La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 06, 1905, Image 4

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t r
I Doors
sToddard Lumber go. I
la grande;
Everything you
' h fAwaitlnglYour.Or der at
'',,' ' : ... y. ;
Ooi.'l Jr and Jefferaon 81a. .
Pull line "l'ert'eirred StockH
flanred Goods.
Grand Rrnde Lumber Co.
"- LUMBER -,
: B999999999999999998
Notice to the patrons of La Grande Light aud-Power Co.
That on and after January 1st we will instill a day
circuit in this : city and take this means of notifying our
Eatrons. Any changes to be made in lights which csn not
e turned off during the day should be arranged as soon as
possible. Those desiring power can confer with us at any
time regarding prices of motors, rates, etc. We have motors
priced as follows, I. o. b. San Francisoo;
S7 75
44 60
95 50
104 16
123 85
To this price'must be added
La Grande.
I hp 8 phase
120 lbs
155 lbs
242 lbs
345 lbs
425 lbs
form K
: form K
form K
form K
form K
form K
For information call at office
toll measure
Chain wood
128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain
wood 13 per lord. This is cheaper than by the load.
Von pay tor w hat -you get and get what yon pay for, v
Phone 571 H. W. NIBLEY
meeeeeeetteeeeeetatf mee4j
' f J
'want wait for that
Good School Shoes
a specialty TL
Lumber Co.
5h. p. $192 00
10 h p 279 75
15 hp ........ 867 70
20 h p ........ 452 50
80 h p 655 65
freight from San Francisco to
1 hp single phase
lhp M
2 hp
8 hp "
5 hp "
225 lbs
270 lbs
275 lbs
380 lbs
465 lbs
680 lbs
670 lbs
820 lbs
1075 lbs
1350 lbs
2300 lbs
2810 lbs
810 lbs
1430 lbs
2345 lbs
2980 lbs
form L
form L
form L
form L
form L
form L
by the Cord
Surprise Party
An exceedingly delightful . timt n
experienced at tba bom of Mr and
lira Torrenos, in tbis city, last even
ing when lln Torrenee tu treated to
a surprise puty by a number of her
friends Tbis surprise u ina in
commemoration of tba thirty first an
Diversify ol Mra Torrenee' birthday.
Tba time m paed in pleasant con
versation, friendly oombat of wit .and
bsppy reminiscences until 11:30, all
which time refreshment were served, I
dainty and Inrcious, wbiob were par
taken of with great lelieh by all pre
sent, Tboea present were as follows;.
: Mr. and Mrs F W Lewis, Mr and
Mrs Parmon. . Mrs Maty Klinman,
Mrs Evans, Misses Anna Parmon, Ed
na Evans, Bertie Lewis: Messrs. Ghas
Parmon, George Parmon, Walter Price
and JihnO'NeaL
Something Good
"The Moonshiner's Daughter",
wbiob is to be presented at Stewards
Opera Hons Wednesday April 11,- is
a new and original melodrama in four
acta. A thrilling story, abounding in
strong and novel climaxes is interest,
ingly told. It is a play that appeals
to all olasei of t J wit re-goers, and is
one of the few genuine successes of the
season. The theme of the pho deals
principally with the revenue service,
tba danger and exoitement attendant
in hunting down and eapturing the
moonshiners in their mountain re
treats. There is a strong, healthy sen
timent underlying the. play from be
ginning to end. An attraotiva feature
of the entertainment is a number of
high das specialties which ara intro
Summerville Sittings
Fine sunshiny weather at present.
Mr and Mrs All red made a basinets
trip to La Grande last week.
, Mis Wilma and Mr Vern Rinehxrt
returned home Monday attar a . few
days visit to La Grande.
Mr E F Tiee and nephew Gusa Bur
bank led Tuesday for Wallowa where
they will visit friends and relatives a
few days. V
Mr Jack Newbell returned home
last week.
Miss Ella' Hunter maJe a business
trip to La prande Tuesday this week.
Cassie Must Wait
By Scrippa News Association
Cincinnati April 6 Tbe Circuit
court of appea's today announced
that it could not bear the appeal in
the Cbadwick case nntil tbe fall term
of court which convene neit October.
