.1 1 as. .. J g5r."ae3EX5SBS&2BS381S3 KZX3 Si!mssSSZS X SLAUGHTERING , PRICES Oa everything in tba lint of, nir 'nd lecontL hind Fishing Season is Here gooda. uome and tee for joarielf l rLa hQfTA! ITFMS, rL i ll J ' tl ir i 1- ill "i! Tablet ....... 1.25 and op Chain .25 " Bed Steads. .......... . . ; .50 '- Bed room Baits . . , . . ; . . 12 60 "'u Bureaus ;.. .. ........... 4.00 ' Bicycles ....... ... ; ... 6.00 ' M Cook Stoves '. . . . . . . ..... 4.00 ' Lounges. ............ , 1.5Q " Trunks ................ 8.75 Z wagon . . . . . . 8.00 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams Rememberwe till boy ad mU ill kiade .r i second Hud coodwi Thone J58I do NEEDA BISCUIT , ' We hava them - ''-.v. Nabisco Wafers in Five Flavors : Lemon Vanilla .Mint Chooolate Orange FIVE O'CLOCK TEA s SOCIAL TEA " Bamona . Zweibaeh - vChamnecrns) Wafors Graham Crackers , Oatmeal Crackers Festino Almonds t i - Saratoga Flakes B A K ER BROS. Phone !I0I ; Adams Avenue f S E E JD G R A: I ONT ! OA.TS, WEDEA.T, Bluesteam and Club BEARDLESS BARLEY ' BLUE BARLEY, . : MILtEEED Baled Alfalfa, Wild and Timothy Hay COAL and WOOD I Graide Rpnde Cash Company, Press Lewis v Dean Crowe Phone 1801 New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue ! M ' -NEW- SPRING SUITINGS -':.;&L4 . to :-'$50 ' . IN' THE CLUB AND GET ONE FOR $100 ' Wateh this ipaci for Suit 'c- fwirnc . M Sorenson wan the $35 and OicarHoppr the $25 Suit last Sahirtlay -Two drawings bn Sat. Aprilg. V v) ...Se-lrc" AlC. 'AN DREWS " . HABERDASHER 4ND TAILOR v V SEEDS Just" received ' a" Car Load ot ' Alfalfa Seed ' itJ0:ivi :H'i4VJiK,;,.; ..viboLKri "' a Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top. All .- kinds of 4 Grass seeds. Bulk Garden ' Seed, Bald Barleyi' Rye, Wheat and Oats .: hoVv' ' t !CA'V . :'ri. -" IEFFERSON AVE PHONE I57L Attorney T B Crawford mm In Bak 'City yecterda on legal bailneat . Mr C H PrMoott toarts toalgbt for Idaho, to b with hia wife who ia rerjr Mr Freaa Lewis left thia morning for a abort baainesa trip to North Powder. Mr William Hind man, of Elgin' who haa been In the city on business, re tarnrd home this morning. - ReV Geo T Ellis left this morning for Elgin where he goes to preach the fanerml of Mrs Arthur Weaver. Mies. Etlla, of Joseph, who has been visiting in Pendleton, spent last nlht In the city and left on the - Elgin branch this moring f w home. .; The Methodist social last vanlna at thelume of Mr and Mrs Q L Clea er waa a enccea In every particular 10 fact it waa one of the most oleasent as well aa profitable affairs ever given In thia city. Mies Elizabeth Noble who ia teach ing sjhool in the Hindman district near Elgin was in the city visterday. and returned to her school this morn ing." mmmJt PWl. - .-'..'. daughter, Miss 8yd, went to Union ibis morning to attend the funeral o Mra Hattie Smith who died in South ern California a few days hence who funeral will be held in Union todav. Another ball team is beina talked of and it will donbilew materialise .which will result in giving La Grande two first cltse teams bis seaton. Tbeidea at present suggested is the organiia- lion of an O B A N team, while possi bly all tbe members may not be rail road employee, posiWy the greater number will be. Those who may read thia and are interested, are requested to call at Al Andrews and talk the matter over. Jeney Cream Patent Flour. Every sack guaranteed by Romig & Staples, ,: ; Baptist Meetings Another good meeting and well at tended last night at the Baptist church. , Mr Ellis , spoke on 'The Mao 8eeking for a Biide The. ser mon was very interesting end con. tained maay good suggesti'ras for tbe home life aa well as pleading with hia bearers to deal kindly and truly with God and themselves. Mrs Perry's singing was much ap preoiated again last night.' Mr Ellis speaks again tonight.' Come oue and all ' Services 7 ;45 Married B ROOKS- PLANER? -In tblse'ty at 8;30 thia morning by Justice ot the ' peace John E Hough Mr Hsrry 8 Brooks and Miss Myrtle Flanerv. The yomig people who are wefl known in this city left oa the 9 o'clock train for Baker City where they will visit a few days with Mr Brooke mother. They will then return and make thl city their home. I Lave a Dice assortment