-5 TODAY'S NEWS TODAY To night and To-morrow Fair. I. VOLUME IV LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON WEDNESDAY. MARCH 23. 1905 NUMBER 23 LA GRANDE EVEN m OBSERVES! 1 4 (I PEACE IS TALKED, ACTION CONTINUES Seripps News Association London, March 23-The newspaper, Central News, says that a meeting of the Congress Extraordinary wilt be held today at noon for tLe purpose oi considering the proposals which have been made for the intervention of the powers to stop the war Which power has taken the initiative in the move ment, has not been discloped London Maroh 2:! riaron Hayaihl baa received from the Japanese Govei n ment following dispatch: "Our de tachment, which is following the enemy, has entered Oliantu, twenty milts north of (Kayinan. Hie enemy in large bodies are retreating in die ordt rtoward the northeast, along the railway. DESULTORY FIGHTING St. Petersburg, March 23. It is now claimed that the main Russian army baa escaped, and is asserted in offioia ciroles that it is solely die to lack of supplies. . There is no farther nwa of ! serious fighting, although it is re ported that desultory fighting has oo curred at Chang Chun, oue hundred miles north of Tie Lin, whero Genor al Linevitch is preparing to delay the Japanese advance, or give time to al low the completion of hia arrange ments to defend Harbin. COUNCIL WANTS PEACE St Petersburg March 23 It U re ported on high authority that the peace element in the Council of Mii, iaters carried their point, and that ac tual stepd have already been taken to s cure honorable peace. PEACE REPORTS DENIED London, March 23. The Evening Htandard says that it is authoritative ly informed that the Central New's statement, which averred that the cab inet would discuss the question of mediation, is not true. JAPS FOLLOW CLOSE Gunshu Paxs, March 23 The J t anese arc following the Ruerian rear Great Good Drt -ss Goods News Dress goods of eveiy description: Mohairs in fancy mixtures aod all the popular shades in solid colors, Novelty Suitings, Voiles and Ettaminea. The prices too, you will agree with us, are extremely reasonable, ranginging in price from 20c per yard and up. 1 Exclusive Suit Patterns. In fancy Mohairs, in stripes,shepherd checks and fancy mixtures, A great special value row on our tables, odIy oue pat Q fT I tern of a kind, the yard O 2 - New Shirt Waist Suits In silk and luster $12.50 to $20 I j A DIES' TAILOR II ATS $600,000 represents the purchases made by our Cash Buyers Union, of which we are a member. Do you wonder that we can sell you the best hats ou the market at the most economical prices. A visit to our millinery department will convince you that you can do better here. . . S7 rj nnn?."J I guard, which is moving north from Hantoupa at the rate of eight and one half m'lo'o per d ty. The Japanese are operating movement on both flanks. DON'T LIKE THE CHANGE P Rw-Inn Nnmm Aaonffiatinnl New York, Maroh 23. The policy holders in a committee of the Equit able Life Insurance Association today unanimously disapproved of the amendment to the charter of the coin p-tny adopted two days ago by the directors, on the gronnd that it does not give the policy holders the im mediate rlgl t to Tote for directors. . Agreement Reached . by Hcrlpps News Association Washington, March 23 The Venezu elan Government and the British and Qer'an bond holders, adjnBting and consolidating the Venezulan debt of $$,000,000, today came to agreements, and the papers were eigned by the Venezuelan and the German bond holders. The agreement is now ou its way to London for the signature of (lie British bond-holders. New York Investigation By Sorippe News Association New York March 23 The Federal Grande J.iry resumed their Investiga tion of the beef trwit in tbi.s city to day. A S Edwards, one of the lead ing men of Swift aud Company, to gether with several other represents tives of the packing be Ubes, was ex amined. Today's Grain Market By Scripps News Association Chicago March 23 The quotations on the market today arc as follows: May opt'on wheat .fl.I3J, corn $0,484 oats $) 3l) Caah, whnat $1 12J, corn $048g oats () 3J: SPECIAL LACE SALE 5c and 20c LACES, the yard Thursday, Friday and Saturday only SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Ladies' Covert and Craventte Coats $12.50 ?nd up COLORED MAN PROMOTED Washington, March 23. The presi dent has appointed Sergeant George 8 Thompson, of the Twenty-fifth Infan try, to be second lieutenant in the Philippine scouts, . thna . adding another negro to the commanding foroe of the army. Thompson la one of the crack shots in the army and is now atationed at Fort Niobrara. Ontario Legislature