TODAY'S NEWS TODAY mm Tonight and Tomorrow fair mm VOLUME IV LA GRANDE UNION COUNTY. OREGON MONDAY. APRIL 10. 1905 NUMBER 133 mm NAVAL BATTLE RUMORS .v ( By 8orlppaNsws Association) Lbndun, April 10. A dispatoh to Lloyd's from Singapore says that tbe steamer "Gregory Abcst'" had jmt ar rived there, and reports that they pabed the Rutaian fleet rt 1 a. m. to day, anchored twenty milea northeast of JUanki, one of tbe Anomba Islands. There la no confirmation of the report 10 Keutere tuat Admiral Kojeatvenaky was not with the squadron. MOKE VESSEL8 SKiHTEO ' Batavia, Island of Java. April 10 A Komian eqaardon hit been sighted near tyuntoksl, la exported to- arrive here today. Nothing hat been seen hereof. the Japanese - squadron The Dutch East Indiea aqaadron la now at Tujo , I aland, near Singapore. IN CLOSES PKOXIMlTlf By Scrlpps News Association Singapore, April 10 The Jtritiah ateamer-"Radnorshlre," which arriv ed today, report that they sighted the Russian lialjla, aqaadron, at one forty five yesterday 'afternoon, five milea from Pulodamar, one of the Anamba groupe of islands lying fart he rest aontheaat, and prootsding toward Polumenti. Radnorshire also aaw four war ahips, apparently Japanese, off Cape 8t James, Frenob Coohtn China, on April 7th. The Anamba islands are in the China Sea, -about one hun dred and fifty miles northeast of Sing a pore t NOT RUSSIAN VESSELS Batavia, Apiil 10 The fleet sighted ( ff Muntok proved to be a Dotcb squadron wbioh left it former anch orage under secret orders and is now steaming north . ' . " - t RdMOR OF NAVAL BATTLE , Hongt Kong China April lOIt la reported here that two sections, of rival I leets clashed near Singapore thts morning, and that Admiral Togo lost five vessels The ramor orginated in a dispatch wbioh waa reseived by the Russian Consul, The Hong Kt:ig pilots, who have gone to navigato the Ruesian Vessels throngh tbe eliuits have been offered hgh pay. ' onur. Cgy 7s 1 i mm n Vm W s. SPECIAL OFFERING IN MEN'S SUITS $6 CA For regular H neat, invisible $7 CA - For regular $10 values, ill wool suits, good eOU weight, neat invisible stripe patterns, in all Sizes Boys' Knee Pants, Special - Sim PREPARES FOR INAUGURATION v (By Hcrlppe Newa Association) .; (Jhioago, April 10. Judge Edward P .bonneT cleared hla docket thta morning, "preparatory to hla Inaugura tion aa mayor of Chicago tonight. The mayor, when Installed, will have a bare majority of tur alder me a to anpport him In hla plana for the muni cipal ownership of the street railways, bat it la believed that this number la sufficient to enable him to pass any reasonable measure . broking In that direction. The attitude' of the council is favorable' toward allowing Mayor Dunne io make a fair test of tbe public ownert hip of the traction lines. To Enforce Neutrality By Soripps'Newa Association ' ; Manilla April 10 Tbe orueier Baleigb, torpedo boat destroyers Barry and Cbauncy, and the supply ship General Alvada have been dispatched to p-trol tbe west toast of Palawan island and enloroe neutrality In case of a naval fight off the Philippines Three other destroyers .are preparing to sail. Sues for Millions .. New York, April 10 Mrs. E Raw lea Reader, the diplomat whose connection wl'h Han Dominican affairs became known recently, Is about to bring soil for $6,000,0 K) against James B Hoggin and a number of Wall street firms who were identified with tbe Daggin mine syndicate. Mrs. Reader claims that the money la due ber and her hue! and from tbe sale of copper mines to the syndicate Some of the pro perl Us she ctaima her husband owned, while others were simply held by option. Alaskan Court ' (By Scrlpps News Association) Fairbanks Alaska April 10-The Spring term of the Diatriot court open ed today In order to consider a small number of civil and criminal caeea. It haa been decided not te call a grand jury to investigate the misconduct or ofljoials until tbe opening up of navi gation. Tbe spring clean up here amounts to fully four million dollars