La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 22, 1905, Image 1

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To night and To-morrow
la m
Uy Borlppa News Association
London, March 25. A dispatch to
Reuters states that the Russian army
has reached a place of safety, bat that
the Irregulars and stragglers were oat
off from the main army by the Japan
ese. The place of Russian rendezvous
has not been given.
Toklo, March 21, The Japanese
locses In the battle of Mukden Is now
estimated at 50,000. The revised esti
mates of the Russian losses ending
with the fighting at Tie Ling, is 175,
000 killed, wounded and taken prison
London, March 21. Cased on reports
of a cannoned iug heard yesterday aev
en miles sonth of Tie Fase, the belief
Is expressed here In military circles
that General Renenkam.iff's division
of the Russian army, which was separ
ated from the main army, baa just now
arrived at Tie Pass, whioh place was
appointed as a rendevous of all tie
Russian divisions in case of a retreat.
Consequently General Renenkamplf is
surrounded, and will probably be
forced to capitulate
A telegram frjm Libia states that
the authorities are not able to organ
ize the proposed fourth squadron on
account of their inability to secure
seamen. Many of the olllcers are mere
boys without sea training, and the
crews are composed largely of pea ants
never before aboard a fchip.
St Petersburg March 22 A dlspatoh
from Gun Shu Pass, dated the 20th,
states: "Oar rear guard now occupies
Aiping Ha, seventy miles Forth of Tie
Lin, The enemy continues to follow
bat the pursuit is slow in the main.
The Japanese army has appaiently
remained in Tie Ling Our four days
rest at Tie Lang gave , ns a chance to
reform our army and recover from the
recent hardships. Since then, the
march has continued in an oi l iy
fashion, but so rapidly that ma y
h rsee ami cnttto died of exba.iiu.
Great Good Drt ss Goods News
Dress goods of eveiy description: Mohairs in fancy mixtures and all the popular shades
in solid colors, Novelty Suitings, Voiles and Ett amines. The prices too, you will agree with
us, are extremely reasonable, raugiuging in price from 20c per yard and up.
Exclusive Suit Patterns.
In fancy Mohairs, in 8tripes,shepherd checks
and fancy mixtures, A great special value
row on our tables, only oue pat Q '""7 1
tern of a kind, the yard ...... fS ( 2
1 5c and 20c LACES, the yard
Thursday, Friday and Saturday only
New Shirt Waist Suits
In silk and luster
$12.50 to $20
$600,000 represents the purchases made by our Cash Buyers' Union, of which we are a
member. Do you wonder that we can sell you the best hats ou the market at the most
economical prices. A vieit to our mi.linery department will convince you that you can do
better here. ' '
The col urns moved along a half a doi
en roads, parallel with the railway and
I report that the -force of irregulars,
j which was operating tastwsrd. was
out on before the news of the battle
at Mukden had teaobed them, and
were compelled to retire to the north
east, probably making for Kirln"
St Petersburg, March 22 A dis-
P&'ch from Ouu Bbu Pan, one hun-
dred and eignt miles north of Tie Pass
states tt at uanerai Kuropatkln ar
rived yesterday to assume command
of tbe first army, and that he was r-
with a treat ovation by the
troops. This place which has a larg
railroad station, a red cross settlement
and with all the. army facilities, is
now an enormous camp, oveiflowln'g
with soldiers. The booming of gma
It board on the right flank today. .
St. Petersburg, Maroh 22. General
Liuevltch reports today that on Mon
day the Russian advance posts ob
served Japanese cavalry in large nuin
burs, behind wliich appealed numerous
j bodies of infantry, neaf the village of
' Machantzy. This s taken Lere to
mean that tbe army of Kawuinuras is
about to attempt an enveloping move
ment from the Russian rear, and fears
are expressed as to the probable out
Tokio. March 22 Reliable reports
from the front et te that the Japanese
vanguard are stilt on the March near
Kaynon. There is no trace of tbe
enemy south of tbe great walls, and
the indications are that the HnsaiaOB
have made a etxnd butween Chang
Chin rod Kiren. They are construct
ing defenses on a line between these
two places.
Tacoma Postmaster
(By Scrlpps News Association)
Washingtou March 22 President
Roosevelt today appointed Henry L.
VUin to be postmaster of Tacoma.
Wash Goods, 5c the yard, up
The most complete line we have ever shown,
in scotch lawns, cotton voiles, Batistes and
knicker crepe. The latter is a very popular
fabric, free from starch, makes up and looks
like woolen goods.
