Real Estate Barg ains Tip following la a partial list of property, which we have to offer, for ' aale on which there art no balldinga, ln Chaplin'i Addition, Grande, Oregon. to U AllofblJOkNo 10. Lot No. 1, block No. 4, Mi" street. JiOUNo. 3, 4, 6, k , block No 13. LoU No. 1 to No. 11 la block No. 47 Will aell one or mora lota. Lot No 4, block No. 80. ' .LoU No 7 to No. 10 In block No. 55 Will aell ona or mora lota. ; LoU No. 5 k 6, block No. 67. Lota No. 7 & 8 In block" No. 69. Lota No. i, 2, 3 k 4, block No. 75. All o( bltek No. 76. ; r All oi block No. TJ.exoept lot No. 6. AU of block No. 79. All of blook No. 83. w - Lota No. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 4 12, block No. 89. t uTB - , , Lota No. 4, 6, k 6 In blook' No. 96. LoU No. 6 4 7, block No. 98. '. Lota 10, 11, 13, k 13, block' 104." All of block 120. Lou 13 & 14,' In block 121. : . Lots l to 18 lncloaire,' block 139. Lota 8, b, 10, 11, It 1 i M 154 Lota 14, 15, 16 k 17, block 164. Lou 10, 11, 13 & 13, In block 151. In RomigV Addition t Grande, Oregon! to La Lot "O" Lota 1 k 3 in block L LoU 1, 2, 3, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, k 10, 2. .." .... - . Lota 4 to 9 Inclusive, block 4. LoU 4, 54 6 in block 6. Lota, 5,647, blocks. lha west half of block 10. LoU 10, 11 4 12, blook 10. The West half of lota 1, J A 3, it. : Lota 4, 6 46, block 11. Tha West half of blook 12. blook block Pleasant Home Addition Grande, Oregon, to La LoU 1 to 8 inclusive, block 1. LoU 14 2, block 2. LoU 1, 7 8 in blook 0. Lota 2 to 10 io block 7. Predmore's Addition to La Grande, Oregon. LoU 1 to 13 Inolu'sl va In block 24. ' Home Investment Addition to Grande, Oregon. A large number ol choice lota to, ae loot from, each lot baa a water right. Gangiotfs Second Addition toj La Grande, Oregon. r Theeeyou' are large and have'a mag-1 uiflcent via w of, the entire" f alley. . We woold be pleaaed to enow any ol the above pioperty to person Who de sire to porcbaee unlroprovedJpU with theldeaof building Ibereon or we will build a hones forjOn to any of the loU oarned above, allowing you to pay " for tba same on lnstallmenle'. ' . Call on us and let a Ulk it over with you. LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. Pure Bred Poultry.... Parties desiring , pure bred poultry cab' secure eggs trom the following well known breeds at $1 per setting of ttfteen ' Bar Ply footli Rock, Wbite Wyn dott, Single Comb Brown Leghorn, and Silver Lsced Wvddof. " - EIL-I BAIR- Island CiU t iregou , " Full of Tfaic Meaning are these lines from J H Blromont, of tiwey, la. Tbink.what might have re aulted from hia terrible coughs - he had not Uken the medicine .bout which be writes: "1 had a fearful i oougb, tbatdlstnrbed my nlaht'e rest. I tried everything lint nothing , ould relieve It, nntU 1 te A Dr. King' Nrw Discovery for .Consumption, Coughs ind ColW which completely oured me." InsUntly relieve and per-r Sanentlyoure.7.!! .throat i and lung diaeasee; prevents gnp and puaumonla. At Hewlld Drug Oo.(fWBMl anteed; 50o and tl. Tnl bottle free J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty r Bast equipped abstracter ' in Union county. Many years experiences with, the Union county records ' gives toe agreat adyanU' age. It is folly to pur-' chase realest&te without' first securing a proper abstract An abstract from my office will sliciw the title just as it appears " on the official record.4 J. R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREO jN Room 31, 8ommer Bdlg. Public Sale I will aall at pablio anctlon at my place, two miles eoat of Mt Emily, Monday April 10, 'all my farming implement, household gooda. watmna. live atock, poaltry, bacon, lard, floor, chopped barley and everything on tha place. Everything baa to go at thia sale , ' Terms of sale : Soma of $15 00 or leas, rash; on inma over $15.00, six montha time will be given on approved notea at 8 par cent, or 6 per cent redaction for caab on soma over $16.00. The chopped barley 'will be" sold for caab only. H BU0KER8 March 9 HTM UNDERTAKERS , FUNERAL DIRECTORS The only Exclusive Undertaking Parlors in La Grande. Scientific Embalming Licensed in Oregon and Montana: : Experienced " Lady Assistant Our office Is always open IS Phone mi i Office in Lewis'Buildingy . wit - opposite somuier uouse. Hn jJIi tumi .in I mi? iiniii'uHMiiii iiiii 1I0GAN Vhe farmers and Tjfada s ffdtwrial S2ank' ' ' ' .'k of JCa Srand Ottgoti? i-', Wish to call your attention to the following statement of condition of this ' bank for the Fourteen years of its' existence, commencing V ' -. (pital i : - ' -Paid and Surplus $35,000 00 61,000 00 62,000 00 ; 63,000 00 64,000 00 65,000 00 . 