and may reach filve million. MAMMOTH SHOE FOR FO U R DAYS Commencing Wednesday morning we will jl(ce our ENTIRE STOCK OF SHOES on sale at ipeciaHy reduced prices. This does not mean at few pair of odds and ends, but embraces our en tire stock of shoes without any exception, IncMently let us men tion tbe fact that our shoes made by the Peters shoe company received the highest award at the St. Louis exposition. " ' ; : ' '-;..r Rm?mber every pair of ihoes in; the Hcuseat Reduced Prices for Four Days, Commencing Wednesday Morning. V V values in good heavy weight, plaid patterns 25c Jtw! m CHICAGO STRIKE MOTS a I By Sorlpps New Aaroolatlon . Chloago April lO-.Tbe atUmpta this morning to move freight -from the houses of Montgomery Ward A Co to tbe railway booses was marked with' renewed rioting, Tbe onion teamsters defied tbe blg eeoorta of polloe, and blocked the path of the wagons at very ooroer,- Clubs were used by the polios to clear passages, and the defiant teamsters were thrown Into the patrol wagons. Mlaelea were toor'? tbe non-nnton drivers, . in some, eases inflicting sever injuries. A thousand express drivers may join the strikers at any moment. The employers As sociation threatens to obtain petit- Ion for Injunction, In oase the express drivers strike, on the sroundi that 1 interferes wtih inlerstatetrafflo. FPFTOff T HANDLER'S STRIKE . Chioago April .10 Five hundred Illinois Cenlral freight handlers went out on a atrika this afternoon, ,. in sympathy with the teamsters. Riot ing continues down town in the street and many am sis Isvs been made. Death List 10,000 (By Scrlpps News Association) Lahore, April 10 It is estimated that the death list, as a resuli of the recent earthquake, will reach ten thousand A. dispatch from Simla says that a voloano is in eruption in tbe bills of fiaahabr State. Injunction Affirmed (8peouUto the Observer) Chicago, Apt II 10 The mandate of the Supreme 'ourtof the United States, efflrmlngV the Injunction of Judge Groascnp against ths packers, was plans 1 on file her today for : the first time. This aotion of Assistant Attornoy Pagin Is taken- to Indicate that it la the intention of the. Govern nent to augment any action of the Grand Jury againat the packers by citing offenders tor contempt of court Su SALfc BAD THING FOR WEARY WILLIES New York April 10-Tcst a man n.av never be tired again If he baa the price of fatigue antitoxin, la the deduction of a German scientist. But more re markable perhaps 1 the fact that a number of the foremost medical men f New York agree that the annlhlla- llatlon of fatigue by serum baa an attnal basis I scientific truth. : In the Muenchener Medioinieohe Wocberblatte, a reooguised medical journal, De Wolfgang Weiohardt de- aciibea hla eiDerln.anta In eraatlna an antitoxlne to the poison of fatigue or exhaustion. ' II drew a guinea pig by a atring across a rough earpet until It gavs up resistance and became totally iUWIIHHi tin IUB, H1IMU, WM I obtained from the exhausted, animal and Inoculated into others. It waa in j acted ; Into a human subject with a very perceptible gain In his- strength. Rider Haggard Talks Amity Colo. April 10 H U der Haggard, who is here as an enfoy of tbe British governmenteonducting an inspection ol tbV8ltatioo Army col oniea in Amrica said today: "I see not hingbut revolution and ruin in tbiafoountry' if you do not curb your gigantio trusts'.' Prioes have been levited to the prohibitive point for all exoept tbe eery richest, which will cause trouble unless a remedy is quick ly and thoroughly applied . "Why, the bacon we eat in Amity, eosts mors in Colorado wbere it ia made than it do s in, England. ; II believe the ooIonliatloiLol city people on large traota of land will solve the problem of high prioes. "The pot r people who live in your big cities and those in Colorado get what we consider in England a good wage, but the cost of living is so bigh here that they have no conveniences, comfort or money. The poorer class. ss of people in England do