EM OKI i 1 a- 1 to O s Co I c I r 1 SECOND HAND GOODS " . ' i ; x ) . - Having enlarged our store wa are now better prepared to take care of oar customers than ever - before. Re member we bare tbe largest stock of second hand goods in Union County, and are always ready ' to bay nd pay cash. We also bave tbe only furniture van in tbe city, and can move your piano or furniture without injury to it in any way. We buy and sell all kind of goods. -LOOK HEBE 85 bed room suits 910.001 np Offiee obair . . 9 6 00 Cook Stoves 4.00 np Office Desk . . .( 10.00 Trunks 3.75 np Sofa .......... 3.60 Rocker. 2 00 Lounge ; 1.50 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams Remember we still buy and sell aJB kinds , i Socond Hand Goodejl j Jk j- Phone 1581 Colombia River Salmon Irish Fat Mackerel Holland Herring ! Cromarty Bloaters Finnan Haddies i : '":?:"'; J n VI Anchovies'- ' .Oyster ' ;..Y- .Lobster .,,......, . . Shrimp Clams . . .. . .... ; Sardines ' ' "-k v r n. : 'Codfish ; BAKER BROS. Adams Avenue Phone HOI i j GET THE HABIT Of buying your Goal from us WE (HAVE Rock Springsand Cumberland Ask any of our customers about us v We are wholesale and retail dealers in .Hay, Grain, Millfccd, Flour, Etc. Gra.ide Ronde Cash Company, Press Lewis Dean Crowe Phone 1801 New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue teeee4-4feeeeeeeeteeeeeee 4 m NEW SPRING SUITINGS 14 to, ;$5o JOIN THE CLUB AND GET ONE FOR $1.00 Watch this ipace for Suit win no Ben Hopper and T. E. Bcuhler won the Suits last Saturday Two drawings on Sat. March II. A L. ANDREWS HABERDASHER AND TAILOR SEEDS xJast received a Car Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top. AH , kinds of Grass sseda. Balk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats i - IEFFERSON AVE m . SUITS WON J. A. Jackson Wm.Driskill . O. E. Berquist G M.Richy 0. A. Staples Ben Hopper TE.Beuhler 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th SEEDS Load of Alfalfa Seed PHONE U71 ij I39GAL ITEMS . jjjj Mr Lindsay Hinmiok, of Elgin b i business rial tor In tbe city today. Mr J O Chrlstianaoo, tbe marshal electof ttlgln, U In the olty on bnal 1 Attorney Turner Oliver returned last evening from a bnainess trip to Portland. t Messere Albert Mllzecb and G Sobroner of Ohio are in tbe city with a view of locating. Mr Qolncy Richardson, of tbe Lower Cove vicinity, returned tble forenoon from Portland, where he bad been to visit bis sou who la in tbe hospital at that place. The school board ia Drenarin to bare a lawn in front of the Hlah School baildlogr This la commend able as it will improve the general appearance very much. . Coming Home We are in receiptor a postal from Mrs Thomas Wade, from Orantre Cal . requesting the discontinuance of the daily until their return home. Mrs Wade states that Mr Wade and dauah. ter Jessie, likewise herself, are anxious to see Urenon wain. "California. l ...4 !. t- - - .. - O - v.m. II. UWWOI O BUU oranges, "bat we like Oregon best While we will miss the oranges, there will be Malefaction in seeing a good apple and to bare a drink of cold wafer once more." They will 'start north tomorrow and expect to reach home about tbe f rst of the month. Enterprise Lights J Forsythe bas commenced active woik on the new electric light power. It will be located on Benj. Boswell's farm one mile west of town. Tbe ditch and flume will be seven -eighths of a mile long and will furnish abundant power for all time,- Enterprise Demo crat IDEAL TREATMENT FOR NEURASTHENIA Neurasthenia, or nervous prostration Is that condition of the nervous system which results from an overdrawn nerv oua bank account. Human beings inherit a certain amount of vital force, varying, of coarse, in different Individuals; and if they order their Uvea either from oholce or necessity to accompli b more than Nature has provided nerve force to do, vital bankruptcy results- espec ially II some bodily infirmity is ex hausting a portion of their vital power. Crabs Thursday at the Uoss Meat Market. FOR RENT Thr-e new honses with ' acre tracts. L P flmith at Van JHursn's 3t Ex-MINIS1ER SENTENCED TO PEN ( My Bcripps News Association Rsn Francisco, March 14 Isaac Belby, ex-minister, who shot Judge ilebbard In the letter's courtroom. after Judge Ilibbard had rendered a deoiaion granting Mrs 8elby a divorce was, today sentenced to seven years imprisonment In the penitentiary. Golden They Have The Goods and Prices to Merit It More than 50,0 PIECES YARD GOODS already received. ALL Call and See Them -r.' i j-arg;estslstore fn-., ,m,M, Mrs O A Molden spent the day with Island City friends. Mr Frank MoAllister a North Pow der resident is visiting in tbe eity. Rev Hays and wife left this morn isg for Baker City to spend the day returning borne tonight. . J L Corbitt will return to the mines with a load of supplies for tbe Royal in tbe morning. Mrs O W Heatt of Enterprise who has been in the eity several days re lumed this morning. O Kirkpatrio ia arranging to reopen bis saloon at Island City uhioh was destroyed during the recent fire. Tbe new grocery store of ZunJall and Laweon in tbe Bohnenkamp building is now open and ready for business.