La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 30, 1905, Image 4

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: M ; V i
JL -JL. JL. 1 A K
Lumber Shingles
v Sash 1
Boxes MiJlwork i
' Eeryttitng you want want for that j
Is Awaiting Your.Order at
tOoi. D ir and Jefferson 8ts.
Tall Lii.e "i'erferred Stock"
Oanred Goods.
Good School Shoes
a specialty '
Oregon Produce Co j
Fhonei76i La Grande,KOregon.
Corner Jeffersoa Avenue and Greenwood Streets
Largest Packing
In Eastern Oresrone
Good No 2 pples at the packing house. Call and see
them, they are as good as those offered by peddlers
Grand Ronde Lumber Co.
Manufacturer of
Grande Ronde Lumber Co.
I have a cuod stock of shado trees, shrubs and vinon
also Americau Evergreens for fencing and wi,,I
breaks, $5 per hundred, $40 per thousaud Weeping
trees for cemeteries. Carnations, three colors, 12 tor
$1. Toubie Daisies, large, three colors. Large
flowering pansies, all colors, per doien 50c.
Box 637
, Or leave order at Thorn's Grocerv Store.
i j
Portland March 30 .William J.
BarDi, cbi( of I be government secret
service department, arriving yesterday
from Washington, announces be will
leave Oregon for another field aa soon
aa the federal grand jar eompletea
ita work here. Thia will be approxi
mately April I, and Bums' nextin
vrstigatiooa, it ia said, are to be in
Idabo or Wasbiagtt n, in both of which
States, particularly Idaho, an upheaval
similar to the one that baa made Ore
gon notorious, ia looked for . Burns
says President Booeevell told Heney
and bimaelf that be wanted tbe land
frautls probed to the bottom ami no
one apared, if guilty.
China Preparing
Viotoria. B. 0., March 30 Mail ad
vioea were received from Pekin by the
Empress of Japan today that high offi
cials of China recognize that China
will have to pass through a grave oris
ia threatening the very foundations of
her independence and integrity at the
close of the war, and that to avert an
archy and chaos the empire must I e
well armed and ready. The Mancbu
civil and military authorities are ac
cordingly reaming the various bauner
organisations. Manohu. Mcrgol and
Chinese. To the end of February, S3
battalions over and above the 7000
Mannhim wjoinnrf ;; JCcd 17SS3 is
1902, bad been provided with either
Manohoher or Mauser magazine rifles.
Faotories are working to provide 30,
000 more for the Chinese forces at Pe
kin. , These forces will form the neu-
clus of a modern Chinese army to be
organized without delay. ,Ao army of
half a million men is expected to be
ready, well armed for the defense of
Pekin before June.
Off For A Cruise
' By rJcripr News Association
Washington March SO Mrs Roose
velt with the yonnger members oi id
family and a party of Irieod, will
leave tomorrow for Florida, from which
plaoe they will take the President's
yachl, Synpb" for a cruise on the
southern coast, and possibly to tbe
West Indies.
Women Of Woodcraft
There will be no meeting of tbe Wom
en of Woodcraft tonight. Tbe time of
meeting has been changed to tbe first
and third Wedneadays in each month
By Winifred Sargent, Clerk
t - -
Classified dvertiscmcnTs
. -
For Sale
Fiiat class seed potatoes, Carmen no
3 and Early Boae, one half mile east of
L Oldenburg. '
tf J 8 CHANDLER, Frnlt dale
Persona desiring to set out Lrgan
Berries can secure cuttings of J V
MoAiliater, at Are dollars per hand
red. Address J W McAllister R F D
No 3 La Grande. Phone 1776
One Week
Public Sale
For Rent
(By Bcrippa News Association
8t Petersburg, March 30 8lxty thou
sand Jews, reaiding in filty two towns
of Russia, have aent a petition to the
MinLter of the Interior asking for the
abolition of the diaabillties against the
Jawa, and praying for legal equality
cf tbe Jews with the other subjects of
the Cur.
