P I29GAL ITEMS LAWN MOWERS FRESH VEGETABLES F0R SUNDAY - NEW POTATOES ASPARAGUS RHUBARB HOT HOUSE LETTUS RADISHES ; ' ONIONS SPINACH . , - ' BAKER BROS. Adams Avenue Phone HOI Who Has the Best G A N BY Why the La Grande Drug Co., 'of course, Agents for F. 1 F. Haradon & Son's FAMOUS CHOCOLATES Also at Paul's Cigar Store. Ask Others for them SEED GRAIN oa.ts, ..:.- V WEDEA.T, Bluesteam and Club BEARDLESS BA'U.EY v BLUE BARLEY, MILLEEED Baled Alfalfa, Wild and Timothy Hy . COAL and WOOD 1 Gra nde Ronde Cash Company, Press Lewis Dean Crowe X Pkone 1801 New Warehouse on Jeffersou Avenue Jas B Smith mad a trip to Hot Lake and Union yesterday. Attorney J F Baker left tbli morniog for Elgin on a baalneea visit Mr Q W Tbomaa left thta morniog for North Powdar on baainaaa, Aaaeaaor J H Morton left thia morn lng for Elgin on business oonneoted with bla once. . - Mr Ira Biedadam, from near Elgin, waa In the city over Sunday attending the funeral of Miaa Helen Striker. The Bet. Geo. T. Ellis left thia for noon for Uaker City, where he will re main over nighi, returning to thia city tomorrow. The Ret 3D Gilliian left Union tbia morning to go to Haloes, at which place there will be conducted a aeriee of apodal meeting. Mr Jake Galling, who baa been III for several dava. haa rannvorad mat. ffioientlyto resume bla duties m con- dootor on the fciJgin branob. Rev J C Walker, who filled the pulpit at the Methodist ohnroh yester day In the absenoo of the Daetor. Re. J D Giliilan, returned to bia home at Union thia morning. Mr J E Taylor, of Arizona -who has been at Mllner, Idaho, looking for a location, arrived in thia city y eater -day morning and think that he will Inveat In a homo In the Grande Bond Miaa Oena Striker of Portland, waa in the oity yesterday to attend the funeral of her slater, Mis Helen Striker. Miaa Deoa waa accompanied by her Aunt Mra Eaton, of Portland. Direnlt Court openel today at Enter prise and Judge Eakln will Drobablv oall a grand Jury. If thia la don the first case to Investigate will be that of McBane, who killed the two Straot brothers, a tbia la the oaae of moat Importance. A T Hill the drnsitlst. ia Dlaclmt in position today some of the (Joest atorn nxtnres ever bronsht to thia oitr. They itarronnd his eoda fountain, and will when Installed make hia soda de partment one of the finest in the state. Mr am baa firm cootldenoe In the present and future Drosoeritv of thia olty and leave nothing undone which will keep him abreast of the town. 4 NEW SPRING SUITINGS 814.- to $50 JOIN THE CLUB AND GET ONE FOR $1.00 Watehthiiipa.ce for Suit winnes Jay Van Burcn, the $35 and F. M. Houshthe$25 Suit last Saturday Two drawings on Sat April 15. A.L. ANDREWS HABERDASHER 4.ND TAILOR 4 tvtvvTtvvrMvtvvMvtvtvtvvvv SEEDS SEEDS Just received a Car Load d Alfalfa Seed Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top. AH kinds of Grass seeds. Balk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats M- l. OLIVER IEFFERSON AVE. PHONE 1571. A baa ball nine haa been formed at Hot Lake, and the boy' will play La Grande and other eaatern.Oiegon teams this season. Miss Edna Brockenridge left this morning for Haines to assist in the special meetings at th Methodist ebureb at that place. ' ' . Mian Lillian McCall will leave tbi evening for Mexico City where ah w'.ll remain three months visiting with Mrs G A Nichols ' formerly of Union , and to look over the country io gener al. Her many frienda wish her a most pleasant trip Miaa Caa tomorrow evening at the Presbyterian church. EE Wlllard arrived thia morning from Portland. . Dr. E D Stelnoamp, of Granite, spent Sunday in the city. 0 B Welser of Huntington ia regis tered at the ommer Hons. Mr. M 0 Koester of North Powder Is doing boslnesa In th olty today. Engineer Camming, of Seattle, who waa