m 1 ' Li V 3 3 y 1 M Si t 1 l-.wC-UM-..- Li i y 1 " V 11 I LUMBER YARD Lumber Shingles AND a 7? n vr t ! Doors Boxes Sash MiJlwork STODDARD LUMBER ; CO. B Ft ili-ilhtillretlrstfnr . T? !'A !! !! ' ;-. I': ! -.- M-. ll i.M ,,.M ,,lft jl lliL3ia .Ui-J KILLS BROTHER THEN SUICIDES By ScrlppsNewe Association 8iocktoo,Cel., April 17 lo e fit of rage William Mobr shot tod killed hit brotber George Mobr, at the Mobi warehouse, (our milee south of Betba- 2 0 aqptrea at tbe Creamery at tbe New Departure We sow have oordeUvery wagn to biodjethe sweet Cream and Butter milk trada and anyone wUblng ue to make regular deliveries twice a week will please leave orders at the Cream rv Af flhnn 2011. Ice Cream will be j r delivered at any time la qaantiliesnot leas thn 1 gallon at 11.25 per gallon. Wa will alst tell hotter by 1 lb. or Everything you vant'wtnt for that wSeeSF SGNDAYMINNER . Is" AwtitlnglYourJOrder at . ; -' U. raLstqnIs rMPRDAcic a r.onrFDY qthdf - - .Ipoi, l'nm Jefferson, 8ta. : Oanred Goods. Pollli.e;iyierWdStocV' SHOES Good School Shoes 1 , a specialty Grandr Roiide Lumber Go. ; ; ' ; . PERRY, OREGON. .. . - - . . 4 . - ' - - 'LUMBER '';iQiiTH?':-: "BOXES Grande Ronde Lumber Co. PERRY, OREGON. REDUCTION ;SALE &&&&&& ' 25 t W hsvt nude np our minds to sell every roll of Wall Paper In our f) tore before the next spring stock arrives, and In order to Insure a J ( . complete clrsn-up we have cut the price regardless of former price Wall Paper from 5 c?nts up We Want to clear the house before March 1st as wi expect a carload ' (a 1 Wall Wsper to a arrive on that date. We tave more Wall Paper .now on hand than all the other paper houses In the county. There 9 lore you wit) have a jUater variety to select from. Our present f stock Is complete. ; Stackland & Mctaciilen - Are You Going to Discard Your old Carpet - See W. H. BOHNENKAMP, The largest line of carpets ever brought to La Grand now on display. Something entirely new ir 8jor covering; as cheap aa matting, far prettier, and much more durable. Do sure to examine it a it is just what is n'jeded where you want something good and inexpensive. 'Linoleum in all grades and widths WALL PAPER AT LESS THAN COST ny tbis morning Tbe murderer then locked bimsell in a room, and, while tbe eonstab e waited outside for Ibe arrival of tbe sheriff's poets from Stockton, ba saioided by blowing out bis brains. Programme Of Concert given by, Hiss Mry adell Gaea tonight under tba auspices of tbe Ljle Tuesday Mosicale, at the Presbyterian eburob. If ay Day ........ f ........ . Wsltjiew Miss Hsry Adell Case - Shadows Bond Littie Boy Bine Joyce Miss Case My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice. .Saint Saeos..... ......... ......Miss Case La Lune Blanobe .......Kevin 0 That We Two Were Maying. .Nevin Miss Case The Holy City Adsms ; Miss Case Es Scuie ein Vogel. Binding Miss Case Goodbye Tosti Miss Case Accompanist Mrs H W Laogblin regular retail prioes. BLOB MOUNTAIN CREAMERY Co. Rummage Sale This sale nnder the management of the ladies of tbe 8t Peters guild, will be held on Msy 4 6 and 6 at tbe ;im plement house of ' Mr Kllpatrlck la the blater building, contributions .by friends for the sale, will be moob a?, predated and while yon are doing yonr spring cleaning, call up Mrs Mac Woods, Mrs J D Slater or' Mrs Jap btevens who wilt gladly ''take away anything for wbie'j yon ' have no fur ther use. 0LASSIHED DVERT1SE4NTS 1 For Sale Fust class reed potatoes, Carmen no 3 and Early Rose, one half mile east ol It Oldenborg. it J B CHANDLER, Frnltdale FOR SALE Foor room house pracU oally ow and CO x 110 ft. lot, 0 st. between 7 and 8 st. For particulars . apply on premises. S-71 i Jeney Cream Patent Flour. Every sack guaranteed by Romia; iu ie?er, s Good work team weight about 1J00 also one good family driving horse. Apply to Barney Sparrow old town. April4lt FOR HALE One barn for (sale cheap inonlre of Mrs Zuber. corner of O and 7th sis. FOR SALE-Small bouse on Second 8t near Adams Ave Most be sold to dear lot. If taken within next few days oan bo had at a bargsin, Apply 'k, . r ' . 