LTODAITS NEWS TODAV I ivpatiicr cr : llMllJljU Thursday partly cloudy. j LA ORANOE EENBNG OBSEHvV Ei" LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 16. 1905 NUMBER Id 1 RUSSIANS EVACUATE TIE PASS FIERCE FIGHTING CONTINUES JAPANESE FOLLOW UP ENEMY . By Script Newt Association ) London, March 16 Bsron Hayashi today makes public the following statements: "Oar advanced troops are pressing against the enemy every where. We occupied Tie Lung at 12;60 Thursday morning." ' KUROPATKIN EVACUATE9 8t Petersburg MarcL 16 It is re ported that Tie Pss has been evacuat ti t; tu rmy ol Ueueral Kuropat kin GBIPPENBERG JUSTIFIABLE 8t Petersborg March 16 The Coun oil ol War decided that General Grip penberg's action during the fighting on Shakhe river was perfectly justifi able. He was accnsed by Qjoeral Ko ropatkin of exceeding his orders in pushing beyond Sandipu.and becom ing engaged in a battle in wbich be lost heavily. G.ippnnberg claimed that the loss was due to the failure of Ku ropatkin lo support him. LOAN ACCOMPLISHED London, March 10 A message from Bt. Petersburg states that ax rangemeota have been completed be tween the representatives of the Russ ian Government and the French bank ing house (or the loan of one hundred and twenty million dollars. SliENG KING CAPTURED ' London, Maroh 16.-Baron Hayashi announces that a detachment of Jap anese occupied Slieng King on March 13th. CZAR CALLS MORE TROOPS London, March 16. A telegram from St. Petersburg states that the Czar has signet a deoree for the mobll. ization of more troops in the military districts of Warsaw, Mosoow, KlefT and Vasean. ABANDON P)SI HONS St. Petersburg, March 16. A dis patch from Sautopn Manchuria, of Don't have to "be TJgly to be Durable 1 Men's S3.50 GRAND PRIZE WINNERS AT .THE WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS yesterday's date, states that the Russ ians have abandoned their advanced positions on Fan river, after a repulse of the Japanese on the 14th, and hare bnrned their supplies. A severe en gagement la now being fought north of Tie Pass. KUROPATKIN DEPOSED Berlin, March 16. The Tageblatt says that the Cwtr hm r!;rsi Casual Koropatkln to transfer the command of the Russian army to General Llne vitch, pending the arrival ot Nicholal vitck, who will assime command. KUROPATKIN RETREATS St Petersburg March 16 General Ruropatkin reports: "Our troops are passing thrcogh Tie Ling in good order, on my route north. I have seen my trains all in moving order. When I left Tie Ling, fighting bad not com menced. INHABITANTS REJOICE Yen Kow Marob 16 The inhabit ants of this city are jubilant over the capture of Tie Pass,, which will cause the release as soon as the river opeos, of over a tboosand junks which have been long detained on the upper Lino river, and having on board a vat ae on-nulation of beans and bean cake. Traffic on the Yin Kow and Sin Min Tin raifroad was reopened today. MOTHER'S CON GRESS ELECTS (By Scripps News A vocation) Washington Ma"oh 16 At the morn ing session of the mother's oonrress, Mrs Frederick Scoff , of Philadelphia, was elected president of the congress, and Mrs Won Murphy, of Los Angles, second vice president H OE A shoe can be snappy and up-to-date in style and luxurious iu fit and at the same time be made hones', plump leather that wears and gives satisfaction. PETER'S DIAMOND SPECIAL SHOES PROVE IT Other good Peter's Shoes at lowest prices in fact at auy price you want to pay wd we recommend them Copper Magnate Dead (By Sorippe Newt Association New York Maroh 16 Meyer Guggen helm, the eopper magnate, . and the head of a well knows, family died at Palm beach today of plenro pneumonia He was seveuty six years of age, and built the smelting works at Prtbls He leaves seven sons. 7 . Czar Breaks Down By Sorippe News Association Berlin March 16 An article in the Schlescohe Zeitong says that the Ciar Is collapsing under the mental