1 1 1 1 I (3 i . m m SNAPS SNAPS , , On all Wndf of new and Second Hand Goods. Remember we want your second hand goodi Remember wa atretcii bed ipringi Remember we do upholstering : .. Remember we do boose moting , , t Remember we pay cash . .' , Remember we sell cheap , '. Remember we do transfering Remember we have a large stock Remember we sell wood Remember we repair bicycles Remember we sell bioyeles Remember we are all right. . - . B - t The La Grande Pawnbrokers Comet Fit and Adams Remember we still boy and mU all Uade , el second Hud coodMi , jt Thone 1581 do 1NCEDA BISCUIT - ',' . ' We hare them j Nabisco Wafers in Five Flavors Lemon Vanilla Mint Chocolate Orange FIVE O'CLOCK TEA SOCIAL TEA Ramona v" Zweibaefc '.' fjh ur. Graham Crackers Oatmeal Crackers Festino Almonds T Saratoga Flakes BAKER BROS. : Adams Avenue Phone 1101 j SEED G-'R: AIIN' OA.TS, WHEAT, Bluesteam and Club BEARDLESS BARLEY ' BLUE BARLEY, MILLEEED Baled Alfalfa, Wild and Timothy Hay I COAL and WOOD I Gra nde Roride Gash Company, f Tress Lewis Dean Crowe Phone 1801 New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue X eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee NEW : SPRING SUITINGS $14 to $50 : . JOIN THE CLUB AND GET ONE FOr'$1.00 Wateh this space for Suit wwnu i M Sorensoft won the $35 nd OscarHapper the $25 Suit Uit Saturday Two drawings on Sat, April 8. " A. L. A N DREWS HABERDASHER AND TAILOR SEEDS ..SEEDS Jast received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed rr- f ; ' ; . Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top. ; All kinds of Grass ssedsr ' Bulk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats REOtlV E R V FEFFERSON AVE PHONE 1571. ji L29 L29GAL ITEMS I Tnia mute, Tbomu Walsh ia TU DallM on ondal business today . Tho Elks Install tbelr.nsw offlosrs this STsnlntf. A large attendance la desired. , J LCoibltt baa returned from tba mines np tba rivar for another load of uppliea. Be will return in a raw daya. Bar O T Ellla, who la in tha city aralatlng Bar Day in tba Baptist meet. lnia apent tbe day io Klgin retorniag on tha evening train, OK Harper, left thla morning for Pendleton where ha goea to look after tba Pendletoa Ureamerr which he baa recently installed thai a. Rot J D Gillian was abls to get through hie work at Baker and Hainea aeraral daya sooner than ha had plan ed an1 returned home last evening . L Oldenburg baa ordered a two horse power -aaolino engine to run bia fruit eprayer, aud Frank Ooykendall baa ordered a aimllar maohlna. Denny Madden returned thla morn- ng to his home on Elk Flat after visiting hia daoahtera who are attend. Ing the Saored Heart Academy. . . The La Grande laveetmmt Co. baa Ibe material on the vmnnd r w. erection of another cotiage Just north, across the street from the oourt house. U 0 Perry.Iot Baker City, arrived In tha city last evening and will remain here thla week and assist In ths sing ing at the apecial meetings . now in progress at the Baptist church. ' . oam Williamson will return to the mines op Grande Honda river with a fonr horse load of auppllee ' tomorrow. The merchants are selling more mining supplies this year than for a number of aeaaona. Kev. J C Walker la over from Union today on buainaaa with tbe lettiog of blda for the new Methodist church which will be built thla anmmer. It la tha Intention to build one of tha finest ohurchea In aaiorn Oregon. It will be a brick structure and will cost In tbe neighborhood of (9000. Must have money Forced to sell or what they will brins. 2:30 mnA 7 -.in Hewltt'e jewelry. Mrs Jack Oliver, of Los Angeles la la the cliy visiting bar parents. Tbe Rev 3 C Walker of Union ;la In the City today. . Bar. W L Van Nuye, pastor of the Presbyterian church, will be in port land duriat thia week In atteodanoe oa the revival meetings that are being held there. East Oregon! an, Tbe attention of eor readers ia eall edto the new ad of Ash Brothers which appears In this issue. It will well re pay any one to read thia ad carefully and note well tbe oontanta Members of tbe Modem Woodmen of America ahonid not forget the meeting Wednesday evening. The County Con vention will be beld bare daring tbe day and It la planned to entertain tbe delegatea In the evening. Let all Woodmen attend, v James A Hwar, for a number of yeara night operator for the OBAN at Kamela, haa resigned that