La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 07, 1905, Image 1

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Tonight and Tomorrow
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(By Scrippa Newt aseociailoa .
' 8t Petersburg April 7 The Emper
or and members ol ibe Imperial family
were afraid ia appear in the unnoal
parade of horae guards today. The
Emperor own regiment never tailed
before to attend tba parade. Grand
Dnke Nicholas' represented the, Ozar.
"Jack The Ripper"
By Boripps News Association
New York April 7 James fiayne,
Steward of tbe Aron Democratic clnb,
is under arrest charged with the mur
der of a young woman who died tn
tin hospital as the result of several
the hotel Ltwtrenoe last night. She
gave her name as May Wilson . ' She
claims to have never seen Bayne be
fore the night she ! was stabbed and
says there was no quarrel. She identi
fied bim as her assailant - The police
have a "Jack Tbe Ripper theory.
- Opposition Line
(By Scrippa News Association)
. Obanute, April 7. The fuel oil pipe
line project between the Kansas oil
fields and markets was formally
launched here today. The committee
on organization reported tbe scheme
feaaible, and will elect oiJeere today.
The pipe baa beeu ordered for a line
paralclling the Standard Oil Co's line
.. nto Kansas City.
Reviews His Army.
By Soripps News Association
San Antonla April 7 The President
begun the day with a review of tbe
regular soldiers from fort Sam Hous
ton. With bira was general Lee tbe
commander of the department of Tex
as Following the reviw the prei
dental party proceeded to Traria Park
where ten thousand school children
sang "America" In Alma Plaza thirty
thousand people greeted the President
and listen d to his address. TV Pre
' sklent was a guest of the Bough ( Mere
for lunch ami spent the afteiuuuu in
an informal reunion in tbe camp ;
Sheet and Pillow, Case Sale
.It was our good fortune to buy a large quantity of sheets and pilW cases fr.t t one f the
test makers at pbenoiniuenally low prices, For two days, I'tjday and Saturday, we
will share our good fortune with you . Note prices, they are lower thai' the material can be
bought fpr. u . .- . ; . ' ' . :;
Pillow Cases ;
Pillow casus made from good quality muslin,
sizes 45x36- inches. Au extra 1 A
good value at 15c, this sale .'. . . "v
Torn and Ironed pillow cases 45x36 inches
made from extra good material, at 1 7P
the special low price of ........ . 2
Hemstitched pillow cases of gonerous size
made from the very best of material OT
rrcrular S5o values. ... ......... Jv
Sheets and
New Dress and
Walking Skirts
Just received ,
$1.25 to $15.00
Owing to tba fact that to lay ia tba
featival of tbe Immaculate conception,
ibe entire population waa out on tba
. (treed, and it WMrecoguiad that tbe
! danger of an attack waa possible. Tbe
people were .not allowed to approach
within one tlock of the parade.
Saints In Session
(By Hcrlppa Sews Association)
De Moines April 6 Delegates from
all over tae world are in session today
in international conference of Latter
Day8ants at ilamont Iowa. Navoo
which waa tlie headquarters of tbe
from the state, petitioned to have tha
neit meeting. Independeaoe Ma. is
working hard to have the headquarters
of tbe seotioo moved there from La
mont. Stop The Drivers
By Scripps News Association)
Chicago, April 7. Tbe strike situa
tion Is becoming more and more in
tense. The te amstera onion has
pickets stationed around the Mont
gomery & Ward's store who turn back
all uriverv who have goods for the com
pany. The d iscbarge of aeveral drivers
who refused to deliver goods to the
strikebound company threatens to
bring about a general walkout of team
sters of all the railway and ezpn-ss
companies in the city. The police are
preparing for a prolonged battle, and
in addition to tbe extra force atationed
around the Montgomery & Ward block
to prevent, violence, a strong detach
tnent ia held in readlneasat tbe station
to answer riot calls. Tbe strike was
called by tbe Federation of Labor
council to foron the great mall order
house and other similar companies to
to rocognize tbe garment makers union
- Four arrests were made up to noon
In connection with the efforts of the
stilke a to atop tbe delivery of goods to
Montgomery Ward & Co. John Olsou,
a teamster was severely beaten by a
crowd. .
