La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 13, 1905, Image 4

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QLASSirieD Advertisements
-v - ...L -i ! 'I
Everything you winr-want lor that
Is'AwaitlngYourOrdr at ;
U. RALSTON'81 ; .
(Ooi. Hir andJeffenuQ 8ta.r
Fall Liiie 'Te'rierred ktbck
Oanred Goods.
'" . , .j t '
Grands Ronde
Grande: Ronde Lumber Co.
We hsvt nude np our mind to sell every roll of Wall Paper in our
ton before tht next spring stock arrives, and In order to insure a J
' ; complete clean-up we have cut the price rcjwdleM of former price
Wall Paper from 5 cents up
We Want to clear the house before March lit at wi expect a carload
of Will Waper to a arrive on that date. We uve more Wall Paper '.
now on hand tharfafi the other paper houMs ,n the county. There .
fore you will hive a greater variety to select from. Our present
stock is complete
Stacklarid & McLachlen
Are You Going to Discard Your old Carpet
: : See
The largest line of carpets ever brought to La Grande
now. on display. Something entirely new ir 3-ior
covering; as cheap as matting, Ut prettier, and much
more durable. ' Be sure to examine it as it is just
what is needed where you want something good and
inexpensive. Linoleum in all grades and widths
Sash v
Good School Shoes
"J..""'.'.' "" -"
- Lumber Co.
If exieo City, April IS The govern
ment of Sonora hu ' issued orders for
Ute separation from their mother of
all Yqul children more' than two
year and leia than II yean of age.
The women are to be deported with
the men to the Isthmus of Tebnante
peo aad Yuoatao and the children
kepi in Sonora and distributed among
Mexican familiee in various parte of
the state: . ';
Catholio priette of Sonora are de
nouncing the mote as inhuman, and
are calling opon Mexican parents to
refuse to accept the charges. Cstbolio
papers are echoing the deooiinclations
of the priests. The' government au
thorities lake the stand that if the
Yequl children of tender age .are sent
to the tropics of Msxloo they will die,
whilst! kept in Sonora. they , will be
reared and become law abiding and in
dostrions citizens of tbe community.
The order of the1 Sonora govern
ment was approved by the federal au
thorities before tl was issued. - ...
Seattle Wash.,' April 13 Edward L.
I United States engineer's office, cannot
marry Miss Allda Wolsey, a stenog
rapher in the same office, unless one
of them resigns. Tbe civil service com
mission of tbe engineering department
of the army has made Ibis ruling; ac
cording to a 'dispatch reoeivsd ' from
Washington today. The war depart
ment claims Ibat; the marriage and
the consequent fact thai Mrs Fang
burn would have to serve under Mr
Fangburn in the same office would
make discipline hard to maintain.
It is probable Ibat tbe young woman
will resign Fangburn stales that the
United States of America will not be
embarrassed in tbe matter in tbe
slightest degree . "
Fishing For Coyotes
8ante Fe N. M. April 12 Bench
men in this country have discovered a
scheme for getting rid of coyotes,
whioh have been a (ource of almost
endless trouble. Large fishhooks are
being tied to bushes, placed some dis
tance from the ground in order to
force the animals to jump for the
meal. When the jaws of the coyotes
close upon the food Ihey are caught by
a book and held suspended until kill
ed. The plan ie working extremely
well, and ranchmen who have been
losing chickens and lambs iu largt
numbers are much pleased with tbe
results. '
Seattle Bench Show
. Seattle Wash, April 13 The twelfth
annual exhibition of tbe Seattle Ken
nel Club opened yesterday under hap
py auspices. The show from present
indications, will be one of the most
successful ever held in tbe northwest.
The tbbroughbred canines on exhibi
tion number several hundred, and al
most every breed known to fanciers is
included in the list. Tbe entries come
from all parts of Washington, and
from California, Oregon , British Co
lumbia and other pans, The exhibi
tion will continue until the end of the
week. ,
Hindoo is Released
By Soripps News Association
Singapore April 13 The German
collier "Hindoo", which wis refused
clearance papers yesterday, was releas
ed today, and the veseel left port head
ing for Saigon.