66,000 00 : 67,000 00 68,000 00 69,000.00: 70,006 00 71,000 00 72,000 00 . 73,000 00' 74,000 00 $74,000 00 Jan!' 92 93 '94 ' T95 '86 '97 ' 98 '99 1900 , 01 02 03 ( '04v 05 u II Mar., 267 05 Naiionat hanVe Vfe required' to keep on haWd'anjVittfreserve'agenle 16 per cent-. ! their Deposits from the 40 per ceot or nearly three times the required amount. CAPITAL OF THIS; BANK, . SURPLUS . :.. Excbance ou all principle and city warrants bought Depositors and Customers. Joseph Palmbb, PresidenL MONTGOMERY. WARD STRIKE tBy Bcrlppa News Xaootlation j Chicago April 7 Ooa hundred team Ura of the mall ordar houaa ol Mont gomery Ward k Co , wee ordered to atrika, yesterday, la tba interests of tba striking garment maker. Oregon Land Fraud' Portland, iprli7Charlaa W Ebeflla land agent of the Southern Peclflc company, waa1 the prinotpel 'witneaa yesterday before the federal grand Jury, whlob U Investigating tbe land fraud cases la thia state. It la aaid that Eberlin'a testimony "' will prove aa important factor in establishing a con- piraor to secure large areas of timber ed lands ' In tbe southern part of Oregon. This testimony, it Is learned on good authority, corroborated by the records of tbe Southern Paclflo com pany, established tha fact that almul Uneonaly with the remrlog of a large amount of railroad land which com prised the odd Bomb red sections, large aectlons of government land, which comprised the even numbered eretiona ol toe aama district were located upon Tba government, it ia learned, will attempt to proie that thia slmulta aeooa acquiring of tbe even and odd sections was more than a coincidence, and that it waa dona for the purpose of exploitation In tha IntereaU ol a large southern Onwmn lnmK i George II Kelly, aecroUry of tbe Uootk-Kelly Lumbering company, the largest lumbering concern. In southern Oregon, waa also called aa a witneaa today by the grand jury. Ue bad been Instructed to bring with him the books of the corporation. - ' Fatal Accident Colfax.' Wash.. April, 7 By tha collapse of a sidewalk on the1, footpath on tha bridge over the Palouae river, late last night, a acore of young men and woman were precipitated into the shallow stream below. Miss Mary Onatot of Asotin was stunned by atrlk log a beam and drowned. Her body waa not found until an hour after the aocldont Moat of tba vlctima were from Pullman,' having come to Colfax with tie Pullman dlee club, which bad given a oonoert In tbe theater here. ' ' Flour to Georgia The Spokesman Review, of the 6th Inst, report that the mills oa Athena, Umatilla county, Oregon have shipped, thia. season, 25,000 barrels of floor to AtlanU Ga. The last order from thai place for 1,000 barrels was filled a few day ago. For a Vveak Digestion No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain a fcltomaoh and . Liver TableU will help you to digest your food. It Is not the Quantity of food Uken that glvea strength and vigor to the system, but the amount digested and assimilated. If troubled aitn a TableU 5 trial ' Thousands have; been benefited br their use. They only coat a quarter, for sale by Newlin Drug Co. , , . ; ;-. . Loan and $23,418 64 1 85.878 41 86,354 96 70,417 97 84,917 15 95,073 96 97,861,32 123,7827 185,409 61 172.633 37 162.573 65: 149,300 59 192,687 27 187,779. 69. 172,371 46f $155.247 97 above statement yod will obsejrve points bought and sold at lowest current at highUd market prices.'. Funds ; , 2. W. Scriber,- t' : Cashier. KING MEETS HIS QUEEN Mareefhaa, April 7.-King, dwar arrived thia morning and waa warmly welcomed" by ti e pre'eot and the British consul. . The King immediate ly boarded the royal yacht Victoria and Albert, where Queen Alexandria and other members of tbe family awaited him on deck.1 It la not bellev ' ed that the vessel will leave tods, owing to the bad weather. ' ' ' ' - Attendintt Conference President F H premweil, Blanop an.! Mrs. U B Stoddard and E Z Carbine are in attendaace at the general Mor( mon eonferenoe now In aeaaton at Bait Lake. Yesterday was a treat day, aa Joseph Smith ' organised the ebarch April ft, 1830, with sit associates. To day tbe ohorch la between 100,000 and 600,000 iirong FiveO'dockfea . . t . 