FOB BENT Furnished rooms, good
location. Inquire of Mrs. W J
Snodgrass, Fourth street, or phone
3 5 3.
FOR RENT Light boosekeeplng
rooma Mrs. Shearer, near Oeddes
Bros, grocery store.
Madam Pal ma, tbe noted clairvoyant
and palmist has gained a reputation
in tbia city as the beat and most power
ful medium ' that hr ever visited
Spokane Spokane Gurinioal.
While Osteopaths have been conferr
ing health upon thousands of sick and
afflicted people by fl ding misplace
ments and slips of tbe vertebrae and
correcting them a great many doctors
of others schools have been discredit-
log this situation by claiming that
such lesions" do not occur often.
and when they do are certain to cause
instant death. Yet the newspapers
repeatedly give aocoants of such acci
dents which show misplacements gross
enough to leave no doubt of the faot
not all of whose vlotlms die while of
late pbysiolana are becoming 'oateo-
pathiolzei" enough to occasionally
set sooh dislooationa. The Chicago
Tribune reported tbia case from New
York last month :
"Edward Pape of Brooklyn fell from
a trolley aud broke bis neck. Phy
slcians put it together at the hospital,
and he is on tbe road to re overy
When Pape fell, he landed on hiabead.
Tbe sixth ccrvk-al vertebra was thrown
entirely out of place forward, so that
It hung on tbe front articular process
of tbe vertebra underneath. The
patient was placed on bis back. Three
physicians took a firm hold on hi
body. Dr. Lennox took bold of tbe
head, and another man took hold of
hiui. The bead was palled in a straight
lino with the body for a half inoh
Then it was bent forward to an angle
of 30 degrees, when crack the dielo
rated vertebra snapped baok into plaoe
The operation took scarcely thirty
Now, is it not reasonable that if
thene severe dieplaoementa occur once
in a long while, there will be a count
loss number of lesser disturbance
taking plaoe all the time aa the result
of the less important ahooks, strains
and injuries which overtake the multi
tudes daily? OI coarse, people
stumble, slip, fall, lift heavyweights
aud undergo contractions of mosclet
from draughts or colds with great fre
quency and most of the time pay little
or no attention to such mishaps Us
ually they get over such Injuries with
no worse effects than temporary bruia
es or attain "neuralgias" and "rheu
matisnis, so called, but often perms
nent malpositions of the spinal bones
remit; and these beoome productive of
much of the ills that flesh Is heir to
8uch distuibanoes between bones bring
about changes In muscles and ligaments
which blokade in turn the nerves and
blood-vessels and thereby prevent oor
rect nutrition in tbe organism.
Osteopathy is literally the finding
out of snob disturbances no matter
bow slight or Intricate and oerrectln
them. Its hoe ol onres are aoeom
plisbed In this matter. There is no
thing unreasonable about that sort of
medioine and surgery la there? And
remember, that it applies to the treat
ment of all classes of diseases acute
and chronic, quite ss well as to merely
setting displacements of vertebne
Osteopathic Health.
Call for Bids
Notice is hereby given that the
nndereignad will receive sealed bids
on tbe following described work and
material: On. and before 4 o'olock
pm Wednesday April, 5 1905.' For
(urnisbing and laying on to pot tbe
ground twenty seven hundred feet
'2,700 , more or less, of one inoh gal
vanized iron pipe, and fifteen hundred
(1,60)) more or less, of one inch gal
vanized iron pipe, to be placed in a
ditch not less than twelve Inches deep
and properly covered; also, eighteen
hundred feet, (lB'JO) more or lees o
galvanized iron pipe, also to be plao
ed in a ditch not leas than twelve
inohe deep and properly covered, the
said pipe to be one half iuch pipe, alao
twenty stand-pipes with one half Inch
garden valves.
All bids are to be accompanied by
a certified check for an amount equal
to ten per oent of the bid, said check
to be returnable when tbe contract is
ianed. and the said work to be com
pleted by May 1st, tbe weather per
mitting Before tha contract ia ac
cepted, a bond, with approved seourity
must be made lor ttie faithful and el
fuient performance of the contract ac
cording to Bpeoltloatious
For further particular, plans and
specifications, call upon 1 K bnook,
at the olllceoi the oity Recorder.