No More Loans
81 Petersburg April 13 Official , de
nial is given to the report thai the
government is contemplating the issue
of another internal loan at present.
Idaho Wool Sales
Only one clip of wool oonsistiog of
about 25,000 pounds was sold at the
Mountainhome wool sates on Saturday
and thai was disposed of at 17 cents.
Eight lots were offered but all were
withdrawn but one lot, on account of
tne price. Tbe lowesl bid was 11 cents
Tuers wera a number of buyers pre
sentBoise News
Clesnse your system of all imparities
this month. Now is the time to take
Hollister't Rocky Mountain Tea It
will keep you well all summer. 35
oenta, lea or Tablets. , Newlin . Ding
A Plain Statement to Show What
the Osteopathic Method is and
why it Achieves Results",
The impression that Osteopathic
treatment is adapted only to the re
lief of spinal curvatures; paralysis,
rhaamatiam. and chronic nervous
diseases is one that has very naturally
been formed by many who nave made
no practical investigation of the sob
loot: for it is oases of this kind, In
which other methods have failed, that
have come to the Osteopath during the
long period in which he has ' been es
tablishing himself; and it is opon bis
success that his reputation has ' been
Bat tbe dsy when the practioo of the
Osteopath was limited to oases of this
nature is well nigh gone; and . every
where the publio are beginning to ap
preciate the fact that the science offers
the very best hope of relief and eure,
whatever may be tbe disease. .
- As an Illustration of this, it may be
noted tnat publio singers, fpeakers
and actors, whose work requires per
fect condition of tbe throat, and is a
severe strain upon it, nowadays resort
to Osteopathy when they have used
their vocal powers to eicess or in any
other way contracted thioat troubles.
Whether the afflctlon be slight or ser-
more, and do it more qolokly, safely,
and painlessly than any other proced
ure, ' . ,
In most throat affections there is
congestion a damming up, at tbe
point of attack, of the blood and other
body fluids that should be circulating
rapidly In normal circulation these
fluids are regularly purified and re
newed through the work of tbe various
organs, carry needed nourishment, and
take awsy with them, to the longs and
other excretory organs, the waste
matter. Such a damming np Is "in
flammation," end it develops various
ly Often there is a distinct anatomical
obstruction that has predisposed the
patient to the attack by leaving the
throat tissues 111 supplied or badly
drained ( and proper readjustment, re
storing good olroulatlon, brings relief
and cure.
Frequently, however, there . is no
such predisposing cause. The nerves
and tissues hava simply become irri
tated through excessive use, or from
other causes peoullar to . the case, re
sulting In a muscular condition which
Impedes - circulation.' Osteopathic
manipulation of the throat tissues,
freeing up the circulation of tbe blood
W HM waahwf - - -
and lymph in the oongested area, again
oooompliahes better results than any
other method
Many who are dependent upon their
voices take such treatment regularly,
not because they are suffering from
disease, bnt so that tbe throat may be
kept always In the best possible con
dition, making throat trouble unlike
ly to occur.
In this connection it should be ncted
that the Osteopath maintains that the
cutting of the tonsils is seldom Justin
able and that he can and does relieve
and cure such CkSes without any use of
the knife. The Right Way.
The Cornucopia
Baker City April 13 Ed Mills, a
prominent resident of Pine Valley, is
in town today attending to business
matters. He is largely interested in
Cornucopia mining properties, and
feels Ibsl muoh is to be done out that
way this summer to bring tbe great
values existing to attention of
capitalists who will develop on a large
Why suffer with spring tiredness,
mean, cross feeling, no strength, no
appetitef Hollieter's Rooky Mountain
Tea will make you well and keep yon
well 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. New
lin Drug Co
Feel tired, no appetite, cannot sleep
work or eat? Tbat'e spring tiredness
and will dls-appear at once If yon
take Hollister's Rooky ' Mountain
Tea this month. 35aenta, Tea or
Notice to Sheepmen
The Bureau of Animal Industry rev
quire all sheep, going into other states
to be turned on the range, to be dip
ped once under Federal supervision,
and twioe if they are infected with
scab. There will be no concession or
modifications of this order for tbe
present year.