Ottawa, Out., .March 23 The first session of the new Ontario legislature npanott vvattwlay . It la not expected that any radical legislation will bo In troduced during the session, aa Pre mler Whitney and hia ministers have not had time to prepare for such an undertaking, and the session will be confined almost entirely to routine business One of the important .mat ' ters that will be acted opon, however, ill be the creation of a new 'abinet portfolio, that of minister of mines SERVICES F0RDEAD (By Korippa News Araocation) . Brockton, Maroh 23 Business Is suspended today while public funeral services are being held for forty victims of the Grorer tihoe Company explosiou and fire All flairs are at half maat' nrl thn ati-oat lun kava ttnnruul Tha services were held at the oity Theatre, the Porter Congregational church, and the St Paul Eposoopal church. The body of Mra Lillian Uurd waa identi fied this morning. Girl Kills Herself By Scripps News Association Frovo, Utah March 23 Minnie, Mieison, aged fourteen years, suicid ed today by taking strychnine, follow ing the arrest of Bert Partridge, a young son in the family where she was employed as a domestic, who was charged with assaulting her She de clared that she had sooner die than to appear in oourt against her assailant. Wash Goods, 5c the yard, up The most complete line we have ever shown, in scotch lawns, cottou voiles, Batistes and knicker crepe. The latter is a very popular fabric, free from starch, makes up aud looks like woolen goods. BB3BBDS9Slfiffl3BSJXD2S52EB39Q 5C Ladies9 Tailor Suits In the new blouse effects also coat and skirt $12.50 to $20 Site 5ium CODY CASE CLOSES . Hy Sorippe News Association : Sheridan, Wyo , March 23 The Cody divorce case closed this morning with a citation of authorities by the oounael for both parties to the suit. The court naa taken the case noder advisement, aud a ruling ia not expect ed until next week. ' It la understood that both aides have prepaied an appeal to the Supreme Oourt. STANDARD OIL COMPANY FINED (By Scripps Cews Association') ' Hopkinsville, Ky., March 23 The Rrandard Oil Company has aoonpted judgment and n fine of one hundred dollars in one of a hatch of fifty one indictments which have Been returned on a charge of selling oil without a license. ' The company contends that the payment of one fine kills all the revt of the indictments? DECISION FAVORS CODY Sheridan Wyo. Noon(Later) A de. cision iu favor of Col. Cody was band ed down by Judge Scott at noon to day. The o urt ordered the "Bessie Isabel" charges, reforring to other wrong doings of Col. Cody, stricken from the records of the cane- GUILTY WILL NOT ESCAPE San Francisco, Maroh 22 -' Despite protests and opposition President Roosevelt is determined to have pres sed to a conclusion the trials of tue men and women recently indicted in Oregon for land frauds and others that may be indicted. I have jo t come from Washington, where I bad a conference with the president on this subjict," said Frauds J Heney, speoial prosecutor this morning. "He gave me hi views in the matter and I am going to oarry them ont so far R8 I am able. No. matter how big the lonaence 01 an tnaictta person may bs he will be shown no ineroy. No innocent man need have cauae for fear Any man now holding a fedir ai-otncein uregon who in any way seeks to interfere with the trial of the land fraud cases will reoeive no con sideratlon from Mr Roosevelt. He h determined to stamp out all graft und grafters that are within bis official do main. "It was bis wish that I take charge of ibe land fraud matters hi W.oh i.igton, Td.ilu and Montana but naa to aticuae lor the simple reason that 1 cannot afford to negleol much longer my private practice. I will re turn to Portland April 1, became the grand jury tost nas returned no man; indictments will go out of existence April 10. - It has som work to finish ank probably will return more indict ments. I will then devote all my time to prosecuting persons indicted. Up to date 68 prons h.ive been indicted and 150 have turned state's evidence. "Tbe people and presi of Ore on are agreed with President Roosevelt that lh guilty aaall b punished. Tbe machine that 8ooator Mitchell and congressman Hermann hava built up in the long course of years has re ceived its deato blow, and tt will n be aide to sav the guilty from their junt dejorU. Mitcboll and Hernvinn on no longer hoodwink tbe people of Oregon. Tbey did tbeir bst to discredit Secretary of the Interio Hitchcock, but the tables ' have been turned on tbem completely." BANDITS ROB SIX ITALIANS RenoNevMaiob 23 Five mounted men, all heavily armed and masked held up a party