phone i58i CHANCE OF A TO Exchange Your Old Furnitur for New. We Have just -Received ilarge Car Of New Furniture from ' the Factory, and will Excange for Second Hand Goods. I 1 NEW GOODS Iron beds $2.75 and up Bureaus 8 00 M Comodes , 2.00 " Stand tables.. . 1.25 " Extension tables $5.00 and up Bookcases .... 4.50 M Bed springs.... 1.75 Oak Bide boards 17,50 Dressers 7.00 M NEW GOODS " Mattresses . . . v$iE0. and np Pillows.. ....... .60 M Spring Cots...., 2.00 u ' Chairs .60 M NEW GOODS Rockers 11.00 and up Wash stands ...260 Kitchen - safes . v 4.00 " , Kitchen treasure 3.00 " SECOND HAND Bicycles ...... $5.00 and up i Bed steads ....$ .50 and up UoQi stoves .... 4.UU Tables ........ 1.00 Chairs ,55 ' Picture frames . . .10 it M . Bed springs.... ,50 14 It .Cots .. .75 .50 I i I . Mattresses HUi aUA ug AVt UK LIFETIME PHONE 1581 WE WILL ACCEPT ANY THING OK VALUE . IN EXCHANGE LA GRANDE PAW;N BROKERS, Remember the place , . r . . - , "Tr im ADAMS AVENUE Real Estate Bargains -Why suffer - with - spring tiredness, mean, eroM feeling, r,o strength, no appetite?. Holiinter's Rocky Mountain Tek Will tnaka Kill Wall mnA - well 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. New Hn Drug Co I The following Is a partial list of property, which we hare to otter (or towlt: Jn Chjptin's Addition,, to'. U Grande, Oregon. All of bljok No. 10. Lot No. 1, block No. 4, 4 Ml" street. JiOUNo. 3, 4, 5, & 6, block No 13. LoU No. 1 to No. 11 la block' No. 47 Will sell one or more lots. Lot No 4. block No. 80. Lots No ' 7 to No. 10 in block No. 65.1 V ill eell one or more lots. . LoU No. 5 A 6, block No. 57. LoU No. 7 & 8 in block No. 69. Lota No. 1, 2, 3 & 4, block No. 75. AUorblfckNo.76. All of block No. 77, except lot No. 5. AU ot block No. 78. All ot block No. 83. Lots No. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12, block No. 89. ! Lots No. 4, 5, A 6 Id block No. 96, Lots No. 6 & 7, block No. 98. Lots 10, 11, 12, 4 13, block 104. All ot block 120. Lot 13 & 14, iff block 121. LoU 1 to 16 inclusive, block UU. U LoU 8, 9, 10, 11, 124 IS in block 154, Lots 14, 15, 16 & 17, block 164. Lots 10, 11, 12 & 13, In block 151. " In Romig's Addition to U Grande, Oregon. Lot o" "' Lots 2 & 3 in block 1. Lots 1,2, 3, 5,0,7,8,9,416, block 2. Lots 4 to 9 inclusive, block 4. LoU 4, 64 6 in block 6. Lots 4, 6, 6 4 7, block 9. The west hall ot block 10. Lota 10. 11 4 12. block 10. The West halt ot lota 1, 2 4 3, block U. Lots 4. 5 46. block 11. The West halt ot block 12. Pleasant Home Addition to La Grande, Oregon, Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 1. ' Lots 1 4 2, block 2. Lou 1, 7 4 8 in block 6. Lots 2 to 10 in .block 7. Predmore's Addition to La Grande, Oregon. LoU 1 to 13 inclusive in block 24. Home Investment Addition to La Grande, Oregon. A large number of choice lots to Be-1 leot from, each lot hat a water right. . Ganglofrs Second Addition Jo La Grande. Oregon. . TheeeJloU are Jarge and have a mag iiiflcent view of the entire valley. We would be pleased to ebow any ol the above pioperty to persons wh de sire to purchase unimproved loU with the Idea of building thereon or we will . build a house for yon t n any of the j loU uaraed above, allowing you to pay for the same on Installments. Call on us and let us talk it -over with you. j LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. J. R. OLIVER. , UNION COUNTY'' ABSTRACTS: Farm Loans a Specialty t. " Best equipped abstracter in Union county. -Many years experiences with ' tbe Unioo county records ' gives me a great advant- age. It ia folly to pur- , chase realestate, without ? first securing a proper abstraot. An , abstract from my office will ehw n tbe title just as it appears u on the official . record. , J. R. OLIVER LA GRANDE, OREGON Room 31, Sommer Bdlg." Pure Bred Poultry Z- parties desiring pure bred poultry can secure eggs from the following . well known breeds .at . $1 per. Betting of fifteen Bar Ply moth Rock, White Wyn dott, Single Comb Brown Leorhnrn. and Silver Laced D 1 . ' -r Wvddou ELI cBAIR- Island Cittf J )recon k Handsomely Arranged , Workmen yesterday put the flnishlpg touches to the Glifln & Hogaa under taking parlora, and it ia -eafe to say that their rooms now present- as neat and artistic appearanoa u any In the state. They have five large rooms which afford tnem a floors space of four thoaeaad square feet, with a frontage pa Depot at reel of thirty feet .The .reception room 4a neatly i furn Ished and care has been taken to al low no suggestion of, the morgue, or death house to prevail in this room. Opening off this room are two hand; somely appointed private omces, where those j.who have ' business to transact may do so with fr'eedon and eecluslon. A 'prominent featare tot this esUbllihment is' the - large and handsome ohapel where funeral ser vices msy be 'held, ,Tha chapel haa a seating oapioity ot. nearly two bund red, and is equiped with an orgsu and ample chairs. In the centre. U a large. Inoandencent arc light which can be turned cn either day or night. Hack of tbe chappie is the i took room and then ths morgue. A complete line of pp to date funeral accessories is kept constantly on hsud.v 1'he ; embalming and funeral . direction is .under tbe management of -Mr M D Giffln .who has had years of experience and has U scenes to practice in Oregon and Montana. Tbe publio is invited to cell and see tbe handsome line of caa keta and' view.the parlors and chappie Regarding the lioeof undertaking goods carried a -complete --description of their varied atock would be lmpoa. slble but a vfelt to their parlors will demonstrate the faot that they have a atock ample to provide any emeN geocy. ' Big .Concerns At'AVar Chicago pill lB-rlhe Chicago elc trial concerne are advised ot a. trade war between the two giant .electrical manufacturing concerns uf tbe coun try the' General Elec'rlc ,,;nd , the Wetting hoaee Electrical, compan lee. In view of the fact that the combined sales of the two companies last year apgrgted -more ihan $75,0CO, 000 the preeeat trade war is likely to prove inteiestlng to the eleotrical world. It la reported, on authority- that the agreement which existed between ' tbe all working agreements eicepting- that in relation to patents have been can eelled. .' " 1 LargesLawyers Fee Lafayette Ind April 15 Judge De Hart in tie Circuit Court today, ap proved allowances aggregating $118,0(10 ia fees to - attorneys who representnd Moses-Fowler Cbase in the ; famons litigation to4tabltsh - the 1 guardian ship of young Chare and the trdete'e ship for tbe million dollar estate of the boy heir,: who is confined in a eanit arium. at Indianapolis. " ' n According to tbe pelltioa of Preder lokls Chase guardian r the fees- were payable ; for lei vices in . diecoveriug young Chat in an iaiylum in Paris and the xesuitant litigation between Charles d Duhme, on one side, 6 and and Erederlok 8 Chase, on the other, which resulted in the latter being ap pointed guardian and trustee. COLLIERS AWAIT ING ORDERS B7 Hcrlpps News Association Hong Kong, April 15 A number of colliers from Cardiff and Turban have arrived here and are awaiting orders. It is believed that tbe coal is intended for the fleet of Bojestvensky. MRS. CHADWICK MAY GIVE BAIL By fkripps News Association Cinolnnatti, O.. April 15 The Uuited BUtes Court of Appeals decided this morning that Mrs. Cssie Chad- wick can be released from Jail on five thousand dollars bail, ponding the hearisg of tbe argument for a new tdal. This decision refers only to the case on which; she was ''onvleted. There is nothing to do pending tbe bearing. TJhe farmers and TJrade?s Tfational SSank of JCa Srandr Oregon. Wish to call your attention to the following statement of condition, of this bank for the Fourteen years of its' existence, commencing -Capital Paid ana Surplus Jan. 1 1891 - $35,000 00 '92 61,000 00 '93 62,000 00 '91 63,000 00 '95 64,000 00 '96 65,000 00 u '97 66,000 00 '98 67,000 00 '99 68,000 00 1900 69,000 00 '01 70,000 00 . '02 71000 00 ;03 72,000 00 '04 73,000 00 1 '05 74,000 00 Mar., 26, '05 $74,000 00 Loan and Diaooounts $23,418 64 85,878 41 .86,354 90 5 ,70,417 97 ,8417 15 ' 95,073 96 97,861 32 . 123,73 27 , 185,409 61 172,633 37 162,573 65 149,300 59 192,587 27 r 187,779 59 172,371 46 $155.247 97 DespouiU $15,672 77 44,450 83 71,954 86 30,532 4 45,79255 56,757 57 104.252 67 150,997 92 160,235 45 171,960 79 151,781 66 149,476 92 195,095 96 229,129 75 177,890 49 $150,234 07 Oaah and exohan ge Available $11,184 48 19 03 68 . 