Sheep shippers and owners should
plaoe themselves In a position to com
ply with these requirements before offer
log their sheep to the Railroad Com
pany for shipment. Please take par
ticular notice of the f:i Mut this
dipping must be under FcUo.m supr
vision, and provide against mis understanding.
For Sale
vi,mt riu, read Dotatoes. Carmen no
3 and Early Rose, one half mile east of
D Oldenburg.
XI , J S CHANDLER, Froltdale
FOR 8ALE Early Rose potatoes for
eale. Geo Parrot Island City. '
t. . Aoril3l7 '
FUR BALK Four room house practl
. oallr new and CO x 110 ft. lot, 0 si
between 7 and 8 at For particulars
apply on premises. - S-71
Good work team weight about 1200
also one good family i riving horse.
Apply to Barney Sparrow old towo.
April 4 14
FOR BALE One barn for ' isale cheap
Inquire of Mrs Zuber, corner of O
, and 7th sts.
For Rent
FOR 8ALE Toe .bouse Just east of
tbe Post Office, For particulars cal
at Selders candy factory or at this
offloe 4 10
FOR REM Twenty acres of young
orchard one and one ball mile from
La G-ande, Right person can se
cure the traot on easy terms K E
Holmes, La Grande. A 6 tf
FOR RENT Large, well furnished
rooms at 17 00 per month. Inquire
of Mrs A L 8tover,lat the Hilts
house, one block north of the round
bouse. "
FOR RENT Six room bouse with all
modern Improymeuts. Located cor
ner First and Main.
., .- HO Oilman
FOR KENT Furnished rooms. In
quire of Mrs Duryea at 1901 becond
i ttreet -
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, good
location. Inquire of Mrs. W J
Snodgrass, Fourth street, or phone
FOR RENT-Light housekeeping
rooms Mrs. Shearer, near Geddes
Bros, grocery store.
FOR RENT Five room house in good
location. Inquire of C Ralston at
Nebraska Cash store, tf
FOR RENT Small house four blocks
north of little brick school house
including an acre of ground and Ir
rigating water. 0 per month. In
quire of Ed Strlughain, phone 61x0
4 13
Board and Lodging by Mrs Good all
2114 3rd st. Phone 707 tf
WANTED Position as cook or first
class housekeeper in family, by , ex
perienced Japanese. Inquire at tbis
LOST One handsaw on April 6, be
tween Fourth street and the corner
j of Washington and Elm streets.
! Finder will please return same to
i me and obtain suitable reward.
j Boarding House
Mrs. Joseph Pollman, Cor. 6th and
Washington.' Board and rooms, or
board without rooms by the day, week
or month. . 6-8
Centennial hotel
r RATES tl per day meals 25cts.
Special rates furnished monthly pa'
trons. Mrs A E Muroheson and Miss
OM Gartn proprietors. No
Adams Ave. Phone No 1161
Agents Wanted
Men and women. Big money sell
ing Imperial lamp burner. 8ells on
sight 100 par cent profit. Exclusive
territory to hustlers. Sample by
mail 75o. Call or address.
E C Bergh, La Grande Ore
Mch-24 Aprll-24 Foley Hotel
Eee J H Chllds for septic sewers and
sewer pipe Leave orders at the La
Grande Marble Works. 5 7
Five Dollar Reward
STRAYED From the Arhuckle
place in La Grande, Ore. April 11,
1905, one bay marf, six years old,
- with brand on shou der and white
spot in forehead, wire soar on front
right ham, one white hind fool. Had
on a halter witb rope drat cine. Five
dollars reward for the return of the
mare to tbe Ar buckle plaoe In La
Grande, Mrs G W Heaps
Look out for Thos Stephenson witb
bis herd of cows this coming week 1
have In the neighborhood of 500 acres
for them to ran on and a nir urMm
of water running through the plaoe
' Rol walker has1 leased tbe G B shoe
shop and has engaged R 0 C ger to
aislst blm in the repair work. Ue will
put in a o implete stock of goods for
repair work and will guarantee satis
action. Remember he ia in the field
for all kinds of repair work and also
new work. Remember the old stand.
