t i. f i . 'i J! 1! Tbe attention of the general public is called to the Seattle Grocery Co. Yon are invited to call, not to see the company bet the goods. Yoa will find the prices reasonable, and that your order will be delivered promptly witb our own team. Oar stock is complete and contains all that should be found in a firBt clasp, up-to-date .grocery store Our cash customers will find that their money re- ceives special consideration. Credit customers ' receive fnll measure aud prompt delivery. Highest market prices paid for farm produce." Green" groceries always kept in season. Hay and Grain SEATTLE GROCERY CO. Masonic building, Adams Avenue ZUNDEL & LAWSON; Props. I Oregon Produce Go Phone 1761 U Graude.Oregon. g Corner Jefferson Avenue and Greenwood Streets. 9) House In Eastern Oregon. APPLES 25c PER BU8HELL Good No 2 apples at the packiug house. Call and see tbem, they are as good' as those offered by peddlers A.B.C. STEAM LAUNDRY : PHONE j 18S1 YOU Should come to our l aundry when in v . of anything from a pleasant ' . IN 2j Cj lJ Qjile to clean ,5ueQ WASHING is our business WE DO IT RIGHT : CITY 1BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. 0-0 Largest . Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THh PREFERENCE Hotel Sommer THE HOTEL glMMER uO., lm WE CATER TO COMMERCIAL - TRADE 1 , "... ROOMS WITH BATh HOSTEAM HEATI All Modern Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in Eastern Oregon,. AL. MORRIS, . Tree, and Manager. ; 1 4 Grande Evening Observer T tET BRO&, Editors A Pr ps IS THE END AT HAND? Entered at Um Post Office at Lk Urands, Oregon, as Beeond Class MaUUatUr. Published daily except Sunday One year in advance...... $6 50 Six months' in' advance: . . .3 50 Per month 4 . .65o Single copy. .............. .5c Wednesday. April 12, 1905. ' ADVEHTIB1NU BATES Display Ad mm farnUbed npoa application Local mdlDi notices lOe per Una tint - nter Uon, per Ho lor each abaequent laser. lion, ' ' ReaoluUooaof eoadotesee, sr line. Card! ot thank, be per line. - GOOD ADVICE" The following card sent out by a Detroit commercial club, is worth reading and pasting in your hat: .; "If there is J any. chance to boom business, boom it Don't pull a ' long ; face and look as though you bad a sour stomach. - - - - 4 1 .4 look for better things. Hide your little hammer and trjle speak well of others, atymatter how small you really know your self to be; When a stranger drops in, Jolly him. tell him this is the : greatest town on earth and it is. Don't diacour agy him by speaking ill of your neighbors. Lead him to believe that he has at last struck a place where white people live. Don't knock. Help yourself along by beceming popular and push your friends with you. It's dead easy'.. Be a good '.' fellow, and Boon you will bev. , jro cee sion oirotlbwers. No man ever, nelpea nimseir knocking other people down in character or business, No man ever got rich; by trying to make others believe he was the only man in town who knew anything. . Th imnnrtant news of vester day was tnat wnicnwia 01 iu sighting of the fleet of Admiral j Toga'ofT Mindianaa, the south-: ernmost island of the Philippine archipelago. The ' conflict " on which the prestige, if not the fate, of Russia so largely de pends can n6t, therefore," be long delayed." Incapacity may be charged against the Russian, but not cowardice. There may disaffection in the ranks of the marine forces of the empire, as there is in the land forces, but it is not of sufficient strength to prevent a fight or - to interfere with the movements of army nor of fleet. Whether there is or is not disaffection, tbe con flict between Rojestveneky and Togo is near at hand and is pregnant with the greatest re sults i 'I "Against ihe I bravery of the Japanese, their skill, their ex perience. and their -wonderful capacity at hitting the mark, the"1 Russians ' have - little else (haD bravery to offer. With Togo-victorious it would , seem to be the end. Otherwise, and with the Kaiser showing bis teeth, all guesses would be, in deed, nothing ,, but - guesswork and only more bloodshed a cei-taintly. Sheep