- r v - i. SNAPS i SNAPS On all kinds of netf and Second Hand Goods. Remember we want your second hand goods Remember we etretch bed springs Remember we do upholstering Remember we do house moving .''.' t Remember we pay cash Remember we sell cheap Remember we do transfering Remember we have a large stock Remember we sell wood ' ' Remember we repair bicycles;- '.' Remember we sell bioycles Remember weare all right. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Comer Fir and Adams Rsmember we still buy aad eel til kind trJ .mm of Second Hud Good, j, jt j. 'PhOtoC J55J do 1 NCEDA BISCUIT :-; . We have them , N.-.bisco Wafers in Five Flavors Lemon Vanilla Mint Chocolate Orange FIVE O'CLOCK TEA ; SOCIAL TEA Ramona Zweibach Champagne Wafers Graham Crackers Oatmeal Crackers Feslino Almonds Saratoga Flakes BAKER BROS. Adams Avenue Phone HOI m nmmmmmmmmmmmmm mh i SEED GRAIN ! OATS, WHEAT, Bluesteam and Club BEARDLESS BARLEY BLUE BARLEY, ' MILLEEED J Baled Alfalfa, Wild and Timothy Hay f COAL and WOOD Grande Rondc Cash Company, f Tress Lewis Dean Crowe Phone 1801 New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue m NEW SPRING SUITINGS 14 to $50 JOIN THE CLUB AND GET ONE FOR $1.00 Waich this ipacc forSuii winncs John Biever won the $35 and CM Curtice the $25 Suit last Saturday Two drawings on Sat. April I. A.L ANDREWS 'HABERDASHER AND TAILOR SEEDS SEEDS Just received a Car Load of ' Alfalfa Seed Red Clover, Timothy, Rei Top. All " kinds of Qrasa aseds. Balk Qardeu Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats fi.y;ouyER . JEFFERSON AVE. , PHONE U7L LJ9GAL ITEMS I nil ll . 1 Mr Roeenbaom spent Sunday with 1 friends In Unloq ' Frank Myrlck of the Cove waa a La Grande visitor Saturday. Special services will oommenoe nest Sunday in tha Baptist oharcb. Bev. Day will be assisted by Bar. Ueo. T Ellis. .,-f Get figures on a oement walk from Manager O E Harper of the Cream ery at this place returned Saturday evening from Pendleton, where be has been installing a branch plant of the Blue Mountain Creamery Co,' If you are a lover of Muslo. come to the recital at tha Prsebyter Ian Church tomorrow (Tuesday) at 3 p m and you will be more than repaid for your trouble. Cft. L XT 1 v. . . i . i . i I . Z . . 7 J The many Mends of John Bay will put In abows defects for a year after lu. i. ,vfc i. .h.. w saswavu ww ivm a mmm mm sovMug mm t v mm wwa uw m bvuniu ae mm It is put down, they will replace It their own expense Theolty council ol Walla Walla la about to commence a campaign In the interest of a pure milk supply, and Boise city is considering the propoel Uon to pay their mayor a aaiary of 11000 per annum and the members of the council for their services. Our neighbors are growing. Another big real estate deal hut week waa the purchase by lion J II Dobbin of the Harry Keif ranoh on Lower Prairie creek: consideration $11,200. This ranch of 320 aores Is in excellent shape, all under cullvation and haa good buildings business men olalna Jit Bobbin haa Mnnnuf very valuable ranoh at a moderat price Joseph Herald. Willis Moss, who purchased the Neville place east of town last fall, ar rived last Thursday afternoon with his family and they have entered into the full enjoyment of one of the Ones) homes In the oounty. Mi a Moss ts de lighted with her new location. This wss her first visit to the county. The people of . Wallowa gladly welcome them -Wallowa Nswe If yoa are thinking of a new aide- walk In front if your lot, or around your house, why not put It in of oe ment Instead oi woodT The first cost of a oement walk will be but little mora than for plank and It will never need repairing or replacing, at least not during your life The cement walk always looks good If you are thinking of a walk at all, drop a card to Soottft Kubn oare of Sommer hotel. ana let tnem giro you figures. They will rsplaoe any portion of the walk that shows defect a year attar it is put down. now thought thst ho will soon be able to again be up and around. Mr Bay waa operated upon rlaturday and for a time it was tboohgt he would not be able to withstand tha shock. flie funeral of tha late Mra Hannah Chaplin waa held this afternoon at tha Baptist Church, the 'Rev J Fmnkllu Day ofliolating. The ehuroh waa fill e1 with old time friends who -came to pay me last respects to toe one whom they had known for many years She