--f X Real Estate Bargains J. R. OLIVER. tJNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS l The following la a partial Uat of property, which wa have to offar for aala on wbloh thera ara no buildings, towlt: In- Chaplin's Addition, to Li Grande, Oregon. 1 All ol block No. 10. Lot No 1, block No. 4. "IS'.' etreet. LotaNo. 3, 4, 6, A 6, block No 13. LoU No. 1 to No. U la block No. 47 Will aall oaa or mora lota. Lot No s, blook No. CO. - Lota No 7 to No. 10 in blook No. 55 ill aell one or mora lota. LoU No. 6 k , block No. 67. Lota No. 7 ft 8 in block No. 69. Lota No, 1, 2, 3 k 4, block No. 75 All of Week No. 76 . ' . ; All of block No. 77,axcept lot No. 6. All of blook No. 78. All of blook No. 83. Lota No. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 4 12, block No 89 ' Lota No. 4, 6, k 0 in block No. 96. Lota No. 6 4 7, block No. 98. -Lota 10, 11, 12, 4 13. blook 104. All of block 120. LoU 13 k 14, in block 121. Lota 1 to 18, Inclusive, block 139 Lota 8, 9, 10, 11, 11 k IS ia blook 154 Lota 14, 15, 16 k 17, block 164. Lola 10, 11, 12 413, In block 151. In LRomk's Addition to La Grande, Oregon. - Lot ' Lota 2 k 3 in blook 1. Lota 1, 2, 3, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, k 10, blook 2 Lota 4 to 9 inclusive, block 4 Lota 4, 6 & 6 in block 6. Loia 4, 6, 6 k 7, block 9. Xba west half of block 10. LoU 10, 11 k 12, blook 10. The Wait half of lota 1, 24 3, block II. Lota 45 AC, block 11. The West half of blook 12. Pleasant Home Addition to La Grande, Oregon, LoU 1 to 8 inclusive, block 1. LoU 14 2, block 2. LoU 1, 7 4 8 in blook (I. Lota 2 to 10 ia block 7. Predmore's Addition to La Grande, Oregon. r.nta 1 tn 1.1 Innlniive In block 24. i Home Investment Addition to La Grande, Oregon. A large number ot choice lou to se lect from, each lot baa a wafer right. Gangloffs Second Addition to La Grande, Oregon. TheseJloU ara large and have a mag nificent view of the entire valley. We would be pleased to show any of the above property to persona who de sire to parchaae unimproved lots with the idea of building thereon or we wiU build a houee foiyrou en any of the lota named above, allowing yon to pay for the same on installments.' Call on us and let na talk it over with you. iLA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. For an Impaired.Appelite - .Loas of appetite alwaya reanlu from faulty dlgeetion. All that la needed la a few doaes of Cbamberlaln'a Stom nub and Uer Tablets. They wilt; In vigorate the" stomach, . strengthen the digestion and give you an sppeUU like a wcrtl. These Tablets also act as a geutle laxative." For aale by Newlin Drug Co. , If it is a bilious atUck Uke Cham berlain'a htomacb and Liver Tablete and a quick cure la certain. If or sale by Newlin Drug Co. Public Is Aroused The public ia aroused to a knowledge of .the curative ;mer IU of .that, great medicinal tonic, Electrlo Bitters, for aiok atooiacU liver and kidneys, alary Mary II Waltew,.ofW6 8t Clafr Ate. JtuWo, writes: -For sevenJ montbai was glvnn opto die, 1 had fever and ague mr nerves were wreca e,l 1 could not not sleep, and my etomaoh was so weak, from useless (uutors dmns, that I could ndt eat, Boon after beginning to take ! Hitters. I oitainel relief, and In abort me lWaa entirely ; cured," XJuaran eed at Newllna drog store, price 60c FRENCH HONOR AMERICA btSorippa Newa Association --, rla afarch 16-At Bt Joseph Church today, services were " bald com memorative of the inauguration ' ot President Booaevelt. Abbe McMuIlan preached a s ermoa eulogising Booee fit, and the cburch j was deesrated wfth American and ' Vreaoh flags. The American, British and other enibeesadora were present. ' ' Mr O Van Dusen of this olty Is vis iting in Peudleton. ,, Gapt. J. H. Alexander of thia eity weol to Pendleton on business lion Bast equipped abstractor in Union county. Many years experiences with the Union county records . gives me a great advant age. It is folly to pur chase realestate without first securing a proper abstraot. An abstract from cfry office will ehw the title just as it appears - on ' the official record. J. R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREGON i - - ' Opposite 8ommer House Notice of Stockholder's Meeting ' Notice fa" hereby given to tba stock' holders ot tba Qranda RonJe Valley Agricultural Society. That the annua) maatinor ol tha atimb hnltM mlt 7 . ,r- . .