g I r&Q&&&&&&r $ CITY 1BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant Ask for La Grande LA GRANDE BEER IS AND SHOULD HAVE Notice to ibo patrons of La Grande Light and Power Co. , That on and after January let we will install a day circuit in this city and take this means of notifying oar patrons. Any changes to be made in light? which csn not be tamed off during the day should be arranged as boon as i possible. Those desiring power can confer with as at any time regarding prices of motors, rates, etc. We have motors priced as follows, f. o. b. San Francisco. i b. p. ........$ 37 75 1 hp 44 60 1 h p 95 60 2 h p 104 16 3 hp 128 85 To this price mast be added freight from San Francisco to La 'iranrte. Shipping i hp 3 phase i .- "f 1 hp 2 hp " 3 hp " 120 lbs i 165 lbs 242 lbs 345 lbs 425 lbs form IC form K form K form K form K form K 5 hp " 7ihp 10 hp " 15 hp " 20 hp " 30 hp or information call at office ot LA GRANDE I Hotel Sommer THE HOTEL 0MMER U0M Leitfee WE CATER TO COMMERCIAL - TRADE -- - ROOMS WITH BATh LpSTEAM HEATEZO All Modern Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in Eastern Oregon. A. L MORRIS, Tres.and Manager. Ijrmmm owm nous . H. STEWARD, EOKHART & Presenting the three greatest I A Wicked Woman A Bachelor's Honeymoon A Woman in the Case t Three night, opening with "A THURSDAY, Thib is the play formerly hnowu as "Forgot-Me-Not." 4 wiiun was piayea uy uose uogniau with suceets for teveral seasons. Specialties Between Acts flUCKS Orchestra 50c; Orchostra C.rcle 35c; Dress Circle 3 t in Buleouy25c. Seats on ealo Tuesday at Vun Buren's. The Best Physic When )ou want a jlivsio that la mild aod gentle, essy . to take and gentle, easy to lake and rrtlu to act always aaa Clismborlain's ttlotuaih . ' ti n.t.l. Vm I- K X,ewlio Drag Company. in Eastern Oregon Beer and get the Best MADE IN LA GRANDE im PkEFERENCE. 6 h. p $192 00 10 h p . ; 279 75 15 h p 367 70 20 h p 452 50 30 h p 655 65 weights llD ItitlorlA nl; flip " 1 hp " 2 hp " 44 3 hp 44 5 bp " 44 270 lbs 275 lbs 380 lbs 465 lbs 640 lbs 670 lbs 820 lbs 1075 lbs 1350 lbs 2300 lbs 2810 lbs 810 lbs 950 lbi 1175 ;lbs 1430 !bs 2315 lbs 2980 lbs firm L form L form L form L form L form L LIGHT AND POWER CO. 1 a I a i M 1 1 El Proprietor and Mftr HAWKINS i successes of the season ' 1 WOMaN IN THE CASE 3 MARCH 30 Fiendish Suffering is often raiipad by sore, ulcers and cancers, that eat away your akin, Wm bedell, of Flat Rock Mloh, says; i have used liucklnn's Arnica Salve, for Ulcers, Sores and lancers It ia th best healing dressing 1 ever found. oothoK and heals oats, burns and Co at Nttwlio Drug store guaranteed. U Grande Evening Observer T IZJ iJROa, Editors a Pi pi Entered at tbe fPoet Office at La Urande, Oregon, m Beeood Class Mail MatUr. Published daily except Sunday One year in adrance ...... $8 50 Six months in advance. . . .3 60 Per month ..65c Single copy 6c ADTEBTUINO BATES Display Ad ratal farnlabed mpou application Local raiding notiees 10s per Um am u Uon, je per Uu toe mek autwaqiMoS lner- RmoIuUob ofeasdoleDM, jf r 11m Cards ot thanks, ie par 1h Wcdnctday.AUrch 29. 1905. Even Tom Word is compelled to take a back seat in Portland since the arrival of the Evan gelists. ' It is predicted that the seed-, less apple will revolutionize the apple industry like the seedless orange did a few years ago. ' It is expected that two more important transfers in Grande Sonde mines will take place within th e next two weeks. The fishing season nnn April 1, and owing to the fact of I ht tuiiw in the mountains, the mountain streams will af ford good fishing . earlier than nsual . The city marshal should en. force the house, number ordi nance. There is a penalty for non-compliance. One or two fines would cause a stampede in tho right direction. A strict enforcement of the bicycle ordinance may result in the passage of a more liberal or dinance, whereby only the busi ness streets may be retained in the prohibited district. Now that the Navy Depart ment has ordered the Colorado to Venezuelan waters, Presi dent Oastro may recollect - what happened to Chief Executives in the other Colorado. The county court is strivine to make it