37,86188 19,625 98 22,960 79 : 2614 75 52,724 28 80.009 65 k 43,403 09 77.430 95 ,42.797 84 44,351 90 "48,252 66 11,945 47 53,305 94 $62.989 57 National banks are required to keep on hand and with reeerve agents 15 per cent 0! their Deposits from the above statement you will observe we have :ava:Jable at once 40 per cent or nearly three times the required amount. CAPITAL . OF .THIS BANK, -$60,000.00 . .SURPLUS, LiOOO 00 . ' Exchange on all principle points bought and sold at lowest current ratea. County and city warrants bought at highest market prices. . Funds available for l-yins to our Depositors and Customers. Doing More Work The O R A JS railway eomptny . will in a few days, begin work on changing the ohannel of Burnt river, about five miles below Durkee. , This will be done in order to secure a safer rpad bed and to prevent tbe washing a trey ot the bridges, of which there are sev eral between Durkee and Huntington. The work will be done about a mile from tbe mouth ot the narrow canyon through which the roJ winds, cross ing and recroseing the river . It will be remembered that It was In this canyon that the bridges washed nay . a. 181 UpriilK MUli UtlUMU uiuwuimj s much trouble. It. will, probably take eeveral mouths to oomplete the work, but, when it is finished, it will be ' as ate as any other part of tbe great road whioh the company Is rapidly making the best road in the Northwest. Mr. Palmer of the Pacific Construction Co has the contract tor the work. - THE 'SORT j THAT WILL P L E jfl S E 5 Attention O E S All members of the La Grande Chapter No. 13 Older of Eaelern- bUr, aie requested to meet promptly at 1 o'clock Sunday, at the Masonic temple for the purpose of attending the funer al of our departed sister Helen Striker. MERTlfS ALDKICII, W M. Funeral Directors The funerwil of tbe late Helen Strik er will take place tomorrow afternoon under the auspices of the Eastern HUT from tbe Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock, , The Pntrment will be in tbe Masonic cemetery, lienry & Carr funerel directors, M Witte to Resign By Soripps News Association .St Petersburg, April 15 M Witte the president ot ' the' council of uiin isters, has announced bis intention to resign bis official positiou under the Government and become tho president ot a coramerichl bunk. Jersey Cream Patent Flour. Every Jack guaranteed by Romi 5 & Staples. That is the sort ot groceries we cell Our aim is to please all of our customers' do this we must sell only y First Quality Goods We also know that bur a prices right, and that .our service must be correct. A child can do the trading at our store A trial order over the tele phone will convince you. We solicit your-patronage. QEDDEJ North Fir Street Full of Tragic Meaning are these lines from J U Simmons, of oasey, Ia.' Think what might hare re suited from hi terrible cough if he had not taken tbe " medicine about which he writes:'1 "I had a fearful oonub, that disturbed my nlaht'e rest. 1 tried everything, but nothing would relieve it, until 1 to k Dr. King's New Discovery for' Consumption, Coughs and Ooldi?. which completely cured me." luBtantly relieves and per manently ouree all hroat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At Newliu Drug Co., druggist; guar anteed ; 50o and tl Trial bottle tree A Dandy F.or Burns Dr Beraln, Pane, Ills, writes; "I have used Ballard 'e now Liniment: always recommended it to my friends as 1 am confident there is no better made. "It Is a dandy for l urus, I'bnse wbo live on farms are especially liable to many accidental outs, burns, bruises, which heal . rapidly . when Bal lard's Suow Liniment is , applied. It should always be kept in the boue for cases of emerwnoj " 25o, ; 6O0 II 00 bottle Newlin Drug Co THE FINEST EVER Tailored -Turbans Dress Hats Cordays New Veilings Ombre Ribbons Pretty hce Collars Handsome Jetted Collars E M WlSLLMAN & CO LaQraide - Oresron ffS?jri Old Jewelry made to look like bew Olooks taken care of WENNOW JUiT MdM IS NEEDED, AND KN0V JUST HOW. TO ADAUN. - ISTER THE DOSE Brin; it to the storn and we will give it the required repairs. IT it is pa t fixing we '."will tell you so, and stop the expense If we can Gx it we will do so at a moderate copt. Watch re pairing is our specialty. 1 H. PEARE, 14 9 5 1 " 1 J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier. G. E. McCully, Aset. Cashier. Joseph Palmer, President. 1 .rwiWrt.' t.wi