TODAY'S NEWS TODAY Tonight and Tomorrow fair VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 6. 1905 NUMBER 135 EWIIlj;ifeSEREI: A LONG SESSION OF CITY COUNCIL The city c .uncil held their meeting last night and certainly earned their aulary, for they were .active every moment nntil midnight When the meeting opened the lobby was filled to overflowing bat as the hour wore away there were aeata for all the faithful who ait it oat. There waa a great deal of work outlined and wbl doutleaa be completed at the special meeting to be held this evening for the purpose of passing bd ordinance establishing the street grades also the ordinance providing for the kinds of cetnent walks to be constructed. ; Postmaster G M Richey appeared be fore the council and informed them that the business of the La Oraude l oatoffloe bad attained that promi nence by virtue of the voium of bosl- tianfuu'ted that it was entitled to a free mail delivery system.' Also t'aat the Inspector whose duty it is to re j.ort upon the neeceesary conditions prior to such inauguration, was here a few days ago and Informed him that before he could make a favorable re port that the side walks of the city would have to be improved in many places and .that it was imperative that all bouses should be numbered. The Dalles was denied a similar privelige for several months from lack of each accommodations. COUNCIL COMMITTEES Mayor Sister appointed the follow ing standing committees for the year. JudlolaryW H bohpenkamp, L D Reavis, 8 A Gardinier. Fire and Insurance G E Fowler, J W Kennedy, 8 A Gardioler. H'altb, Sewerage and Water A L Uiohardson, L D Reavis, W fl Bohnen kamp. " . ... Wars and Means S A Gardinier, G E Fowler, W II Bohnenkauip. Finance J W Kennedy, G E Fowler A L Richardson. Strtets add Alleys-L D Reavis, A L Richardson, J W Kennedy. An ordiuanoe was introduced provid log for the construction of cement aide walks on Depot street and Adams Ave. from ( heatnut to Fir streets hiiJ was referred to the street comuii He. This may be panned so as to fix a dute Sheet S9 FRIDAY and SATURDAY It was our good fortune to buy a large quantity of sheets and pillow on?es frn-t o'e of the best makers at pbenbininecally low prices, For two days, Friday and SuturlHy, we will share our good fortune with you. Note prices, they are lower that' tbe material can be bought for. - ' ; ; 'v.. , Pillow Cases Pillow cases made fiom good quality muslin, sizes 45x36 inches. An extra Ap good value at 15c, this sale . ... ',yJ Torn and Ironed pillow cases 45x30 incbs made from extra good material, at 1 71p . the special low price of r ' 2 Hemstitched pillow cases of generous 5ze made from the very best of material OT . regular 35c values.... . . 3C, New Dress and ' Walking Skirts Just received $1.25 to $15.00 when these streets must have oement walka. An ordinance was introduced prohi biting the use of of side walka. in the fire limits, for bicycle riding and all other portions of the city may be used under careful reatriotions upon the payment of a Usance. The O R & N Co desired permission to put In a system of water works to be attached to the city mains for fire protection only , The compsny also desires the city to submit a proposition to famish them city water for their use in the shops. These propositions were refered to the 'Water Committee. MAYORS KECC0MMBNDAT10N3 To the of Council La Grand", Sirs:- , . ''. I hereby re coo m mend to yoa the advisiuiiiiy or. in owe uwiuw w wlm holding and Investigation of the charges lately msde against a member of the council, regarding Ma with holding from the com ml tie, on ways and means a bid for the construction of the heating plant in the city hall. I reccommend toat an investigation by the members of the oounoil be held, and that the gentleman, who 'it ia alleged aabmited to a member of the ways and means committee, bid fo the construction of such work, be given an opportunity to come be- fore the council and give evidence re ' garding such transaction. I also wish to call the attention of the oounoil at this time to the matter of the city pound. O rent complaint has been, and ia still being made of the city keeping a pound ao closely joining family residences of