possible to reduce our county debt. In fact, pay it all off within the next five years . The rate of reduction during 1904 will, if continued accom plish this desire. . The Federal Grand jury will soon be grinding out indictment again and if the work continues along the lines forecasted, there will only be a few of the best of us left, but remember "He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone." The first Monday in June, only about two months hence, we elect a school director to serve five years. This is an important position and should receive due consideration. En gineer Gen. Hansen who has moved to Tal.ocast is the retir ing member of the board. From this time on Union county will he properly repre sented on the tax roll. Instead of $4,000,000 our taxable pro-. perty will be in excess of $15, 000,000 and our levy should not exceed 12 mills. This is the condition that assessor Mortou ia Irvine tn Kinnnr aknuf .kJ ( there is no reason why it should uot be accomplished. IXn't fail to hare voor fortune told by the Marvel of the 20 h oentury. At Hotel(Snunitr La Grande Oregon. HOPE FOR EPILEPTICS The Cincinnati Tribune of March 25, reports what gives Dromise of the discovery by ac cident of a cure for epilepsy James Perry a patient in the city Ilaspital who has long been a sufferer from epileptic fits, feeling a fit coming on and being alone and becoming thirsty took up a glass half full cf a clear liquor, which he lock to be water and drank all the contents. He was surprised to find the symptoms of an ap proaching fit cease and he felt much better than usual. He told the doctor what he bad done and the physician was somewhat alarmed, for the li quid he had drsnk was per- oxfde of hydrogen; but as no bad effects followed and Perry continued to im poo ve, the hos pital, physicians, hoping that Perry's mistake bad given them a clue to a remedy for that dreadful malady, experimented with peroxyde of hydrogsn on four other patients with results that makes the doctors believe a specific for epilepsy has been found. Call For Bids "iihui is hereoy glren that the un dersigned will receive sealed bids, np aotil foor o'olock p m on Wednesday the 6tb day of April. 1936, for tbe con struction of a reservoir, sufficiently large to contain one hundred thousand (100,000) galloos, the said reservoir to be stoned or bricked np, and cemented on the inside, the con tractor to do all the excavating, and the said reservoir to be completed on or before May 1st, 1005, the weather (per mitting. A bond shall be tarnished by the contractor with security for tbe completion of the reservoir In a prop er, faithful and workmanlike manner. All bids must be accompanied by a check for ten per font ot the amount ot the bid. the said obeok to be re turnable to tbe depositor when the con tract Is signed. For farther informa tion call upon I R Bnook at tbe ollloe of the City recorder, Signed. I. K 8NOOK, 8. K. HAWOKTH, F. P. GUILDERS Trustees ot La Urande Lodge 10 0 r pa. 10. . Call For Bids Notice is hereby given 1 that tbe nndersigned will receive sealed bids on tbe following described work ana material: On and before o'olock p m Wednesday April, 5. 1905. For furnishing and laying on top of the ground twenty sevea hundred feet lAvooj, more or less, of one won gal vanized iron pipe, and fifteen hundred (1,600) more or less, of one inoh gal vanized iron pipe, to be placed in a ditch not less than twelve inohes deep and properly covered; also eighteen hundred leet, (ltwu) more or less o galvanized iron pipe, also to be plao ed in a ditch not less than twelve lnobe deep and properly covered, the said pipe to be one half inch pipe, also twenty stand-pipes with one half Inch garden valves. All bids are to be aocompanitd by a certified cheok for an amount equal to ten per oent ot the bid, aald check to be returnable when the contract is signed, and the said work to be com pleted by May. 1st, tbe weather per mittina Before the contract - is ac must be made for the lattuful and e - relent performance of the contract ao cording to Bpeolttoatioos For farther particalars, plana and specifications, call upon 1 H Knook, at tne omoe