fieaf Estate Bargains The following ! a partial titt of t property, which wa bay to offer for aala oa which there ara no buildings, towit: In Chaplin's Addition, to La ' Grande, Oregon. All of block No. 10. Lot No. 1, block No. 4, "B" atraet. LotsNo. 3, 4, 5, & G, block No ,13. Lota No. 1 to No. 11 la block No. 47 Will sell, one or mora lota.. Lot No 4, block No. CO. Lots No 7 to No. 10 in block No. 55 W ill sell one or more lots. LoU No. 6 A 6, block No. 67. LoU No. 7 A 8 in block No. 69. Lota No. 1, 2,3 4 4, block No. 75. All ot bkck No. 76. AU of block No. 77, exoept lot No. 6. All ot block No. 78. All of blook No. 83. LoU No. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 4 12, block No. 89. ' Lota No. 4, 5, A 6 In blook No. 90. 1 . Miwk V OO Lola 10, 11, 12, 13. blook 104. All of block 120. LoU 13 4 14, In block 121. Lots 1 to 10 inclushre, block 139. LoU 8, b, 10, 11, 11 k IX in blook 154 LoU 14, 15, 10 k 17, block 164. Lou 10, 11, 12 & 13, in block 151. In RomigY Addition to La Grande, Oregon. Lot "O" LoU 2 k 3 In block L Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, C, 7, 8, 9, k 10, block 2. . . ' Lota 4 to 9 inclusive, block 4. LoU 4,548 in block 6.. , . Lou 4, 6, 6 k 7, block 9. The weBt bait ot block 10. x LoU 10, 11 k 12, blook 10. The, West half of loU 1, 2 k 3, block II. LoU 4, 5 46, block 11. The West half of blook 12. Pleasant Home Addition to La Grande, Oregon, Lota 1 to 8 inclusive, block 1. LoU 14 2, block 2. Lou 1, 7 4 8 in blook 6. ' Lota 2 to 10 in block 7. Predmore's , Addition to La Grande, Oregon. Lota 1 to 13 inclusive in block 24. Home Investment Addition, to La, Grande, Oregon. A large number oi choice lots to se-j lect from, each lot has a water right. ! Gangloffs Second Addition to; La Grande, Oregon. TheseJloU ara large and have a mag nlfloent view ot the entire valley. We would be pleased to show any of ; the above property to persona whi de sire to purchase unimproved lots with the idea of building thereon or we will build a house for you on any of the lota named above, allowing you to pay for the aame on lnatallmenta. Call on ng and let as. talk, it over with yon. . LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty Beat equipped abstracter in Union county. Many years experiences with, the Union county records gives me a great advant age. . It; is folly to pur chase realestate without first securing a proper abstraot. An , abstract I from my office will show the title just as it appears on the official record.' J. R. OUVER, LA GRANDE, OREGON Room 31, Bommer Bdlg. For a Yveak Digestion No mediolne can replace food but Chamberlain a fcttomaoh and Livar Tableta will halo von to riimt looa. It Is not the quantity of food Uken that givea strength and vigor to the system, but the amount digested and assimilated, if troubled aith a weak digestion, don't fa'.l to Hive these Tablet a trial ' Thousands Jfave been benefited by their , nse. They only cost a quarter. .For sal by Newlin urug uo. Plans to Get Rich are often frustrated by . audden break down, due to dyspepsia or constipation Brace np and take Dr. King s New Life Pills. They take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and give you a new start. Core headache and disatness too. At Newlin, Drug Co drag atore; 26o guaranteed The only Exclusive . I Undertaking Parlors f in La urande. ! UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS J. Scientific Embalming Licensed in Oregon and Montana. Experienced Lady Assistant . Our office is alwavs ooen Phone 1761 Office in Lewis Building,, opposite Bommer House REFERRED TO ; AT Y. GENERAL Salem, Or , April 13 At yesUrday afternoon's session ot ihe land -board, (lovernor Chamberlain moved that the persons accused of fraud In the 6eara case be cited to nrpear before the I board at 1U next meeting and abow cause why the oertl flea tea ahould not be canceled because of fraud. Dunbar moved as a aubitituU that toe cam i be referred to the t attorney general,' and if be thought' that , the facte warranted, ha shoe Id prepare clUtloa papers, Moora voted for, Dunber'a motion, causing it to carry. Fought Standard OH By Scripps News Association MarletU, Ohio, April 13. The will of the late George Eioe, who spent a life time fighting the SUndard Oil Co , was probated her today.. The entire estate is " valued at ten thousand dollars. Ha was formerly a wealthy man,. . ',' ' ' ,i . ; Ready for Colorado (By Soripps News Association) .. Tort Forth, Texas, April .