citizens, and It is stated to me by residents ia the neighborhood that the manner of the officers keeping the pound, and the kind of animals kept therein has already beoome a source of great an noyanoe and discomfort to the peoule living near the pound. My attention has also been called to the city jail near wbichtha pound master seems to have been keeping dogs taken up by aim. The comp'alnt is made by peo ple living some little distance from the jail tbst keeping bo many animals of tills kljid, where I hoy are, Is a great nuisance to the neighborhood. M y bttentlon has also been called to and Pi bw FANCY SETS, Sheets and pillow cas:s to match, era braid erf insertion effects $2.25 and $2.50 the set - 1 New Shirt Waist Suit SILKS In solid color?, in plain aud two toned effects, also a beautiful line of the newest in fancy silks 75c to $1.25 per yard tLe fact that the pound master haa al icady been killing doga at that place, and great objection haa been raised especially by ladles living near this place. L therefor, not' only reooom mend to the council, but urge that it at once take aome steps to : cancel the lease for the pteaent pound, and to locate one farther removed from reel dents, and that the pound muter be instructed to discontinue confining dogs at or near the city Jll, and es pecially to discontinue . killing . any dogs on those premises. :.. 1 wish also to cell the attention of the nembers of the council to' their duty to at once see the owner of pre misee, along which aide-walks are built be compelled to plaoe them in repair and I recommend that the city attorn ey to at once investigate the city or dinances as to whether or not they are sufficient to maintain .. a lien agai-at property for the repair of side walks where the same shall be ordered repaired at the expense of such . pro pertv. . I also ei mostly call th" attention of the council to the habit of the de- Mwinan and nthora laa-lna their wagons in the street. This habit has beoome a greart nuisance of the city, aud many times dangerous to people traveling on - streets and . sidewalks My attention haa also been called to lb.. ue'Jou by parties on the main street of theoity keeping the sidewalks filled with wsgona held for repair or painting, and also to parties keeping Continued on page Three . HALF OF LOSTIINE (Observer 8pecial); . . Lostioe April 6 The city of Lostine, Wallowa county, suffered a fire this morning which wiped out one balf ol the business portion of-the city. And as there is no waterworks here, it was only by hard fighting that other buildings were not destroyed. The total loss is estimated at $16,000. The fire started at 3:30 this morning io the rear of the Masonio OJd Fellows lodges which are owned jointly. At there had been no one in the ba lding for some time, it is ihoaght to be tbe work of an incendiary. ' ' ': 1 ' ' Case Sale ,x ' Sheets.. rt;;,, Sheets, 72x9(1 inches, made from Pepperill sheetings. Torn and iioued, ' with 1Q wido hems great good value at J5c k C Sbeels, 81x90 inches, made from extra heavy linen finished sbeotings, a real 7 90o value .......... . . ............ .3C Hemstitched sheets, wide hem, 81x90 inches, sheets sold everywhere at $1.2") and C f 00 are worth every cent of it, our price P New Silk PETTICOATS JUST IN - " ' $475 to ; $12.50 New Satine PEHICOATS 85c to $3.75 : BLOOD HOUNDS ON TRAIL By Soripps News Association San Fraaoisco April Blood hounds wra placed this morning on the trail of tli murderer of the man whose was found murJered and body horrlsoly mutilated, on the street of the Latin quarters just before mid night last night. The head waa ' sev ered from the body as was also ths legs and arms. Soon after taking the soent the dog went to an Indian tenement and then took a xig lag course through Ibeir quarters to Rusiao hill the scene of to the belief that the dead man ia one of the witnesses in the oase" of Alviso Truobetti who was placed on trial this morning for murder. When the case was called two witnesses Dominio Boaareo and Frank Gardello (ailed to put in their appearanoe and the police are now searching for them. ft . SWEPT BY FIRE The following are some ol th loss es. ' " " " ' ' T H McKiniie, drugstorr, l0i $3,500 intunnoe $1800. - Mrs Reynolds con fectionery, loss 3,O00 insurance $2. 