f r n 4 s- IT IS COMING. WHAT? The largest car load of up-to-date larniture ever brought to this city. This car includes bed room suits, the finest line of lounges and couches ever shown in the city, new dressers, chif foniers in something new and elegant. Mattresses, all kinds from the common shoddy to the real hair mattress. There is too much in the car to mention here. Call and see for yourself Car will be here early this week E. G. ADCOOK Successor to E. An dross. Andross Old stand Phone 9-1 v a m em f0m wn ,m mm mj SmUOU J THAT FAMILY PICTUUE If you bring it to as to be framed. The expense will be slight. We now have the finest line picture frames and mould ings it has been our pleasure to show. This season's mouldings are diffiereut from those in style last year Call and see the new line of art decoration?, pictures, and window shades, Frank Harris Andross old stand Phone 9-1 Lod&e Directory. KAGLK9 1 Uiande Airie 150 F 0 K meets every Sunday night in K ol P bill it p D VuiUiwbrethern Invited U atteiv.. J. A. Matolt, W. V. T. H. Gllham, W. 8. 1O0 fL Grsndo LodK, Vo masts Jt their hell every Saturday night. VlsiUtit luem oers cordially invited to stteod. IS. W. BoberUon, N J R, Snook, See. 4TAK ENCAMPMENT NO SI. I. O. O. P. meets every arm and third Thursdays In the amnio in utia rmivw. unu. . ioiwus trelm always welcome I. tt. Suook, C F. Kdmond itobtnsun. gerlbo A K. A A. M. La Grande Lodge t o. 41. meets every let and 3rd Satnr u.y of each month. A C Williams Sec, O D Huffman W. M KA8TF.RN8TAR OEM How Chapter No ... .1 .a -.S aTa..s WerfNaaa rtd UiDetXB tne iccunu iuu i"uu w wAew.j v Kit pinmn st 7iuv u ibb til iu4buui itiH'f lira Clara T Lyie, W at Mary A Warniok, deo M. W.A. La Grande Iknp 7703 meets vrr. firnf and third Wednesday of the month at I. O. O. F. Hall. All visiting neigh bors are cordially iuviUxl to sttend. t. Keulend, V, O. John Hall, Clerk. rORKHTERH OF A M ERICA Oourt Maid Marlon, WO ZZ meets eaco 1 uursuaj nigm 111 A 0 riUHua, .me Muni V H Williams, Kin, 8oe Board of Trustet-Dr. G L Biggera, John Hall, aud 11 HIUI4UU. Fiendisli Suffering t. nf.i Mniail h anraa. nlonra and canoere. that eat away your skin, Wm li.j.ii .1 Plat itm-V Mlnh. save: I have nsed Buoklen'a Arnica Salve, for Ulcers, Sores and lancers, it best healing dressing 1 ever found k..l.u anil haala nnta. hnrM and guviuva ' , be at Newlin Drag store gaaranteed the CENTENIIL HOTEL Mrs, A. E.Murchlaon and MissaH. Uarn. Props. HATES $!. PER DAY MEALS 25c Special rates fnrnlahed monthly patrons. This bouse la. sbaolately new and Is thoroughly clean from kitchen to parlor. Every room la on tbeeToona' Boor. All white help The table la supplied with all the emaon affords. ... The Ceo tenia! la centrally located Adams Ave. between Greenwood and Fir. Opposite Farmers Feed Yard La Grande, Oregon. nnotiGM CHURCHES 'CHKWTUN SCIENCE. - John K. Page, 1st Readet. Tbe Christian Soienoo services at the boiuof J 8 Page old town very Boadajtt 11a.m. All are cordially invited. . LATTER DAT BA1NT8 Sunday Bcb'vJ - 10 a. n Regular eervlcee t p. m Mutual Improvement Aeeoolation meet conjointly at 7 30 p. m. CATHOLIC CHURCH W. J. Whyte, Em tor Haas every Bend ay 8 a na 11 a m Homy and Benediction following 11 a m nun. Maae on week days 8 am 8t PETEE'8 EPI8C0PALCHURGB Upton HGibbe, rector 8alurday Hareb 26, Feaat of the An nunciation of the Bleated Virgin Mary Holy Communion 10 a m Third Sunday in Lent Ho y Communion 8am Bauday School ' 10 a m Morning aervioec 11 a m Evening services 7 :30 p m Wedneadays and Fridays servieea at 12 m and 7:30 p m. Monday, Vestry meeting 7&0 p m BAPTIST CHURCH J F Day, paator Sunday, March 19, 1905 Sunday School 10 a m Claeeee for all agea Young People'a meeting 6:30 pm You are invited. Serrnoni Morning ."The Eroellency of the Kuowledge of Ohriat Jsns" Evening Talent Hiding" The ordinance of Baptiam will be administered at the eloae of the even- ing service. Special meeting! in ths Baptist choroh will begin April 4, Rev Geo T Ellis will do the preaching Flan to attend. A cordial invitation is es- tended to all Christian workers to come and take part. I ou are ooraiaiiy invited to come and brine your friends. 