BAKER 'B R O Adams Avenue' Phone " 1101 STAPLE " AND FANCY Groceries Good Goods. Good Service Your trade is appreciated- here p Who Has the Best GANBY I Why the La Grande Drug Co., of course, Agents for F. F, : Haradon Sz, Son's FAMOUS CHOCOLATES Also at Paul's Cigar Store. Ask Others for them hill Jl rLa Local Itentf 3 3 oats, ; , "WHEliT, Bfuesteam and Club beardless' barley , .. , BLUE BARLEY, " : MILLEEED Baled Alfalfa, Wild and Timothy H y COAL and WOOD ? GraAde Rondc Cash Company, I - Press Lowifl . . Dean Crowe Phonfl 1801 New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue v ft . ; 4 NEW SPRING SUITINGS ftlL to $50 ' . JOIN THE CLUB AND GET ONE FOR fl.00 ; Watch this space for Suit , wimu Jay Van Buren, the $35 and F. M. Koush the $25 Suit last Safurd ay Two drawings on Sat. April 15.- A.L. ANDREWS T HABERDASHER AND TAILOR h h ) SEEDS SEEDS raana Just received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top. AH kinds of Gross Bauds. ' Bulk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye Wheat and OataS JEFFERSON AVE ; PHONE 1571. Mrs. O T Galloway, of Union ia in the city thia week on a visit to bar parents. . A marriage license baa been Issued at tha Clerk's offioa to J B Craig and Mlaa BmIi M Zeek, both well known in Union. . The priaon library is trowing at a rapid rate. Have 70a added that Tolomn that yon Intended ' to several weeks ago All membera of Rowena Temple No. 9 Rathbone 8iateai are requested to be present at K of P hall thia evening at 7:30 o'clock eharp Visiting Slaters welcome. MINOA PATT1SON, It C Mrs L Styles and little child left laat evening with Mr. C M Wall and daughter, who had been on a abort vltrft to Mrs. B Braael, for a visit to them at their home in the Dalles Mr Mills Andrews left this morning for the purpose of buying soma horses Mr Ed Willard went to Union this forenc on on a abort business visit. Mr P L Story, superintendent of Bridges of the O H St K, is in the city on businesa connected with hia duties. Gounty clerk J B OHbam is visiting in Dayton and Walla Walla. There are various kinds of rumors afloat but we won't aay a word until he returns. The subject for discussion at the Ladies Neighborhood Club at their tueo.iug tula mwiuuuu Is ''Houauaoid Economy." Thia would possibly bft'e been more seriously considered had they aet the date of this program a few weeka prior to the purchasing of their Banter qata instead of afterwards Easter Ball The Commercial Club will give a grand Easter Ball on Monday evening April 21th. Tioketa will ba one dol lar. The club has a reputation for giving the publio the very beat In the way of entertainment and they, pro pose to make this no exception. The olub is doing a good work. If you at tend parties attend thia one, and have a good time and help a good organisation. Anotner nice warm shower toHy. I Grande Eonde against the world fur good crops. 1 Q E Fowler ia of the opinion, that the elements are in collusion against him aiace be purchased bis handsome new eprinkler. He haa not even had an excuse as yet to bring it ont on the etreet ' They all say, who bare come la touch with the new assessment, that aeseeea- or Morton will make all former assess - meats look like thirty cents when the grand total is known of the present assessment. Action Discussed By Scrippe News Association Uhaoate, April 18. The Standard Oil Co a sensational reduction of tha prioe of erode oil, created no oonttcr. nation in thia field where the Stand ard Oil has already done its worst. Said one oil eipert, ''Practically not buying any oil 'in Kansas anyhow. The trust has about six million barrels in etorage and recently has been buying as little as possible." It is sa'd that reoens move win nurt territorial pro ducers considerably. Igatgr-f pfBSBaSEg . ej. . - ' i LAWN MOWERS Reduced Capital Stock (By Scripps News Association) Trenton N J April 18-The Northern Securities this afternoon hied with the secretary of state an amended certifi cate of incorporation redooing lta capi tal atook from four hundred millions to 13,964,000. A plan haa provided for taking over the outstanding stock. Steamer Located By Scripps News Association Seattle, April 18. The Great North, ern steamer Minnesota Is reported in the straits of Puoa this morning. Slie left Yokohoma on the 5tb. The tip broke all records across of Paciflo eaat bound vesaels 1 have the Common and Ran Easy Ball Bearing kind Also a complete stock of Hardee rakes. hoes, shovels, and lawn rakes. Cotton and rubbr hose at all prices Complete line of stone and brick masons' and earpen. tors' tools.' , MRS. T. N. MURPHY, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, CUTLERY ETC aassaBeaiiSBaasEsaaESEsai 1 iffrewsnsegjfc NEW HOPE FOR WOMEN Woman's ills, sooording to the Oe teopatb, are oanally dne to a disturb ance of the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Ordinarily thia is a conges tion thure is too much blood sent to the pelvlo regions; it is not drained back through the veins with equal celerity; and the overcharge of blood thionghout the genito-orninary sys tems makes these parts heavy, weak, feverish and congested in a word, functionally over active, inflamed. p;'?; it the basis of most of woman's ills. To cure these ills this inflammation must first be onied. A normal blood sup ply must be restored. Not Guilty Justin Hough yesterday afternoon discharged W B Deal who was before himobarged with the larceny of ahorse Holding that there was not sufficient evidence to warrant his being bound over. Don't Forget Pemember, stamp photos at 25 ets a dozen this month only, at the Taylor Studio. K. of P. Attention There will be a special meeting of the K of P thia evening at their hall for the purpose of initiation. WB Sargent, 0 0 The boys Sunday School Olub will meet at th Central Chorcb of Cbritt tonight at 7:30. For Sale-Early Rose Potatoes for Sale. Geo. Parrot, Island City. OUIET LITTLE LUNCH or dinner in a well appointed dining room, where the food ia excellent and well served, will be a treat for the nicest girl in the world or a pleasant change for your wife. The Model Restaurant ia just tha plaoe to bring the ladies. Everything cornea up to their idea of what is good and the cost won't bother the man who pays the check. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We se.l weekly Meal Tickets CaHh . $4.50 EASTER WILL SOON BE HERE ARE YOU PREPARED FOR IT? THE GOLD EN RULE Has EVERYTHING to make this as it should be, the most joyful of all occasions Ladies', Misses' and Children's Trimmed Hats We buy and sell millinery on a mer chand ising basis, not an art basis, buy at first hands and sell with the same help that sells the rest of our goods, and therefore can and do sell UU ' uu 0011 them at a very small margin of profit, LADIES'. WAISTS The Market's Best -At Lowest Prices A carefully se lected line of fabrics, styles and colors, from the lowest cost worth having, to the finebt silk. LADIES' TAILORED SKIRTS All the new effets in BRILLIANTINES NOVELTY SUITINGS LIGHT WEIGHT CASSIMERES Styles and Fabrics just right. Prices anch as. you expect trom us. The Lowest Always ALL THE NECESSARY ACCESSORIES IN FANCY COLLARS. BELTS, GLOVES, ETC. RIBBONS, A visit to our store ill' certainly convince you that our stock ia com plete in every detail, call and see- . . THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, Largest Store If 01310-1312 Adams Avenne r Smallest Prices A l i V i: