Si TODAY'S NEWS TODAY Tonight and To" orrow Partly Cloudy E EVENING OB VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON FRIDAY. MARCH 24. 1905 ' NUMBER 124 LA GRAND SERVER CASTRO REFUSES TO SUBMIT ARBITRATION By Scripps News Association 1 Wssbinnton Marob 24 Word has boon received at the 8tate Department tbkt preidnnt Cftntto of Venezuela refuses to arbitrate the questions now at issus between tbe United States ard that country. Washington March 84 In presi dent Castro's note to Miuinter Bowen, be peremptorily declines any of tbe questions st issue between the Uoitrd States and Venezmla t b; arbitrated. Tbe text ol the communication will not b made public, but at the SlaU Department, it is announced tbat tbe tone is not pr c.tically msnlting. 8eo retsryof War, Taft, who is tenapora rlly in charge of the State Depart merit, presented the information to tho President at a cabinet meeting this morning FIGHT OVER MANY MILLIONS Philadelphia, March .-With the stake a share of the $100,000,000 left by tbe : ate William Welghlman, lawyers today are mapping out a campaign ia the courts against -Mrs. Anna W Walker, the richest woman ' In the world. Balked In every attempt to obtain a share cf tbe vast estate for her children, Mrs. Jonee Wister, whose first hosbdnd waa William WeLghtman, Jr., will appeal to the law. . . Tbe claims of Mrs Wister in behalf of her daughter are based on a mys- PEACE A CRISIS AT HAND . Tbe dispatch from Minister "Jowen In regard to President Castro's reply has been thoroughly discussed at a cabinet meeting, and it ia admitted that tbe reply of Castro has bronght about a certain crisis In the situation. Minister Uowen does not say tbat he has been dismissed from Venezuela, but his relation ae so strained that, terlous oodloll of the will, leaving tbe almost beyond a question, he will be called back The next step In a legal manner, will be todiapatoh vessels of the navy to the Venezuelan coast, In order to safeguard Am rioan interests, and, possibly, establish a blockade, - as the European Nations did two years ago. Secretary Taft remained halt an hour after tbe cabinet meeting, die cussing the situation with the Presi dent. On leaving, he declined to state what action if any, had been deolded upon. STILL TALKED TURKEY'S ACTION CREATES FEAR. By ScrippaNews Association (Sophia, Bulgaria, March 24. There ia an uneasy feeling here owing to the fact that Tnrkey continnes to mass soldiers In Macedonia. Thirty thoui and rifles and two million rounds of cartridges have been dispatched to Us kup, and large qnantitiea of guns have also been sent to Salonlca More Troops Ordered (By Hcrippa News Association) '3 Marseilles, March 24 French re iaforeiments of six thousand men with ammunition have been ordered to Tonquin, and tout thousand troops to Madagascar for early in April. Large Benefit Fund 8oripps News Association Brockton Msss., Marcn 24 The re lief fund for the benefit of the n (T r ers from the explosion and fire st tbe Grover Shoe Company's factory i.i Monday has reached $21,55200 "Hoch Der Kaiser" By Scripps News Association Dover. Maroh 24 the steamer "Hamburg" with Emperor William on board arrived here tbie morning, en- route to the Mediterranean. Tbe steamer " Hamburg" only stop. ped here long enough to ' receive die patches. A royal salute was fired from the castle in Honor of the Kaiser. Want Right of Way Washington March Z4 Work on the Dalles canal for which an appro priation was made in the rivers and harbors appropriation bill, will not be commenced by the war department until the right of way for theoanal is ceded bv the state ot Oregon to the general government. Noted Sculptw Dies By Soripps News Association Milan March 24 gisncr Terracbia one of the bent known sculptors of the age, died here today e.tate to Mrs Walker. This codicil no one except .Mrs. Walker her self baa seen. The only evidence of It is drawn from the statement of witness- es that the millionaire before hie death declared be had made provisions fur nte grauuuiMuum sue 5 In strument. Mrs. Walker denies the exlstenoe ot the document. Importuned by the grandchildren, ahe issued a statement that each a paper was never drawn by hor father, despite the declaration ot alleged witnesses. Then a few daya ago, exasperated by the tarn affaire were taking, she threw down tbe gauntlet. I propose to keep the estate myself Intact," she announoed. "My father made no provisions for the children of n: y brothers, either in the body of the will, which has been probated, or by a codicil. There la no codicil.' Albany Incidents By Scripps News Association) Gnntzulln, Manchuria, Maroh 14. The Russian officers connected with tbe staff at headquarters are convinced tbat Genera) Knrokt Is moving north west with the Intention of Invading Vladivostok.. It is reported that all the women and children are leaving Harbin, where the ' business honsss are closing. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS London March 24 The Central news annouooes tme eveoiuit loas: We are able to stale that peaee negotiations have been In pro gress, mure or less informally ,' for tbe past two weeks. Japan, in response to confidential inquiries, made after the battle at Mukdsj, gave the general Idea ol tbe peaee terms whioh would be acceptable to her and which were forwarded to 81 Petersburg. They were discussed at a special council meeting ol the ministers which was presided over by the Cxsr. The ministers recom mended the opening np ot negothv tions with Japan, but, up to tbe pre sent, the Czar has not given any in location of bis plane. CHILD BURNED TO DEATH Hood River, Or., March 24. Tbe 4 year-old eon of Fred Miller was so se verely burned yesterday afternoon that be died at an early hour this morning. Miller resides about three miles south ot this city. The child was playing near a bonfire when its clothing be came ignited and before assistance ar rived tbe little one waa a mass of burns from head to foot. Tbe boy had also Inhaled tbe flames and the chanoes of recovery were known to be impossibls from the first. Death Albany, Or.. March z4 At Harria. burg, two men, Henry Bootjack and . MoGrath, are In Jail awaiting an in vestigatlon on a charge of assault with intent te rob, and tbelr victim, w Twttonell, is under the doctor's . care with a badly battered and - braised head. The three men are loggers and csme to Harrlsburg for a time." Tbe late overlaud train from Port land last night, while running at high rate of speed six miles north ot here, picked op a pleoe of timber on the track, and it waa found wedged under tbe pilot ottbe engine when tbe train reached this city. So tightly was the pleoe wedged in that it took the train crew fully 10 minutes to re move it. No sign of an attempt at wrecking the train could be found. Indictments Galore Tbe Baker City grand Jury has been in eeaslon tor the past sixteen day haa returned 135 true, bills and four not true bills, The bnlk of these were against tbe saloon men In the county lor Violations ot :um .' i gambling tawa. TWENTY THREE ' e VESSELS CAPTURED Follows Trance : By Soripps News Association New York March 24-Mlss Lnella Hueatlo, who with her mother Mra. Jauies II Hueatlo. lay in a trance for. fifteen, days at the Presbyterian Hos pital, died this morning. Ths phy sioiane claimed tbat the women hod hypnotized each other. A strange featnre of the rase was that- the death of the daughter was marked by a sudden failing In tbe vitality of the mother, who waa lying In the adjoin- Negro Pugilist Dead By 8oripps News Association Philadelphia March 24-John Hill, the negro pugilist who collapsed last night In tbe priae ring at the Broad way Atbletio Club, died this morning Ambassador Dying By 8oripps News Association Wn-bington Maroh 24 Tbe Mcxi oan Ambassador had another sinking spell this morning, and is now at tbe point of death. Cut Great Good Dress Goods News Drees goods of eveiy description: Mohairs in fancy mixtures and all the popular shades in solid colore, Novelty Suitings, Voiles and Ettamines. The prices too, you will agree with us, are extremely reasonable, rangiuging in price from 20c per yard and up. Exclusive Suit Patterns. In fancy Mohairs, in stripes.shepherd checks and fancy mixtures. A great special value row on our tables, only oue pat Q J I tern of a kind, the yard Q 4 2 Wash Goods. 5c the yard, up The most complete line we have ever shown, in scotch lawns, cottou voiles, Batistes and knicker crepe. The latter is a very popular fabric, free front starch, makes up and looks like woolen goods. SPECIAL LACE SALE 15c and 20c LACES, the yard Thursday, Friday and Saturday only SEE WINDOW DISPLAY 5C 1 New Shirt Waist Suits In silk and luster $12.50 to $20 Ladies' Covert and Craven :tte Coats $12.50 and up Ladies' Tailor Suits In the new blouse effects also coat and skirt $12.50 to $20 LADIES' TAILOR HATS ernn 000 represents the purchases made by our Cash Buyers' Union, of which we are a IWJ,VV K J., (hot ma nnn raII vnil tVtA hflRI linta fin tliA trio riot of Iks mAol member, uo you - ir,r" Ti" " tn ",: .1 . "w r economical prices, better here. A visit to our millinery department will convinte you that you can do dim taWj waBsn , (By Scripps News Association) Tokio, March 24 Minister Oriscom reports from Tokio that the Japanese have captured twenty three merchant steamships a! nee the beginning of tbe war, most of whioh have been very fine vessels. He states further that, while the Japanese have eunk no merchant vessels, the Rusiiane have sunk nine carrying tbe Japanese flag. KILLS TWO TiEN HIMSELF ( By Scripps News Association ) Drain Ore Maroh 24 Harmen Shook shot and killed A E Cooper and Paul Howse today with a rifle, and then killed himself. The tragedies were tbe result of a quarrel BEEF TRUST WITNESS (Soripps News Association) Obioago Maroh 24 Michael B Mnrphy, manager of the Cudaby Packing Company at Omaha, Ntb, was the principal witness this morn ing before the Federal Qrand Jiry, which ia investigating the allegad beef trust. Tbe managers of several other packing concerns are scheduled to appear before the jury today in or der to testify in regard to the . United Htatea statutes. It is understood tbat the jury is queti.oning the wit nesses in regard to the prices of press ed meats at retail and wholesale prices covering the pass three years. Every precaution is being taken to prevent tbe information reaching the publio as to tbe progress of the case. KNOW NO VIOLATION Manager Mnrphy was asked regard ing the charge tbat cattle were reject ed at the South yards, when the ship pers prices were to high, and that, by agreement, all tbe large packers re fused to consider the lot for parobase and ud their influence with tbe ex porters not to buy, so that the lot would have to be forwarded to Chicago and told at st eaorifioe. In reply to his question, Mr Murphy eald tbat be knew of no such transactions. Test imony was also given showing tbe pro fits of tbe retail meat dealers, and the prices ot unfailing uniform ity at tbe Big Five packers branch houses. F REE! The Famous BUSY BEE GRAPHONE We will give absolutely free, to each and every home tbat purchase goods to the amount or $z(', tins wonderful ma chine. This graphoue is the most complete and simple machine on the market. You can make your own records, reproduce your own natural voice. THE BUSY BEE records are Bweet, clean and rich. They are absolutely free from the dissagreeable rasping sound of the old in 8trument8. They till every musical need for a family, for educating the children, a quiet evening at home, or danc ing. Remember we sell you the goods as cheap or cheeper than any one and give vou a $10 Graphone with $20 spent in trade. You don't have to trade it all at a time, we give yau coupons with each purchase. Call at the Rainbow Store and bear the music. It is the best brrgain ever known THE RAINBOW STORE Auction Sale 3 "W; AeswJM Watches, Clocks, Rings, Jeweler y of all kinds, Cut Glass, Silver ware, Platedware, Knives and Forks, Etc. MONDAY, APRIL 3, '05 H. W. HEWITT.