men should not fail to take notice of the new ruling regarding shipping sheep out of the state. n. I Have $v You : Seen ; 'Em? : II y V'I'i1 T1:" if,, fi'i'm.S- Have you seen our new spring suits Coats extra long, wide collars aud - lapels, eliapely ; shoulders, wide trousers, with all the late kinks in the cut and tailoring? If you have not seen - them , you're missing something. The Swellest Suits of the Season are Here Single and double breated, in the new brown and gray mixtures, or in broken checks ar.d stripes. Our spring suit display will certainly be a feast ' for the man who wishes style and durability at a Our $15 suits aie particular favorites. - ASH BROS. I : OUTITITTBRS A'i A t A' A A A A A AA AA 4 A 4 4S i AAA 1 A ikif itthAXMttnii The business - mens 'meeting ast night w.as a good' one and much good will result therefrom Let the good work continue and et tbe : meeting ' next Tuesday evening be an equally good one. Treasurer's Call for City Warrants - Notloe ia hereby elven that tbere ars now taada bu Uaai to pay atl oat- Uodlna warrants issued on Ueneral Fond of La tirsnde Citv. up to and Including, No. 437'i endorsed April 14, IUW3. Interest on ail warrants on General Fond from No. 4187 to No. 4372 In- cliisire, oeaaea from this data. Tbere are also iunds in tne treasury to pay all warrants iaiued against Water Fond ot La Grande City, opto and Including' No. 616U endorsed Sept. 10, 1904; Interest on all warrants on Water tan J to no. biua inclusive. rea'es from date oi this can. La Grande, Oregon, April 7, 1006. ju j WAL.HH, uity rreaaarer. The citizens of this city are awakening to the fact that they most number their houses. In the past few days several hun dred houses ' have been orna mented with numbers. Let the good work continue. The Chicago & Alton railroad in its recent rules for employes has fotbidden its men to visit race tracks, dance halls or any resorts where liquor is sola or gambling permitted. Good ser vice, it holds, depent upon steady habits, and both help in sure publio safety. For the best and whitest bread use Jersey Cream Flour. MRS. H. W. LAUGHLIN, J Teacher of vocal and piano j MUSIO Graduate of Chicago Musical College a - Phone 1970 Brick furnished in any quanity or any style. No 'contract too small or too large. See samples of our pressed brick. .GEO. KREIGER. La Grande, Oregon. HENRY (St CARR rUNERlL DIRECTORS LICEtfJED EMBilLnERS Lady aspiBtaLt CallsJJanswered day and night, PhoueNo.121. J. C. Henry, residence 664 J. J. Carr, residence 386 La Grande Oregon : 1 LA GRANDE IRON WORKS Complete Machine Shops and Foundry 31 General Blacksmith Horse Shoeing and Wagon Work. Manufacturer ot Tne Fitzgerald liolier reeu Mia m m 1 D. r I T, Q t. Ft A L. LJ. I rROHH ietor m IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO ORDEK FRUIT TREES 2J tex eoxs or vnrot To our Customers - - . We are anxious to have-you all know that Vinol ia a new form of a very, old and valuable remedy. It ia a" Cod Liver Oil preparation, because it contains all the medicinal elements actually taken from fresh Cods' Livers, By a new 'process we are able to make it without oil or grease and give you a real Cod Liver Oil preparation as delicious to the taste as a fresh orange. Respectfully, , LA GRANDE DRUG CO. ; eeeai" "aeeeeeeete v FCLL MEASURE Chain wwmI by the Cord 128 cubic fiet to the cord. 16-inch' dry chain wood 13 peroord. This it cheaper than by the load. ;' You pay tor what you get and get what yoa pay for. . Pbone s7i H. W. NIBLEY I have a good stock of shade trees, shrubs and vines, also American Evergreens for fencing and wind breaks, $5 per hundred, $40 per thousand Weeping trees for cemeteries. Carnations three colors, 12 for $1. Double Daisies, large, three colors. Large flowering pansies, all colors, per doxen 50c. LA GRANDE NURSERY Box 637 Or leave order at Thorn's Grocerv Store. Keep Cool If jou have no other way call on the LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER CO. and secure an Rates and all prices will be explained at the office Electric Fan V m SWAU 4 M)aaas a aaaaaaeaee set )eeeteeeea(Li ,