La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 10, 1905, Image 4

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I": ,,. '
i a ' m
; I
it e . .iftiirr-.i
j Lumber pnpps : '
! Boxes MiJlwork I
i i
'. 1.
" Everything you
""""""" .' T .' 1 U I I I' I ,
V ittosour;Qrdkrat;
O." R ALITOi!B.l'.'
g FaljUiierr(irr Stock"
si Oanred Goods.
urand- Rr nrte i-iirnhpr Pa
fande;pnde Lumber Go.
Special Sale
For , the next
fifteen daya I
will offer some
special' 'caab
pi ices ou iny
and , i larda. '
cured meata
I , have moved
into iae G.eddea,' building, and
am not 'prepared to carry a
large stock in: this , liue until
I am again in my own build-'
in, whiiianowbfipg pre
parewjtb, codiage faci
lities. 'As 1 'now" need- money
I will sell 5 lbs buckets of lard
for 55c, 10 lbs buckets for
11.10 cash.' For the present
J am located
just acroga
the street ' '
from my old
1 -.
55c .
6 lba Home
lard Cash
Phone 1601
8m J H Cbllda for wptlc aewera and
tin pipe l6 orders at lb La
Grands Marbls Worka. 5 7
FOR BENT Small hoot four blookt
nortb of lUUs brick school boats,
including an aora vf groqnd and Ir
rigating water, fd per month. In
qnlre of Ed Strlngham, phone 61x6
4-13 -t..,. .
A- i
Mrs. Joseph Pol I man, Cor. 6th and
Washington. ' Board and ' ' rooms, ' or
board without rooma br,tbs dJ, wsk
or month,
5 lbs . Home
lard , Oaah
. I
f . to- !"! .,.- J,.-,. ?
wantWtM that
Jefferson 8ta.t
Good School Shoe
1 ' especially
Notice To The Public
I have purohaaed . the cigar factory
of Leah Paul of La Grande and will
oontlnuethe basineas at JI5J Depot
itreel, both wholesale and retail, and
will collect all bills das laid factory
and pay all ontatanding accounts.
' I cordially invite the publio to eall
and sample 'my homa made and im
ported cigara of which 1 carry a full
line together with tobaccos, oonteo
eionery and fruits in aeaaon.
. Yours for bsiineis,
Jets B. Paul,
March 31.1905
Agents Wanted j
Men and women. Big money telN
Ing ImporitU lamp barner. Sells ou
eight 100 per oent proflt. fixoluslve
territory to hasilers. Sample by
mail 75c. Call or address.
K 0 ttergh, U Grande Ors
Mth-24 Aprll-24 Foley Hotel
Farm Sold
W R Hatohlnaon has disposed of his
farm known as the WUhelm olaoe In
Lower Cove, to George M Gray, The
arm contains 330 aores and sold for
Treasurer's Call, for $ty Warrants
Notloe le hereby given that there
are now funda on hand, to pay all oot
atanding warranta lasued on General
Knnd of La Grande Clt, up to and
including, No, 4J7U endorsed April li.
Interest on all warrants on General
Fund from No. 4187 to No. 437S In.
cluaite, onasea from this date.
There are also lands in the treasury
to bar all warrants totaed aitahtt
Watr Fond of La Grande Citv. no to
and including No. 6108 endorsed fttpt.
in, iw. .interest on ail warrants on
Water Koni to No. 6168 Inclusive,
reaSv irom date of this call.. La
Grande. Oregon, April 7, 1V05. ' "
K J WALSH, City Tieasarer.
Cement Walks
Contractors 8oott i Knbn hare com
pleted the cement walk ia front of the
grocery store of J O McKnnon, and
nnw bare thsir fores st work on the
walk being built by the La - Grande
Nat.onal Bank. They received scar
of " eemenf last week and another Is
now in transit. As the oounoil baa is
sued the order that all walka within
certain prescribed dietricte shall be
constructed before Angutt 1, it would
be the proper thing for those who pos
sibly ean, to commence Immediately
as this furnishes a market for labor
just at a season of the year when it Is
Our Census -
Atsessor J H Morton states that he
realizes the importance of the eeotas
to be taken by bis office this season
and proposes to be as aocurate as
possible, and will have
La Grande, Elgin , Uni
tbs ' pepsus of
Union snd Cove
taken by speoial enumerators aside
from tne deputies who srs taking the
property values. By this method the
regular deputies will i be relieved . ol
the speoial work required by the , cen
sus, and it atands to reaaon, that Mr
Morton la taking the method that will
give cause for the least possible num
ber of errors. .'
; A prominent oituen this ' morning
offered the suggestion that it might
be well for the city to furnish an , as
sistant deputy while the census ol
it be done as accurate as possible as
the resnlt ol this census governs . our
population for tbs next five years or
until the next government enumera
tion. 'We certainly do non want ' any
such a time as Baker City is now go
ing through. The assessor has com
plcted the wou thers and finds ' thst
Baker City does not contain" ss many
people as it did in 1900. Anyone
wuo nas Keep in toucn wun tne pro
gress that the city has made, knows
very well that such a condition is
hardly possible. '.