-The President's special started for Freder ick Oklahoma tit tea this a,t m and According to the schedule, the train will leave there for Colorado with the President's party, tonight at, nine Well Played The production of "A Moonshiner's Daughter" at Steward's Opera House last evening was attended by a large and appreciative audience The name ot the play givea some Idea of iU character, bnt does not convey any idea of the simple pathos, the stirring incidents and the scenic effecU with which the play teems from beginning to and. Not only la the play one that requires good talent to produce, bat the . bill was filled perfectly by the oompany last evening, each and every role beirg well represented and all the characters well delineated. The specialties also deserve" mention, as they were above the ordinary, Tears and laughter were intermixed during the play, the audience being swayed from laughter to tears. $50,000 Farm - David Ecelea, president of the sugar factory, closed the sale for 0GQ aorea of land from Hall liros.. near Union, yes terday, paying fSO.OOO spot cash.. This gives the oompany 8496 aorea in one body of fine sugar beet land all of whioh onn be Irrigated from Catherine creek, and in fact this gives them the control of Catherine creek tor quite a distance. The sugar beat cultaie has passed through the. experimental stage and each year the acreage will become larger and larger, The Cove oouotry offers another great beet acerage just as soon as they are connected with an electrio road which at this time seems to ba assured this year. With Russian Army; a Leavenworth April 8 Ordera ware received at Pert Leavenworth yeater day directing , Colonel John R Van Hon, medical corps, stationed here bat at preeent in New York City, to proceed to join the Russian arm v . in Manchuria as a representative ot the Unite I States government. Eooently Colonel Valery Havard, . representing the medical corps, waa eaptarad nea Mukden end la finable to Join the Russians again. , Culocel , Hoff was with. the, China relief expedition as chief surgeon, . and as chief aurgron in Porto Rico In 1393 1900. . am; . . ::-Jrrrrv f jSTER' CANDY j Deaths of a Day - GENERAL J E GRANT Baltimore 'April 13 General J T Grant, grand secretary of the soverlgn grand lodge of Odd Fellows In the United 6tatea today, following an op eration for a serious internal affeotton M1S3 HOWARD WEED FN Huntavllla Ala April 13-Miss How. ard Weedeu a anathera poet and artlat died at her home here today. GEORGE. C WALKER., Chloagq April 13 George O . Walkei formerly a prominent member of the Chicago hoard of trade, ia dead at his borne In this city, . Death was due to heart disease. - MR8 1 88 AC" M DAVI3 Ban Jose Oal. April 13-Mra . Issao M Davis wealthy pioneer resident ot thla city, and sister of the lata Senat or William A Sharon of Nevada, died today, aged 82 years, Appropriated, $1500 Baker City April 13 The approprl" atlon ot $1500 by the board of oounty commissioners for the Lewis and Clark Fair purposes baa been turned over In the part to Geo Chandler, chairman of the Qaker county com mlttee. Canadian Fisheries : Washington April ll-8lr Mortfmer Durand, the British ambaasanor, It la stated. Is conducting satisfactory ne gotiatlons with the state v department regarding many of the pressing queer tions between Washington and London regarding Canadian fisheries. The sending of warships to Canadian wa ters it la declared, baa not been con sidered by thia government. Train Jumps Track ( By 8crlpps News Association) Vlokiburg Miss April 13-An 111. inols passenger train v jumped the track near Hardee at twelve thirty this morning, and Dlunsed down a steep embankment. Several passeng ers ana numbers of the crew were severely Injured bat none are reported" killed. North; Powder Bank U W Raldwln of thla city has sc oured the oontraot ' to erect a stone building, 24 xtO at North Powder for f A Mann, whioh will be occupied by the Farmers and 'Merohanta. Blate Bank, Maker City Herald, r , We have something new for the Easter trade this year. You cannot afford not to call and see what we have to offer. Easter novel ties range in price thia year from one cent up. See our window display. The finest line of hand made . Candies ever shown in J a