair of glasses he fits himself, nsuring a perfect fit, and those who have gotten glasses from him consider his charges, very reasonable. The doctor's office hours are from 12 m till 2 p. m. and from 4:80 p. m. until 7 p. m. : The doctor guarantees any glasses fited by him to ba en tirely satisfactory and we can vouch for the fact that he is thoroughly reliable. . rUr33IONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON, PhysicUn and Surgeon. Offlo orr Elll'i Drag gtara. OffloarboaaUtf . Baaldaaae Faaae N. MOLITOR. VL D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Omar Adam araaaa aad Depot Bt, OflleaPboaatM ' Baaldane Paoaa Ctt The Problem Solved WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phoaa TU ' ' Lewis ball ding, opposite Horamar Ho . OffleaHoaia,lto,TtoS BACON & HALL, t i I CIAM3 ANO SUdGEONS 1 OffloslaPotay bonding, Paoaa UM. ' 0. T. Baaon, BastdaBoa Pbooa 11B1 " ' M. a Hall, Basidcae SIS DRS. BIGGERS & BIGGERS Phyaloiana and Bargeoaa - O WBifgan, Ca Oao, U Blggaia, U. D Tpboas Offloelasi Baaldanoa U81 Qffloa Ralstoa Balldlng otot 1. U. Barry's Store. Residence on Madlaoa AT, aaos door vest of formar realdenoyOr, a W. Blggtn ImORAHDB - ORKON FrofkiioBal eall promptly attaadad to dayar alghu i ' DENTISTS CHAS. MILQUaT, Propridof. WINES, LIQUORS AND CI0AES Finest collections of stuffed AMnnAla am t.A P.nifilt coast,. i -S n IMMMHMttMtmtMHt Blue Front S E. TriOlON. Proprktor. rat EST i WINES, M0U0BS Imported and domestic - CIOAHS Hot or cold lunch all hours JaOkrao Araa Oppoalt Depot - REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. Oflloa Boaaar Building CHJU8TIAN 80IENCB Baasinl Baltdlag oppoalt Foley Hotel Barrlora Wdnnday...M...M...M7'J0 p m Boaday School. ....... ....I0 a m Reading room open dally excepting Sunday from 10 am toll m and from! pm to 4 pa wiuoaraooaM LATTER DAT SAINTS Bnnday SahooU ,....1Q am Regalai aarrloe H p a Mutaal ImproTament Auodatioa meat eon Joiatly at 7:30 pm CATHOLIC CHURCH . W.J. Whyte, reotor Maa Tery Banday.......u.8 a m, II a m Bosary aad Benediotlon following 11 am. mass Mas on week days ....-......-..7;30p m Notary Public Insurance BAFJGAINS In Improved Good City Property Location in I , WM. GRANT, Agent, geaees eeeeeaseM BAPTIST CHUBCH " Bev. J. r. Day, pastor Soaday Bobool.;....M. ..-10 a Yonag Feopla's mrUag....- JJ0 pm Preaching aerrloes.....ll m and . 780 p m Mornlag "Getting into Deep Water ETnlng-"A Beasonabl Proas" Yoa arc eordtally Invited to eoae aad bring your frlaada. Strangers made welooma, FOB BENT-Nice tarniabed room (or rent. Apply of Mrs 8toltz, cor ner of 6ta and Q ttreet. vv v - ------- - - -- -- - - - -v FUL,L MEASURE Clain W''d;by tHe Cord . 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain wood 3 per cord. This is cheaper than by the load. You pay for what you get and get what you pay for. Phone 571 H. W. NIBLEY 1M tsfeseaesee' a 7 f a. V The New Body Builder As delicious as a Fresh Orange Supersedes old-fashioned Cod Liver Oil and Emulsion; Guaranteed to contain all the medicinal element, actually taken from genuine fresh cods' livers, with organio iron and other body-building ingredients, but no oil or grease, making the) greatest atrength and flesh creator known to medicine. For old people, puny children, weak, pale women, nursing mothers, chronic cold, lucking coughs, throat and lung