-"-:; w.tjr ww new in ine parlors of tha La Grande rplfc Illit Thureday evening at the nmuauBi huioii nonaey aiarcn aim., notoa ot Mr and, Mrs U O Couch, , who 1905 at 8:30 o'clook; p m for the. pur- thereby celebrated their fifteenth wtd pose of eleoUng a board of directors to !diBg anniversary. The rooms aara serve for the ensuing year and for the beautifully decorated with Oregon transaction otauon other busineaa aa Grape, which' wee aent to them for nay properly come before tha meet- th occasion by Mrs Couch a aunt, ing. .Dated this 20th day ot ran 1903. lira C G McCoj of Portland . t,u u THE "TACOMA'T 1 IS CAPTURED By Scrlppe Newa Aaaoolatloo) Tokio, March 16 Tba American stesmer Tacoma" waa aeiasd-.by: tba Jopanase gdardshlp last Monday .. Tba "Tacoma" waa recently reported fast In tbeloe'off Hokkaido aa U was bonad for'Vladlveetook with a cargo of bad.-1' ;C J ' " ! L 4 IMHHMHIIMmH4 a, j a r . - - GRAND t Back in Court '. Philadelphia March. 15 The uprem court yeiterdsy decided to eeod tbo Greaaon case back to the court of oyer and terminer of f Berks county,' and allow thia body to use iu discretloo in granting a new trial. ; Greaaon and Mre KaU Edwards war' convicted of tha murder of the woman'a- hasband, Greaaon being ooovioted on the wo man's testimony. Mrs 1 wards sub sequently confessed that aba bad par jured heraalf and exonerated Greaaofl from all blame. : i ' i s -.h CELEBRATE THEiR a, w ev a v CRYSTAL WEDDMG One ot the most delightful ' Hiding By order of the President. . WGflljNTER,Pras, FRED JOLME8.8eo. The dinning room was arttsticalli decorated with carnations, feutaaqd t "There is bo much bad in the best of us, And so much good in the worst of us, That it hardly behooVes any of us To talk' about the rest of us." Therefore, let us devote ouV spare time to talking about the superior advantages of banking at the. farmers and TJrctders 7Iational flank of jCa Stand s Oregon. Ail commercial business attended to promptly and carefully. ; ' . " ' ' ' It has safety Deposit Boxes J for' it's patrons, you can rentone for $3.00 per year, all ! your- papers will be perfectly safe and protected i from fire, o You have the key to your own box.'- There. is a Savings Department connected with this bank where you get quarterly interest on your money placed id this department. From the day of the opening' of the Farmers and Traders National Bank, oh November 3, 1890 down to the present time, all the efforts! of . it's offi jers have been to advance and . protect the interests of it's patrons ' and depositors; we want your banking business. i: potted p'anta. , The evening was enjoy- mm j epeus : wttti games - nd, i lnstrn. meutal muilo ,.-A i,n)ostr. elaborate luncheon, waa served and jthoee preaent voted A jt a moat , enjoyable. vent.: There We many -preaent, and many who; could not attend, pent , bandeome and expensive ; pressuU as did also thoaa who attended,, i , ; ; ' . Tboae present were; Mra aud Mrs J M MoCall, Mr and Mra Ben Brown, Mr and - Mrs James Ruasell.-Maand Mrs 0 0 Pannlngtoa', Mr and Mrs wm Patton' Mr- and Mrs Wm Thomas, Mr and Mra f Zorbrick, Mr and Mra Wm Moaa, Mr and Mra S E Binahart, Grandma Mardaell, and miasea Edna, Carry, and Pearl MnnUr Margnret t Ladd, . Gertrwde. . Belver, Helen, Vehra, Netta Kiddle, Ellse- beth , Belver, Hea'l Geokiar, Elaa l Couoh, and tha Miasea Lillian, Edna, Florence and -Aiargeii McCall, and Misa Ruth Roeaell, .Messera .Nick Beiver, Arthur JfeCall, Mejtou Kl4dle Ray Couch 1 . NcW Arrivals Capital v Surplus and Undivided Profits $60,000.00 17.000.00 Joseph Palmer, J. W. Scribes, . GaBhier. President. G. E. McCullv, AsbU Cashier. K'n if iIediIgtiON :SALE i1 W kaj fiuil nn Mir mtnrl4 Ia tl avrv wtA tJ Will Pin hi Mir . see w nwn ewgw p-" -rnvvj w" r T"" - store before the ftext sfirin