Sheets, 72x90
sheetings. Torn
wide hems a
Sheet s, 81x90 inches, made from extra heavy
linen finished sheetings, - a real 7"
90c value .' VwC
Hemstitched Bheets, wide hem, 81x90 inches'
sheets sold everywhere at fl.25 and M 00
are worth every cent of it, our prirea P
pillow cas:s to match, embroider? insertion effects
$2.25 and $2.50 the set.
New Shirt Waist Suit
In solid colore, in plain and two
toned effects, also a beautiful
line of the newest in silks
75c to $1.25 per yard
Shonts Goes To Wof K
. By Scripps News Association
Obioago April 7 "Direct busioess
methods, publicity and absolutely no
politics. This is the keynote of the
polioy of the Panama commission to
which President Roosevelt has aeen Bt
to appoint me president of." This de
claration ' waa made by Theodore P
8bonta who arrived from New York
today, being hia S ti visit since reoeiv
ing hia appoiotment. Hs will return '
to Washington In a few days and take
up tba detail of the canal omission
He announced tbe appoiotment of
Tom Brown as bis private secretary ol
tbe com minion." Brown was Secre
tary of Paul Morton on the 8ahte Fe
for aeveral years Shonts says he will
retain his position of the Clover Leaf
and direct its affairs from whatever
point be makes hia headquartsra. "Our
polioy wit I be to work precisely as we
. . . '
great railroad lines" said Shoots, "with
the people 'of the United States as
stockholders. There will be monthly
reports of the progress made, of the
funds expended and the outlook tor
th- work jn. the same as railroads do
lo tuoir stockholders". ''
Queer Injunction
By Scripps News Association
Elgin, 111. April 7 A a Loyd a
prominent merchant has secured - an
injunction reatraining ths relatives of
his divorced Wife from attending ber
funeral today. '.'.';' ,
. Charge Perjury
' (By Scripps News Assoolstion)
Chicago April 7 True bills charging
perjury are contemplated, it Is report
ed by tbe "Beef Trust" grand jury
and witnesses before that body who
occupy high positions in the packing
Industry are to be objects of the so
ousationa. Tne federal omolala say
prominent representative p tickers.
both in Chicago and other cities left
the jurv after telling lies, belie ring
tbey ''fooled" the government. , Fif
teen subpoenas for additional witnesses
have been issued and it is believed that
from tbaae partle'a evidence will bear
wholly on the perjury investigation.
inches, made, from Pepperill
und ironed: with
great good value at 75c
New Silk
$475 to $12.50
.New Satine
85c to $3.75
By 8oripps News Association ,
Sao Francisco April 7Ths police
are as badly at sea today as ever as
regards the identity of the body fou nd
out ia the street last Wednesday,
despite ths f aot that they have found
tha head, tht identification of tba
body last evening a that of Hsrry
Una was an error. Hundreds visited
tne morgue during tbe past twenty
four hours, but none have offered In
formation that would throw any light
upon ths identifioatioo. . .
Tbe authorities are satisfied that
there are those who have viewed the
body who knew tbe man in. life, but
are afraid to disclose any information
fearing the same fate .might befall
them. Detect! vea in a launch have
visited every boat in the harbor and
have searched the interior of all boats
but so far have not been able to ss
cure any tsngleable clew On the
grounds that the bead, ths legs, and
tbe aims do not iwn to fit tbe trunk
tbe theory is advanced by some that a
double murder has been committed.
but this theory is not oredited by the
detectives, as tbey claim that the
head, arms and legs were in the water
fully sixteen hours before being dis
covered therefore the inoongr ilty ol
appearance of thoe parts when com
pared with the trunk.
The dead man' was Identified this
afternoon by an interperter in an em
ployment offloe, aa a Mexlcsn who call
ed at the agenoy In quest of work, and
tbe files ef tha agency are being gone
over lo the hope of finding his name
, Finish Tomorrow
By8crlpn Nf we AMooistion
Portland April 7-Unlted States At
torney Heney announoes that the fed
eral grand jnry will finish Its labora
tomorrow. The Inquiry into Ibe Booth
Kelly Co ass finished this morning.
Tbe transactions of W N . in
the Sllets Indian reservation landa
are being Investigated thie afternoon.