will long be remembered by Dost oi irienas aa one wno was ever ready to assist by word or deed those who needed help most. Lylc Tuesday Musicale In order that the general public may obtain some Idea of the real object of the Ly la Tuesday Musicale, the ladies have adopted tha plan of giving publio recitals, charging a small admission fee of 10 oenta. The following pro gramme for tomorrow (Tuesday, March 28) haa been selected with the thought of j leasing the public Mandolin Club ......... . . . . . Selected Piano Solo. .Second Mazurka.. Goddard Carolyn (juimby Vocal Solo.. The Singing In God'a Acre Bracket! Mra. Blchardson (a -Lost Chord ib Ban Fare.. Mra. Lyle A Musical Recitation Miss MoCall Piano elolo. . . .Oberon ... .op Mrs. WW Berry" Vocal Solo.. A Dream of Paradise.. Hamilton Grey Mrs. Laughliu Mandolin Club Selected I have just received a car load of the best grade of . . BLACKSMITH COAL Also a car of EXTRA STAR A STAR SHINGLES ' Can famish yoa with any quantity MRS. T. N. MURPHY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY ETC. Organ Holo .8ullivan Lemmans . . . . Banks 3l)..Dorn Dr Riohardson led thia forenoon on a professional visit to Elgin. Mr Tom Eskln of Wallowa county returned this mornisg from a business vicit to Portland. Mr George Fletcher who has been in Portland for several days on busi ness, returned io this city this fore noon and will leave today foi his home in Wallowa oounty. No big cracks will be fonnd in the cement wslks put down by Scott 4 Kuhn. Both members of the firm are well known here and they agree to re place any pieces tbst show such de fee is. Drop them a card in care of Bommer Hotel, or see Mr Soott Their prices will be found rignU Hon. Joseph Howell, United Btstei Congressman from Utah , and his wife arrived in this city yesterday on a short visit to Mr J B Stoddard and other friends st this plsoe. Mr Stod dard is an eld oollega schoolmate and ohum of the Congressman. Hincethe adjournment of the legislature, Bepre sentstive Howell and bis wife have been on an extended tour through the southern stales attending the Mardi Gfaa at New Orleans, enroute. They left this fqrenoon for Biker City at which place the ill visit frien is for a short time before returning to their home In Utah. A Good Dinner will make its presence felt in pite of all efforts to conceal It. The odors from our kitchen would give any man an appetite so delicious is the aroma arising from the best of foods skill fully cooked, By Rights we ought to charge extra for this, but we ao not, oecause we know that once a man has tasted our foods he will be a steady eater at oui tables. And the meat win leave nim some change in his pocket, too. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY ANDNIGHT We se.l weekly Mesl . A Ticks Cssfi $4.50 YOU CAN GET IT AT GOLDEN RULE That is the Whole Story in a Nut Shell And Expresses more than we could tell you in a Whole paee of advertising:. However, there are a lew srec al THE I e". ' " "" ' " ' i -ii , i i , - . . i i.i ."'''"''''"'''"'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaewaawaai In our Dry Goods Department In our Men's Department In our Hardware and A great litfe of Lace and Net Cur- A great line of Shirts Crockery Department tains, per pair. 75c to $4-75 each 33c to $1.75 , ; A great line of Dinner Sets A great line of Table Linens, A great line of Shoes from a 47 piece set at $3.58 per yard 37ic to $1.25 per pair $1 50 to $3.50 to a 73 piece set at 8.00 1 - - 1 A great line of Towels A great line of Men's Suits A great line of Glassware per pair 10c to 75c $5.00 to $18.00 . per piece 5c to 50 AglpSyd0fTaWe0il C1th 20c A great line of Pants $1.00 to $4-00 A great line of Mirrors 20c to $8.00 A great line g A great line of Hats 25c to $3.00 A great line of Pictnrn A great line of Tailored Skirts A great line ot Ties 0c to $1.00 A great line of Lawn J A great line of Shirt Waists A great line of Trunks and Suit A great line of Paint Brushes each 35oto$4.50 Cases each 35c to $12.50 5c to $1.45 A great line of Trimmed Hats A great line of Boys' Suits A great line of Toilet Soaps $2.75 to $6.50 ' 75c to, $4.75 6 Bars for 25c A GREAT LINE OF EVERYTHING A GREAT LINE OF EVERYTHING A GREAT LINE OF EVERYTHING THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, 1308-1310-1312 Adama A venae Largest Store Smallest Price