strain and the suffers acute headaches. At Intervals he Is apathetic, at which time he is indifferent to the vlotory or defeat of his army. Allen Shows Letters By 8orippg News Association Cbanote, Kan Maroh 16 In the investigation in the Santa Pe ease to day , Foster Allen, manager of the I N. Knapp independent oil producer, continued bis testimony. Allen pro duced six letters from ths railroad officials , increasing the freight rates, which threatened to wipe" him out. The offioiala admitted that the rates were unjust and arbitrary but staled that they bad no option but to exe cute the orders of their snptriors. Women's S3.00 Baker County Stabbing I Baker City Much 16 Fred Msck tnson a well kcowa and popular young farmer near Fine, vesterdsv stabbed bis cousin Charley Maokinson wno is also a farmer in that section. Fred Maokinson oame to Pine and gate himself np to the authorities al that place. I. is reported that the at tending pbysiolan states that the oonnds will bs ratal. Ths cause ol the trouble, it is stated, was that bath men bad been drinking, and there was a difference of opinion growing out of ths Foster murder trial here last week. Marconi Weds Heiress (Hy Soripps Nsws Association) io William Mar oonl, inventor of the wireless tele graph, and Miss Beatrice O'Brien were married today at 8t. George's church. A Tier the ceremony, the couple started for Ireland on their honeymoon They will visit New fork later. BOARD DOWNS TRUSTS ( By Scripps News Association Psorla, 111 , Maroh 16.-The Board of Supervisors of Peoria county hare re fused permission to the Prairie Oil and Gas Co , a Kansas tranoh of ths Standard Oil Co., to lay pipe from Kan sas to Indiana across certain highways In ths .northern part of the oonntv. Unless they reconsider this aotlon, ths work on ths line will bare to stop. Has Name Changed By Soripps News Association Seattle Wash, Maroh 16 After bearing a fiotitionr name tor twenty years, Wesley May, a prominent real estate man of this city, petitioned the court this morning to make bis name legal as May. Uis real name is Sara cool, and lie was the first husband o' Martha Plaoe, the only woman ever el. otroouted in New York. After this woman bad made several attempts to kill bim, May came out west. Grand Concert lo be given by the L D 8 Cornet Band Friday, Majoh 24, 1905. Never before lo the history of onr city has such an array of talent in a musical way been brought together aa will be beard at the concert to be glteu by the L D B Cornet Band, on Friday, March 24, 1905, at the L D 8 Church. All mnslo lovsrs of La Grands and vicinity should attend, a it will certainly be lbs greatest music al event of the season. Following It ths program: Selection Jack Kllnger's March Fulton Band Male Quartette Until the Dawn ......Park Messrs. Ferrin, Monson, Davis, Bramwell Piano Duett Selected Miss Maud Scbofleld and Jean Nlbley Selection 8erenade, Laurence Howell Band Vocal Solo A Dream Bartlett OP Ferrin Recitation Two Thanksgiving Danoes Banks Mrs. 8 Story, Piano accompan iment by Miaa MoCall . Male Quartette When Day Fades.. ...... ..Parks Messrs Ferrin, Monson, Davis, Bramwell Seleotlon ' Star Waltz Southwell Band Duett, Cornet and Clarionet What are the Wild Waves Saying Messrs Bramwell and Monson Vocal Doett Hear Me, Norma .....Bellini Mr. and Mrs. C P Ferrin Grand Mais Cnorus 28 voices Goodnight Paiks Selection Old Folks at Boms 8outhwrll - Band MAD STORMS RAGE FORCE UNABATED DAMAGE IS GREAT 8crlpps News Association Los Angeles Msroh 16 All rail, roads are again blocked thie morning s a result of the renewed storms last light. 