La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 18, 1905, Image 1

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    &jsmm TODAY
J$ . I WflATIItfR Tonight and tomorrow ' j
i i in la i i iiii k.. i.
By Botippa News Association -Portland
April 18 Doited 8tates
Diatrlot Attorney P J Heney, this
morning oonotudsd bis argument
against Uuited States senator John H
Mitchell's plea of abatement. Mit
chell's attorney ooasumsd the remain
der of the day in argument in anpport
of the plea. - . ;.
Ira Wade, Dr W H Davis, mayor of
Albany, were arraigned on land fraud
indictment. Tbe former entered a
plea of not guilty. The latter filed a
demurrer. All of tbe leading defend
ants, Mitohell, and congressman Wil
liamson, Il rman and others were
Cut the Price
By Scripps News Association
Lima Ohio April 18 The Standard
Oil Co. today rut tbe price of crudo
oil five cents per barrel in Kansas in
' two territories. This decline is tbe
hardest blow yet dealt tbe Indepen
dent companies in these parts as the
Standaid Oil Co., now refuses oils be
low thirty-two degrees gravity and
only taking one tenth part of the to-
. tal product.
French Orders
(By Scrips News Association)
Paris April 18 The French govern
ment has instructed M Beau, ..Govern
or General of Indo China to enforce
regulations governing tbe natorality
issued at the beginning of tbe war.
Watching The French
( My Scripps Newe Association
Paris April 18 -It Is belelved that
tbe naval forces at Saigon have been
ordered to proceed to Kamranh tny
where the Russian fleet are said tt be
Commencing tomorrow (Tuesday) morning and continuing until Saturday night we will
offer at SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES our entire stock of Ladies Hats, including
pattern hats, tailored hata, in fact p fj hat in our stock, without reserve.
Our millinery department is so wih and favorably known for large assortments of strictly
high els 89 goods at savfcg piicf .,' hat it is hardly necessary to mention this here, but allow
us to say that the assortment is b u i-than ever every hat from the best authoiitive
makers and Our Prices aie the best ever made in Union County.
Our glove department offers the best glove
values in Eastern Oregon. Here you will
fiud such standards for glove values as the
"Sim mous" and "Trefousse" glove, beth of
them stand for the best iu the glove makers'
art. -
Regular $1.25 Gloves, here
Regular $1.50 Gloves, here
Regular $1.75 Gloves, here
W. 0. W. IN
By Scripps News association -Loa
AnirlM A nrli ta Th vtma
I r -
msn tk 1 U LI I I
mvu w ftuw nvnu wmmwi m con
ventlon bet today. The Pacifio Jurls
dictioa is represented by 152 delegates.
Tbe chief interest center upon the
election of the Head Consul who will
succeed the late F A Falkenbarg who
was tbe founder of the organisation.
Tbe active candidates are J H Foley
of Los Angeles; 1 1 Soak, bead secre
tary of Denver and A B Keith of
Butte, Mont.
Tbe next head camp will probably be
held In Seattle. The Women of
Woodcraft are considering the remov
el of their headquarters from Lead-
ville, Colorado, to Boise, Idaho.
Tbe uniform rank are considering
tbe preparation of consolidating all
the nine states in the Pacific jurisdic
tion under tbe command of Major
General Will Bapsom, of 8aa Fran
The head camp will be in session
until Wedneeday, April 26.
Death Sentence
By Scripps News Association
Mosoow April 18 The trial of
KaleieS, who assassinated The Grand
Duke Hergins by throwing a bomb
under bis carriage, began today. Be
refused to plead and was sentenced to
death. .
Patroling Streets
(By Scripps News Association)
Limoges, France April 18 The city
has decided to bury the viotima iu the
clash yesterday between the strikers
and the soldiers at tbe expense of the
public. A 'gineral meeting of the
strikers Is to be held this afternoon
end a reoccurrence of disorders Is
feared. Th troops are patroling the
streets. .
Eight Killed
(By Soripps News Association)
Cape Vincent, N April 18. It Is
reported that the Canadian govern
menttng blew tip at Kingston, Ontario
this afternoon, killing eight of the
at $ J ,00
at " 42S
at .50
Steel Plant
By rrlppa News Association
Cleveland. Ohio. April 18 The
Japanese government today closed a
oontraot with a Cleveland engineering
firm for the construction of a oo volets
steel plant, inoludlng a wire drawing
shop.' This la the first plant to be
constructed to the Orient and the
Mikado will construct mooh of bis or
dinance, the greater part of whloh is
now supplied from English and Ger
man 'oonoerns. Tbe Cleveland com
pany will also build a steel plant at
Nan Patterson
i By 8crlppe News Association )
New Fork, April 18,-The trial of
Nan Patterson began this morning.
