ESTABLISHED The La Grande National Bank 0 Report of condition made to comptroller of currency, RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $561,290 United States Bonds : 5,ooo Real Estate Furniture FixtV 17,000 00 Due from banks and U-S.tres 105,903 69 Cash on Hand 48,291 63 Total $757,495 65 OFFICERS AND WRECTORS " ' - George Palmer, President .F. I,. Meyers, Cashier. , . : , . . . . Geo. L Cleaver, Assistant Cashier. W. L Brenholts, Assistant Cashier J. M. Berry, A. B.Conley F. J. Holmes F, M. Byrkit . ' With ample capital, large experience and unsurpassed facilities, we offer you absolute security for your deposits; and solicit your banking business, promising you courteous treatment and every liberality consistent with conservative Banking. . ' To Start Out In search of real valua in good form, Surplaot the thought "bow cheap" with "how good." We alwiys carry the best quality of Furniture, Carpets, Coaches, Mattresses, ets., and keep our prices low enough to win your trade. . E. G. ADCOOK Successor to E. Andross. Andross Old stand Phone 9-1 G. L FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 1611 . All order given prompt attention. LA. GRANDE MARBLE WORKS LVC. DAVIS. Proprietor. Complote assortment of fin est marble and granit always on hand. Estimates cheerfully furnished upon applicati n. Headstones and Monuments A Specialty Notary Public BARGAINS ; In Improved City Property in ; Good Location I WM. GRANT, Agent. : MLEYS1 Stops the COUGH and Hoalo the 3655 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ! $100,00000 Surplus ...j.. 20,000 00 Undivided profits 29,061 33 Circulation 25,00000 Deposits........ .. 583434 33 Total 5757495 65 PASTU R E I have leased the Silk pas ture for the season and am therefors in position to care fos all kinds of stock, and especially the "town cow" at rates which are just. ' I will guarantee firt class treatment, ood. feed .and water. Address E. EI. Jones, Phono 1276 La Grande The Silk pasture oonalBta of over W0 acre and ia divided Into ala separate lota Homes and cattle will not run together Don't Forget - Pemember, stamp photos at 25 ots a dozen this month only, at the Taylor Studio. Don't Borrow Trouble . It la a bad habit to borrow anything bnt the woae thing yon can possibly borrow, la trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn-out by the paios and poisons of dyspepsia, bilious ness, Brlgbt'a disease, and similar in ternal disorders, don't sit down and brood orer yonr symptoms but fly for relief to Elejtrlo Bitters. . Bare yon will find sure and permanent forget fullness of all yonr troubles, and your body will not be hardened by a load o debt disease. At Newlln Drue Co drug store, rim ooo unaranteea. Now is the Time Corns and bare soma stamp photos taken while they are so cheap at the Taylor Btudlo. Ballard's Horehound Syrup Immediately relieve hoarse oroopy oouh oppressed, rattling, rasping and difficult breathing. Henry C Steam Druggist, 8bnllsburg Wis, writes. May 20 1901: "I have been selling Ballard.a Horehound 8yrup for two years sod have never had a preparation that has given better satiafaotion. I notice that when I sell a bottle they come back for more I can honestly re commend it. 25. 