La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 24, 1905, Image 4

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.-? A,
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Shingles 1
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lEverythinjr you want want for that
v IswaittogiYourJOfa'eV at
it ;
JUoi. 1'ir and Jefferson 81a. j
Foil Line "rerferr'ed Stock"
Oanred Goods.
Good School Shoes
a specialty f
Oregon Produce Co
KEEE Phone 1761 La Grande.1 Oregon. '
Corner Jefferson Avenue and Greenwood Streets.
Largest Packing
In Eastern Oresron.
0 woe Jilli, JL U SJbLJiJljL
$ Good No 2 apples at the packing house. Call and see
them, they are as good as those offered by peddlers
... -Jiit
Grand Rciide Lumber Co.
Hanuhdurtr ( LUMBER
Grande Ronde Lumber Co.
PERRT. OREGON. ,.' , , ' .;: Vj-
Ban Francisco March' 24 Water
Iron the Colorado river ia pouring In
to the desert .of southern California,
converting a tut tract into an inland
eea. There ii grave danger that a
great permanent lake, rivaling the
Great Halt lake will be created, caus
ing stupendous changes in the climate
and productions of southern Califor
nia. Tbia information oomee from
the offioers of tbe Eatt Liverpool Bait
company, which bat a plant In the
flooded district, and tbe newa ia oon
firmad by diapatcbei. ' .
"Tbe trouble cornea from the irri
gating ditohee of tbe Imperial Iirigst
ing company near Yuma," aaid W 8.
Tevle, vice-preiident of the salt com
pany. "About 10 weeka ago they at
tempted to aeour out tbe main ditch
wblohj leads directly into the Colorado
fiver, 1'bey wished to avoid tbe cost of
a dredge, eo they turned the current
of the river into it without taking the
precaution of buildiug beadgatea or
p-oviding means o! contiolling tbe
fnron whloh th alUtnt.rl try nti
i "The result is that the whole Colo
rado river threatens to leave its bed
and pour .into, the vast depression
known as Ballon aink. There ia already
a great inland sea there and every
day the water is rising. We are build
ing a lavee around tbe salt works, but
U tbe flood continues to rise, the works
themselves will be wiped out of exist
enoe as will Balton.
"In tome plaoes the face of the de
sert is 2Ctt feet below sea level- Tbe
damage which may result is incalcul
able. Unless something is accomplish
ed in the way of retaining the river in
its present channel, the whole south
ern part of the atate as far north as
Indio will be turned into a lake at it
was in geologioal times "
Linooln, Neb.; Maroh 24. By a
bare constitutional majority, 17 in ita
favor, the senate tonight passed the
house bill, outlawing the practice of
Christian Solence. A aingle amend
ment by the senate permits oateonatha
to continue in practice, and this, the
bouse managers announce, will be
oonourred in.
Tbe bill will then go to the governor.
Russian Fleet Sighted"
(tty Borippn News Association)
Port Said March 24 Tbe fleet of
Admiral Nebogatoff, which forms tbe
third division of admiral Rojtatven
sky's squadron, has been Bighted here.
Pioneer Killed
Huntington. Ore.. March 23.
Ueorge Moore, 71 Tears old. a pioneer
of this seotlon of the country and a
prominent Odd Fellow of 50 Tears'
standing, was Instant r killed bv No.
6 thia afternoon at WeAtherby, a station
eight miles wast of here. He waa on a
bridge and bearing tbe passenger ap
proaching around the curve, atarted to
ran across, tripped and tell, the engine
outtlng him in two. " -
Russian Reforms
By Sorlpps Newt Association J
London March 24 A " dispatch to
tbe Exohange Tolegrapb from St. Pe
tersburg stales that tbe Minister o'
finance has proposed a r-eries of re
forms in the methods of taxation
which reform will produoe twenty two
million rubbles additional to tbe year
ly revenue.
Northwest News
There are 20,000 'phones in Seattle.
paid for at an average rate of $2 per
month pr 'phone.
' Tbe Astoria city coonril rwienlly
voted a 3&-yar franchise for gas, elee
trie light and telephone systems.
A T acorn a firm has been awarded
tht contract to furninb 1783 diiors for
Fort McKinley, Philippine Islands,
for $3564.79.
Tbe grand jury at Baker City refus
ed to return a true bill against A. D.
Barnard, charged with the murder of
John Brown at Huntington, and he
was discharged. .
Petitions have been Clod with tbe
city clerk of Spokane, signed by over
1720 residents asking tbst a proposed
amendment to tbe city charter be
submitted to a vote of tbe people.
John 1 Uayde, half wit ted aod 23
years of age, confessed to having atart
ed several fires in Spokane during tbe
past several weeks. It is a clear case
of mania for seeing the depaitmsot
turn out.
D. 0. Corbin of Spokane, will.tbis
spring plant 1600 aires of sugar beets
on bis landa near Tekoa. Tbe Waverly
sugar factory near Tekoa is expected
to receive tbe product of 4500 cres
this year. ; .