Ninty-first Anniversary
Grandma Palmer will celebrate tbe
ninty-first anniversary of her birth to
morrow, and would bo pleased to
have hrr friends call in the afternoon
between the hours ol two and five at
the 1 ome of Mr B W Grandy,
Still On Warpath
El Paso, April John Bt. Clair, a
well known prospector, whose state
ments are considered reliable, has re
turned from the Yaqui eounty near
Ure, Sonora, and leporta that the In
dians are still on the war path. He
ays that Malpuche, the old chief, is
at the head of a band ot over 60 and
is devesting the whole 00 ontrv. mar
dertag, pilaglng and burning. Grain
and oat tie ranches are being abandon
ed and the people are going into the
towns for protection. The whole
country is in a state of panic
Mail route between the small
towns have been abandoned and pro
visions are getting toaro. Altboueh
tbe country is overrun with soldiers,
be says, the Indian ara fearless and
continue their depredation. St Clair
doe not believe it safe for Americans
to go into the Yaqui country at this
time a tba Indians ara very hostile to
The battle ot Lexington, the first in
the Revolutionary wsr, was fought la
MaiaaohuKtta on April 19 1776. but
the news thereof did not reach Savan
nah Georgia until June Ilth.
' A strength tonic that bring rich
red blood. Makes yon strong, healthy
and active. That's what Holtistera
Kooky Mountain Tea will do. 36 cent
Tea or Tableta .
For Slae
. . .
An f roomed boose with wood ghep
oeller, loa house lull of ion. Chlokeo
audpork A eto. Good orchard ot
bearing tree also I good milch cow, 1
driving home. 1 new robber - tired
anrrey. 1 new single hufrcy. I set
rubber trlmed ' single bar Dees and
eonie howwhold goods,
Inquire of H B Rinebart
Island City Ore.
Utah's Participation
Portland April 4 Utah ha decid
ed to vect a tat building at tbe
Lewi and Clark Exposition. . Boc'j
wa the conclusion of tbe commission
after an inspection of tbe Exposition
ground and tba (election of . a site.
Tba slrncture wilt be ideally, located
just north ol the New Yoik building
and on the slope of Lakeview Ten tee.
It is planned to erect a boildiag
100iettlocgeod85 feet wide. Tbe
lower floor will be utilized for utaibi-
tion purposes, while tba second story
will be arranged for tbe reception of
visitors. Fifteen thousand dollars
will be expended tor tbe building No,
difficulty will be experienced in hav
ing the building completed and tba
exhibit installed before opening day
a tbe work, is to begin tbis week.
On of tbe most important features
of tbe Utah display will be a concen
trator in actual operaiioo, located in
an. annex. Tbe concentrator will
cost $10,000 and will be one' of the
most novel display of tbe entire Fair.
Four men. ill bi required to operate
it.' It will show the process ofrefio
ing gold, silver and copper from the
time the crude ore is turned in until
it'oom6s out as ' refined metal. Tba
rocks containing the minerals will
first ba crushed and1 then the different
ingredient will la separated, all with-
I- .v. f
m .My .
Sue Standard Oil
Chicago April 6 The city of Chi
eago today filed Y mit for S 40,000
against the Standard Oil company
The bill !s bued upon the alleged non
payment of inspection fees, by tbe
Standard Oil company. Th company
ha for years refused to pay for in
spection made by the city under an
ordinance regulating commerce in
naptha and gtsolioe Representatives
of tbe Standard - Oil company held
that gasoline and naptb are not
product ot petroleum, and that the
ordinance does not apply.
Plot Discovered
By Horipps News Association
Paris April 6 Io connection with
the alleged military plot which has
been unearthed by the Fieoch police
the house of Oolonel Marohand, who
resigned from the army a year ago,
waa searched by the police thi morn
ing nod numerous papers were seized!
Marohand u absent from the city.
Kings Confer
By Scripps New Association
Rome, April 6 King Victor Eman
uel left here tbis morning, bound for
Naples where be will meet Emperor
William Tue Kaiser will entertain
tbe Italian King on board lb Hohen
tollern. The demonstrations in honor1
of Emperor William will continue
at Naples today.