position to take a position aa pasaenger brake man on tbe aa oe line out of Htarbuek, and will remove hia family to Star back at onoe. - Several bands of wfld cranes fltw over tha city last evening. One of - deliverymftn, Reynold's team, ran away this forenoon and created considerable eioltement- and damage. It looked for a time ' aa , if the entire outflt would enter the 8om mer House office bat it shied off and sailed around and run into a team hitobed In front of, the L ..Grande Iron Works, bnlonging to B F Bell of the Cove, ormblog one wheel and wrecking the buggy in several places. . Baker city is making an effort to aeoure a large aaah and door factory They oertaioly abould be . eoooeasful. There ahonid be at least a dosio such enterprises In Eastern Oregon.' The market for tbe product line east of the Missouri river and the demands are enormous. We hope Baker City will bi anooessfut and there ia no reason hy one nr two such enterprises ooold not be operated io thia city. We are turrrnr.dfd with the raw material, i EsreaarczBZi BazffiS9i2SBSxs3csaaa sdsresaasrfszs FishLig SeSoif is Here I hte a nice as6rtment of fishing tackle of all kinds. Poles, Scents to $10.00. Other articles in proportion. 1 g ' I HAVE THE FLY HOOKS THAT v CATCH THE FISH. Try them when yon want to make a good catch . MRS. T. ; N. MURPHY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY ETC . The ladiee Aid Ubiety of tbe Cen tral Cbureh will meet torn orruw alter noon at tbe cbureh at 3 o'clock -Conductor J L McCrerv will orob- ably mcve his family from Grande to thia oity in tbe near future. East Oregonian. Bev J 0 Walker of Union is in the oity todsy. Bev Walker hat many friends in thit oity -who are always Tbe new telephone ststem ill be in . operation before the end ol tbe month. Tbe switch board will be "out over" on the teuth of tbe month. - Conductor Martin Anderson of tbe Pendleton-Huntington passenger run on the O R & N Is atill taking a vaca tion on account of poof health. Con ductor J L McCrary being on bia run. Passengers who came over from Walla Walla yesterday report that hundreds of people were fishing in tbe Walla Walla river and other streams there during tbe day. Card of Thanks Wa with to return our heart felt thanks to our kind frienda and neigh bors who kiod'y . assisted ns durioE tha lale sickness and death of ourdarl ing bahe. Mr and Mrs Cbarla Leak IT IS VERY PLEASANT For ladies here. Tablea are set as'de especially for their use. Their favorite diabea are cooked just to their liking. Courteoua tnd attentive waiters receive and fill their orders. AT THE MODEL RESTAURANT everyone feels at home. ' The variety of the bill of fare permits of a pleaaing choice and tbe food, the cooking, the service and the prices give peife.t satisfaction. MODE L PRCTAITDAMT J. A. ARBUCKLE. Pron. Js. ', OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Wo se.l weakly Meal Ttekats Ct8h $4.50 THE YOU CAN GET IT AT GOLDEN RULE That is the Whole Story in Nut Shell And Expresses , more than we could tell you in a Whole patre . of advertising. However, there are a lew srec al In our Dry Goods Department In our Men's Department In our Hardware and ' A great line of Lace and Net Cur- A great line of Shirts Crockery Department tains, . per pair 75c (o $4 75 each 33c to $1.75 - : : A great line of Dinner Sets A great line of Table Linens, A great line of Shoes frcm a 47 piece set at $3.58 per yard 37Jc to $1.25 per pair $1 50 to $3.50 to a 73 piece set at 600 r ; ------- ' A great line of Towels A great line of Men's Suits A great line of Glassware per pair 10c to 75c $5.00 to $18.00 per piece 5c to 50 A gi eat line of Table Oil Cloth A ' v ery . ttnn. ejAA . t fwv ' per yard 20c great line of Pants ,0 to 00 A llae pf Mirrrs 20c to $8.00 A8reH0eofHats 20 A line of Picture ga A great line ofdStH A great line ot Ties Oc to $..00 fc A great line of Shirt Waists A great line of Trunks and Suit A great line of Paint Brushes each 35c to $450 Cases each 35c to $12.50 . i - 5c to $1.45 A great line of Trimmed Hats A great line of Boys' Suits - . A great line of Toilet Soam $2.75 to $6.50 . 75c to $4-75 6 Bars for 25c A GREAT LINE OF EVERYTHING A GREAT LINE OF EVERYTHING A GREAT LINE OF EVERYTHING THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY Largest Store - 130S-131O-1312 Adami Avenue 1, K. I V4 Smallest Prices i i