TODAY'S NEWS TODAY Tonight warmer Tomorrow showers ft, G rande LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1905 NUMBER I4S EVEN OBSERVEK FLEET MUST LEAVE By Scripps News Association London, April 21. A Central News dispatch from Paris states thaf the franco uovetnment nu tormmuy re qaeited the Bueslan fleet to leave r -. 1. u- m i a onunuig mji menu uv cuuuruiR tlon here of the report that the fleet had already left that place. ' YflTTE FORMALLY RESIGNS : London, April 21. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from tit. Petersburg states that M Wltte, the president of the committee of mlnis- ' ten, has formerly tendered his resign ation. MUST LEAVE FRENCH WATER3 Paris April 21 Premier Bouvler today that the Government had sent a reqaeat to Admiral Kojestveneky to leave Indo China waters which come within the jarisdiction of Franc. FLEET MUST LEAVF St Petersburg, April 21 It is stated on high authority that the Russian Admiralty has notified Admiral Ro- 1 . 1 . jeBivenaay oi tne grave aanger to peace, which will be entailed by the remaining of his squadron off the coast of Annam. Confidence is ex pressed in official circles that the ad miral will carry out the instrnotlons. The stay is prolongel and was con trary to the laws of neutrality. . PRESIDENT PROUD OF KILLING BEAR (By 8crippa News Association) Glen wood 8prings Colo April XI Secretary Loeb, after bis return from the President's camp, settled down for another three days wait for ' news from him. He said that he found the President in, fine fettle and delighted at having killed his bear. He wi very proud oi his second shot which broke the backbone of the bear, and pot an end to Its killing the dogs. Saturday the catnp will be moved to the Gregor ranob on the Weet side of the divide. The third camp will I made still farther, over toward Red stone. On May the fourteenth -the President will eome here and remain over night and the following day wilt start for Denver. NAN PATTERSON ATTENDS SERVICES By Scripps News Association . . New York April 21 Miss . Nan Pat terson, the alleged murderess of Ceanar Young, together with her sister, Mrs J ulia Smith, attended religions ser vices today at the Presbyterian chapel n the tombs. When the sermon was over the two women were taken to the hospital cell, wiiloh is a double room. They spent the afternoon reading and convening. Highly Connected Portland Ore, April 21 Blanche Tomkin. now confined ta the eonety jail charged with the murder of Nora Stone, claims not only to be niece of the chief justice of the supreme exmrt of California, bat Is the wife of a eon of a Pittsburg, Pa., mlllloaalr. Her husband, Walter Henry Tomklne, on receipt of a cablegram announcing the trouble Into which his wife ha been plunged, made a hurried trip to Port land from China, and has now takes np the work of defending the woman on the charge. He has employed attor. neysand aaks that a speedy trial be grants 1. LABOR LEADERS TO MEETS MAYOR By Soripps News Association Cbioago April 11 In response to an invitation from mayor Dunne, given for the purpose of holding a con ference this afternooj regarding the strike, the leaders agreed to meet the mayor, and postponed their 'Visit to wholesale bonses, which wss planned for today. Tbe sentiment among the union teamsters is for a general strike unless something tsngible comes from tbe mayor In the conference this aiternoou. It is probable that a vote of thirty-five thousand members of the teamstera' union will be taken to night on the proposition to quite work Such a move would paraliss the industries of the o.ty , Favor Annapolis Washington April 21 The naval authorities are unanimous la the opln Ion that the remains of Paul Jones should be buried In the cemetery of of the naval academy at Annapolu be cans be was a distinguished naval of ficer. . . .. ' - ' Russian Minister Dead By tioripps Mews Association -Pekin, April 21-M Paul Lasser. the Russian minister to China, whoa foot wss recently amputated, died hero last night. ' Tickets Destroyed (By Scripps News Association) San Francisco April 21 Fire des troyed the office of the Southern Pacific at their ferry building, together with tboussnds of railroad ttcketo. This will cause an endless amount of trouble lu duplication, and may prove a harvest for the tioket scalpers who purchase return ends, as going, wbioh have been destroyed. Buy New Engines (Scripps News Assocatlon) Washington, April 21. President Shonts and vice-president Wallaoe, of the Panama railway, this afternoon contracted with the American Loco motive Company, to supply twenty four large, double ended, mogul en gines. The cost of the aald engines wiu be twelve thousand dollars per engine. Specifications are being pre pared for the purchase of fire hundred freight, cars and other equipments. which will add materially to the ca pMity of tbe road. -' - .