50c, $100 Newlln Drug Co. IN A HURRY? THEN CALL WM. iEYNOLbS The .transfer man. He will take that trunk to the Depot or your home in less time thau it takes to tell it. ,' Wagon always at your service. ' Charges moderate. Day phone I 1751,. night phone 1863. HStWMSSMtSS Insurance ISS7 March 14, 1905 At Baptist Church Tb meetings yesterday were very intetesting, tbe sermons were full of the Qospel and power and look a deep hold upon tbe large and .attentive audienoes who heard them. , -. In tha -evening the . Ordinance of Baptism was administered, it wan a most impreesiv scene ' aa one aftr another the happy believer jiut t ff the old man and pat on the new in Gods own appointed way. We are very sorry that Mr.' Ellis owing to a very severe attack of asth ma is compelled to return home. - But the meetings will continue, the pastor will speak tonight on "How to get rich?" ' Come ont to the aervioe it begins at 7 :46 We appreciate the help and co-oporation of the other churches and hops that tbey will eontinne to help us. We also appreciate and heartily thank those who have assist ed in 'the aingiag. Come and help as this week. A cordial invitation ia ex tended to all. "Express Drivers Strike (By Bcrippa News Association St Louis, April 17 Two hnndrrd express drivers for baggage paicel de livery atruok this morning for recog nition. Call For Bids The Recorder of the citv of La Grande will receive Mas for the fol lowing described work at hia office from this date until four o'clock p m May third. 1905. Eight hundred linear feet of ditch to be dug from a point at tbe intersection of Harding street with Fourth street to the northeast corner of a atreet. Fifteen hundred and sixty fl-e feet of ditch to be dug from a po i t at the intersection of Uaburn and irt.nwood streets to a poiut one block east to the intersection ol Valley street, tbeooe north t-vo blocks to Valley street and thence west two blocks to North Fir street Twelve hundred and fifty feet of ditch to be dus froji a ooint at the intersection of Osbnm street and North Kir atreet north to Trowbridge street. tbeooe east one block to Intersection of Trawbridge and North Greenwood streets. Five hundred and ten feet of ditch to be duz from a Doint at tha inter section of North Greenwood ttreet and K streets south to tbe inter eotion of Monroe avenne. Three hundred and ainv nine feet of ditch to be dug from a poiut at the intersection or. u and felgbtn atreet and running west one block to Intersection of seventh and O street. Eighteen hundred feet of ditch to ba doc irom a point at tbe Intersection ol Adams avenoe and Homes atreet, weei to a point eighteen nundrea feet from plaoe of beginning. All of aaid ditch to be dug three and one half feet deep and one and one half feet wide, all atreet crossings to be left closed subject to 'irders of water superintendent. Said ditch to be filled subject to tbe orders oi the Water Boot. Said work to be completed on or before the twenty first dav of May 1005. A certified check for an amount eqnal to ten per cent of I he amount of tha bid to accompany each bid. The contractor to furnish a good and sufficient bond for tbe falthfnl com pletion of aaid work. The city of La uranae reserves me rigm to reject any uu an oias A L RICHARDSON, ) W H yOUNFNKAMP, I p'i?Jt LDRUAVIS. ) Committee LUNGS ,2, FRAUD CASES , C0M5 HIGH Portland, April 17. According to a conaerrative Mil mat , tbe land fraud oaaea ha? already eoat tbe government 135,000, and tha and to not yet, nor doM this amount Include tha faaa ol Prosecutor Heney. It baa bean given oat that It la not hit intention to touch a dollar ol tha aalary allowed him aa United BUUa diatrlot attorney, a priv ate arrangement oonoarnlcg bia com pensation having been entered into with Attorney General Moody ,at the time Mr. Heney was engaged to proee cnte the eases, and thia andaratandlng la aald alao to relate to hia conduct of the California eaaea. '; Folly 75 defendant are Involved In the proceedings, and it the gove'n ment'e expectation that all will be con Tlcttf it realised, it will reault in the accumulation of quite a fond, f the maxlmam One la each eaie of consplr aoy ia 110,000, beaidei two rear's Im prisonment, and tna Indictments, with a few exception, are baaed on con apiracy ohargea. Perry Trial Begins By Borippa Newt Asaooution Chicago April 17 The trial of Iaaae N Perry, the president of the Katlon al Bank of North Aroerioa, oommeno ed here, today. Perry ia indicted under two ohargea, one for attempting to de fraud inaaranoe Co'e on a plant of the Chicago Car and Locomotive works at Hegewiaoh - ... ...''