Attorney Ueney is absent from the
jury room preparing indictments
which will be returned Saturday.
Missionary A Victim
SHBy Scripps News Association
IiOiidou April 7 The church tuls-
slonary society received - a . telegram
from Kangis India which says that
Dsnehale,- Rowlands and Larbeer have
died In the Kangla earthquake. ' AU
other members of tbe society In Pun.
jab are belelved to be safe.
Cassie and Spear
(By Scripps News Association) . i
Cleveland April 7Ths federal grand
jury this afternoon jointly tndloted
Mrs Chadwfi k and cashier 8 near, The
latter is ohsrged with making false
entries in the books of the bank. Mrs
Cbadwlok for abettiog. Hpear is also
Indicted oo a seperato charge of per
jury In making a false aUtement to
the Comptroller of the Currency.
Baloon Flight
By Scrlpp s News Association
Calais France April 7 Kaore'e
baloon which left Folkestone, England
laat night landed near Calais ! this
morning after encountering a severe
storm but the baloon was not injured
and tbe occupants were in tbe best of
spirits. ' ' '
Serious Charge
. (Uy Scripps Nsws Aasociatlon)
Salem, April 7. A host of witnesses
were examined by the grand jury and
it is probable that Harry Wright and
Charles Monte will be indicted for
murder in the first degree for furnish
Ing weapons to Merrill and Tracy to
enable them to escape. 1
Chicago Market
" By Scrippa News Asiooiatlon ' ,
CMcago April 7. May wheat closed
at L 17 cash 11.16. . Oats May
cash 10.48. , ..
Defeated Detachment
By 8orlpps News Association
Tukio April 7 The main : force o
the Russians recently defeated in tbe
neighborhood of Ohl C:ii Tun has
de vis ted toward Bhumien Chang,
email lorces oi tbe itursiana are oo
jeupying Tallsoyj, 26 miles west of
Japanese Defeat
Boripps News Assocatlon)
Bt Petersburg April 7 General
Linevitch reports thst tbe Japanese
have been forced to retire on Sumu-
cbu. The battle in whioli 6000 Chin
ch uses engaged has been fought but
the result is unknown..
. Fearful Loss
By Boripps News Association .
" n ii . s . 'i ) " -
Dana, apru i cumber . oi . sur
vivors of ths earihqusks at Dbsrmsala
have arrived here in a stst i of mental
oolapse and are unable to give any
details of the catastrophe. Our sur
vivor says only one home remains
and all vilages within a radius ol
twelve miles ars praolloslly destroyed
It is impossible to calculate tbe loss
ol life among tbe oa'lres.
The Leading Corset
Ladies' Suits
Yon are not living up to your op
port unities if you fail to look ; over
our line of suite, when in the msr
ket, il for nothing more than to
obtain idea of the correct sty 18
You cannot help but appreciate
the workmanship, style, material
and Ihe prise. " ' . :
This has always been a strong line with us, and the beauties
we pre showing this season will certainly appeal to your
taste, and the price to your economic judgment.
2:30 and
Must have money at once, will sell to . the
Highest Bidder my Entire Stock. of Diamonds
Watches, Jewelery, Silverware and Cut Glass
y ...
(Fy Scripps News Association)
Toklo, April 7. An important war
conference which ' lasted from ten.
o'olock thla morning uuiil three p no
waa held here todsy in the bouse of
Prlmelr Ka'cura. The oonfercDCe was
attended by Marquis Ito, Field Mar
ahal Tamitgata and Minlstera of the
war marine and foreign affairs.
Lawyers Religion
. By Boripps News Association ,
T Columbus O April 7 -I shall !
preach Sunday evening on tbe lawytrs
relegion", said Rev Washington Glad
den todty. "It will afford me an op
portunity to' say something shout one
8 O Toof, cbeif of the solicitors bt
the Standard Oil Co. (Jntil then, I
shall make no further reply to Tool's
attaok, '
Ladies' Gloves
New arrivals in Silk Lisle Thread
and Cotton Gloves
Attractive goods at altractivo prices
Graphophcne'Fne a permanent fclure,of 1
store. Gall and see how rtsy it i
7:30 DAILY
II a worth Building,
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