Four tallsmen hid been examined and
exoused and the fifth was being exam
ined when reoess wu taken at one
fifteen. Misa Patterson seemed much
stouter than aha was at her previous
trial. Her lather was present and sat
among the spectators
Tbe firtt jaror select! was Adam
Aldricb, formerly connected with the
American ImUo., took his seat in tbe
jury box as foreman. -
Strike a Failure
(By Scripps News Association)
Roma, April 18 .-The strike of the
railway trainmen is generally regard
ed as a failure. More trains are being
operated today and new men are being
constantly employed. No disturbances
of any kind are reported or anticipat
Proclaim Zone
By Scripps News Association
Tokio, April 18 The Japanese have
issued a proclamation designating the
straits of Leugarm as their sone of de
fense and have placed the usual re
strictlons on all navigation.
Endorse Alexander
By Scripps News Association
New Fork April 18 Tbe general
agents of the Eqnetable this afternoon
adopted unanimously a rerolution pre
pared by president Alexander endors
ing his management and pledging the
rapport of tbe support of the general
agents to him In his move for natural
ization, SALE OF
$1.00 SILKS 85c
Another shipment of Chiffon Taffeta Suit
patterns in two toned effects just received,
also a beautiful line of new fancy silks, reg
ular $1.00 values at our silk counters.
the yard, 85c
$1.75 to $22.50
In silk, sicillian, and the new popular wash
goods, from the best makers in America.
His Story
At the Coroners Inquest held to In
quire into tbe killing of the Trost bro
thers, the following statement was
made by J H McBain, the man who
did tbe killing.
On Saturday morning in company
with Oran Brady, I went to my claim
to see the Trost boys. When we ar
rived there they were absent and after
waiting several hours for them we re
turned to Oran Brady's house. Before
going I examined their shack and
found a S3 oalibre revolver, I onload-
ea ana put u in my poem as a
precaution against their using it on
me in case there was any trouble I
forgot it and carried it away with me
and left it at Brady's cabin. ,
Oa Sunday 'morning 1 returned to
my claim to see if I oonld find tbe
Trost boys. I took with me my 42-
Smith a Wswon revolver and Mr
Brady's 32-40 Marl.n rifle. I rnlvd
there about 7 a. m and found the
Trost getting break Net iu from cf
their sbaok. I entered into conversa
tion with them about the oUim, but
they would not get off, and afti r some
tslk about it I told 'hem 1 wouM sit
an officer of tbe law and put them crT.
When I said that, the elder Trost
jamped up and grabbed an ex and
said, You oao't run any bluff on us,"
and started for me. The younger one
pioked up a 22' rifle and fired at m'r,
the bullet passing through my hat. I
fired at him and be ran. The other
one came at me with tbe ax. 1 opened
fire on him and at the first shot, be fell
by tbe edge of tbe shack and seemed
to be trying to get something from it.
I thought he was after a gun and I
fired two more shots into him as he
laid upon the ground.
I then turned on the other one. He
wu aboot 40 yards away with the
rifle and seemed to be bunting a car
tridge In his pockets. I opened fire on
him and emptied my rifle, four sbcti,
into him. He was then lying on the
ground and wss trying to reach the
rifle lying beside him. I drew my re
volver and ran up close to him and
fired four shots into him.
Seeing that they were both dead , I
, sat down and waited for aome one . to
come along. In about three hours
two men came by and I told them
what I had done. They agreed to
stay with the bxlies and I went to
Mr. Brady's and from there went to
Wallowa to surrender to the authori
ties, wbloh I did, and then went bsck
with tbe Justice cf Peaoe to hold the
The coroners jury consisted of
Byron F Miller, Fereman, J K Carper
John Carper, RW Thompson, Tlios.
Brady, and FO Topping, and they
returned the following verdict, Mr
Brady and Mr Topping refusing to
sign It and favoring complete exonera
We the jury duly empannelled to
inquire tnto the cause of the death of
Theodore Trost and Charles Trost
find that tbe ssld Theodore Trost and
Charles Trost came to their death by
shots fired from a rifle and a revolver
held by one J H McBain. and tbat
the said J H McBain shot and killed
Theodore Trost in self defense. Tbst
the shots fired at Charles Trost were
fired feloneouHiy with intent to kill.
Growing Weaker
By Scripps News Association
Jacksonville Fla. April 18 The con.
dltlon of Joseph Jefferson is practice
ly uocbange t this morning and he is
gradually neartng the end.