1 w V. , 1 purioea tua Diooa ana rim the oomplekW. Mrs D W Bm." Whitney. Texn, writes April A 19k Fftr KPIlt "I bare used Uerbine And find it 1 Ul sv'll' Ka kaar matlAlnafA. ntAU.tU. p h w wiwwix liver troubles. It does slioo claj FOR BENT-Uousekeepiog rooms lor for it I can falahlr reoommand '. rent. Inauire of Mrs Zuber. corner ' QOots a bottle heelin Drug . i 0f O & 7th Streets. FOR RENT Twenty acres of youog orchard one and one half mile from La G-ande, Right person can se cure the tract on easy terms V E Homeseekers Dont forget that G H Powers the Land man has any thing in the shape of Real Estate from an acre of Canton to a 2000 acre ranch. All property sold on commission and titles guaran. teed G H Powers Minnvsots Land Man Mch23tf Hi$h Art Painting Persons desiring fine work in the line of interior finishing, snob as grain Ing to mstoh the furniture, woodfilling to match the walls, and all the flat finishes or glosses, should call on or address Sanford O Kinney, I431 Adams Avenue, Corner Greenwood street. La Grande, Oregon. tf ' Here is a For You Bargain ARRESTED FO ?' VISITING SALOONSt- A young man by the name of Fiek, from the country, who is really but eighteen years of age, although look ing much older was arrested Saturday! night for visiting tbe saloons He; was given a soars that will warn him that for the next three years he muut--keep out of the , liquid emporiums of , this city or suffer the coosfquences.i Baker City Herald. T . -til AtiHv FnrliM mhn !! akinfc fit miles south of town, informs us that he bss a cow which brounht him flw calves in a little less than two Veara. U There were two pair of twins with ap single one between. The last pair h oame in February Flora Journal A Record to At Baptist Church There was a good orowd at servloes last night Tbe interest still oontiuues. Many are just at the point of deci sion. We are praying that they may decide at once. Mr Day will speak tonight on "Tbe Dying Robber Saved';. Come out to night and hear how Jesus Cbrint anatohed this guilty rubber from eter nal ruin and death and received him Into glory. Mr Ray Jocea will have charge of singing and will eleo sing a solo. Tbe pnblio oordi illy invited. Washington Wins (By Mcripps News Association) Saa Frinoicoo April 17 The Uni versity ol Washington crsw todsy de feated tbe Stanford University crew in a boat race over a two mile course. Washington won by h .If a length. Bunker Trial Begins - (FyScrlpps News Association) Sscramento April 17 Ex-ienator Bunker was placed on trial this morn ing on the obarge of acoeptiug a bribe. Tbe day was occupied in selecting a jury. Suspects In Jail Spokane Wash., April 17 Four men are now behind the bets in the police station here npeoted of haviug been connected wHh the murder of of fioer H A Stotko, who was shot and fatally wounded April 4, dying a few hours later. Two of tbe men were arrested this morning, aod gave the names of George Tipton and John Oleoon. 8av. era! days ago Frank Liwler and James Dal ton were arroatad. Lawler was con nected with toe po-jWffio robbery as Cunningham and is now awaiting trial before the federal court for that crime. He is said to be a roan capable of committing murder, and will be held on thst chsrge if sufHoient evidence oau he obtained. Cheap Stamp photos are only 28 cents per do-en at tbe Taylor Studio. 4 EASTER CANDY) Holmes, La Grande. A 6 tf Ifor RENT-I Y rooms at 17 0 1 Ma a f, i We have something u ot ter the Easter trade tb id year. You , cannot affor t not to call and see what we have to offer. Easter novel ties range in price this year from one cent up. See our windc-w display. The finest Hoe of hand made Candies ever. shown in J, a Graude. We know our candy is good because we make it our selves, you s Know 11 is good wnen you try it Vail and make the test. 'Large, well furnished 00 per month. Inquire -a-- t the Hilts house, one block north of the round house. 'OR RENT Furnished rooms, good location. Inquire of Mrs. W J Snodgrasa, Fourth street, or phone 3-6-3. Eighty aores of laud lo Malheur county, wltb good water ribt, good house and outbuildings. Every food of this place is in cultivation. Will raise from 9 to 11 tons of alfalfa par acre. The vat le of tbis property may oe estimated from the fact that It reuta annually for f 10 per acre and renter pay a tbe taxes, inis place can be rented tor dve years longer at this Erice. Here is an investment tint eats ten per cent. For sale on easy terms. Write to C, T. McDANlEL Ontario. .Oregon. Attention Hungry Men - The oenteonial Hotel has room for 1 few a Jdltional table boarders. Good rd furnished at $4 ,50 per vreek. fable always furnished with the best tbe market affords The Centennial lotel opposite Farmers Feed Yard. Board and Lodging by Mrs Goodall 2114 3rd st. Phone 707 tf E. D. Next door LOST One handsaw on April tt, be . 1 ,i . 1 . . . . g .ween roorta aireei ana we corner y of Washington and Elm streets. qtji lTr " Finder will please return same to OC.J-,JjK, I this office and obtain suitable to Post Office. . .'AU iVIAr l HINDUS Boarding House 6IFFIN 6 HOGAN UNDERTAKERS 6".' n 1 . a -.rs.aiosepn rouman, vor. ocn ami rvaahington. Board and rooms, or yoard without rooms by the day, week P' month. fi-8 are often frustrated by sudden break down, due to dyspepsia or constipation Brace np and take Dr. King s New Life Pills. Ther take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and give yon a new start. Cure headache and dizziness too. At Newlin Drug Co drug store; 25o guaranteed Special Sate For the next fifteen days I will offer some special cash pi ices on my and lards. I 55c 5 lbs - Home rendered lard Cash cured meat, have moved into tue Qeddes building, and am not prepared to carry a large stock in this Line until I am again in my own build ing, whi.h is now being pre- ared with cold storage faci itiea. As I now need money I will sell 5 lbs buckets of lard for 55c, 10 lbs buckets for $1.10 cash. For the present I am located just across the street from my old stent! 