The city council at Hood River baa
secured an option on a spring mooing
fiO inches of water and within five
miles of town. A pipe line to town
will cost 10,000, and the situation is
said to presage municipal water works
for the place. .
Glassihed ' ; Advertisements
For Sale
Marshal's Notice
Notice is hereby given that there is
a city ordinance, regarding riding
bicyolea on tbe aide wslks and that
from thia date this ordinance will be
trictly inforced. LB Ray burn,
City Marshal
Agents Wanted
Men and women. Big money sell
ing Imperial lamp burner. Bells on
Sight 100 per cent profit. Exclusive
territory to bustlers. Sample by
mail 75c. Call or address.
0 Iiergb, La Grande Ore
Mch-24 April-24 Foley Hotel
Notice is hereby given that there
are pow funds on hand to pay all out
standing warrants issued on (Jencral
Fund of La Grande City, up to and in
cluding, No. 4187 endorred Nov. 3rd
Interesr on all warranta on Genera
Fnnd from No. 4026 to No 1187 in-
olnsive, ceases from this date.
La Grande, Oregon, March 21. 1905.
E. J. WAL8U, City Treasurer.
Dont forget that G H Powers the
Land man hai any thing In .the shape
of Real Eatate from an acre of Garden
to a 2000 acre ranch. All property
sold on commission end titles guaran
G ii Powers
Minnesota Land Man
Mch 23 it
Murderer Hanged
8orlpps News Association
New Orleans Maroh 24 Lewis J.
Lyons the murderer ol District Attor
ney J. Ward Guerly, was hanged this
morning in the yard at the pariah
prison .
Crabs and Clams
Smelt, Salmon, Beef, Pork, Mutton
And Veal.
Telephone your orders for your Sun
day meat to BUllwell I'.rothera, No
Invaluable For Rheumatism
I have been suffering for the past
few reara with a severe attack of rhe
matisin and found that Mallard's Snow
Liniment waa the only thing that gave
me satisfaction and tended To alleviate
my peine. Maroh SUh. l'.m, J hu C
Detnan Kinsman 111. 25o 50o nnd
11,00 Sold Ly Newlln Ding Ce i
NO. 4402.
Report or tli Condition mt
The Farmers & Traders National
At Idt Grande, In the Hbu of Oregon, at the
cloiw of biialnru, Jan. 14, UK&.
Loanaand l)lsouut .... $ 14d,H01 Si
uxrantiin, tecurou una unuocar-
U S iionda to avciire circulation..
Hremiuma on U H liouda ..
Stocka, aocurltloa, ate
banking house, lumltare and
fixtures ..
Other real eaUite owned .
Due from National Bauka not re
aerve agenta
Due trotu suite Itaiiki and Una It
era .
Due from approved reserve
agent ... ..............
Cuecka an J ot her rash lluiua
Nolea of other National Bank..
Fractional paper currency, nick
els, and centa....
Lawful Hon at Ksaiiara IN
Specie . ......$S0,l64 (6
ltral-lvnder notes .l,dOU 00
Umlemption fund with U. H.
Treaaurcr ii per cent of ciroala-
tlonj...m....ra.,...M3.... 700 00
5,988 71
1S,() Oti
4,17V J
8,1; UU
I.M6 S8
7,713 25
1,017 8fl
107 17
4 A) 00
ei 61
(1,681 SO
Total -
Capital stock paid In.
aurpiua iuna
Undivided profit, lex expeuaes
and laxea paid
National Uuuk Note outstandlnf
Due loothnr National liiinka
Due to state Itanka and Hankera.M
lu to 1 runt Companies aud Hav-
Inga llanka
Due to approved reserve agvnla...
Dlvidenua unpaid ... ,,
Individual deposits subject to
Demand eertliioAtua of deiHMlt....
BUIauayable. incladlUK crrti tlcatea
of deposit for money borrowed.....
Total iza,47ii
state or okkuon
Uoumtx o Union j m
I, J. W Herlber. Caahivr of the above-named aoleiunly awoartliat llu above aliite
went la trus to the beat of my knowledge aud
J W aCRlUKIl, Caahler.
Bnbarrlbed and awora to before u thia
rd day of March, tuori.
Notary Tublle for Oregoa
Correct A tteal
Ukkrt'ULW .Director
$j.'vj,4:ji 72
eo.ime on oo
8,155 61
. M,;ti0 on
2,191 Nl
. a,Ti;ia)
71 2!
S,8t (A
M 7!ff 4 i
7.SO0 00
I OR 8ALE Tbe United States
Patent of tbe Twentieth century, ai
derrick fork.1 Patented by P M
Standley, of La Grande, Ore. on
A a gnat 20th 1301
Fit at class reed potatoes, Carmen no
3 and Early Rose, one half mile east of
L Oldenburg. '' ;
tf J 8 CHANDLER, Fruitdale
The GAB will meat at 1 O O E
ball at 1:30 pm Saturday, 25th lost.
Full attendance requested.