8iraneers made welcome. PRESBYTERIAN CH JRCH Rev E B Hays, pastor Sunday School 10 a m Junior Endeavor 8 p in Senior Endeavor 8:30 p m Prayer Meeting Tnursday 7: 30 p tu Preaching Sunday 11 a m, 7:30 p m Morning "Our Estimate of Christ" Evening "Conscration ' The chorus choir under the direc tion of Mra Lyle. A cordial invita tion ts given to an wno nave no ohuroh home to attsnd theve services M. E. CHURCH Rev. JDUillilan, pastor 8unday Sobool 10 a m Epworth League 6:30 pm Church services, 7:30 pa 11 a m Pastor Gillilan will occupy the pul pit morning and evening. CENTRAL CHURCH of CHRI8T OPPOSITE 80MMER HOUSE O H King Minister 1303 P St Mar. 19, 1906 Bible School 10 A M Morning Worship 11AM Y PS OE meeting 6:4) Dm Evangeiistio service 7 :30 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday 7.30 pro. A cordial invitation ia extended to ill nuunuuunniuui lurnu vu tend. Today's Grain Market Cbidago March 24 The quotations lit the grain market today are aa fol lows: May option, wheat $1 12 corn $0,481. oats, $0,301. cash, wheat $1.12 i, coru $0.48, oats $0.30 THE FINEST EVER Tailored Turbans Dress Hats Cordays- New Veilings Ombre Ribbons Pretty lace Colars Handsome Jetted Colars E U WELLMAN & CO La G-raiide Oregon British Champion To Fight By Sorippa News Association" Chicago March 24 Jabei White, the British light weight, champion, arrived in this city this morning, with his manager, Charlie Mitchell . - They are on their way to the coast for a battle witb Britt and MBa.tling" Nel son. White baa declined to be inter viewed, bat Mitcbell has volunteered the information that the British pagi list Is In grand form, and that he does not need more training. Tbey will probably leave for the coast tonight Perform Last Rites By Scripps News Association ... Palo Alto, March 24 The remains of Mra Leland Stanford ware today con signed to their laat resting ylaoe, be- sid tboee of her husband and eon. In the man. oleum on the Stanford Uni versity grounds. Not in the history of California have greater honors been paid to the dead than was paid to thia great pnuaninropiat. aoere were hundreds, who bad e ver seen the woman, coming from all parts of the state to pay their Baal respects The funeral program, which was eitemive, though almple, opened with the carry, ing of the casket containing the re- mains of Mrs Stanford from the Stan ford mansion to the great memorial chamber erected by the dead woman IMPRESSIVE CORTEGE The cortege, though deviod of color, was solemnly impressive. The body of students led the prooe salon, followed by the resident graduates, the ohoir, the alumni, the faculty of ficials, clergymen and honorary ', pall- bearers. The hearae was guarded by eight of the athletic students assocla tion and the employees of the Stan ford estate. As the mournful proces sion entered toe chapel, Chopin's magnificent funeral march waa ren dered on a great organ. After the servioee were over, the procession re formed lor tneir maron to tne mau soleum, where services, though brief, were again held. Three hymns were sung, followed by an eulogy and a beautiful ritual of oommotal, of the body to the tomb, which was perform ed by Bishop William Ford Nyobols, Well Pleased Mr Brice, tbe capitalist of Chicago, baa spent several days in the valley cbeoking up territory adjacent to tbe proposed line of electric railway. He was more than pleased with our beau tiful valley, and from every indication hia report will not be the oaose cf any delay upon the early construction ol tbe road DULWTIH ROBBERS By Scripps News Association Garfield Nevada Maroh 24 News received here to lay of a duel fought between deputy sheriffs and two rob bers named Beatty. The robbers held up the Wood camp and recured $400 Tbeyere