Tbe G B 6hoe 8bop. tf
.' . '
Dont forget that G U Powers the
Land man has any thing in Itbe shape
of Real Estate from an aore of Garden :
to a 2000 acre ranch. All property
sold on -commission and titles guaran
teed GH Powers
Minnesota Land Man
Mch 23 tf
High Art Painting
Persons desiring fine work in the
Noe of interior finishing, such as grain
ing to match the furniture, woodfllling
to match tbe walls, and all .. the flat
finishes or glosses, should call on or
address Sauford D Kinney, I431 Adams
Avenue, Corner Greenwood street, La
Grande, Oregon, tf
Notice To The Public
' T hvA purchased the cigar factory
ol Li ah Paul of La Grande and will
continue the business at 215 Depot
street, both wholesale and retail, aud
will collect all bills due said faotory
and pay all outstanding accounto. '
t cordially invite the publio to call
and sample my borne tnaJe and im
ported cigars of whioh 1 carry a full
line together witb tobaccos, confec
tionery and fruits in season.
. .. .. . Yours for business,
Jess B. Paul.
- March 31. 1905
Here is a Bargain
For You '
Eighty acres of laud In Malheur
oounty, witb good water right, good
house and outbuildings. Every food
of this place is In cultivation. Will
raise from 0 to 11 tons of alfalfa per
acre. The val te of this property may
oe estimated rrom tne tact tnat it rents
annually for 110 per aore and renter
pa) a the taxes. Ihis place can be
rented for, five years longer at' this
prioe. Here is an investment tlat
beats ten per oent. For sale on easy
Write to 0, T. McDANIEL
Outario. , .Oregon.
Cures Coughs and Colds
Mrs O Peterson 626 Lake St. Topeka
Kansas says: "Of all cough remedies
Ballard's Uorehound Hyrnp is m
favorite ; it has done and will do al
that is claimed for it to speedily cure
all coughs and colds -and it is so
sweet and pleasant to the taste" 25.
50c 11.00 bottle. Newlin Drug Co
R P Talt, the pioneer music teacher
of Grande Ronde Valley, Is atl'l in the
ring. Daring my vacation I made "it
my business as well as pleasure to at
tend concerts, operas, and In fact
everything in my line of business and
I iound that a teacher, and in
terpreter of music am still in the front
rank. Pupils who do not wish the full
conservatory course may take tbe pop.
ular piano course. This places the
pupil in position to plsy the popular
music of the day, Church aud Sunday
School mnsio.
The Violin popular course places the
pupil In position to play all kinds of
dance music as well as light overtures.
Quite a number of musicians who have
been under my instruction are now
making good money as teachers and
soloisu. Pupils who are under my
care will be thoroughly instructed in
m B P TA IT, teaohej ,
PROF. DAY, Principle.
...... MRS, DAYAniiUnt
ThU is one of musical In
slitutlons in the state Daring' the
year 1004 there were nearly Foui
thousand lee sons given. The people
in this city and valley are begin
iug to discover tbe si no
Of this school. The
the latest and most 'practical, and
memoes au toe latest diicoverle
in the art of teai-hinv mn.l. ok.
cbool is divided into two depart
ments; NO. 1 Is for bAfflnnar. Mm
0 years up. and taklns in tk. i. t
3rd grades, la this department
pupiM come one nonr . evry day.
In No, 2 the tirades are from' 3 tt,
13. MlarA rna rrwn.i ..... n
take one or two lessons a week at
they desire. No scholars will b
Dermitud in Mmain .
wto do not stady.
rnoe ei .00 per montn ror cows. A 3tf