troubles, incipient consumption nothing equals VlnoU Try it If you doot like It we will return mooey. gtks lis 31. i bo 5 30 il 16 $ 17 64 M 71 B, 87 t 8 02 B; 14 2 19 1 44 45 41 70 67 LA GRANDE DRUG CO. 06.;...:,;.J- Deposits 7.108 55 7,740 84 3,798 71 4,225 49 8,873 92 3.384 64 ;7,696,75 4,209 19 -2,063 7 ,39,760,81 3,616 67 2,363 00 26,497 88 14,813 S3 4,418 73 2,777 60 3,712 20 kot - -T'S 1 f 4 The traveling public to be rapplied with room at Portland, daring the Exposition. E O Moore, Agent, O B N Co., baa been appointed tpeciat agent for the Portland Bervioe Co. The Portland 8erTioe Co, hu been organised and Incorporated in Port land for the parpote ot procuring and furniahing tba viaitor to tba Fxpoai tlon thi lummer, room at reasonable ratee, and they have already secured 8,800 room in hotel, lodging and rooming bootee and private residence in Portland. The landlord and landladies have promised to abide by the price agreed .1 .h rrui. ZZZZZZZZZZZ tb Office at A T HiU'. Drug Store average prioe per room for one person C. BeCauttiorn DENTIST Offlos Over Hill DrufcCStorw ' La Grande, Oregon R. I. LINCOLN DENTIST fjp stairs, Cot Adam aveaoa and Depot Bt. 1 . Polaco Saloon . CKA ANDERSOti Propl :.-!'- Vrj 'i ' if.".' . , ... ,, - roB - - WINES, LIQUORS AND QGARS Always on hand a Avenae, u , Opposite Depot e aaaasaaaaiar e VVVwrVwJrwVVVV "" . . THE OXFORD : JOHN EiCVEl Prop. VETERINAAY SURGEON Dr. P A CHARLTON VETERINARY BURGEON. will be $1.50 ank ior two person in the same room $100 per day, one room accomodating three or four per son, from $3.00 o $4.00 per day, From this time on any person, can go to Mr Moore and upon payment ol $1.00 insure lor himself and family room at prioe to soil. Procure your oieservatiou now. Hi not uecesaary lor one to know Just when be will go to Portland, be my rest assured that onoe bi name i filed with the Port land 8ervioe Go., be will he ure of a room wben be arrivee In Portland, re- gardlee ol when he goes, Tlia Pifcl.mif fliiM fin t. A.kln. aAU tiqiipuu w.viw w. mm nw.M.HB) under tb eanotion ol the 0 2 A N Oo and has their aasistanoe and ooopera at sioo. Pi a Dr Corps waa'over from the Cove to i day to arrange for the erection ot the a two atory building which ha will build t n bis property lost this side of tba Poet Offlioe. La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone 701 Farmers' line 68 VETERINARY SDBQEON DENTIST DR. W. T. D3WNE3.;. AND 5 IiMto orders at Red Cross Drug store Thirty flv years ezpertenes, beat of reference llntrnlshsd Raaldanee Cor etbaadlst ' Coaplete ssawtmaatef WINES, LIQUORS ' AND - CIGARS rJxtd Drinks a Specialty 1 Fir St. aixm.1 mam I T THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. ATTORNEY8 CFAWF0RD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law ; LA QRANOC, OBKQOM OOlee m Sommer Paulding. , YIHC5. LIQUORS ClQiIRS Gentlemen always Welcome W - Rr Street MRS. H. W. LAUGHLIN, J Teacher of vocal and piano MUSIO Graduate of Chicago Musical College Phone 1976 a rrT T T" TaTTTTT TrATsT ' TATTnT A T U INVITES YOU To Join a New Club J. W KN0WLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law ' " ' ' '' Office la Ralstoa Bulldlag ... Phone 1M . LaQrandeOr. I. HARRIS THE MEAT MAN Is still doing business at the old stand. Will be glad to see all his old custmores as well as new ones. As good prime beef cattle is