oi tne any ueooraer. I ft bnook 8 K Hswortu K P ihlldcrs Trustees La Grande Lodge I O O F Ho ltt- Notice Of Proposed Street Improvement To Whom It May Concern; Notice Is hereby given oi the proposed improve ment of F Street, 1 the city ot La Urande, Oregon, by the construction of a teven foot side-walk along the north side of the Ulook No 67 . of Chaplin's addition, to said city, and a cross walk aoross Third - street ex tending west ot ssld Ulook No 67. Said walk to be rOnstreotert at the expense ol abutting property owners. Notice ie hereby further given, that unless said proposed improvement ie de:eated by remonstrance signed by tbe. abutting property - owners, aud U ed with tbe undersigned oj or before the 6th day of April. l!)05t SHtd side wsllc will be ordered consrtucted by the Couucil ot the City ot La Unnde, Union County, Oregon. fated at La oraude Oregon, thl 24th day ot March, 1D05. IK Snook Recorder of the city of La Urando, Union ocunty, slate of Oregon. For an Impaired Appetie Loss of appetite always results from faulty digestion. All that la needed is a few doses of Chamberlain's Stom ach aud Liver Tablets. They will in vigorate the stomach, strengthen the digestlou and give you an sppetlte like a -volf." These Tablets also act as a ventle laxative. For sale by Newlin JragCo. 'THE FINEST EVE& 0 Tailored Turbans Dress Hats Cordays - New Veiling? Ombre Ribbons Pretty lace Collars Handsome Jetted Collars E M WELLMAN & CO La Gtru de - Oregon tl E HENRY FUNERAL LICEWEb Li Lady assistaLt Calls Phone J. C. Ilenry. residence 664 J. J. Carr, residence 386 Notary Public Money Representing the Equitab1e,3avings A ,Lo9n Asso ciation of Portland, Or., the strougest, safest & most reliable institution on the Pacific coast, under Slato supervision. Loans made short or loug time to suit. 0 City property for sale. Th SEATTLE GROCERY CO. Masonic building, Adams Avenue ZUNDELL& LAWSON, Props. Now ready for business with a complete assortment of ' frash Grocrios Every article on our sholvos is new aud fresh, and guaranted to bo first tlaes Our motto is "Live and Let Live" We will have our own delivery and guarantee prompt service Remember that we still handle hay, frraiu and frel We pay the highest rcarket price for farm produce If we make a mistake we will cheerfully correct the same Phone orders given special attention A. B. C. STEAM L AUNDRiY PHONE rf i85l LaGranie, Oregon. -"Y''jJ Should come to our Laundry TVf 1 Y of ttnvthing fron a pleasant 1 1 JLw E2j ImJ eaiile to clean linen WASHING business WE DO IT" RIGHT .tttUUkSSt RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop, Safe and reliable rigs furn-' at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial travelers, Phone. 3-5 WM. SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Fiee delivery to all parts ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1961 Home, bariicM and wngoni bought and sold A Touching Story Is the saving from death of the baby girl of Geo A Kjler Cumlerland, Md. lie write ; "At the age of 11 months our little girl was Id rieoliainp health with serious Throat Trouble, andjtwo physicians gave her up We were al most in despair, when we resolved to to try Or King's New Discovery for Consumption, longhs, and Colds Tho first bottle gave relief, alter tak ing four bottles she was cared, and is uow in perfect health." Never fails to relieve and cure a ooub or cold At Newlin Drug Store 60o and 100 I Kuarantred trial bottle free M cS6 CARR DIRECT0R5 EflB1LriER5 answered day and night, No.121. : La Grande Oregon hi Insurance to Leap, fva uuiitt i iivut Special Sale For the next fifteen days I will offer some special cash puces on my cured meats, and lards. I have moved into t e Geddes building, and Hm not prepared to carry n large stock iu this li.ie until I am again in my own build ing, whLh is now being pre pared with cold storage faci lities. As I uow need money I will sell 5 lbs buckets of lard for 55c, 10 lbs buckets for I. 10 cash. For the oretsent i am located a 55c 6 lbs Home rendered lard Cash just across me street from my stend old HARRIS MEAT MARKET Phone 1601 55c' 5 lbs Home rendered lard Cash o