Another Railroad'
Medford Or. April 6 At two o'clock
yesterday afternoon, about 6,000 per
sons assembled to witness tbe breaking
of ground tor the Medford and Crater
Lake railroad. The ceremonies were
opened by a short address by Uol
brook Withington and followed by
other, among whom w re Hon H B
Miller, oonsul to Japan, Hon W I
Vawter and D A Miller, citiisns ot
After the addressea, Mr A A Davis
wife of the president of the company,
sprinkled the ground with a bottle of
champagne, presented by Wm.A Hut
Ion, and threw the first; shovel of
dirt, after which mule teams with
plow and scrapers started to fc'rade.
FOR RENT Twenty acres . of yoodg
orchard one and one halt mile from
La G-ande, Right person can aa-
our the traot on easy term V E
'Holmes, La Grande. A 6 if
? . . -
If ynr llrknta rfl over th PaiTer
and Rio Wiaui Railroad. tJt MUoanle
LImoI tbe world" . " , .
i.'ner(rMniBraenlpiui l on nd
. polntaor luiemt .laat lk. ni ..
: tweeo Ocdea wid Dcnwr l iat 1I11 ti l
. m bvoonm Urasoma . ..
' If ynatrerofnf mL writ kw ' 1 1rr
. nwtlno and ct a pretty buuk Uut Will
tell run all about it ,
' wVC MCBRIDE, Ageni
? 124 Third St
Portlard r " " ,"." Oregon
' 11 I1! .in m urn inii 11 1' ip mi. niiii 111 iii
0LASSincD Advertisements
For Sale
Fitat class read potatoes, Carmen no
S and Early Rom, one halt mile east ot
L Oldenburg. .
t( J 8 CHANDLER, Frnltdal
FOR SALE Early Rosa potatoes for
ale. Geo Parrot Island City.
: AorilS 17
Good work team weight . about UOO
also on good family 1 riving horse.
Apply to Barney Sparrow old town.
For Rent
FOR RENT 8i room house with all
modern Improvments. Located cor
ner Firet and Main.
HO Oilman
FOR RENT Block ot ground, orchard
gaiden, barn and house. It will only
ba ranted to a person who will care
for tree and ground Apply at office
of F 8 Ivanhoe
FOR KFNT Furnished room. In
quire ot Mia Duryea at 1901 becond
1 tract
FOB RENT Furnished room, good
location. Inquire of Mra. W J
Snodgrasa, Fourth street, or phone
FOR RENT Light housekeeping
rooms Mra. Shearer, near Gedde
Bros, grocery (tore.
FOR RENT Five room boos in good
location. Inquire of O Ralston at
Nebraska I'aah store tf
Board and Lodging by Mra Good all
2114 3rd st. Phono 707 tf
WANTED Position as cook or first
class housekeeper in family, by tx
perienoed Japanese. Inquire at tbis
. office .. ,
Rol Walker ha leased the G B shoe
bop and baa angagtd R O Gger to
ajalat bim in tba repair work, lie will
pnt in a omplete stock, ot goods for
repair work and will guarantee -satis-action.
Remember ha ia in the field
for all kinds of repair work and also
new work. , Remember the old stand.
Tba G B 8hoa Shop. tf
Centennial Hotel
RATES fl per day meals 2&cts
Hpeolal rates f furnished monthly pa
trona. Mrs A E Moroheaon and Mis
O M Garni proprietor. No
Adama Ave. Phone No 1101
Agents Wanted
. Men and women. Big money sell
ing Imperial lamp burner. Cells on
sight 100 par cent profit. Exclusive
territory to hustlers. Sample by
mall 75c. Call or address. .
EOBergb, La Grande Ore
Muh-24 Aprll-24 Foley Hotel
Fruit Trees
Have Just received another invoice
of fruit, shade and ornamental trees.
Goldeu West Peach. Bartlett Pear.
Rome Beauty Apple, Quince, Prune,
Plum and Cherry trees, Gooseberries,
Currants. Nut trees, eto.
Notice To The Public
I have purchased . tbe cigar factory
of Leah Paul of La Grande and will
onntinue tbe business at JI5J Depot
street, both wholesale and retail, and
will collect all bill due said factory
and pay all outstanding account.