the engineer In charge of the Mor gan Lake power plant, la in the city. Mra. John Danaway, who haa been visiting in tne eiiy lur tuuia tiiuw, mi laat night for her bom in Booth Dakota. ' - I Engineer Jay Thorn peon la down from Pleasant Valley. H la qoiteV stranger, aa this in hi first visit since ' laat Aogost. j The bnsinesa men of the Commer cial Clnb ebonld bear in mind the meeting to be held this week on Fri day evening. : That was a gloriopa raiu Sunday. While we Were not In any way offer ing from a lack of moisture, it assists the growing crops. Mrs. 0 M Wall and daughter, of The Dalle, arrived in the city thia morn ing on a abort visit to Mrs. E Brasel, and expect to return home thia eve nlog. Don't forget the mnaloal entertain ment In the 1'resbytarlan ohnroh to morrow evening under the auspices of the Tuesday Masicale. Miss Case la an artlat In her line and all lover of mnsis have a treat in store. I have the Common and Ran Easy Ball Bearing kind Also a complete stock of Garden rake, hoes, shovels, and lawn rakes. Cotton and rubbtr hose at all prices Complete line of stone and brick masons' and carpen. ters' tools. . MRS. T. N. MURPHY, BUILDERS HARDWARE, CUTLERY ETC MgaaeMsagaBBSteSBBBSi 1 i Mis Case at the Presbyterian church Tuesday night at eight o'clock Mr Lon Cleaver left tbi morniog for a business visit to Union. Josephine county i oue of the latei t oonntie to appropriate $1000 for an exhibit at the fair. Lytton Ivanho went to La Grande last evening to remain until Monday morning. Lytton, who is a high school student here, ia an expert stenogra pher and goea to JL uraarie regularly to do stenography, in the office of bis father, F S Ivan hoe, who is an attor ney. Pendleton East Oregooiso, - Mis L B Lcrens waa over from Hot Lake Saturday evening in company with Miss L Hutton of Spokane, who ws on her way bom after spending a lew daya at the Lake. Miss Loreos returned to the Sanatorium Sunday morning, Miss Olive Jones going with her, and reports baying epent a pleas ant day at the Lake. David Heldenreioh today received notification that his devioe for a meat supporter bad been accepted by the Patent office and a patent will be isBued soon . 9 t rL3K3?.& ttaafoatatV V' 39 For Sale-Early Rose Potatoes for Sale. Geo. Parrot, Island City. HIGH LIVING la pocalblo at low coat. Our patrona are particularly well fed, yet none could he accused cf spending too much money on the "inner man." A( THE MODEL RESTAURANT excellent meal are served at a very reasonable price. The food is of the finest quality; well cooked and well served. Dining room is well appointed and comfort able. M OD E L RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT . We sea weekly Meal Tloksts Cfh $4.50 EASTER WILL SOON BE HERE ARE YOU PREPARED FOR IT? THE GOLDEN RULE Has EVERYTHING to make this as it should be, the most joyful of all occasions .Ladies', Misses' and Children's Trimmed Hats We buy and sell millinery on a mer chand ising basis, riot an artbatis, buy at first hands and sell with the same help thai sells the rest of our goods, and therefore can and do sell them at a very small margin of profit. LADIES' WAISTS The Market's Best ' At Lowest Prices A carefully se lected line of fabrics, styles and colors, from the lowest cost worth having, to the finest silk. LADIES' TAILORED SKIRTS All the new effets in BRILLIANTINES NOVELTY SUITINGS LIGHT WEIGHT . CASSIMERES Styles and Fabrics' just right. Prices such as you exprct from us. The Lowest Always ALL, THE NECESSARY , ACCESSORIES IN FANCY RIBBONS, COLLARS, BELTS, GLOVES, ETC. A visit to our store will certainly convince you that our stock is com plete in every detail, call and see THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, Largest Store ir(H-1 3' 0-1312 Adams Avenue Smallest Prices i