La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 11, 1905, Image 5

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Real Estate
The following la a partial Uat of
propartr, which we have to offar for
ala on whioh there ara no balldinga,
b . Chaplin's Addition, to La
Grande, Oregon.
All of bljok No. 10.
Lot No. 1, block No. 4, U" atraet.
LotaNo. 3, 4, 5, k 6, block No 13 .
Lota No.' 1 to No. 11 la block' No. 47
Will aall ona or mora lota.
Lot No 4, blookNo.60.
Lota No 7 to No. 10 in blook No. 65
V ill sell ona or mora lota.
Lot No.54 8, block No. 67.
LoU No. 7 & 8 in block No. 69. :
LoU No. 1, 2, 3 fc 4, block No. 75.
All of bkck No. 76.
All of block No. 77, axoept lot No. fi.
All of blook No. 78.
All of blook No. 83.
Lota No. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 4 12, block No.
89. E
Lota No. 4, 5, 4 6 in block No. 98.
LoU No. 6 4 7, block No. 98.
Lota 10, 11, 12, 4 13. blook 104. ,
ah feci: 123.
Lota 13 4 14, In block 121.
Lota 1 to 16 inrlaaiTe, block 139.
LoU 8, b, 10, 11, U 4 1 in blook 154
LoU 14, 15, 16 4 17, block 164.
LoU 10, 11, U 4 13, in block 151.
In Romig's Addition
Grande, Oregon.
to La
Lot nj"
LoU 3 4 3 In block L
Lola 1, 2, 3, 5, i X 8. 9, 10, blook
2. ". " ..: " "
LoU 4 to 9 Indus! va, block 4.
LoU 4, 6 4 In block 6 "'.
Lou 4, 5, 6 47, block t. '
Xba west bait of block' 10.
LoU 10, 11 4 12, blook 10.
. Tha Waat half of loU 1, 2 4 3, block
ii. ' ' - - ..
Lota 4, 6 46, block 11.
Tha Weat half of blook 12.
Pleasant Home Addition to La
Grande, Oregon,
. Lota 1 to 8 inclaaiva, block 1.
LoU 14 2, block 2.
LoU 1, 7 4 8 In blook 6. .
LoU 2 to 10 io block 7.
Predmore's Addition
Grande, Oregon.
to La
Lou 1 to 13 Inclusive in block 24.
Home Investment Addition to La
Grande, Oregon.
A large number ol choice lots to se
lect from, each lot has a wafer right.'. '
Gangloff s Second Addition to
'La Grande, Oregon.
TbeBefoU ara large and have a mag
nificent view of the entire valley.
We would be pleased to show any of j
the above property to persona who de
aire to purchase unimproved lota with
tha idea of building thereon or we will
build a house (or you on any of tbe
loU named above, allowing yon to pay
for tbe same on inaUllmeDta.' " .
Call, on o and let as talk it oyer
with ion- "
Pure Bred Poultry
Parties desiring pure bred
poultry can ' secure eggs
from the following well
known breeds at $1 per
setting of fifteen Bar Ply
moth Rock, White Wyn
dott, 'Single Comb Browu
Leghorn, and Silver Laced
Wyddott '
Island CiU uregou
Full of Traeic Meaning
... t,o.. iinM from J II Simmons, of
Casey, Ia. Think what might baye re
hia turrihle OOUIih it be
bad not Ukan the medicine nbout
whioh ba writes: "I bad r fearfnl
ooaah, that diatnrbed my nleht'e rest.
I tried everything, bat nothing would
relieve it, antll i to k Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption,' Coughi
and Colda, wbloh completely oured
me." InsUntly relievee and per
manently enree all throat and lung
dlaeases; preventsgripand pneumonia.
At Nawlln Drug O.tamWJ
anued;60oandll. Trial bottle free.