1 , - .i " Mlaa Madge Thomasoa entertained a few of her young lady ft lends last even log a five o'clock tea? The occasion of the tea waa tha anniversary of bar birth All present bad a most enjoy able time and left bidding the young lady many, happy returne of the day. Miss Madge waa presented wllh.many beautiful preae&ta "which, will alwaya be treasured a dtiightful reminders of the occasion. . School District Bond Election ' ' Notice'' . -T.i Notloe la hereby given' that at 'a school meeting of School Diatrlot No. One of Union County,7 Oregon, to be held at tbe Ulsh : Sobool Boildina la said dlatiiut oH the 29th day of April. 1005, there will be aubmitted to the legal votera of aaid district the qusi tlon of contracting a bonded debt of Twelve 'lhousand dollars fcr the pur pose of purchasing a tract of ground to be situated North of the O R k N Railroad Company's right of way, and for tba ereotion of a school . building thereon, and for tbe purchase of tha necessary school furniture for the fur nishing of said building and for the purpose of heating tha aaid ' building, tbe Vote to be by ballot, upon which shall be tha worda Bonds res" and the words "Bonds-No." Polls to be opened at 1 o'clock p m and remain open until 4 o'clock p m. ; By Order of the Board uf Directors of School District No One of Union County, Oregon . - Dated this 6th day of April A. D. 1005. .:. AO WILLIAMS,. . Clerk of 8ohool District No One ' of Union County, Oregon. n w HlHuCM Chairman of Pistriot School Boar of School District No. One of Union County, Oregon, A wonderful spring tonic ' Drlvos out all winter impurities, givra you strength, health and happuiesa. That 'a what Uollistar'a Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 36 cents, Tea or Tablets, Feel tired, no appetite, cannot sleep l dls-appear at once If you take Hollister's Kooxy ibounuin Tea thia month. Tablete.' i 1 35aents, Tea or Dt-spoviU ". ' $15,672 77;' 44,450 33 - : 71,954 30 -30,632 4:1 45,792 55 66,767 67 : 104.252 67 Cask and exehan-" ge Available $11,184 43 ' 19, 03 68 ,v 37,861 88' 19,625 98 22,960 79 26,514 75. 52,724 28 80,009 65 43,403 09 77.430 95' 42.797 84 44,351 00 ; 48,252 66. 81,94$ 47 ' 63.305 94 $62.989 57 150,997 92 160,235 45 171,960 79 151,781 66 149,476 92 195,095 96 j 229,129 75 177.890 49 $150,234 07 we have available at once , $60,000 00 14.000 00 ralrs. County availaSle for 1 ana to our G. E. McCollv, ; Arst. CaBhier. i ' H M EASTER CANDY I We have omethjng new for tbe Easier '. trade this year. You cannot afford not lo call and 'see what we' have to offer. Easter novel tiea range io price lait year from one cent up.' See our window display. The finest line of hand' made : Candies ever shown in l a Grande. We Jtnow our"( cah'dy la;good7 because we make it our selves, you know it is good ' when you try i, Call and make the tC8t. r- d. selder; Next door to Post Office. rmrmr mn n I iiwi.l muKii.inii mmi HENRY. FUlI5imL DIRECTORS Lady aasistaLt OaUsanswered day and nighl, Phone JHfnry. reaicletice:664 J. J. Oarr. residence 883 L-ii: - ThJe NtirSe5 Will tell yon that theuccess of , a ' preppription de- pends on the parity1 of Aw ingreaience There is as' much variety in medicine as .in other merchan dise. In our prescription-fillings ; iidlity is always our first consideration, i i v j ;i v:i i i You can implicity trust your prescription to us quality, accuracy and the right price -a,re the never v, failing Xrio npbn which we Ihiiik we have a right to' appeal for your patronage. , Registered . Phone, Farmers Line, 58 ., Pacific States 1381 Old Jewelry made to look like new Clocks taken care ct m 'fk: I and Pi Genera I ' r -!-. TPYTIM 1 and Wor i Work i - Manufacturer ot TlRttgeati, Roli Fed Mill . X a , aaw' .'aw' S7A . a- ,... s, f ,:e ? !TIiZ'50RT . f Mr WILL PLE1S E 3 That is the sort of groceries "we sell Our aim is to please all of our customers We reali re that iu ordet to do this we must sell only First Quality Good i We also . know that our rpricei must be right, and that pur service must be correct. A' child can do the trading at our store A trial order oyer the tele-; pboae ;will convince jou. We solicit your patronage. ev v ts ' " j . -- w .' QEDD'EJ'BKf Norlh Fir Street i S ! St RR Li No. C21. v La Grande Orezon and the? Doctor Pharmacist. La Grande, Or. 1 . 1 --i. ,1 WENNQi 'JUlT flAT 1 kirrrirr"llin 1st I All) 1 13 weeucu, nu rniu w v just; HOW TO ADMIN-1 ' ISTERTHI: DOSE , Z Bringit to the store and we win give it tbe required are.: lr it is pa t nzing we win ten you so, ana - slop the, expense If we cau ; fix ft we will do so at a moderate cost. Watch re- pairing is our specialty; X li. PEARE. W5BSSJ , Foundry B I 'aa Ks'rYi 1 1 h $ , r. . n v vsnw, i s w m - . - - aw , - T-?-?rr" - m m