. By Scrlppa News Association
Boston Mass., April 10 "Neither
Lieutenant Grant nor any one else
ever htndoufled Jefferson Davis,"
ssid General Miles today in answer to
charges that Davis bad been mistreat
ed, while a prisoner in bis, charge.
"The oitly irons ever pot on J.fferson
Davis were light leg irons, put on by
a oifillian employee under orders and
instructions from ths War Depart
ment. They were put on while some
changes were being made In his
quarters, for tbe purpose of prevent
ing ths tragedy of Davis injuring
himself or any ol his guards," Gen
eral Miles farther stated.
The La Grande
Report of condition
Loans and Discounts .. $561,299 33
United States Bonds 25,000 00
Real Estate Furniture Fixt 17,000 00
Due from banks and U.S.tres 105,903 69
Cash on Hand 48,29 63
Total s . $757i495 65
, - George Palmer, President. F. L. Meyers, Cashier.
Geo. L Cleaver, Assistant Cashier. W. L, Brenholts, Assistant Cashier
J. M. Berry, A. B. Conley F, Jj Holmes ' F, M. Byrkit
With ample capital, large experience and unsurpassed facilities, we offer you" absolute
security for your deposits; and solicit your banking business, promising you courteous
treatment and every liberality consistent with conservative Banking.
LJa S stoJsC4 sUk i M JL Lf 1 k
Urt Eliza Otlt, widow of Joseph
Gale, one of the first provisional gov
ernors of Oregon, was laid to rest Mar.
1 at Weston cemetery. Bre wss to
years of sge and bad been ill but one
Since the death of ber illottriont
husband In Eagle Valley In 1871, Mrs
Gale has lived with ber daughter, Mrs
Edain Simpson, who, with ber bus
band moved to Wild Horse creek near
Athena in 1875. '
ttrt Qle was a pelos of th, famooj
WaLe JHr'alla hiei, PupiQrmox-mar,
and leavea bat two clildrea. Mrs Lu-
cretia Simpson with whom she resided
lot 33 years and Mrs Ella Page ot
Seattle. .
: Did Not Argue
(By Scrlpps News Assoclailon
. Columbus O. April 10 Attorney
Shay, for J Morgan Smith and wife,
notified Governor Herrich this morn
ing that be would sot appear today to
argue against the extradition warrant.
No otherdate was atked for and tbe
Governor announced tbe matter closed
in the incident . the warrant would
King ;Ce!ebrates ;;'
Copenhagen April 10 King Chris
fian ot lebrated his 87ib birtbdsy 8at-t?--v
iu Muviimt beaitn and spirits.
lie received numerous telegrams of
felicitation Irom sovereigns and other
beads of States, and. held a reception of
tbe diplomatists and others. Mr Swan
son the retiring . Amerioan minister,
conveyed to the King , President Booss
velM congratuJaUons, . and . dean,
the best wishes of the diplomatic corps.
The Stork Busy
New York. April 10 Sixteen thous
and babies were born in New York in
tbe last four months. Figures com
piled by ths bureau cf vital statistics
show tbst Fifth avenue bas tbe lowest
birtb rate of any street in the' oity
Less than 10 births, were reported In
the wealthiest section of that thor
oughfare. '
The heaviest birth rats Is on tbe
east side near Division street whare
the. conditions are tbs reverse ol those
on Fifth avenue, , . .
A benevolent and philanthropic
gentleman of La Grande bas purchas
ed , a new oj gan. tor the recently con
structed church at, Middle point He
gave it to the ohuroh organization as a
free will offering. Rev Johnson ex
pects it to arrive in a few days , as he
bas received notioe ol its shipment.
Wallowa News.
Cleanse vonr svstem of all imnnrltlea
thle month. Now Is the time to take
Hollieter's Rocky Mountain Tea It
win Keep yon well all summer. 36
cents, Tea or Tablets , : Newlln . Ding
,rnade to comptroller of currency, March ia, 1905
Capital Stock ..$100,000 00
Surplus :. 20,00000
Undivided orofits...
L Circulation ....:........ 2C.000 00
0LASsincD . Advertisements
For Sale
First class seed potatoes, Carmen no
3 snd Early Hose, one half mile eaat of
L Oldenburg.'
tf J 8 CHANDLER, .Pratt dale
FOR 8 ALE Early Boss potatoes for
Ceo Parrot Island City.
April 3 17
FOR BALE Four room house practi
cally new and 60 x 110 ft. lot, O st.
between 7 and 8 st. For partlcaUu-a
apply on premlsee. 8-7
Good work team weight about LlOO
also, ops good family . I riving borae.
Apply to .Barney Sparrow "old town.