, Farm Loans a Specialty
v Best equipped . abstracter
1 in Union county'. Many
' years experiences with
the Union county records
gives me a great advant
age. v It is folly "to pur
chase realastate without
first securing " a proper
abstract. An abstract
?y from toy office will 'show
the title just as it appears
on " the official record.
Room 31, Sommer Bdlg.
For aeak' Digestion
No medioine can' replace food bat
Chamberlain a - btomaoh end Liver
Tableta will help, you to dlgett yoor
rood. It U not toe quantity ot food
Ukan that givea strength and vigor to
and asalmilatad.' If troubled eith a
weak dleeation.- oon't fa'l to give these
TableU a trial ; Thoosanda have been
benefited by thalr. use. They only
eoat a quarter, for aaJa by Nawlln
Drug Co. " t.'' 0 . yi ...
'v.? Plans to Get Rich,, ..
a often frustrated by andden break
down, doe to dyspepsia or oonatlpation
oraoe up ana iaae ir. aiog-a iiew
Life Pilla. ' The? take oat the materiala
which are clogging your energiee. and
give you a new atari. Cure haadaohe
and diszlnssa too. , At Nawlln Drag
Co drag store; 25o guaranteed " -
ii;fhn Uiw 'H i" BrtJ K'V
funeral directors
The only Exclusive t
Undertaking Parlors ,
'in, La Grande.
Scientific Embalming
Licensed in Oregon and
Montana. Experienced
Lady Assistant !
Our office Is always open
. Phone 1751
Office in Lewis Building,
opposite Bomuier lloue
! 1
TJhe farmers and Uradei s Tjational SianJc.
Wish to call your attention to the following atatement of
the Fourteen years of its existence',' commencing '
Paid and Bbrplna
A $35,000 00
61,000 '00
62,000 00
V 63,000 00
64,000 00
.65,000 00
66,000 00
67,000 00
68,000 00
69,000 00
70.0C0 00
71,000 00
72,000 00
73,000 00
74,000 00
$74,000 00
Mar., 26,
National , banks. ar 9 j-equired to keep on band an 1 with reserve agents 15 per cent of
their Deposits from the above statement you will observe
40 per cent or nearly three times the required amount. ;
Exchange on all principle
and city warrants bougjit
Depositors and Customers
' President.
. Gaorca GetUa, an egai Garman,
yaatarday fell into a spring and 'waa
drowned before aaalaUnosraacbsd him.
Tba faoU In tha ease, aa the vara da
tailad to Corona r Baa rr, ara aa foliowa :
Tha Uattlsa own a. place on Bock Creek,
and alao ona in Froitdola; vsatardar
Kr. Qsttla and fa la aon vera at' tba
aaoontain ranon, and tba mother 'waa
at Uilgard Tbe'old gentlamaa waa at
tha haaaa and tba aon waa working
about tha plaoa. Tha old gantleman
Deeded tome water and Uktng a bnokat
ant to tba spring and la abma manaar
(all in. ' About tbrea o'clock tba aon
eama to tba spring (or a drink and waa
horrified to find bis father in tha water.
Ba draw tba body oat, and at onca
notified the neighbors, - nd . tha
mother. Tha ramalna were brought to
town lesterdav evening and plaoad la
charge ot Coroner Henry. After 11a
tanlng to tha facta, tha Coroner decid
ed that It would ' be annsct Baary to
bold an luqneet, and tha foneral will
fake plaoa tomorrow at Un o'clock
Irom tboGatholto church, Ray, Father
WhyU officiating. Tha daoaaaad waa
eaventy two raara of an and leaves a
Wife and aiz children '
! Indian Decision;
( Washington, April 1L The auprema
c oort today rendered an opinion that
when the United States allots land to
it I till an' an .. .
of eitlsenihlp, giving him the benefit
of and requiring him to be subject to
the laws of tha atate, both civil anp
criminal, that act places him ouUIde
of the reach ot the polios regulations on
tba part of congress , Tba decision waa
rendered in tba case of a Hansen who
was convicted of selling liquor' to a
Klckapoo Indian. Ha appealed to the
supreme court for writ of habeas cor
pus on tha ground that In becoming an
allottee the Indian beoame aoitlaen of
the United SUtea. This view U eas
Ulned by the supreme court, which
ordered the discharge of tha petitioner.