now scarce, I have on hand a fine selection of cured meats, hams breakfast bacon. About the fifteenth of May. I will have a fine assortment of young prime beef, which are now fattening. Do not for ?;et that I now have as good resh beet as there is on the market as well as fresh fish and poultry. H.T.Wininms A. C. William WILLIAMS BROS. ATTORN EYS-AT.LAW Qlfloe la Balstoa BaUdlag Phone iQs La Grande, Or. Lodge Directory, KAGLICB-l Urande Alrle vt FOB BUeU sreryHunday night la KolFbaUattpm .i.ni.. nr.i n nrn in m.n ui ijaiiii. 1. u. uunam, w. a. J.A. MaloU, W.P. is supplying the publio witha mag it new Eneyclopia at .about the which niflcent new Eneyclopia actual costtf production and on terms with in the reactpof all. If you are interested write today for particulars. The member ship is limited. First come, first served. ENCYCLOPEClA DEPARTMENT 78 Fifth Avenue New York ENCYCLOPEDIA DEPARTMENT 78 Fifth ATenne. New York. Please send majwltbont oharga, Infor mation TOgardlng your new Encyclope dia Clob also ipeolmfn page of the Eneyelopedla, latfedlng maps portralU androtored angraTlngs. Nam ,.. ,. H tract ... ,. Beilnaa Addnse ,,-, ,.. aty -,. , NEW YORK JOURNAL lOOF Le Oread Lodge. Bo W mesU Jl Oiato ball every Balurday night VIslUMgsnam an mli.Uv iaiad la attand- Oemtery plat can be seen at oOioe of City a W. Boltttson,N U H,E, Ooolidge, Beo. TTAB ENCAMPMENT No U. I. o. a. F. Bteeta erery flrat and third Thnradaya la the month la Odd Feilowa hall. V letting patrl- exons always wewonw i. a. boook, i r. H""" Howason, aorioa A. If. A A. Ms-La Grande Lodge Mm A .Mamaatm a.aee 1.4 nl Qsawrl Catna. Prompt Delivery Phone 1601 iay of eaeh month. . A M wuuamaoeo. Eaglo Saloon ULRJCH LOniS. Prop. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS .. . Lunches are our specialty Jeffersoa ATenne, Oppoeite depot . . o a a. a m a ' a : a j, r. omi in j.f . toot, rsor. FIHE VIHL5 LIQU0RJ And the best brands ot CIQ.R5 ' Always on hand a Mixed drink a specialty ask and see 1yoa don't get Ik This 1 a gen- J Ueman's resort and will bs ma as such m Can; G. L FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal . . . s; Phone 1611 All ordfr given prompt' attention. OD Huffman W. M EaSTERH BTAB Ot Hop Chapter ATo Uaeeiathasecoadand tonnh Wednesday ol nch month al ;) p m In Mon Temple Mem Aidrtcb, W M 1 1 ataryAWaraioa.8B M. W.A- La Grand Uaap Bo. 7708 meets every Ant and third Wednesday of the month at l.O.O.r. Hall. All Tlstbrg oelrh bun an cordial Invited to attend. K. keuleod, V, a - John Ball, Clerk. , ,.,.; rOREHTEBS OF AMEBIOA Tonrt Maid Harion, No n meets each Thunday night la a, a r nail, metaere en inTitea io atiaao. 1 H TlllHon. Chief Kanrer. V 8 William, Flo. Bee Roard nrTrneteet Dr, U It Uiggei ana a rauiaon. liggeryjc ulmr by ohn Hall, Keep your bower regular by the aae ol Chamberlain's Btamkbh and Llvar I Tablets. There is nothing better For sale by ttewlia Drag Oo. Tom Fleming 1 BLACKSMITH f X Horstihoing and Wagonwork North Fir Street an milium imnnne j ' New Cure For Cancer All anrfaos oanoere are now known to be eorable, by Baoklen'i Arnica Salve. J as. Walters, ot Duffleld, Vs., writes: 'l bad a cancer on my lip for years, that seemed inoarable, till t;uok lea's Arnica balra healed It, and now it la perfectly well." Qaarenteed cor lor oats and barns. S5o at Mew in Drag Co drag store. 4 4 V X r