Ladies' Covert and
Craven tte Coats
$12.50 and up
Killed by Bomb
By BorippsNewr Association
Warsaw, March 22 Three of the six
soldiers, who were wounded last night
by the ei plosion of a bomb, which was
thrown from a window to Vlok street,
are reported dying today. Tiers have
been no arrests made, a there seems to
be no clue to tbe perpetrators of - the
(By Heripps News Association)
Washington March 22 Tha District
Court of Appeals today reversed the
decision of the lower court ia the case
of John W.Hays and others vs. Si
mon Bums, the Knights of Labor
and others, and deoided that tbe Hays
faction were the lawful officers. This
fight statted in ivu2, iu tLo crj:
nizalion split.
Arrested for Fraud
By Scrippe News Association
Han Franoisco, Maroh 22. The com
missioner of public works, Frank Mae
stretti, was Indicted today on a oharge
of fraud, alleged to have been com
mitted in tbe recent primary election,
A warrant was immediately issued for
his arrest.
(By Scrlpps News Association)
Chanute Kan., March 22 Because
of discord in tbe ranks of tbe Kansas
oil producers association, a new suit
against the railways and the Standard
Oil Company will be filed by . the
county. The local producers are
dissatisfied with the sudden relieve
nmnt of Frank . Monett, . tbe special
proercutor, who was askeJ to with
draw beoause of bis sensational
Ladies' Tailor Suits
In the new blouse effects
also coat and skirt
$12.50 to $20
dim tJhm
Scrlpps News Association
Los Angsles March 22 Robbers last
night murdered J . W Shumate mer
chant of Colton. Mr Sbimate was
sleeping In his store at the time the
robbers pried open tbe front door,
and it is evident that tha merchant
made a fight for the protection of his
goods and life, for a shot gun, with
one barrel fired, waa found by his side
and a revolver, with five chambers
empty was found in the atorer.
(By Scrippe News Association
New York March 22 The counsel
for Nan Patterson state today that
tbey have new evidence whioh will
free the actress, when she is again
brought to trial for the murder ol
Caesar Young. Tbe new evidence is
said to prove that Young owned a re
volver, which state of facts has hlways
been denied by tbe prosecution. Tbe
young aolress will be brought up for
trial again early in April.
Los Angeles March 21 Within 24
hours two young oouples, neither of
whom had been married a year, who
have been arrested in Los Angeles on
charges of burglary have confessed.
Sunday Mr and A:rs A L Maloling
were arrested for a, series of room bur
glaries. Tonight Mr and Mrs Dugeoe
U Allen, arrested on a charge of bur
glary, confessed.
Allen formerly held a responsible
position intho employ of the Southern
Pacillc company and had a mania for
playing tbe races. Last Thursday
night he Induced his young wife to
assist mm in breaking into the com
merclal department of the Los Angeles
high school.
With her assistance he stole four
new typewriters and took them to a
room a block awsv. His wife broke
tbe window, opened It and assisted
her husband to enter. "She took tbe
raaohines as he passed thorn out to
When arrested today he tried to
shield himself, blaming the entire
crime to bis wife, which caused her
arrest. Bbe asserted that she had
committed tbe whole crime unassisted.
but Anally told the whole story.
Her husband bad told her that he
bad an . Infallible mean'
of beating the raoes if h
could command 1100 and suggested
burglary. She, believing be oould
replace tbe stolen goods consented . to
assist bim, and tbey robbed the plaee
that night. Neither Is more than 22
years of age.
By Scrlpps News Association
A car containing several families ar
rived this morning from Lincoln
county, Oklahoma, with a view ol
either making this cityoroounty tbei
home. There are six families In all
having every appearance of being
sturdy energetlo citizens, such as we
heed to assist In bringing this vallej
into tbe highest development. Mr
M Band, who Is one of the party, state
that the reason tbey nought Grande
RonJe was that they were floeing from
malaria, and were Informed that that
dreaded disease was unknown here
Mr. Hand also states that a great many
families are leaving that territory fo
the same reason. The parties are wall
pleased so far and are seeking house
so they can investigate tbe conditions
- N K West today purchased the T N
dtubblefield bankrupt slock of tboes.
His ad will appear later.