- "". Mr E Bosset . and family, eonsiaU ing o! nephew tnd three children, left this morning for Sparta Tenn. where he will make bis home, in tbe future. Blockland Bros, are prepared to fur nish the trade some extra choice Pol and China pigs, also some fine barley. Bee their advertisement elsewhere. . ine rmny friends of Dr R L Lin coln will ba pleased to learn that he has reoovered sufficiently from bis re cent illness to be able to. resume his practice at tbe office. MrandMrs J 'AGaskill who bave been spending tbe past six months in California returned last night and took tbe Elgin train this morning for tbeir home near ATibel. A V O'.iver is doing a rushing busi ness these spring days. He has made a speoiaity of seeds for several seasons and this season be is carrying a larger stock than ever. I. Harria has the stone on the ground for tbe construction of a cold storage room' in the rear of bia meat market and after today while the work is under way be will occupy tbe room opposite bis present place of business next door to Geddes Bros, grocery A source of trouble in borne cook ed meals Is their Isck of variety. You have no choice of viands. Your ap petite is jadod one day. When von sit down to dinner at home the menn contains everything you do not want It la different here, Providing for so many, we can offer the greatest variery. u you do not care for one item on tbe bill of fare choose another They are all good, but the choice Is yours. Try it for a while, and bring tha: tired wife of yoara with yoa. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAYJANDjNIUHT We se 1 weekly Meal Ticks' Cash 54.50 THE WANTS YOUR BUSINESS . ' iu-131U-1312 u 1 .-' I I have just received a " grade of . . BLACKSMITH COAL Also a car of EXTRA STAR A STAR SHINGLES Can furnish yon with any quantity .-. MRS. T. N. MURPHY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY ETC.J HENRY FUNERAL LICEHJED Lady assistatt Calls Phone J. 0. Henry, residence 664 J. J. Carr, residence 386 I THE SORT THAT WILL PLEASE That is the sort of groceries we sell Our aim is to please all of our customers We realize that ia ordet to do this we must sell only First Quality Goods We also know that our prices must be right, and that our fccivice trust be correct. A .hild cuu do the trading at our store A trial order over the tele phone will convince you. We solicit your patronage. QEDDEJ WSJ North Fir Street Gives Health Vigor and Tone Herbine is a boon for sufferers from aneamia. By Its use the blood is quick ly regenerated and the oolor becomes normal. The drooping strength is re vived. The languor is diminished. Health vigor and tone predominate. New life and bappy activity results. Mra Belle U Shirel Middlesborough, III "I have been troubled with complaint and poor bit od, and Lave iouua noining to Denent me like Her bine. I hope never to be without it. I bave wished that I had known of it in my husband's lifetime." Wo Sold by Newlin Drug Cd WANTED-A set of double buggy harness. Address "H" csie of this office or lock box 696, Ia Grande, Oregon. Rule CoiTiDanv Adams Avenne . b ir vices car load of the best S6 CARR DIRECTOR5 ErtBilLflERS - answered day and night, No. 21. La Grande Oregon THE BEST AND ONLY THE BEST Yon are sure of the best when you buy confections at E. D. Selder's, the wholesale and retail dealer in and manufacturer of hnd made CANDIES AND CONNECTIONS Finest Ice cream parlors in Eastern Oregon. Special orders for parties and en tertainments given strict attention. Quality, neat ness and promptness are our strong points. E. D. SELDER, Next door to Post Office. KATK U8HER,E8TATE:Notice is tfvemhat the underi1KIlel has been duly appointed admlnls. trator of the estate of Kate CBher, deceased by the County Court of Uuion Coumy, 0Bon.' All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the game duly VJrJ.fled,.VheUUd8SiB,Kl1 al the l rnde National Bank, La Grande, Oregon, within six months from this dato. Dsted February 16, 1W, C.H.FlNN.A,.or;e;MEYEIlS'AdmiDUlUr- Peculiar Disappearance J D Kunyan of 'Butlerville, O laid the peculiar disappearance of bis pain rul systems, of indigestion and bili ousness, to Dr King's New Life Fills lie sava: "Thaw . . . i ji i " " i"1";"' remedy, LKr..' B0" B.t.omoh. heaaacbe, m i ' j ""V uoaranteed Newlin drug store, price 25o. at THE NEW WEAVES ' 99 t A. X f 1 i S