Large Cow
John Wllllamaon sold one of his
mUoh cows yesterday which will rank
in tha clasa of large oows, having tip
ped the beam on A V Olivers aoalas at
1310 pounds.' She waa aa pretty' as a
picture In a live stock catalogue and
waa sUted to be a 1 cross "with 1 tba
Jersy and Durham, but it la needless
to say that aha carried all the points
of the Durham.
Notice to the Public
On and after April 17th, Office hoora
at the Post Office will be aa follows:
f Money Order Window to open1 at ' 8
a. m. aad close at S p m.
General Delivery Window to open at
84 m and close at 6:30 p. m.
Registry Window to open 8 a, m. and
doae 5 p m. '
General Delivety and Registry Win
dows open Sunday from 0:80 to 10:30
-."i - ( .. ,. r. lur t i t ii
a. m.
Whyauffer with
mean, cross (eeling.
no atrenirth. no
appetiur , Hollinter's Rooky IdounUtn.QS walks tbat will be perfeot. But tbe
a cm win luataiu juu m amp
well 35 cents. Tea or Tableta
lin Drag Co, , ,
of jCa Sramt0 Oregon.
Loan and
$23,418 64.:.
85,878 41;
86,854 96
70,417 97
95,073 96
97,861 32
123,735 27 ; :
185,409 61
172,633 37
162,573 65
149,300 59"
192,587 27
187,779 69
172,371 46 :
$155,247 97
SURPLUS,. ... . , - ,
points bought and ao)d at lowest
at highesmarl et rjri
rices. .,
J. W. Scribes,
Accomplices.of Tracy.,
Balem Ore April 10 Harry Wright,
alias B O Mntehart, aad Cbarlea Monte,
alias W Venaette, ware yeaterdty lo
dlcUd by tfa ''aUta grand Jury apon
a cbaiga ot murder In the first degree
for tha killing of Frank Fen ell one of
the three prison guarda killed by Con
vict Tracy and Merrill during tba
outbreak of Jane 0 1908. Wright end
UonU are Implicated aa acoaaaorlaa
before tbe fact in amnggling the gooda
and ammunition Into tha penitentiary
with Vblch Tracy and Merrill effeoted
thairaacapa. ' Wright1 la 'serving' a
thtae-year sentence at the Walla Walla
prison for grand larceny and Monte Is
serving Six years In ti e' Oregon "sUto
prteon for barglary.i ' ' " v't
Governor Chamber lain will issue a
requisition; for the extradition of
Wright, whose term of senUnca eipirea
April 17.'
; Bright, Outlook
I Karl SUckland of the Cove ia In tha
oity today, and It'certainlv is an inspir
ation to talk to him. lie Uvea in (he
hope that this Is going to be tha'' ban'
ner vear few Grands Ronde valley -and
bin 1 reasons snbaUntlate bli olalms:
Being a large fruit prower? he Is natar
ally a cloae observer;' and he states that
thla year's apple tree planting,4 "which
he estimates at 40,000 trees will brlajf
Union County to the front and give na
the7repoUtion ot being fanaoos as the
spple prodoolng country in' the United
Slates, Why t becaoaa we ara olantlnr
thoae varitiea that grow to perfection
and always bring the best prices; '
In early fruiU Mr SUckland axpeoU
the best prices that have been enjoyed
for many years, because all ot the early
bruits ot the central , waat and aa far
eaat aa Ohio have been greatly damag
ed and we will be called apon to fill
the demand .
; He Is alto enthusiastic over our com.
ing apple crop and predict a that we
will have at leat 100 oar loads mora
to export than we did last aeaaon from
the faot that many new orchards will
greatly add to the volumn of the pro
duct and that tbe treea are all full.