For Rent
FOE KET Twenty acres of yoong
, orchard one and one halt mile from
! La G-aade,' r Right person can ae
oire the tract on easy terma H E
: Uolmea, La Grande. A 6 tf
FOB RENTf-rLarge, well farniahed
: rooma at 17 03 per month. Inquire
ol Mrs A L Stover, at tbe Hjltx
. house, one block north ol the round
FOR RENT Six room bouse with all
, modern im Dromnt. T ?c
; ner First and Main. ,
H C Oilman
FOR NT Farniahed rooms, ln
I quire of Mrs Dnryea at 1901 Second
i a tree t, " '
FOR RENT Famished rooms, good
location. Inquire of Mrs. W J
Snodgrass, Fourth street, or phone
. 3-6-3.
FOR RENT-r Light :. ' housekeeping
; rooms. Mrs. Shearer, near Geddes
I Bros, grocery store.
FOR RENT Five room bouse in good
J location, inquire of O Ralston at
i Nebraska I'ash store. tf
Board and Lodging by Mrs GoodaU
2114 Srd at. Phone 707 , . tf
WANl'ECh-Poaitlon aa cook or nrat
class bookkeeper in family, by ex.
, perienoed Japanese. Inquire at thU
; Rol Walker has leased the G B shoe
shop sod baa .engaged R C Coger to
aiaiat him in the repair work.. Ue will
put in a o tmplets stock ot goods for
repair work, and will guarantee satis
action.' Remember he is in the field
(or all kinds of repair work and also
new work. Remember the old stand.
Tbe G B Shoe 8bop. tf
Centennial l!oteI
. RATES fl per dsy meals 26cts.
Hpeclal rates furnished monthly pa
trons. Mrs A E Murcheson and Miss
O M Garni proprietors. No
Adams Ave. Phone No 1161
533,434 3a
$757i495 65
II 1 1 1 1 1
Dont forget that G H Powers tbe
Land man bas any thing In Itbe ' shape
ot Real Estate from an acre of Garden
to a 2000 acre ranch. AH . property
old on commission and titles guaran
teed ;
' GH Powers
Minnesota Land Man
Men 23 tf
High Art Painting
Persons desiring fine work In the
line ot interior finishing, such as grain
ing to matoh the furniture, woodfllling
to match tbe walla, and all the flat
finishes or glosses, should call on or
address Sanford D Kinney, L)31 Adams
Avenue, Corner Greenwood street. La
Grande, Oregon. ' ' tf
R P Tait, ths pioneer music teacher
of Grande Hondo Valley, is still in tbe
ring. During my vacation I made It .
my business aa well as pleasure to at
tend conoerts, operas, and in fact
everything In my line of bosineas . and
I found that a teacher, and in-.
terpreter of mualo am still in the front
rank. Pupils who do not wish tbe full
conservator iflum m -ir . p.
alar piaco oourse. This plaoea the
pupil in position to play the popular
music of the',day, Church and Sunday
School musio. .
The Violin popular oourse plaoea the
pupil In position to play all kinds ot
dance mosio as well aa light overtures.
Quite a number of musicians who have
been nnder my instruction art ' now
making aa teachers and
soloists. : Pupils who are under my
cars will be, thoroughly Instructed in
m. - BP TAIT, teaohe.1
Don't Borrow Trouble
It Is a bad habit to borrow anything
but tbe worse thing you can posstuiy
borrow, Is trouble. When sick, ore,
heavy, weary and worn-out by the
pains and poisons of dyspepsia, bilious
ness, Bright'a disease, and similar in.
ternal disorders, don't sit down and
brood over your symptoms) bnt fly for
relief to Eleytrio Bitters. Here yoa
will find sure and permanent forget
fullness ot all your troubles, aud your
body will not be burdened by a load o
debt disease At Newlin Drug Co drug
atore. Price 50o. Guaranteed.
PROF. DAY, Principle. '
This is oneot the.best3mueicalJTn
stitutlons tn the stats. Daring the
year. 190ft thers were nearly Four
thousand lessons given. Ths people
in .this city and valley are bsgin
ing to discover tbe great advantage
ot tfala school. The.syitem used la
the lateat and moat practical, and
inoludea all the latest discoveries
in the art ot teaching moslo. The
school ia divided into two depart
ments; No. 1 la for beginners, from
5 years up, and taking In the 1st to
3rd grades. In this department
yapils oome one hoar evsry day.
In No, 3 tbe grades are from 3 to
IS. SHers they graduate. Pupils
take one or two lessons a wsek aa
they desira. - No scholars will be
permitted to remain in tola school
wto do not study.
There are many kinds of meat.
out we sen opiy tne beat kind. A
trial order willcouvinca vmi nr
the trath of this statement We
kill only the best specimens and
kill it correctly.
Oar prices are aa low
consisiaot with the best quality.
Bock & Thomas
Rocky Mountain Tea Nucgets
A Buy Mtdiobt for Bn.y'Peopl,
Brings Oolden EaalUi sad EMd Vigor
UiHj.urr Dni'o Compuct, MiuliHi, Win. 1
mm mi
X- .1
i . .1.
.. v,