1 K bnook
8 R Haworth
E p Ihilders
Trustees La Grande Lodge 1 O O F
No 18-
Dont forget that G II Powers the
Land man bar any thing in lthe shape
of Real Estate from an acre of. Garden
to a 2000 acre ranch. All property
sold on commission aud titles guaran
teed . '
Q II Powers
Minnesota Land Man
Mcb 23 tf
On Friday March 31 W S Ragaln will
have a public auction, at bis place
known aa the John Brandea farm three
miles east of Island City, cf his farming
implements, stock and household goods
as follows; 1, 12 foot Bodge Header;
L, 14 in , 2 bottom gang plow; 1 14 in.
steel beam plow; L. 12 ft Usborn Rake;
1, Monitor Drill; i, Deerlng Mower;
1. 4 section barrow; 1, disc narrow; I,
Baine wagon; 1, Ruabford wagon; 3,
header beds: 6 sets doable harness; 1,
2 seat carriage; 1 double bob sled; 12.
bead of work horses; 7, milch cows; 4
calves; 1, Durham ball; 3 head of
hogs; 1, fanning mm, i, steei range:
1, new beating stove : and other bouse-.
bold and kitchen furniture too numer
ous to mention There will be a free
lunch. Terms of sale 1 10 and under,
cash Ouer $10 six months with ap-
prove! security drawing 8 par cent
interest. March 24 31
High Art Painting
Persons desiring fine work in tbe
line of interior finishing, snob aa grain
ing to match the furniture, wood Oiling
to match the walls, and all tbe flat
flnlahes or glosBfca, should call on or
address Saoford D Kinney, 1431 Adams
Avenue, Corner Greenwood aireet, La
Agents Wanted
Men and women. Big money sell
ing Imperial lamp burner. 8ells on
sight 100 par oent profit. Exclusive
territory to hustlers. Sample by
mail 75c. Call or address.
E C Bergb, La Grande Ore
Mch-24 Aprll-24 Foley Hotel
Here is a Bargain
For You
Eighty aores of land in Malheur
oonuty, with good water right, good
house and outbuildings. Every food
of this place is in cultivation. Will
raise from 9 to 11 tons of alfalfa pr
acre. The val ie of this property may
re estimated from tbe faot that it reuts
annually for $10 rr aore and renter
pa)S the taxes. Ibis place can te
rented for five years longer at this
price. Here Is an investment that
beats ton per cent. For sale on easy
Call For Bids
Notice is hereby (riven that the nu-
deraicntd will receive sealed bids, op
until tour o'clock u in on Wednesday
the 5th day of April, li! .'5, for the con
struction of a reservoir, sufficiently
large to contain one hundred
thousand (100,000) gallons, the . said
reseivoir to be atoued or brloked up,
and cemented on the inside, the oon-
ttacror to do all the excavating, and
the said reservoir to be completed ou or
oerore May ltt, li)U3, tbe weather per
mitting. A bond shall be famished
by the contractor with security for the
completion oi tne reservoir in a prop
er, ianntui anu workmanlike manner.
ah oiaa must do accompanied by a
check for ten per cent ot the amount
oi tne bid, the said check to be re
turnable to the depositor when the con
tract IS Signed . For further informa
tion oall upon I R Snook at the otlice o'f
tbe lUty recorder, Kigued,
1. K oMuOK,
Trustees of La Grande Lodge 10 0
t SHO. ID. ,
Notice Of Proposed Street
To Whom It May Concern; -Notice is
nerecy given oi tbe proposed improve
meut of l' Street, in the city of La
urande, uregon, by the construction
of a seven foot side walk along the
north aide of the block No t7 of
Chaplin's addition, In aaid oity, and
a croaa walk aoroaa Third street ex
tending weat ot said block No 07. Bald
walk to be couatrocted at tbe expense
of abutting property owners.