of six Italians last night, seven miles from Tonopah on the road to Goldflald. . The robbers secured $400 in money ' and consider able Jewelry. The Italians attempted in snow ngnt, 'lots resulted in a pitched battle in which two horses be longing to the Italians were killed For 20 m inn tea the duel waa kept op, finally resulting in the mat of the Italians, two of whom rode away on their companion's horses AM Ut IUI 114 UVUIfllVU. MAMA counties formed a pusae and are now scouring the country for the five men. who it is thought are mounted high way men, and no others than the famous "Walk Outlaws" who have been fugitives from justice in the Black Rook desert for yeara. Theie are live in the gang and every cne la a murderer. ' RAILROAD WRECK 'By Scripps News Association. J Spokane, March 23 -The Great Northern west bound train this morn ing at fonr o'clock ran into land elide near Leonia, Idaho. O J Jones, an engineer, of Spokane, was killed, and the fireman, baggageman and mall clerk . were injured. Ihe engine, baggage car and mail car all rolled over a ten foot embankment, but no passengers were Injured. Wrecker Arrested Des Moines,' Ia, Maroh 23 One ar rest waa made today in connection with the wrecking of the Rock Island express train yesterday near Homo stead. The name of the culprit Is withheld, and it is stated other ar rests will follow The Kaiser Sails (By Scripps News Association) Berlin March: Tbe Kaiser started thia forenoon on a trip to the Medi terranean Sea on board the steamer Ilamgnm Is escorted by cruiser, Prince Frederick Karl, Anarchist Arrested Scripps News Aociatioo St. Petersburg, March 23. A ana picloup looking character, carrying a bomb, was arrested in the vlolnity of the palace of the Grand Duke Alexis The Grand Dnks is said to have gone abroad "Incognito" some time ego. Vesuvius Active Naples, March 23 The aotlvity of Mount Vesuvius continues, ' The desire of tourists to approach tbe crater, notwithstanding the danger, is so argent that extra guards have been stationed to prevent tholr passage, Detonations from tba volcano are heard many miles away . The Nurse and the Doctor Will tell you that the success of a proscription de pends on the purity of its ingredience. There is as much variety in medicine as in other merchan dise, (n our prescription-filling "Qulity" is always our first consideration. . You can implicity trust your prescription to us quality, accuracy and the right, price are the never failing trio upon which we think we have a right to appeal for your patronage. A. T. Registered Phone, Farmers Line, 68 Pacific States 1361 CHANGE IN THE CABINET (By Scripps News Association) . New York March 23 The story is going the rounds of the republican political circles here today thl Tru man M Nowbury, of Detroit, has bun informed of the intention of the pre- , sidtint to appoint him Secretary of the Navy at an early date. Th story has it that (be 'resignation of Secie taiy Hay ia actually in the bands of -the President, and that Seo'y Taft has b;en transferred to thu State Depart - mnt, while 8eoretrl Morton will get the war portfolio. Truman Nw bury is one of the riobest young men in Miohignn, and is an ardeat admirer of President Roosevelt NEWBURY DENIES Detroit Mich. March 23 "I have received no notification of my appoint ment", said Thurman P Newbury to day. "Wnat advices I. nave in regard to the matter are unofficial and confi dential. However, I know of no an pointment made yet". APPOINTMENT ANNOUNCED waeoingion ninrcn ZJ it whs an- oounced at the Whi'e House this af ternoon that Truman H Newbury, of Detroit, had been appointed Secretary of the Nvy to aiioced Onus H pari- iag, recently appointed collector cl the port at linrlington, Vermont. ; Demand Paynent (Scripps News Association flanto Domingo March 22 The Belgian claims. Tbe reports of the German, French and Italian represent tivelollow suit. Uprfanig Suppressed Borlpps News Association Manilla Maioh 23 General Allen, in command of the Federal troops at Hamar, reports that the uprising among the Pulaj ines is now under perfect control, and that a mxj rity of tbe regulars have bs-n withdrawn. General Allen und Oorbit are now in Samar, conferring in regard to the measures for tbe future. , - Police Kill Peasants (By Scripps News Association) St Petersburg, Maroh 23 A nieeeage from Kutno, Poland, to Government officials at Warsaw, states that a police patrol fired upon one hundred and forty peaceful peasants on the high way, killing two aod wounding fifty . Seven of the wbunded victims died on the way to tbe hospital, and eleven' others will probably die. HIL.L, Pharmacist. , La Grande, Or. t v. ' J n