. Mrs Nelson Dies t By Bcri ppe Ne wa A asooiation . Platofleld N J April 17-Mre n nnati Nelson, mother of tbe late Cbaa Fair the wife of the Ban Francisco million aire, died at her home at New Market today. , Today's Grain Market (By Hcrlppa News Association) Chicago April 17 It ia reported that the grain quotations in th stock exchange today on the principal pro- ducts was as follows: Wheat $1.14 to $1.15; com $0.7i to 0,48,; oats, $0 29?,' to to 297j No Church Reform St. Petersburg,' April 1? Emperor Nicholas has denied tbe patition of a group ol influential clergy for conro cation of a general council to tffeot reforms In ecolesiastioal administra tion. 'Inn note officially made publio tbe emperor uaye be finds it impossible in the present disturbed times to un dertake a task of such magnitude , re quiring calm consideration. He says he Intends, as soon as there ia a fa vorable moment, to summon a council of tbe old Russian cburoh for ctnou ioal discussion of questions of faith and ecclesiastical reform. A MILESTONE IN THE CURATIVE ART Slips and partial dislocations of bones, as a cause of disease,. and bone setting ss tbe cure of disease consti tute the latest chapter of medloal and surgical history. It Is found under tbe designation "Jsfeopatby." It is the bast single adranoeme nt of the ouratlre art that has erer been corded . re- JAP EMIGRATION TO BE REDUCED Honolulu April 17-Uovernor Carter ban vetoed tbe county governmept bill and both senate and bouse hare pass ed tbe bill over the governor's veto, tbe senate by a rote of 13 to 3 and the bonse by a vote of 27 to 3. Tbe steam. ship Korea from Japan has i rougbt a report that the Japanese government hss reduced the limit of emigrants to Hawaii from 500 per steamer to less than 100. This action baa been taken, ' it is rumored, owing to tbe anti-Japanese agitation in California. New Petition . Oklahoma City O T April 17-Aot Ing upon the general belief that the statehood bill was defeated In the last congress by reason of tbe controversy over tbe union of New Mexico and Arizona a movement has bet n launch ed in Oklahoma and Indian Territory to enter a vigorous protest against being inoluded In a bill where New Mexico aud Arizona are concerned -Representatives of the two territories met here today and called a conven tion to meet at Oklahoma .City on July 13 for the rarpoee of formulating a petition to congress for joint admis aion to statehood without reference to the other territories. For the best and whitest bread use Jersey Cream Flour. R3F3S I0NAL CA RDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeon. Offloe ore Hlll'i Drug 8 tor. Offlca Phone 136S BealdeaoePaoaaHl N. MOLITOR. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner Adam aveane and Depot BU Office Phone KM ' Bealdeaee Fhoa 681 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN and; surgeon- , Phone Til Lowtattalldlng. opposite Boaamar Boo. Offloe Hoars, t to I, T to t BACON & HALL, YS1CIAN3 AND SURGEONS Offloa la Foley building, Phoae U9L , O. T. Baooo, Beaidenee Pbone list U. K. Ball, Baaldcao. 