Notice is hereby further given, that
unless said proposed improvement is
defeated by remonstrance elrfiied by
the. atmitintf property owners, and
li ed with the onderaigned on or before
tbe 5tb day ot April, lucft, aaid aide
walk will be ordered conartucted by
the Council of the City of La Grande.
Ouion Coauty. Oregon.
bated at La Grande Oregon, thi
24th day of March, 1905.
1 R Snook
Keoorder ot the city of La Grande,
Union oonuty, stste of Oregon.
Write to
,4 Oregon.
. R P Tait, the pioneer muaio teacher
of Urande Ronde Valley, ia still in toe
ring. Daring my vacation I made it
my business as well as pleasure to at
tend conoert, operas, and iu faot
everything In my line of business and
I found that I. as a teacher, and in
terpreter of mnsio'aui atlll in the front
rank. Pupils who do not wish the full
conservatory coarse may take tbe pop.
nlar pisco course. Thia places tbe
pupil in position to play the popular
musdo of theday, Church and Sunday
School music.
The Violin popular coarse places the
pupil tn poaitian to play all kinds of
dance music as well aa light overtures.
Quite a number of musicians who have
been under my instruction are now
making aa teachers and
aoloiau. Pnpils who are nnder my
care will be thoroughly instructed in
m . R P TAIT, teeohej
Fruit Trees ,
Have just received another invoice
of fruit, shade and ornamental trees,
Golden West Peaoh, Bartlett Pear,
Rome Beauty Apple, Quince, Prone,
Plum and Cherry trees, Gooseberries,
Currants, Nut trees, eto.
I have leased the Silk pas
ture for the season aud em
therefors in position to care
foa all kinds of stock, and
especially the "town cow"
at rates which are just, I
will guarantee first class
treatment, good feed and
water. Address .
E. E.Jones,
Phone 1276 La Grande
The Bilk pasture oonnlnta of over WO aerea
ud ia divided Into all separate lota
Horse and cattle will not run together
PROF. DAY..Prindplc
Mitt, DAY,tAuUtant
Thia s one of the.beatjmaalcal.ln
stitationa in tbe state. Daring tbe
year 1904 there were nearly Four
thousand lessons given. Tbe people
in.thls city and valley are begln
ing to discover the great advantage
of this sohool. The. sy item used is
tbe latest and moat practical, and
inoludee all the latest discoveries
in the art of teaching masio. The
school is divided into two depart
ments; No. 1 Is for beginners, from
5 years ap, and taking in tbe 1st to
3rd grades, in tbia department
pupils come one hour every day.
In No. 2 the grades are from 3 to
IS. ;llere they .graduate. Pupil
iaae one or two lessons a week
they denlra. No scholars will be
permitted to remain in tbia ecliooi
wto do not etudy.
Board and Lodging by
211 3rd at. Phone 707
For aa lmpa;red Appetie
Loss of appetite always results from
faulty digeatton. All that la needed
la a few doees of ChamberlalnV Stom
ach and Lier Tablets. They will In
vlgoratetbe stomach, strengthen the
digestion and give you an appetite like
a olf. Tbeae Tableta also act as a
gentle laxative. For sale by Newlin
Irrug Co.
E. C. DAVIS, Proprietor,
Complote assortment of fin
est marble and granit
kl aays on hand. Estimates
cheerfully furnished upon
applicati n.
Headstones and Monuments
A Specialty
Brick furnished in any
quanity or any style. No
contract ton small or too
large. See samples of our
pressed brick.
La Grande, Oregon.
I r.V V -
are i e ly kinds we sell.
Tbe meat that hasjthat rich appear
ance and tickets the palata ia thu kind
yo will fctthere.
Choioa lamb, pork and veal chops,
sirloin, round and porterhouse steaks
and other luxuries in oar line, are
sold here daily nd pi ices that are
require good, solid food. Meat is
a necessity to such a man and he
should have It. All women of the
bouse should have it. All women ol
the house should provide their hus
bands with food that will etreogtien
them so thst they will be ingood condi
tion to toll so that the family may
Bock & Thomas