m ll m m m p m w CITY .BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant injEasiera Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best f LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THh REFERENCE. l-a Grande Evening Observer T IET URO&, Editor Pr pa Entered at tha fPostLOfflca at La tiraada, Oregon, aa Beoond Class Mall Matter. ; Published daily except Sunday One vear in advance. .... .18 f0 Six months in advance. . - .3 50 rer znontn . . . . . . ,66c Single copy .......5c ADVEBTialNQ BATES Display Ad rata tarntshad'aDoa aDDUmllon local reading aollcea lOe par Um ant Uoa, jc per Uaa lur aaeh aubaeqaant 1 RaaoluUooa ofaaadotosea, it rar Una. Carda ol thanks, is par Una. The coal dealers are wearing that smile that won't come off for the first time fur lo these many weeks. Notice to ihe patrons of La Grande Light aud Power Co. That on and after January 1st we will install a day circuit in this c'ttv and t this mMKI of nntifvin. nn patrons. Any changes to be made in lights which'cen not be turned off during the day should be arranged as soon as possible. Those desiring power can confer with us at any time regarding prices of motors, rates, etc. We have motors priced as follows, f. o. b. San Francisco. ih. P $ 37 75 5h. p $192 00 i h P 44 60 10 h p 279 75 1 1 P 95 60 15 h p 367 70 2 h p 104 15 20 h p 452 50 3 h p 128 85 30 h p 655 65 To this price must be added freight from Sau Francisco to La Grande. Shipping weights v i hp 3 phase 120 lbs i hp single phase 225 lbs i hp " 165 lbs i lip " 270 lbs 1 hp 242 lbs 1 hp 275 lbs 2 hp 34 ilbs 2 hp " " 380 lbs 3 hp 425 lbs 3 hp 465 lbs 5 hp " 680 lbs 5 hp " form K 810 lbs form L 670 lbs 7ibp formK 050 lbj form L 820 lbs 10 tip formK 1175s form L 1075 lbs 16 hp form K 1430 lbs form L 1350 lbs 20 hp form K 2345 lbs form L 2300 lbs 30 hp " form K 2980 lbs form L 2810 lbs For m formation call at office oi LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER CO. Hotel ommer i THE HOTEL OMMER bO.. Leefce WE CATER TO COMMERCIAL TRADE ROOMS WITH BATh HHSTEAM HEAT All Modem Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in Eastern Oregon. A. L MORRIS, Tres. and Manager. m m i m m p PMMi3Ii3fia!f3rf3rfarafi irrrrr??fra'5ii7flraiirar5ir?5irr,,1i M fc-.M)fc,-njLjLiL ii ii t.i awna-i. , Miuimimnrji riiifim. llI-ItlvMII)lir31ira When the La Grande basket ball team visited Baker City a few weeks ago they were greet ed with a large attendance. Let us return the honor tomorrow. We are certainly a forgetting people. About three more days like the past two and we wil affirm thatathis has been the hardest winter since the winter of 1863-4. In the passing ' away of Samuel Truesdall who was bur ied in Union, Union county lost a man who was one of the his tory makers at a time when the foundations for : the happiness of future generations was made possible. " Business men and property owners join the Commercial Club and see that it fulfills . the duties that are expected of such an organization. Think of it, prior to the campaign inaugurat ea a lew days ago there were over eighty business men of this city , who were not members. No wonder the club did not come up to its possibilities. It is a credit to the board of directors that they were able to maintain the institution to the high stan dard they have. '' Payrolls not only build cities but the adjacent country a ' . - wen. la urande now enjoys the largest payrolls of any city in Eastern Oregon and w j might have more if we organized a campaign for this purpose. ' You possibly intimd to assist in the proposed prison library but ualees you get your book . to the proper panics, tbe library may not grow as rapidly as it would if every reader of these ines would select the book they intend to give and take it to the shtiiff'8 office. A business man who owns his own property stated that he was of the opinion that if a concert ed action waa takan th property owners on Adams avenue, it would result, in both sides of the street from Chesuut to Fir , street being piovided with cement sidewalks. It is asserted that there are at the present time . one hundred persous arriving daily in Port- and from the East, by parties who are taking advautaeoof the colinist rates. This does not include the enmigration that is being absorbed by other sec tions of tbe state. The tide had set in and the localities that offer the best opportunities to make a living will receive the benefit of this emigration. Grande Ronde valley certainly should not suffer by such a comparison but the pity is, so few have heard of this county and our re sources THE NEW YORK JOURNAL INVITES YOU New which is supplying the public with mag. nificent new Encyclopia at about the actual costof production and om terms with, in the reach of all. If you are interested write today for particulars. The member ship is limited. First come, first served. ENOYCLOPECIA 78 Fifth Avenue m D E P A R TMENT New York ENCYCLOPEDIA DEPARTMENT W Fifth AT.nua. NtwYotV. ricaM tend m4wlthoal oharf., loftr matloa regarding your new Kucyelot dla Ctnb alao Mxtimr a pagca of M Eooyclopadla. leeledlnf aaapa. portrait and 'otored Mfrmrlnn. Name Ktree j; ZT" Haolnaaa Addrwa ' ciiy ,7T"" buu ' " NEW YORK JOURNAL It has been thoroughly de monstrated that wooden water pipe is equal in every respect to iron pipe and is much cheaper. It is also a well known fact that our tamarack is just as lastinc w o for such purposes as any .wood uoeu on mis coast torsucu pur poses. Tbe point we desire to raise is, why would not such a factory pay in this city. During the past year several thousand dollars have been sent to Tacoma for this kind of pipe which certainly could be manu factured here as well - as there and there would be a great sav ing in freight, in other words a factory here would have the ad vantage of the freight rate. G. E. FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 1611 All order given prompt attention. : RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop, Safe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial travelers, ' Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Qiain and feed. Free ueuverr w ati parta ei me city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1961 HotMa, harncM and wagona -' boagbl tnd aotd Ohas. Green F I RS T . CLASS PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER Stoves set up and repair ed. All work guaranteed and prices reasonable. Telephone No. 243. Croup Begins with tba symptoms of a com mon cold: thara ia ehUUnaB. anrAalnir sore throat, hot kln, quiok poise, hoarapnuaa anrl ImnaitaJ raanlr.tl.in Glte (raqoant small dotes of Ballard's uoreooaoa syrup, (uie cnua will cry for It) and at tha flret mi crn rtf a .Ninn. ooogb, apply freqncntly KalUrd'. hnow Liniment to the throat. Mrs. A Vllet. New Castle, Colo, writes' March 19th, 1901: "I think Kallard'a tiorahnnnd Rvrnn a An... nil remedy, and so pleasant. " 20c, 60o and SI Nowlin Drua Co The Nurse and the Doctor Will tell you thai the success of a prescription de pends on the purity of its ingredience. There is as much variety in medioiue as in other merchan dise. In our prescription-filling "Qulity" is always our fiist consideration. You can implicity trust your prescription to us quality, accurscy and the right price are the never failing trio upon which we think we have a right to appeal for your patronage. A- T. HILL., Registered Pharmacist. Phone, Farmers Line, 58 Pacific States 1861 La Grande, Or. HENRY S6 CARR FUNERAL DIRECTORS LICEPJED EflBrUflErvS 1 . i . i n n i i ...... 1 ..!. 4 uaujr ttoBiDbaLi vans auoncicu uajr auu wigu, a Phone No.21. i Henry, residence 664 Carr, residence 386 La Grande Oregon Th SEATTLE GR(CERY CO. Masonic building, Adams Avenue LAWSON & ZUNDELL, Props. Now ready for business with a complete assortment of fraBh Groceries Every article on our shelves is new and fresh, and guaranted to be first class Our motto is 'Live and Let Live" We will have cur own delivery and guarantee prompt service Remember that wo still handle hay, grain and feed We pay the highest market price for farm produce If we make a mistake we will cheerfully correct the same Phone orders given special attention A. B. C. STEAM LAUND FHONE j. i85i La Granie, Oregon. 4 Should come to our l aundry when in anything from Bmile to clean linen pleasant YOU i NEED : WE DO IT RIGHT tttakMHi,...-..... is our business a a a a - a o full measure C4 aln wrcti by the Cord Gives Health Vigor and Tone Herbine Is a hoon far an ftnrara Irnm aoeamia. By Its nse the blood is qniok h regenerated and the oolor becomes normal. Tha droonin almroth ia vt?ed. Tbe laniraor li dlminlahful Health vlirar and tnua nM,iim!..i. New life and, happy activity result Mrs Bella H Khlral MM.H..Inl, rill "I have been troubled with liver oomplalntaod poorbkod, and have wuuu uutuiug mi oenent ma lias tier bine. X hope never to be without It I have wished that I had knowa of It la my husband's lifetime. " 60a Boia Dy i-sswiln Urug Uo no t. . ocur,.cuetto the cord. I6ilich d cham you nfv ?er " ;r ; TM8 u cheai,er thau by tbe d. l!y.?.,i get 811,1 Bel wbat yu pfty ''. Phone s7i H. W. Nini ii v raasasaaaasaai tl'AWas Notary Public Money to Loan Insurance i Oily property for !. Am teeeeeeeessssssssssaeet itiint leee MRS. II. W. LAUOIILIN, Teacher of vocal and pianoforte MUSIQ muKIiNS WANTED W pay cash for chickens, d want all we can get at 0'ir now warehouse on Je n avenue. GlIANDK Rondu P.oii n