Persons desiring to set oat Logan
Berries can secure cuttings of J W
McAllister, at live dollars per band
red. Address J W McAllister RFD
No 2 La Grande. Phone 177S
One Week
Eilray Notce
- NotIo is hereby given that the
ollowing described etock hu .been
taken up at my place six miles oast of
La Grande Union County Oregon and
appraised, aa follows, one bay mare
hranrlal N on left blp welifht about
950, aged13. One sorrel mare .brand
ed w on left ahoulder. weight about
800 aged 4. One bald faced Ally,
white feet no brand weight about 700
PandB.-. ,r, t. n .
Feb 27 March 27
Hhjjh i" Art Painting
Persons desiring fine work in tbe
line of interior finishing, such as grain
ing to match the furniture, woodfllling
to match tbe walls, and all the flat
finishes or glosses, stuuld call on or
address Sunford D Kinney, 1431 Adams
Avenue, Corner Greenwood street. La
Grande, Oregon. tf
For Rent
FOR BENT Furnished rooms, good
location. Inquire of Mrs. W J
Snodgraas, Fourth street, or phone
Board and Lodging by Mrs Goodall
9114 3rd' st. Phone 707 tf
FOR RENT Light bouaekeeplng
rooma. Mrs, Shearer, near Geddes
Bros, grocery store.
WANTED A girl or middle aged
women to do light ihouse work for
two. M Jtaker.
WANTED The undersigned wishes a
. set of books to keep. Rates reason
able and satisfaction guaranteed
Satisfactory references furnished
Lon Li Fox, La Grande, Oregon,
M 14 21
LOST aorrel horse with white blaze
in faori weight about 1100 branded
with key on shoulder. Liberal re
ward for its return or information
leading to recovery. David Hay
Forty acres of land for rent with
good houses and improvements. Two
and one half miles north of La Grande
For information apply to Joxeph
Fruit Trees
Have just received another invoice
of fruit, shade -and ornamental trees,
Golden West Peach, Bartlett Pear,
Rome Beauty Apple, Quince, Prune,
Plnm and Charrv tree. Gooseberries,
Currants, Nut trees, etc.
R P Talt, tbe pioneer music . teacher
of Grande Ronde Valley, is still in the
ring. During my vacation I made it
my business as well ae pleasure to at
tend concerts, operas, and In fact
everything in my line of boeinees and ,
I found that Ias a teacher, and in-:
ter prater of musio am still in the front
rank. Pupils who do not wish the full
conservatory course may take tbe pop.
ular placo course. This plaoes the
pupil in position to play the popular
muolc of the;day, Church and Sunday
School musio.
Tbe Violin popular course places the
pupil In position to play all kim!e of
dance music as well aa light overtures.
Quite a number of musicians who hare
been under my instructi-m are now
making goodjmoney aa teacbera and
soloists. Pupils who are nnder my
cere will be thoroughly instructed in
in . UP TAIP, teaohej
From near tbe Iowa school house,
about ten miles north of La Grsnde,
one large red cow, branded oo the
left side, and 16 on one hip, on Feb :
rusry 15th The finder will please
notify B F bparr.iw. La Grande Ore.
I have leased tbe Silk pas
ture for tbe season and sin
therefore in position to care
fos all kinds of etock, and
especially the "town cow"
at rates which' are just, I
will guarantee first class
treatment, Rood feed and
water. Address
E. E.Jones,
Phoua 1276 La Grande
The Silk pasture coiiKlxta of over S00 acres
aud is divided Intoalx ae pa rate lota
iiunniuuramewiu not run together
E. Cr DAVIS, Proprietor,
Complote assortment of fin
est marble and granit
always on band. Estimates
cheerfully furnished upon
applicati n.
Headstones and Monuments
.... ... A Specialty
Brick furnished m . anv
quanity or any style. No
contract too small or too
large. See samples of our
pressed brick.
La Grande, Oregon.
PROF. DAY. Principle.
MRS, DAY.Attiitant
This is one of the.beetimuslcai;in
atitutions in tbe state During ttie
ytar,1904 there were nesrly Four
thousand lensons given. The people
in.this city and valley are bann
ing to discover tbe great advantage
of tbia sohool . Tbe. vetem nsed la
the latest and moat practical, and
inoludea all the latest discoveries
in the art of teaching mueio. The
school is divided into two depart
ments; No. 1 is for beginners, from
5 years up, and taking in the 1st to
3rd grades. In this department
pupils oome one hour every day.
n Np;;2 the (trades are from 3 to
15. Here they graduate. Pupil,
take one or two lessons a week as
they deuire. No scholars will be
permitted to remain in this school
wco do not study.
H7' NrK
are i e ly kindj we aMt
Tbe meat that haaifk. .i.l - i iuu appear'
ance and tickels the palate u the klndV
ChoiCA lumVi.
i r - uu veat cnops.
sirloin, round and iui..t.. '
anaotner luxarlea in our line, are
require kooJ. soil,!
w . iUQai
a necessity to anch .
should have It All women of the
hcflse should have it. All women oK
the boose should provU, u,eir ho
banda with food that will strengtlen
them so thst thev will i j ..
,, .... w "Bw conai
tlon.totolleo that tbe family ma,
Bock & Thomas