I cordially invite tbe puhlio to eall
and sample my home made and im
ported cigars of which 1 carry a full
line together with tobacco, confec
tionery and fruit in season. -
Yours for business,
Jess B. Paul
March 31,1906
Bids Wanted
The trustees cf the Methodist
Episcopal church of Union ara now re
ceiving blda for tbe construction of a
ew church building in Union. Bids
will be reaelved until April Ltth, when
all will ba opened and decided on. The
right to reject any and all bid la re
served by the building committee.
April 4-11
Special Notice
A I aspect to leave thi valley la a
few day, I will request all persons
knowing themsetvee Indebted to me
to call at Lea Hompreya store at
Island City where my books can be
found aad settle up, AH person
having aoouonU againat ma will also
please eall and receive their money.
Island City Oregon, March 3L
Dont forget that G , H. Power the
Land man hat any thing In the- shape
ot Real Estate from n acre ot Garden
to a 2000 acre ranch. ' All properly
old on commlsaloo and title guaranteed
G H Powera .
Minnesota Land Mao
Mch 23 tt
High Art Painting
Persons desiring fine work in the
line of interior finishing, auoh a grain
Ins to match tba furniture, wood filling
to match the walls, and all the flat
finishes or glotses, should call on or
address Sanford O Kinney, L31 Adam
Avenne, Corner Greenwood Street, La
Grande, Oregon. tt
R P Talt, the pioneer moalo tea. her
of Grande Ronda Valley, la still in tue
ring. During my vacation I made it
my business aa well a pleasure to at
tend conoarU, operas, and In faot
everything ia my line of bueluesa and
i 1 toanii tuMt la a teaotier, and in
' tarprelar ot moalo am still in the front
rank. Pupil who do not wish the full
conservatory course may take tbe pop.
ular placo course. Thi place the
pupil in position to play tba popular
music of thetfay, Church and Sunday
School music. ;
The Violin popular ooorae place tbe
pupil In position to play all kind of
dance music a well a light overture.
Quite a number of musicians who have
been under my instruct! an ara now
making goodjnoney as teacher and
aololsu. Pupil who are under my
care will be thoroughlv instructed in
m. BP TAIT, teaohei
Don't Borrow Trouble
It is a bad habit to borrow anything
but the wo'sa thing yon oan possibly
borrow, Is trouble, when alck, sore,
heavy, weary and worn-out by the
pains and poisons of dyspepsia, billon,
neea, Bright' disease, and similar in
ternal disorders, don't sit down and
brood over your symptoms) but fiy for
relief to Eleutrio Bitters. Here you
will find sure aud permanent forget
fullness of all your troubles, and your
body will not be bnrdena l by a load o -debt
disease At Newlin Drug Co drug
tore. Price 50o. Guaranteed.
PROF. DAY. Principle.
MS, D AY.;AubUnl
Thi i one ot the beatlmaaiaamn.
stitntlons In the state. Daring tue
yuur um there were nearly Four
thousand leesons slven. The neonla
in.this city and valley are bann
ing to discover the treat advantaoa
of this school . The.aystem used 1
me latest and most practical, and
Includes all the latest discoveries
in the art of teaching moalo Th
school ia divided into two depart
mental No. 1 Is for beginners, from
5 year up, and taking in the 1st to
ara grades, -in thi department
ttupll come one hoar evwy day.
In No, 2 tbe grades are from 3 (0
16.Hare they graduate. Pupil
take one or two lessons a week aa
they deirire. No scholar will be
permitted to remain in this school
wko do not study.
are 1 e ly kludjjwa sell.
The meat that haalthat ik .n r
ance and tickets the palate Is the kind
u wiii fceiuere.
Choloa lamb, nork ii v.
. . www. bUUJ,
SlrlOin. round Bnd nnrfk.n.. .
r rv. ww. uuura abvmaaa
and other .luxuries in our line, are
. piioea that are
right .
require good, solid fv.,i nr. 1.
- "wni a
aneceesltvto anch mn .-j
- -- auu U9
should have It. All women of the
house should hum It an .
" wuuiao 01
the .house should provlJa their hus-
K t,Am . 1 . ...
wu tua. wui atrengthea
Uem so that they wlU be ingood condi
UonLto toll so that th. (.mil.
live. -----
' f j 1 V f Ail k ! yxs.
Bock & Thomas