of fishing tackle of all kinds Poles, 6 centa to $10.00. Other articles in proportion. I HAVE THE FLY HOOKS THAT . CATCH THE FISH. Trv them when yon want to make a good catch. MRS. t. N. MURPHY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY ETC a agcwg-JW3aaEeSCTi8CTagS,aBSsa! tBsJBSSBS&SRp Fv Annrv By Soripps News Association Tokio April 6 One half of tbe domestio loan will be alloted to for eigneis wbooe bids exceeded tbe en tire issue. The reasur ie planning for a fifth domestio loan of $50,000, 000 to be. submitted in May on the same terms as tbe fourth was. Korea's Congratulations ; By Br I pps News Association Toklo April C Prince Yiobaikak, a special , ambuaador, . bearinw the congratulations ol Emperor of Korea on the success ol tbe battle of Muk den, was granted an audience by tbe Emperor today. ' - For the best and whitest bre ad use Jersey Qream Flour. Obeys The Law ( By Scrlpps Nes Association) . Temple Taxes April The Presi -dents spjclat train wsa not schenuled to stop here today. Bnt nnin notifi cation at 8berman that the city coun cil of Temple haa passed an ordinance reqnlrlng that all presidential trains stop at least tea minnus, the Presi dent heeded tbe unique appeal and the train made a short atop. There was a big crowd to whom he made a short hot stlrrlnn arid matt. Two thou sand school children saw the President President in Texas (By Scripps News Association) ' Waco, Texas April 6 Thouaauda of people greeted tbe President when his special train rolled Into the station this morning at nine. He waa met by a reception committee, consisting of Grand Army and Confederate organ isation, and escorted to a park adjoin ing tbe station ; JSaoh person in the Immence crowd, which bad gathered to welcome him, waived an American flag, making a most beautiful and patriotic spectacle Mayor Baker introduced the President who made a a'tort, but stirring speech. , fvV FOR RENT Large, well furnished rooms at 7 00 per month Inquire of Mrs A L Stover, at tbe Hilts house, one block north of the ronud ho use IT IS VERY PLEASANT For ladiea here. Tables are aet aside especially for their nse. Their favorite diabes are cooked just to their liking. Courteous hnd attentive waiters receive and fill their orders. AT THE MODEL RESTAURANT everyoue feels at home. Tbe variety of tbe bill of fare permits of a pleasing choice and tbe food, the cooking, tbe service and the prices give pei fe t satisfaction. MODEL ' RESTAURANT , J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT $4.50 We ee.l weskly Meal Ttckate Cosh I I , 1 , , I I I I. - I I .1 I I.I.I , . YOU CAN GET IT FHE RULE That is the Shell And ExpressHg more than we could tnll you in a Whole pjiere of advertising:. However, there are a lew spec al things ,we would like to call vouy attention to just now In our Dry Goods Department A great line of Lace and Net Cur tains, per pair 75c to $4-75 A great line of Table Linens, per yard 37ic to $1.25 A great line of Towels per pair 10c to 75c A gieat line of Table Oil Cloth per yard - . ' 20c A great line of Piece Goods . per yard , i 5c to $1.25 ii -i , ti 1 ., - , A great line of Tailored Skirts . each $1.45 to $8.50 A great line of Shirt' Waists , t v , each ( 35c to $450 A great line of Trimmed Hats $2.75 to $6.50 A GREAT LINE OF EVERYTHING In our Men's Department A great line of Shirts , each 33c to $1.75 A great line of Shoes per pair $1 50 to $3.50 A great line of, Men's Suits $5.00 to $18.00 A great line of Pants $1.00 to $4.00 A great line of Hats 25c to $3.00 A great line 'at Ties 10c to $1.00 A great line of Trunks and Suit Cases each 35c to $12.50 A great line of Boys' Suits , , 75c to $475 A GREAT LINE v OF EVERYTHING In our Hardware and Crockery Department A great line of Dinner Sets ' frcm a 47 piece set at $3.58 to a 73 piece set at 8.00 A great line of Glassware ' per piece 5c to 50 A great line of -Mirrors 20c to $8.00 A great line of Picture Frames 25c to $3 00 A great line of Lawn Mowers f; ; $4.00 to $9.00 A great Hue of Paint Brushes , 5c to $1.45 -1 'i ' 1 ' A great line of. Toilet Soaps 6 Bars for 25c A GREAT LINE OF EVERYTHING THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, est Store: 1308-1310-1312 Adame Avenue ; Smallest Prices ssa