Grande.. We know our candy is good because we make it our selves, "you know it is good when you try it : Call and make the test - - : . E. D. SELDER, Next door to Post Office. mi THE SORT THAT WILL PLEAS E C That is the sort ol groceries wa sell Our aim is to nlaaae all of our. ' customers We realize that in ordet to I do. this we must sell only First Quality. Goods We also know that our prices mast be right, and that our service must be jcorrect, A. .child, can do the trading at our store 'A trial order over the. tele phone will convince you. We solicit your patronage. QEDDU BELT - North Fir Street SXJNIIGhELT SOAP LA 8 T 8 LES8 LONGER L ABO R ; 1 i.. - TRY IT and be convinced Fos Sale by BAKER BROS. Adams Avenue' Phone , 1 101 ....... .'. iimmiiihi sanasn lie m a a THE FINEST EVER Tailored Turbans i Dresi Hats i ; . Cordays New VeiHngs-1 Onibrc Ribbons r Pretty, lac Collars v Handsome Jetted Collars Pure Bred Poultry Parties desiring, pure bred poultry can secure eggs from the following well known breeds at $1 per setting of fifteen Bar Ply moth Rock, White- Wyn dott, Single Comb Brown Leghorn, and Silver Lace4 Wyddott ELI BAIR. Island C9 'IregonJ Full o( Tragic Meaning are these lines from J II Simmons, of Casey, Ia. Think what might bare re nal led from his terrible oouah if he had not taken the medicine ' about whioh he writes: "1 had a fearful conch, that disturbed my nlshts rest. I tried eTerything, but nothing- would rellere it, until I to-)k Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumpllon, Coughs and Colda, waloh completely cured me." Instantly relierea and per manently ouree all throat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At Newlin Drug Co., druggist i guar arUeed; 50o and tl. Trial bottla free. TJhe farmers and Tirade s TJational; Sftank ,.; ", of jC Srand Oregon. Wish to call your attention to the following statement of condition of this bank for the Fourteen years of its existence, commencing Capital . Loan and . Despoulta Cash and exohan- Paid and Surplus Diaocounts . . ge Available Jan. 1 1891 $35,000 00 $23,418 64 " $15,672 77 $11,184 48 '92 61,000 00 85,878 41- 44,450 33 19,03 68 93 62,000 00 8654 96 71,954 36 V 37,88188.. '94 63,000 00 70,417 97 . 80,632 43 19,625 98 '95 . 64,000 00 . . 84,917 15 '45,792 55 ' 22,960 79 " '96 65,000 00 93,078 96 56,757 57 26,514 75 ' "'97 . 66,000 00 .y 97861 32 104.25267 62,724 28 '98 67,000 00 123,735 27 - 150,997 92 80,009 65 '99 T 68,000 00 185,409 61 160,235 45 43,403 09 " , 1900 ( 69,000 00 172,633 37 171,960 79 77.430 95. " 01 . 70,000 00 162,673 65 151,781 66 42.797 84 '02 71,000 00 149,300 59 . 149,476 92 . 44,351 90 '03 72,000 00 192,587 27 195,095 96 48,252 66 ' '04 ,: 73,00000 . 187,779 69 , r 229,129 76 81,945 47 '05 74,000 00 172,371 46 177.390 49 63,305 94 Mar., 26. 'OS $74,000 00 $155,247 97 ' $150,234 07 $62,9S0 57 La Q-runde - Oregon The v Nurse; and the i Doctor ? . National banks are required to keep on hand and with reserve agents 15 per cent of their Deposits from the. above statement you, wiU observe we have available at once 40 per cent or nearly three times the required amount . : r CAPITAL, OF THIS BANK,; r $60,000 00 . SURPLUS, - ; 14000-00- Exchange on all principle points bought and so)d at lowest current rates. County and city warrants bought at highest market prices. I Funds available for I ;..ns to our Depositors and Customers. . . ., 1 . Joseph Palmkb, " ' President. Will tell you that the success of a prescription de i l ends On the purity of its ingredience. There 1 is f as much variety in medicine as in other merchan- dise. In our prescription-filling "Qulity" is always kour first consideration- . ' You can implicity trust your prescription to us quality, accuracy and , the right pricer-are the never failing trio upon; which we think ;Wuhave a right to eppeal for your pwtronage. ? , .( . , , A. T. HILL., ' v v Registered Pharmacist. 1 Phone, Farmers Line, 68 V v Pacific States 1361 ; ; La Grande, Or. J. W. Scriber, Cashier. G. E, McCully, " Aest. Cashier, ! Old Jewelry made to look l!ke new WE NNOVti JUiT 'WriAT IS NEEDED, AND KNOW JUST HOW TO ADMIN. ISTER THE DOSE : Bring it to the store and : we will give it the required , npuiru, ,;if it is fixing we .will , tell jou so, and stop the expense If we can fix it we will do so at a moderate cost. . Watch re pairing isouj' speofalty. .j.hPEARE, til