' Strike May Extend
By Scripps News Association
Chicago, April 18. President Shea,
of the Interna' ional Brotherhood of
Teamsters, issued a statement today
reviewing tbe strike against the
Montgomery Ward Co., declaring the
employees rejected every peace pro
posal. Ha said tbe Unions were de
tertnlned to win and would extend the
strike to other organizations if necess
ary . Wagons of Montgomery Ward
Co., were operated with police guards.
Little dlaorder is repotted.
Another Wife
. (By fkrlpps News Association)
Chicago April 18 Mrs Caroline
Strecker, aged forty-three, residing at
Philadelphia, today identified Jobann
Hooh. the alleged bigamist, and ' wife
murderer, ss tbe man uo married
her last October and deserted her
one month latter taking with bim
two hundred dollars of ber hard earn
ed money.
Robbers Ruin Town
. Scripps News Association "
CbsrlstonW Va. April 18 Fire
oaused by safe robbers trying to blow
op a safe this morning caused the
distraction of practically tbe entire
business ssotion of the town of Glen-
den niog. The loss Is estimated at
$125,000. :
Our Flag Insulted
By Soripps News Association
8an Juan Port Rico April 18 Riots
followed two meetings of the strikers
of f onoe district yeiterdsy, at one an
American flag was torn, trampled on
Tbe police made a c umber of arrests
and several rioters were injured.
By Soripps New Assosoiation
lotto April 18 eutaorlptions to
the fifth domestic loan will be open
ed May 1. Tbe amount of tbe loan
will be $50,000,000.
Poor Bruin
(By Soripps News Association
Ulenwood tfprlnge Colo, April 18
A private telephone dispatch from
New Castle says tbat tbe ' President is
on the trail of a black bare and ex
peots to come up with the animal an)
moment. Yesterdar he succeeded in
killing a large one and la in real hopes
of braking tbe recoid to day.
107 Teams at Work
Wallula Wash April 17-Ths Colum
bia Irrigation Company, ' wliioh is
building a canal from the Walla Walla
river to reclaim a lnrge track of land,
has 107 teams at work and ten praot-
loally complete.
The company last year built a solid
concrete dam aoross tbe Walla Walla
river near Wallula nnd this year com
menced on the canal. Tbe ditch ex
tends towards the Two Rivers project
and covers practloally all the land
northweet of Wallula which Is not
controlled by the Snake River Irri
gation company.
Fleet Coaling
By 8oripps News Association
Singapore April 118 The steamsLIp
Hnisang which has just arrived here,
reports that they passed Kamranh at
noon on last Saturday and aaw the
Russian fleet at anchor in the bay and
tbat the vessels ware all engaged in
(By Scripps News Association , 4
Independence Kane. April 18 Com
missioner Garflsld, u le reported, se
cured evidence from a gronp of prod no
era of the Wsyslde district indicating
a atrong raaeof borcott and discrimin
ation against tbe Standaid Oil prod no
era. They testified the- forty-one out
of fifty leaas In that H-triot were an
able to con'inue bu-iuea a a result
of the attitude of the Standard Oil
It la understood that the Btandard
Oil Company filed figures and docu
mente Intended to show causes In Kan
sas, which were diotated solely by
supply and demand .
investigating .
By Soripps Newa Association V .
Washington April 19 Chief Wilkle.
of the ssoret servloe department of the
United States left today for Manilla
to Investigate tbe alleged counterfeit
ing of tbe new rblllipine American
currency. While enroute he will also
stop over at Honolulu and establish
a branch of the .secret service there,
lie will sail from San Francisco on
May 3rd.
' (By Pcrirps Newa association)
New York April 18-Nortnera securi
ties had a sonpational break at the
opening of tbe stock exchange this
morning. Within three minuets after
the opening stock declined sixteen
points, falling from 181 to 165. It is
reported that the break was due to the
rumor that there would be no "melou
cutting" as anticipated.
Against Scalpers
By Soripps News Association.
Sao FmiicIbco April 18 The Southern
Paoiflo Railroad company today
brought suit to enjoin Ottenger and
other ticket scalpers of the oity from
dealing inexoimlon tlokets to the con
ventions of the W O W and Knights
of Columbus whloh arc being held at
Los Angeles and to tbe . Lewis and
Clark exposition at Portland Oregon.
First Case
(By Scripps News Aanoclation)
London April 18 A Henry Kapos, f
Honolulu was committed for extrldi
tion at bow street police oourt todar,
oharged with tbe laroency of a $500
bond of the Hawaii Trust Co. This is
the first esse ol extradition to Hawaii
sinoe tbat oountry raised nnder tbe
jurisdiction of tbe United States.