8even Southern Paclfio trains tre stalled between Los Angeles and Santa Bitroarba . The food (or the passenvnr tr.U . -zzTiZ ti.; 'u iuos are rapidly sending supplies. Fresh evidences of the disaster appear as the ea wreckage comes ashore , but no bod es ol persons drowned have been fonnd. The city streets are running full of water and It is still raining. TRAFFIC 1JELO UP Santa Barbara, March 16. The heavy precipitation last night has caused aerlons damage along the entire south ern Pacific line to , Lie Angeles. An KILLS HIMSELF IN DANCE ROOM (Soripps News Association) Santa Rosa, Cal Marob 16 Herbert Fowler, aged nineteen shot an 1 killed himself last night In a residence at Hoooma, where a .dancing party was being held The cause of this act is attributed to the faot that he was jealons of one .of the girls, He Mew out his brains in front-of the entire oompany oresent. Ministry Reinstated ' (By Soripps News Association J Rome March 16 The King today issued a decree, reconstituting the former ministry resigned with Signor Tiltoo as Premier. A vote of the par llament endorsing the ministry will be sought rn Marob 1st. Again (By Scripps News Association) Denver Colo, Maroh 16 The guber natorial situation took a new turn this morning and the democrats began fili bustering when It was discovered that the republicans luteoded to seat Pea body, who will then resign and permit MoOonald tu lieutenant governor to serve out ths term. They .annonnci d that they would take advantage of the rale giving the members ten minutes to discuss the contest reports submit ted ;to the legislators. This will probably defer the vote on the question nnui tomorrow Peabody Moves The Nurse and the Doctor Will tell you tbat the success of a prescription de pends on the purity of its ingredience. There is as much variety in medicine as in other merchan dise. In our prescription-filling "Qnlity" is always our first consideration. You can implicity trust your prescription to us quality, accuracy and the right price are the never failing trio upon which we think we have a right to appeal for your patronage. A. T. Registered Phone, Farmers Line, 68 Pacific States 1361 other landslide occurred, at Benhsm, twenty miles below Santa Barbara, and there are heavy washouts nesr Santa pa0a and Los Angeles. Only one train, of five that left Santa Bar bara yesterday, arrived in Los Anselei. taking eighteen boors to make the trip of one hunrirtMt ni RECOKD RESERVOIRS San Diego, March 10 Ne rly at inch' ol rain fell hers last night Ibringlng the total for the season np to 13.58 Ilncl es. The reservoirs contain over seven billion gallons jo wator the largest supply on record. ' The uamags done i y the storms is Inconseqnental, except at Coronado, where the high su f washed property lines, and will mU necessary a removal of residences from the ocean front. MANT LAND DIVIDED By Soripps News Association St. Petersburg, Maroh 16. The strike conditions seem everywhere improtcJ. Ihe social democrats here have advif"-d the strikers, who are without money andconfroated with starvation, to re turn to work. Less than ten thousand hrenow out,' The agrarian disturb, amies ol a large scale are becoming more threatening and causing f hi oeepesi concern. The agitation . has spread to the Semnbiak province where the peasants are making rea ly to begin a division of the land as soon as the snow melts. It is reported that the terrorists have formally noti fied the Government that they will cease ac'ivlty for a month, and wait uie result of the rescript. Child Murders Soripps Nsws Association 8alt Lske, March 16 Following tho arrest of Mrs. Llzrle Gelsler this morning on a charge of murder, the police believe that they hsve un earthed numerous child murders. The woman operated upon was lying In a hospital patronised by young women Resin ts Chairmanship By Scripps News Association. J Wsshington Maroh 16 Poetmaaw General Geo B Cortelyon has reilere .t the statement that he would resign ti e of the chftlrmanshln nf n.. National Kcpnblioan , Oommittie, but be sa!d tho date bad not been sot irt. HILL., Pharmacist. La Grande, Or. i ' - S : e v '. e i , s s ; i : ? I o 1 ; its : i; , v. m