overtaken last night and Beatty opened fire. Deputy Harry Mannod was shot, probably fatally j One of the ribbers was caught and the other escaped . There is some talk I Of IVCCbmS. Died BARER Near Summerville, on Fri day, Maroh 24, 1916 Mrs Letts, wife of T N Haker. aire 32 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow at Bumniervlile. Henry and Uarr funeral directors. In addition ton bereaved buaband five little children are left motherless. Tonight The L. D. 8. Ocaoert band gave its first public appearance today at noon by making a street parade and open' air oonoert. Every member of the band appeared in a new and neat uni form , the fiaeat ever worn by a local band. , . The muaio furnished upon the street waa of a cbaraoter which will warrant a full bouse this evening al the 0 rand Oonoert. All lovers of mu sic should not tail to attend. ' ' The following program will be reu- dered : . Selection Jack Klinger'e March..., Fnlton ' Baod . Male Quartette 7 Uatil the Dawn ......Park Messrs. Eerrin, Monson. Davis, Bramwell Plan Dnett Selected .......... Miss Maud Sohofleld and Jean Nlbley Selection Serenade, Laurena Howell .Band Vocal Solo A Dream Bartlett OPFerrin -. Recitation Two Thanksgiving Danoee...... Banks Mrs. 8 Story, Piano aooompaa Iment by Miss MoCall . Male Quartette When Day Fadee... Parks Messrs Ferrln, Monson, Davis, Bramwell Selection Star Waltz.. Southwell , band Duett, ' Cornet and Clarionet What are the Wild Wavee Saying...... Measra Bramwell and Monaon Vocal Doett - ; Hear Me, Norma ...Bellini Mr. and Mra. O F Ferrin . Grand Male Chorus 28 voioee .. . Goodnight Parka Selection . Old Folks at Home......... 8outh well Band The Natural Way Osteopathy is proving dally that our bodies contain all the elements neoea sary for health and that health is na tural so long as tbe blood current is perfectly distributed to all parts and there ie perfect balance of nerve con troL Tbe causes of disease have been demon straaed by Osteopathy to be, in a large measure, mechanical. There fore, by removing these mechanical causes, tbe inherent reouperatlva pow er of the body is allowed to perform a cure. Public Sale On Friday March 31 W 8 Hagain will have a pnbllo auutlon, at hia place known as the John Brandes farm three miles east of Island City, cf his farming implements, atock and hoaaabold goods as follows; 1, 12 foot Hodge Header; 1, 14 in ,2 bottom gang plow; 1 14 ln, steel beam plow; 1, 12 ft Uaborn Rake; 1, Monitor Drill; i, Deerlng Aiower; 1, 4 section harrow; 1, diao harrow; 1, Baine wagen; 1, Buahford wagon; 3, header beds : 6 sets double barneas ; 1, 2 seat carriage; 1 doable bob sled; 12. h ead of work horses ; 7, milch cows ; 4 calves; 1, Durham bull; 3 head of hoga; 1, Fanning mill; 1, steel range 1. new heating stove : and other house hold and kitchen furniture too numer ous to mention There will be a free lunch. Terms of sale tlO and under, eeah Ouer $10 six months with ap proved security drawing 8 per tent Interest. . March 24 31 WANTED I M MFDIATELT A large light furnished room, eloae to bnsl neaa center. Leave addreas at the Obeerver office. FOR REST One s x room house, with bath room, on the corner of P and Sixth etreets. Inquire of J Anthony, 13" Special Sale For the next fifteen days I will offer some special cash pi ices on my 55c 5 lbs Home rendered lord Cash ct red meat and lards I Lave moved into t leGedde- building, and am not prepared to carry a large stock in tbis Hue until I am again in my own build ing, whiwb ia now being pre pared with cold storage faci lities. As I now need money I will sell 6 lbs buckets of lard for 65c, 10 lbs buckets for Il lOcttfch. For the present I am located 55c 6 lbs Home rendered lard Cflfch Just . acrosi the street from my old stend ' 3 - HARRIS MEAT MARKET Phone 1601 . - PROFESSIONAL CARD3 PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON. . Physician arid Surgeon. s J COM evar Hill's Drnc Mof. Office rkone 1SSS V . KasHes rhoM : N. MOLITOR. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Comer Adaane avaane anal Depot 84. OrBeePhoaeSM Beddenee Phone 681 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone TU Levis bnlldlnc, oppaalU Snmaaar Hewee Offlee Honrs, 1 1 4, t to S BACON & HALL. J ; I CI AN 3 AND SURGEONS ' Offloa U Foley building, Paoas UtL C. T. Baeoa, Baridenee Pbone 11M at. K. Bau, Baaldcwee 319 DRS. B1GGERS & DIGGERS , Pnyaioians and Bargewna OWBIggen, aC.a Qeo, L. Blfgera, IL D Telephones Offleeim BeaJdenee last QCnoa1 Ralatoo BaUdinc ever J. U. Benye Store. Kaaldenee on Madleon AVe. aaoo door west offer mac rasldaooa. Dr. a W. Blaers La ORANOB - ORJBGOM -Profeuional nana proatptly attended to dayoralfht. DENTIST8 REAVISBROS, ' DENTISTS. A OOe Boiaauv Balldlnc Office Pnooe S-l Bssldenee Phone UT C. B. Cauthorn DENTIST Oftloo Over Hill Dra!8tore 9 La Grande, Oregon , R. l. LINCOLN DENTIST Up slain, Oof Adams aveana ead Depot BU ' Phoneys VETERINAAY 8URQEON Dr. P A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON. Office it AT Ilill's Drug Store La Urande, Oregon Phone 1361 ., Residence phone 701 Farmers' line . 68 DR. W. T. D3WNE3. VETKRIXARY . BUBOKON. DEXTI8T AND Leave orders at Red Cross Druf store Resldenee Cor 6U and I st Thirty flv rears experlenee, best of r eterenoe rurnlsbed ATTORNEY8 CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA QRANDX, OBKQOS OSlee In Soanraer tsUldln. J. W KN0WLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law Offlee ia Hals ton BoUdlag Pbone IM La Grande Or. H.T.WUUama A. C. WlUlama WILLIAMS BR08. ATI ORN EY8-AT.LAW Qrlos In BaJatoa lalldtng Pbone iOjS La Orauda, Or. ACOOUNTANT8 W. I. BISON ETT BXPKRT ACCOUNTANT OfBoe witb J.T.Willlamaon. La Grande Parties wishing tbe aervleee of a eom- patent bookkeeper are aaenred satis faotorv roaulta. Prioes rwaaoaabls) Here is a Bargain For You Eighty aires of land la Malbeor ooantv, with ood water right, good hoase and oatballdings. Every food ol this place Is In cultivation. Will ralae from 9 to 11 tone of alfalfa per acre. The value ot this property ma bs estimated from tbe feat that It rents annually for 110 par aore and renter pajs the taiee. Ibis place ean to rented for Ave years longer at this Kioe. Here Is an laveetment that at s ten per cent. For aale on easy terms. Write to C,T. McDANlEL Ontario .Oregon. L08T Ib La Grande March 21, open faee silver watoh finder plea leave at Obeerver offioe and receive . reward . i Ilint Saloon t CHAS. AVELOUUT Pronrielor. R . . . , -r WINES, LIQUORS AND CI0AES Finest collections of stuffed animals on the Pacific 1 coast. aimimmnimiiiiini ( Blue Front Saloon E. THOICSON, Proprktor. raisT . WINES. LIQU0KS Imported and domestic CIGAHS Hot or cold lunch all hoars .-" - . JsAteosi Avaane Oppoatte Depot - iMIIMIMIIIMMHIIHIi w)0990w)w)4v940wlwkftSve9sAM0ss Palaco Saloon CHAJ, ANDEWON. Prop. '- nxa WINES, LIQUORS "AND CIGARS Always on hand J1 AvajsM Opposite Dayot a THE OXFORD PAR - JOHN BIEVEaVProp, Ctwapleis aaaartmentef ; WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Mixed Drinlua Specialty Fir St. attrfWwanoanBYiifluannima THE LOUVRE i CHRIS WRIGHT. Prop. FINK ", V1UE5, LIQUORS S52 C1Q1R5 Gentlemen always Welcome Plr Street Eagle Saloon ULRJCH LOntS. Prop. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Lunches are our specialty JenVson Armn Opposite depot i r. iouih in i.f. looi. nor. FINE WINES 5 LIQUORJ Aad tbe bait brands ot CIQM5; Always on band Mlsed drinks a specialty Ask and sec if yon don't get it, Thia la a gen. tlemen's resort and will be ru aa such Tom Fleming BLACKSMITH Horstshoing and Wagonwork North Fir Street ' I ae5 Peculiar Disappearance J D Kenyan ot Butlerville, O laid the peonllar disappearance of bis pain fnl systoma.of IndlKeatlon and bill oneness, to Or King's New Life Pills lie says: They ere a perfect remedy, for dlulneea aonr stomach, headache, constipation, etc,' Guaranteed at Newlin drug atoro, price 3&0, III m 1