1121 DRS. BIGGERS & BIGOERS Physicians and Burgeons O W Blcsen, M. TX Oso, L. Btcgara, U. D Telephonet Offloe 1331 Realdsnoe 1881 QfOoe" Kalaton Bulldlnj over J. M. Berry's Store. Rcaldenoa on Hadlson AVe. second door west of 'ormer realdenee,Dr. G. W .BIgeera LaQRANDB ' OREGON ProleuioBal cans promptly attoaded to day or Bight. - DENTISTS REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. " i f Offiea Boramar Building OfBos Phone 8-1 ! Residence Phone 117 C. B. Cautliorn. DENTIST ' Omoo Over Hill Drugstore g La Grande, Oregon JJ R. L. LINCOLN DENTIST Dp stain, Cor A da ma arenaa and Depot 8b Phone j VETERINAAY SURGEON Dr. P A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone 701 Farmers' line 58 DR. W. T. DDWNE3. VETERINARY SURGEON UENTIST AND Lea Ye orders at Red Croat Drug store Residence Cor 6th and I at Thirty flv years experience, best of reference . furnUhed ,. , ATTORNEYS CPAWF0RD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA GRANDE, ORKOON OOlos In Hammer gliding J. W KN0WLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law Offlce in Relator) Building , Phouelto. ' I Grande Or. &T. WUIln'ms A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS. ATTOKN EY8-AT.LA W Urtl In RalUn Building Phone 0jH La Grande, Or. Lod&e Directory. K.AU1ES La UrancU Atria ia T O K every Hundajr night in K ot t ball a S maeu D ID r muni oruuieru irzviMu v, iiwdu, I. A. Wnlott, W. P. T. H. Gllnam, W. 8. t O 0 t La Grande Lodge, No 16 rraelf .u dieir ball every Halurday night. Vlalluig n.ern eiraeordiallv iBTltcd to attend. Cemtery plat can be aeen at office of City Recorder. G. W. Roberbwn, N U R, Snook, Beo. TARKN'AMPMENf No ai. I. O. O. V. aeets every flrat and third Tbunidaye In the niooui in uua r euowa nail, v tailing pam- iruna aiwaya welcome i. n. auooa, L f, Edmund Bobinaon. gcrlbe A. k k A. M-La Grande Lorge ia. u. meeu every at na aid ralar Ujr of each month. A C WUIioms Sec, , O D Huffman W. M ICaBTERK STAR OKR Hole Chaitcr No U meets the Second aud foanh Wertnendtty ul neb month el rJ)Q p m lit Muomc Temple lira UaraT i.yle, W at Mary A Warniok, dee H. W.A. La Grande liamp Mo. 7-0:1 uiettu every fimt and third . Wedneaday the month at l.O.O. P. Hall. All vlniting neii-b-bun art) cordially Invited to attend. E. Reuletid, V. C. John Hull, Clerk. fORKHTCRS OP AM K.RIf'A Omrl Maid Marion, No 22 nieeta vacb Tliur.ilay iiiht ID K of P Okl.. ItniUiere are In vil.t In at tuud. 1 tt TiMfiim. itlol Hx,w. U H Wllllania, Kin. 8! Boanl nf Tru"ttei DrAJ L Mium-r.. iohii Hull. uu n .ru-uu, jt 1. ' . Keep ynr bwels resalar by the nse ol Cnamuerli 8tomaoh and Liver Tableta. Kor sale ere U nothing better Newlin Drug Co. Uint Saloon CHAS, AELQUIST, Proprietor. WINES, . LIQUORS I AND CIGARS Finest collections of stuffed U animals on the Pacific j I coast. : Blue Front Saloon E. THOKiON. Proprietor. 7IKEST WINES, LIQUORS I Imported and domestic j Hot or cold lunch all boars Jeflvrsoa Avcnae Opposite Depot vPalaco Sq,loon CHAS, ANDERSON. Prop. FINK WINES, LIQUORS m a tin i- a rc . -., . i o Always on hand . e Jederaon Arenue ', Opposite Depot , : , , THE OXFORD P1R JOHN BlEVER, Prop." ; " ' ' ' ' ' ' : '' I . Complete assortment ' - V ' ' WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS r Mlxd Drink, .Specialty FirSt. THE L0UVRE1 CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. 7 ;.' FINE WINES. LIQUORS ClQflRS " Gentlemen always Welcome : Fir Street Eagle Saloon ULRJCH LOHIS. Prop, v: r FINE . , WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Lanchea are our specialty lufferaon Avenue, Oppoaite depot '..'- . a I. F. BOBDAJI i J.I.B009. PSOP. FINE WINES LIQUORJ And the beHt brands ol CIQ1E5 A 1 way a on band Mixoa aritiKi a aueclalty ahr and ace if von don't irut 41. Thi la m D.n S) tlomen'a resort and will be run as auoh ssssessaaaa Tom Fleming I BLACKSMITH Horseshoin j and WagonwcrK North Fir Street New Cure For Cancer r a w n aorraoe cancers are now known to be curable, by Bnoklen's Arnica Salve. Jas. Walters, of DutHeld, Va writes: "1 had a cancer on roy Hp for yeara, that seemed incurable, till f nck. Ion's Arnica Salve honied it. and now It la perfectly well." Guaranteed enre for cute and barns. S5o at Ne tin Drug Co drug tore, ' BRUNSWICK 9