not make as much money as in this country, but they live better," John D. Offers More i By Scrlpps News Asaooiation , Boston, April 10 It was announced at the headquarters of the American Baptlat Missionary Union that John D Rockefeller bad off a ed the board aecond one hundred thousand dollars, the same to bs used for mission build Ings in foreign countries. Attempt to Kill Uy Scrlpps News Association J St. Petersburg, April 10. Nine shots were fired at tbe Governor of tbe prison at Llbau last night. . The Governor was not hurt in any manner, and the assailants escaped oapturs. Extradition Granted riorippa News Association Cincinnati!, O , April 10. The ei tradition of J Morgan 8ml th and wife was granted this afternoon The two prisoners wilt leave for New York to night In ovstody of officers. , : No Trace of Murderer . By 8crippsNews Association San Francisco April 10 Delecln laft tbia morning for Eureka, Califor nia, for which point it ia believed that the murdsrsr, Pietro. Tortuiori, who killed and mutilated Biaggio Vilardr sailed Friday, The mufderer baa a sur, ana, ii he went to . eureka, can easily elude pursuit by taking to the great forests of oorthern California. THEORY EXPLODED !: (Later) This afternoon the theory of the murderer fleeing to Eureka was exploded, when It was discovered by the police that tbe myaterioos Itallana who bad taken paasags for the Eoreka were two Inoffensive citltens of- this city. . Makes Assignment (By Scrlpps News Association ) Brockton Mass. April .10 The shoo firm of E R Grover and Company at whose fact ry tbe disastrous explosion oooured on March 20th resulting In a loss of fifty sight lives, and a quarter of a million dollars damage to proper ty, - voluntarily assigned today for tbe benefit of their creditors BEGINS WORK ON OIL . By Scrlpps News Association Toprka Kan April 10 Commie- sioner of Corporations, Gi fluid, who -raided here at midnight with three assistants to commence te Investi gation of the Standard O.l Co. in Kansas, rays that be will , make Topeka headquarters for three days, and will then go to Texas, Oklahoma Colorado, and California oil fields. It is said that the hearing ; will not be public Commissioner Garfield eecka to secure every avaiUble fact regard tng the oil Industry, not only . in Kansas, but over the whole, country. The Commissioner spent part of the morning in oouferenoe with Governor Uoch. Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen Jr spent Sunday at Telooaeet, the gueets of Mr. II An sen's parent a - Come and See Ten Days Millinery sill Now THE RAINBOW STORE ATTEND Auction At 2:30 and 7:30 Daily, , . - Four Prizes Given away at Each Sale ' Goods at Auction Diamonds Watches, ; oeais xc H. W.: A. L LOWENSTEIN. PRESIDENT AFTER WOLVES Scrlpps Nsws Association Lawton, O T. April 10. A cowboy from Pasture Riser brings the repoit that a wind atorm last night wrecked some of the tents of the-President's oamp, but did no damage If the program waa carried out, the - Preei dect arose early this morning, and, led by John Abernatby and several swift trailers, started on the first of five days of daily wolf chas s. The bunt ing grounds are big tracts some die' tanceoutof Frederick on the Com roanobe and Kiowa reservationa. Trials Set For June . Uy Scrlpps News Association ' neieus apnt iv federal Judge ' Hunt today eet for trial, on June 6th. the easel againat B M Cobban and fifty three others, indicted for perjury and subornation of perjury in conneo- tion with land frauds. It Is alleged that Cobban induced the ind'oted per one to take op landa and turn ; them ' over to bim for Senator Clark, and be transferred them to the latter. ' The , Government has sued Sens tor Clark to recover the landt. the Spring Styles HEWITTS Prices .-between Sales CutOlass'anid Silverware HEVVte; TTsornrtli TXnil.linnf -"bt . On Sale , . , Aaams Ave. ana . Auctioneer Fir Street w . : ilown Vilca ifVsu, -r 10.' for leaow " . eteed ew- .atrfsr.rv-iii-r TrT' ' - f' aws,a'f.' '-," '('....