London March 27 In pursuance of
arrangements arrived at in Oeoemher
last, betwten Gnat Brjtain and Italy
to offer tbe Mad Mullah an assign
ment of a settled sphere in Somali
land, together with grazer's rights in
certain parts of British and Italian
territory, for which tbe Mullah bicds
himself to keep the peaee, an agree
ment has been conoloded at Italiigak,
a village in Italian territory, bstwaen
l be Mullah and tbe Italian diplomatic
ageot, Bignode Btaloass. By its terms
the Mullah undertakes to obterve
pe'soe toward both Great Britain and
Italy. The Mallah places bimielf uo
der the Italian protection, and will re
side at a point between Pas Ghario
and Pas Gbahoes, in the Italian pro
lector ate. Tbe agreement gives Italy
the right to appoint a resident in the
territory wtwunJ to tzs Mc,''v in
which free commerce will also be
guaranteed with the exception of tref-
fio in arms and slaves, which is pro
hibited. The arrangement puts an end to the
difficult and costly British expeditions
against the Mullah, and delivers the
protectorate tribes from bis oontinnal
devastating raids. .
By Scrippe New Association
San Fr incisoo March 2 The po
lice are today buittly engaged in col
laborating with the private detectives
in prepating an extonsive report on
the Stanford case, and this report will
praotioally terminate the investiga
tion as far as the death of Mrs Stan
ford is oonoerned, but an investigation
will oontiuue as to tbe manner in
whioh the poison found its way into
Mrs Standard's mineral eter and
carbonate of soda. Tbe police de
clare today that Bertha Burner and
the other witnesses are free from eur
veilar ce, nnd will not bo questioned
unless some of tbe minor points need
(By f-'oripps News Assocation)
Palo Alto, Oal., Maroh 22 -Behind
the drawn curtains of a door which is
open only to those who bae business,
tbe remains of Mrs. btanfori rest to
day In the parlor of the mansion on
University campus All the morning
Ion;, an almost unbroken line of men,
oarrying floral tributes, sent from all
parts ol tbe state, have been making
their way up the nad to tbe residence.
Among the early callers was Professor
Jordan, who oamo to see that there
was no hlton in the funeral arrange
ments. Miss Berner also called and
remained few minutes. Her grief
shows plainly, and only her iudomit
able will prevents a physical collapse.
The students of Stanford University
met In a body today and adopted reso
lutions of respect.
The Nurse and the Doctor
Will tell you that the success of a prescription de
pends on the purity of its ingredieuce. There Jh
as much variety in medicine as in other merchan
dise. In our prescription-filling "ijulity" is always
our first consideration.
You can implicity trust your prescription to us
quality, accuracy and the right price are the never
failing trio upon which. we thiuk we have a right to
appeal for your patronage.
A. T.
Phone, Farmers Line, 68
Pacific States 1361
By Scrlpps News Association
Wheeling W Va. March 25 At ten
thirty this forenoon, the stsge of the
Ohio river was forty two feet, and still
rising at the rate ol two inches per
h jur. The crest of the flod will pro
bably come tonight. All of the flood
ed districts are suffering severely. The
weather Is growing colder, and hun
dreds of families are without gs. The
railroads are all tied up.
(By Scrlpps News Association)
New Castle, England, March 22.
The Japanese battleship "Kashlma"
was launched today In the Elswiok
shipyards. This battleship Is one of
the most powerful vessels of her class
now on the waters.
By Sciipps News Asaooiel
Sheridan, Wyo , Maroh i-ilie
Pi inolpal deposition for the defense In
the Cody divorce case waa torn to
pieces this morning by the objections
of Judge Kidgely, the attorney for Col.
Oody. But a very short time will be
allowed by the court for the Hrgumenta,
and the decision will be banded down -Saturday.
Alaskan Judge
By Scripps News Association
Washington, March 22 The Presi
dent today re-appointed Judge Jamng
Wickershum as Judge of the Third Dis
trict of Alaska.
By Scripps News. Asxroiation
Lincoln, Maroh 22 The eenate to-
day passed the "Christian Science'
bill, whioh had already passed the
bouse, requiring all healers to take a
(our years course of medicine, and to
pass tbe examination required of re
gular practicing physicians.
Will Arbitrate
Scrlpps News Association
Paris March 22 The Matin says
that Ambassador Juseertnd will coo
fer with President Roosevelt today re
lative to the VenzueU papers. France
Will allow the case to take its course
id courts, in order that an ultimatum
I may not be nent.
La Grandf , Or.
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