55c 6 lb . Home rendered lard Cash HARRIS MEAT MARKET Phone 1601 RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop, l Safe and reliable rigs furn at air times. Special ac comodatiops furnished to commercial travelers, Phone, 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Free delivery to all parts ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty.;' Phw. 061 Honea, hart) cm and w-uuua - bought .nd autd Notice for Sealed Proposals ' Notice is hereby given, that tbe undersigned will receive at his office at the Court House in the city of La Grande, Union County, Oregon, sealed proposals for tbe position of janitor at the Court House iu said county aud state. Bald proposals to be filed in bis office' on or before tbe 3rd. day of May A. D, 1905. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, tbie 13th. day of April A. D 1905. J B G1LHAM County Clerk, Union Co., Ore. For a Yvcak Digestion No medicine oan replace (ood but Chamberlain a btoiuacb and Ldver Tablets will help yon to digest your rood, it is not .be Quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the system, but the auiouot diueated and assimilated, if troubled aith a weak digestion, don't fail to give theae Tablets a trial Thousands have been benefited by their use. They onlv cost a quarter. For sale br Newliu Drug Co. Centennial hotel RATES-SI per day meals '.Sets. Hpecial rates furnished monthly pa trons. Mrs A IS Morcheson and Miss O M tiarni proprietors. No Adams Ave. Phone No 11(51 Agents Wanted. Men and women. Big money sell ing Imperial lamp burner. Bells 00 sight 100 par cent profit. Exclusive territory to hustlers. Sample by mail 75c. Call or address. EC Bergh, La Grande Ore Mch-24 April-24 Foley Hotel SEWERS AND PIPE See J H Childa for septic sewers and sewer pipe 'Leave orders at (he La Grande Marble Works. 5 7 Pasture Look out for Thos Stephenson with his herd ol oows this coming week 1 have In the neighborhood of COO aores for them to run on and a nice stream of water running through tbe plaoe. Price f 1 .60 per month tor oows. A 3tf Thei e aie many kiuds of meat, out we sen only the best kind. A trial order will convince you of tue trutn or this statement. We kill only the best specimens and kill it correctly. Our prices are as low as consisiant with the best quality. Bock & Thomas Cures Coughs and Colds Mrs C Peterson 025 Lake 8t. Topeka Kansas says: ' 'Of all cough remedies Mallard's llorehouud fjyrup is m favorite; it bas done and will do ai that is claimed for U to speedily cure all coughs and colds -and it is so sweet and pleasant to the taste" 2), 60c tl.UO bottle. Nelin Drug Co Music R P Tait, the pioneer mas to teacher of Graude Ronde Valley, is still ia tbe ring. During my vacation I made it my business as well as pleasure to at tend concerts, operas, and in fact everything la my line of businesa and I found that Ijis a teaoher, and iu terpreter of muaio am still in the front rank; Pupils who do not wish the full conservatory coarse may take tbe pop. alar pisco course. This places the pupil in position to plsy tbe popular music of the .day, Church and Sunday School music The Violin popular course places the pupil in position to play all kinds of dance music aa well as light overtures. Quite a number of musicians who have been under my instruction are now making good.money as teachers and soloists. Puplle who are under my oare will be thoroughly instructed in m"lo a P TAIT, teachei LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY. Principle. MftS, DAY, Asiituni Thin one of the.bestlmusical In- 4 9illltlona In tha mtata Iln:n..... viuiuk lie year 1904 there were nearly Fota thoueand leteons given. The people in this city and v.ller h.,n ing to discover tbe great advantage 01 mis school. The.system need is the latest and moat rranf ir-al .nri includes all tbe latest diMsoaria I in the art of teaching musio. The icnooj is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners, from 5 years op, and taking in the 1st to 3rd grades. In this department pupils come one hour ev-wy dsy. I? N 2 the grades are from 3 to 16. .Here they graduate. Pupil Lake Aim np tmn loaonn. i they desire.' No scholars will be permitted to remain in this achooi wto do not study.