-i.-- More Demurrers Filed By Soripps News Association Portland April 21 State senator, George 0 Browoell, and George Soren son filtd demurrers and pleas of abate ment to the indictments against them charging them with subornation of perjury in connection with the land frauds, in the federal Distriot oourt today. MEET DEATH IN FIRE (By Scripps News Association Montreal. April 11-St Ana's con vent at fit Genevieve, near Montreal, was destroyed by fire early this morn ing. Thirteen Uvea are known to nave beealost. . THIRTY GIRLS BURNED Buffalo April 21 A telegram from Montreal says that thirty girls are believed to have been burned In the convent fire at 8t Genevieve. MOTHER SUPERIOR LOSES UFA The mistress of tbe convent lost her Ufe m an effort to save noma children. Of lb aged women boarders, four are known to bs dead, and of the children from the age of eleven to' eighteen. nine are known to be dead. The village had no fire brigade, and before helv could arrive from Montreal, the bit building was in ruins. LIST OF THE BEAD The deed are sister Ragetaria aged thirty tvo, MarceUinl NUIemarle, Irene Bertram aged eleven, Elegant ine Broolx aged eleven, Emma Terralt aged 15, Mrs Robert sged 88, MaJam Cardinal aged 86, Miss Uarand aged IS, Miss less oar aged 18, Leonald D Const sged IS, Miss Douglas aged 14. Mrs Margaret Ollvin aged 98, and MarloBee Laloade aged 83 AGED WOMEN RESCUED ' There were about one hundred in mates of the building, and as tboes rescued were tsken from the building in their sight clothes, tie villagers threw open their homes to them. The night ws's'oold and a fieroej wind was blowing, and many suffered severely. There -ere about twenty-aged women, soma of tbsm nearly a hundred yeats old, and it Is feared that the shook and excitement in some cases will prove fatal. (Later) Sister Marie Teresa and Maria Robertine, were probably fatal ly burned in their efforts to save children who who were in tbe convent PORTLAND DEFEATS LOS ANGELES SPECIAL EASTER SALE OF LAD1E HAT Commencing tomorrow (Tuesday) morning and continuing until Saturday night we will offer at SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES our entire stock of Ladies' Hate, including pattern bats, tailored hats, in fact every hat in our stock, without reserve. Our millinerv department is so w II and favorably known for large assortments of strictly high class goods at saving price, that it is hardly necessary to mention this here, bat allow us to say that the assortment is ttrr than ever every hat from the best authorities maters and Our Prices are the ttbt ever made in Union County. EASTER HATS HERE AT A SUBSTANTIAL SAVING THIS WEEK EASTER GLOVES Our glove department offers the best glove values in Eastern Oregon. Here you will hod such standards for glove values as the "Simmons" and "Trefousse" glove, both of them stand for the best in the glove makers' art. Regular $1.25 Gloves, here at $1,00 Regular $1.50 Gloves, here at 25 . Regular $1.75 Gloves, here at J. 50 $1.00 SILKS 85c Another shipment of Chiffon Taffeta Suit patterns in two toned effects just received, also a beautiful line of new fancy silks, reg ular $1.00 values at our silk counters. the yard, 85c SHIRT WAIST SUITS $1.75 to $22.50 V In silk, sicillian, and the new popular wash goods, from the best makers in America. km&.mm3j v." j ir.fvi j id .imp i m I j 1 m . i. tW-m-'?"mi'm?rt AGENTS WANT QUICK ACTION Portland April 20 Jones lor Port land held tbe visitors down until the ninth Inning, only then letting op sufficiently to let Los Angeles get one run. Ball, of Los Anreles pitched al most as wsll, holding the home teun to occasional scattered hits nntil the eighth toning. The fielding ol both tseini was sxoallent. Score: KHE. Portland 2 7 Los Angsles... ............ ..1 6 Batteries Jon and UeLean, Hall end Eager. Umpire Klopf. OAKLAND STILL LEADS San Franoieoo April 20 A singls hit in the fifth inning was all tbst ths locals eould make against Iberg today and had his support been better, be wonld have scored a shot but. Soore BHE Oakland..... ......'... R 8an Franoisoo... ............ .1 12 Batteries Iberg and Byrnes, Wheel er and Wilson. .' Umpire Pierrlne. SWASHES EAST FOB TAOOMA Tacoma, April 20 Tacoma had an easy victory today, uoaca being a obopping block tor the borne betters. nagan started tne areworke with a home run after which Tacoma contin. ued to soore. Seattle lost her only chance to soore bv being nnable to get another hit In the first Inning. Soore: BHE Seattle.... 0 6 1 Tacoma....... ...7 14 0 Battel iea Bosch and Frary ; Thorn as and Graham. -v. Umpire-Davis. , . NATIONAL LEAGUE At Pittsburg-Pittsburg-St. Louis game postponed; rain. ' ' At Chicago-Uhiosgo-Clnolnnatl game postponed ; wet grounds. . At Boston Brooklyn, 7; Boston, 2. At New Yord-Philadeipbia, 4; New York, $. AMERICAN LEAGUE At Detroit Detroit-Chicago game postponed; rain. At Washington Washington, 3; Bos ton,l. At Philadelphia-Philadelphia, 8; New Tork, 1. MAKE- GRAVE CHARGES By Soripps News Association 8yracuss, H Y April 21 The general agents of the Equitable Life Insurance Society arrived in this city today, and arranged tor a conference at noon with superintendent Hendricks of state in sursnos department. They are looking for immediate aotion In the affairs of the society, Superintendent Hendrloka aseored the oosomittee that ha had already, in his report, favored the mutnallzatlon of the society, and that he was await ing the oourt'e decision to act. Improving Fast By Soripps News Association West Palm Reach, Fla , April 21. Joseph Jefferson, the great American actor, passed anothsr good night, and his condition this morning shows i light Improvement over that of yes erday. Fire Rages Uncontrolled By Soripps News Asaooistion Portsm.oth April 31 Tbe residence section of this city is now burning with a gals blowing at the rate of thirty five miles per hoar. Tbe fir department Is entirely nnable to oope with the flsmea. (Later) Twelve residences were completely destroyed before the fire was subdued. ACTIVITY IN BRITISH FLEET By Soripps News Association Hong Kong, April 21. The armoured ornlser "Hogoe," of the British squsd ron, has been ordered to proceed to sea with full steam, at two hours notice. There are also signs of aotlvi ty In the other ships of the squadron. (By Scripps News Association Chicago April 21-Chant! off gross Irsads and unlawful manipulation o tbe funds of tbe society, alz policy holders of tbe EqultaUe l ife Arsur ance Society today filed a petition in the United Statca Circuit Conrt for the appointment of a receiver for the big insurance com iwnr. - nAVfrnilrRnnii avu.kiww.r. Chicago Aj-nl 21 Pres'dent Alex ander and vice-prenidont Hyde, of the V T :r. , - uiuiui, una luBuraoce pncieiy, are made tbe tut j et ol a scathing ao ousationa of . misappropriations ot funds and of raismaoairement " of the oueioejs ot toe society, Tbe sensa tional controversy is now going on Stnont the faotiona iadtwslarw) minnna Tbe oomlpainants in the petition filed today express a fesr tba. the busiae&s concern will be destroyed to the tre mendious loss of policy holders The decision to nk to: a receiver lor tbe society wss made at a meeting of the policy holders, he'd at the offioe of Dr. Schuyler, in the New York Life htiihiintr. ! " is The complainants sre John O Ban dits, Abraham Sitroo, Julaus Ettlason Mas Ettleson, Louis Newman, Samuel Lyons and Edna Lyons. SWEEPING RESOLUTION . A sweeping resolution wss today adopted by the teamsters' joint connoil that no onion teamsters would be al lowed -: to work for .firms delivering goods to the Montgomery Ward Com pany. .The business agents of the anions so nutlfiied the employers this afternoon. The refusal will result In the calling of a general strike , Seven arrests have been made today for te violation of the Injunction restraining the strikers from interference. Strike Called Off (By Hcrlpps Newa Association) Borne April 21 The strike commit tee met today and decided to call off the railroad strike at midnight. Tbe strike has been an absolute failure. the men will make the best terms that they ean with the railroads. Secy Hay Recovered ByS cripps News Assooistloa' Genoa, Italy, April 21 Secretary Hay left here today for .Bad Nuehlm by the way of Milan. He ssys tbst be hss entirely reoovered bis beatb. Will Not Fight By Scripps News Association 8-ia Francisco April 31 K?dy Graney, the well known referee states that there is not tbe remotest possibi lity of ,tbe Brltt-White fight being pulled off next Thursday. The 'super visors have blocked tbe , fight locally, and the principals refuse to fight at Colma. For Coast Oil Fields (By Soripps News Association) Kansas City Mo. April 21 Com missioner of eorporat'ona, Garfield, left here today for Topeka, on his way to California where be will investigate the conditions of the oil fields and resume his Inquiry into the procedure of the Standard Oil Company. Keeps the Chaps Away It is tbe little things of life that annoy us. "We can dodge an elephant, but uot a fly'' says some philosopher, .You ean't very well avoid an noyance from chapped and roughened skin these days unless yon rely on 1 Gu Lem Cream It relieves at once and heals in a few hours. If we knew of anything better we would recom mend it. Customers say there couldn't be anything better. Price 25 cents NEWLIN DRUG CO.