Get In Line
, Now thst cement walk work is
started properl in this city It is to bs
hoped thai property owners will have
the work pushed, and get tbe walks
and autters on Adams Ave anil Depot
street in, before the rush of EasUrn
investors strike this section. Nothing
ad'da more to the looks of a city than
good walks 'and streets, or attraoks
people qutclter. An Observer man was
talking with Mr8oott, of Scott A
Kuhn, today, and tbe firm ia now of
fering lo pat in tbe walk, outb and
gutter for a 80 foot lot, for 1103 where
the fill does not amount to muchi
This is certainly a reasonable prios, in
view of the stringent specifications of
the ordinance, " which City surveyor
Seitztr ' says' must be lived up to in
every respect, or the walk will be con
demned. The specifications ' here ara
said to be the strongest in tbe country
D-1' lived np to absolutely, will give
people should harry the good work
along. . , ' f ; . ."'
condition of this bank for
: K ,(? ' '"-u ?; i
$15,672 77
44,450 33
71.954 36
Oaah and exchan
ge Avertable hv .
$11,184 48
19,603 68
19,625 8"
22,960 79
26,514 75
52,724 28,
43,403 09
77.430 05
, 42.797 84
44,351 90
48,252 66
53,305 94
$62,989 57
66,757 57
104,252 67
150,997 92
160,235 45
171,960 79
149,476 92
195,095 96
229J129 75
177,300 49
$150,234 07
we have available at
$60,000 00
current rats County
available for 1
J v"..T S
una to our
Q. E. McCytLY,
Asst. Cashier.
We have sometning new
for the Easter trader this
year. You ' cannot afford
not to call and see what we
have to offer. Easter novel,
'ties range In price thia
year from one cent upo See
jour window display, v
finest line of hand
made Candies ever shown
in la-GrandeWe" know
'our candy Ja good because
we makeit 6uevesJ,, ytu
know it it good when you
try it Call and4 make the
;tesLir? ir-wut
E. D.
Next door
to Post Office.
Fob Sale by
Adams Avenue
Tailored Turbans - Dress Hatsj
Cordays NTvYeWo&SL U ;
Ombre Ribbons Pretty lace Collars
V . "" k
Lax Gruude,
The Nurse
Will tell you that the success of a prescription de
pends on the, purity of . its; ingredience, There, , is
ai much variety in medicine as In 6'ther merchan
dise. In our prescription-filling "Qulity" is always
our filst conBidratpp'7,-,',':";
You can impliclty ti'ust your prescription to us
quality, accuracy and the' right price are the never
failing trio upoi? which' we' thtftk! aw1 have a right to
appeal for your p atrbna'ge; W )fs f.;
! a. nrr
- ,; : -.,' fj'liegiatlre
Phone, Farmers, Line, 68. '!'.
Pacific States 186 r "T ''
A si A
V T 1-,.. "Wi V
Old Jswelry made to look Ilka naw
Clooka taken ear of
Z. "N
That is the sort of groceries
' We" sell ' Our aim is to
'please''all of our customers
Ve "realize that in' ordet to
dO'thiS'we must sell only
. . . . i .- tJ . 1 ,1V
First Quality -Goods
- We also " know
that our
prices must be
right, and
that- our " service must be
-correct. VA child caii do
Hnnev traaing--ai . our Biore
ATtrial ordet over the tole-
Si Dhone will - convince , you.
Wev solicit' your patrbnage.
North Pir Street
". v .... t fT ::
LESS ,' ,"
and be convinced
Phone U0 1
Jetted Collars
tils' -
- Oregon
the Doctor
La Grande, Or.
Bring it to the store and
- we will give it the required
repairs'. If IVis pait fixing
we 'will tell 'you" so, and
stop the expense ' If we can
fix it we will do so at a
moderate oost. Watch re
pairing is, our specialty.
? -J. H. PEARE, 1