000. Minnie holand reiturant and dwelling, loa $2000, insurance $1200 B Barker harness shop, loss $1500 no insuranoe, D F Fitzpatriok & 8on d rosge to goods and building $1000, in sured. Masonio-Odd Fellow building loss $2000. ; Other looeers were J O Qillispe, batcher. DO Foster, daell- ing. Jjlin Clark, with Iossps ranging from $150 to $500 with no insurance. This is a ssvere blow to tbe city , but it will undoubtedly b rebuilt. Use Harsh By Soripps Newr Awoolatlon ' Waraaw April 6 - Harnh measurus are being adopted by tbe authorities to end the internal disorders io Po land. . . . ;;t, . Orders have been issued that sll participants in tbe recent distuib anoes ahall be tried tinder court- martial law. - Two workingmen have already bad their trial and have been condemned to be hanged. . ...;,...' ' By rJcr!ppi News Association ., . '. Tokio April 6 A report from the Manchuria headquarters this morning and bearing date of April 3, says The Bussians have sent a foroe southward and have bombtrded Cbiv Haatun and have md" advanoes against' both Japanese flanks. Toe Russians wore repulsed the following day.. Tbe J aness losses were tweoty-seven and tbe Bussisns losses were over one hundred. . Awful Loss : Soripps News Association Lahore, India April 6 It is reported that eight per cent of the Inhabitants of Dharmsal Bill station was killed in a recent earthquake, and that the-Vice Kegel lodge at Simla and the public offices damaged. This hill Is sltueted In a port of a large city having over 150,030 people, bat Just bow many re aided on tbe bill Is oot stated but it is safe o say that It tana Into the tbou eanda. .' Russians Methods FOUR OF FAMILY KILLED BY GAS By 8ctipps New A isolation New York April 6 Four members of the family of Samuel . Clark, resid ing In a tenement In the East Side, were found dead in bed this morning as a result of inballncr Illuminating gas. The vlctlma were Mary Rogers, aged 75, Helen Clark, aged 19, Kate Clark, aged 10, and Elisabeth Clark, aged 7. 5 Join lib Queen. (By Soripps News Association : London April 6 King Edward left today for Marseilles, at which place he will join Queen Alexandria Mormon Conference Soripps News Association . Salt Lake April (J The anuusl Mor- rnoa ouuivmuoe upeimu utm Mjuruiug ins estimated that ten thousand vial tors are present. Apostle 8moot left last night for Sau Kraucisoo and will not be present to cast his vote aostaiulng president Smith aud associ ates on nextSundar. Tbis this is to The Leading Corset Ladies' Suits 1 Yon are not living Dp to your op portuuities if vou fail to look over oar line of suits, when in the mar ket, if for nothing more than to obtain ideas of the correct styles' You cannot help but appreciate the workmanship, style, material and the price. i ,. MILLINERY This has always been a strong line with up, and the beauties we ere showing this season will certainly appeal to your taste, aud the price to your economic judgment. . THE RAINBOW STORE AUCTION 2:30 and Must have money at once, will sell to the Highest Bidder my Entire Stock of Diamonds Watches, Jewelery, Silverware and Cut Glass H. W. A.L LOWENSTEIN. .,,..;. Auctioneer WILL SUSTAIN i By 8orlpps News Association Cbioigo Aprils Mayor elect Dunne received a message odav from Lord Proooat, of Glasgow acceeding to a re quest to r-ei d the hesd ol the Glasgow tramway system to Chicago in order to advise the executive regarding the primary plans for mnntolple street rar line. The msjortty of the council have placed themselves on record sa ' willing to support mayor Donne in bis effort to give municipal ownership a fair trial. - Located At Last f Kv Hnrtntw Nova Aaannlatlon I L. Vienna, April 6-It is stated offlojk ; ally that the Austrian military attache, Count Pieptche, who has been mles Ing since the battle of Mukden, Is now safe with Lieut; General Ronen kamn'a forces Ladies' Gloves New arrivals in Silk Lisle Thread and Cotton Gloves '. Attractive goods at attractive prices Graphophcne Fr:e will he a permanent fture of store. .Gall and see how e isy it obtain one absolutefy free. 7:30 DAILY HEWITT. Haworth Building, Adams Ave. and Fir Street AUCTION 'PUT.