j stock; srAvt. aAd In cW to insure a J ; W eornplite c1inup we have cut the prWVearaWof former prke Wall Paper from 5 cents: -up We Want to ckar the hoax before March bt ai wi expect a carload of WjB Wiper a a arrive on that date. We teve more Wall Paper, -now on hand thin sll the other paper house In the county. Thcrt-J forcVouwilhwea reatet variety .1 stket frSrh, Out ; prettnt Taj stock i compYtte. " . ) By express this morning from Paria and New Fork the awalleat .Una of PatUra, Street and ready to. wear hat ever ahown in Eeaatern jOregon, lso maUrlal for making all kinda of haU.; Our grand opening will be on Friday March 17. You ara lavitad to call and see them, expert bat maker and trim mer in charge, We also received the latest ia collar, berthas, tiea, and etc. Rainbow 8toro ' St Patrick's Dance Do not fail to attend tlie'st. Patrlok'a danoe, wbloh will be given at tha danoa ball in tba Commercial Club building on the evening of the 17th of Mai oh. It will be one of tha greatest aoolal eventa of the season. Tickets tl, ex tra ladiea 50 rents. Given by the Brotherhood ot Railroad Trainmen. Lodge No. 816. ' .- - Fifth, Person Dies . (By 8crlppa Newa Association) Denver, polo,. Maroh 15 Police capUin, Wm Bohannon, ' died ' thia morning from bullet wonnda Inflloted Sunday by Wm tichlasler. Thia la, tb fifth death aa a result of Schlssler. Insane acta oi murder. ... Hifih Art Painting Persons desiring fine work in the line of inUrior finishing, auoh aa grain ing to maton the furniture, woodfllllng to match the walla, and all tha flat finishes or glosses, should oall on or address Sanford D Kinney, 143J Adams Avenue, Corner Greenwood ai rent, . La Grande, Oregdn. i; - tft Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS. 0(bS AND .6LAbS l NOriCE TO THE PUBLIC The Seattle Grocery Company w II open thelr new storu uext door to Boh npnkmpa on Aaains Avenue, Wad naaday moralogf Mkrob 15. Mra. Or villa Bertrand will aerve hot coffee to all who will call, and demonstrate the famoua Crescent. Baking Powder , and Maplsine, -which amkes the .finee mi pie syrup' on earth,' at homo. AH are cordially Jnvlfed to aee 4oo new. atore and au opto l ite Una of groceries : '.CURED CONSUMPTION :K?, MrsB:W Ev'. CbarwaUr, Kan, wriUs; r,My hudltandlay ok for three months. Tba doctora eald be had quick ronsnnption. We Eroeured a bottl o( Billard'a Uore ound Hyrap.and It cured blui, Tnat waa six yeara ao and sine than ' wa bare alwar kept a bottle -In tba bonae Wa eanoot do without 1C fos aeugba and oolda it baa no equal" Xjo 60c and $1.00 bold by Newlin Drag Co a a :; -i H i 11 SATURDAY. 1 MARCH IS i i i i t - - . It -i 4t ..- . MONDAY, MARCH 20 THE "6UANDESt DISPLit 6" p t i n g ay t a e Mi 1 . J. me:ry EVER' ' BEFORE BEEN IN Tlfl8 CITY Every, lady,la ITniop coupt , ajtoald . attend this opening, and enjoy the plaaaara.f. looking .!- tb largest .-v- . stock of np-to date Millinery ever be- fore dffared'in tfifsVityV Besides the largest display of hats yon , will, see , new Belt Buckles, Buster Browa Belts, new Ribbons ia all the cbangable shkdesP'vthe very newest and most beautiful changable silka. ,.;,!: 1.4,1 r. '.' UBS. J. B. FORREST, a ) a - m ' o 0 TO THE PUBLIC: , The rush o! Holiday trade is over and business ; in general has'got'l)lokioJi its normal conditioa, I 1 Jwish to inform all my patrons, and those 'not my i patrons but whb ax liable tone, that XJua. nowin a .'position to take aarejoi all. jsalcbvidock xad jewelry, . repairingwitl despatch. J haysj pecured all the. necesr , , sary help in all the' latest tools and materials known ' to the tradej as well as the best workmen that money can prdcufeJ 3 A H 3 H "f ' ' F3 O .', . I All repairworkig wndermi ' peraona aupervis ! ion and I guarantee each and every piece of work done 'to be finished in first olass workmanlike manner , and to give (with proper Al&tida) perfect satisfaction. All wprk seat h mail pit eiprass.willjreceivw, the same s carefdiateDa&l'defifiae to be ' promptly returned in first class condition. , v , Thanking my patrons for their past liberal patronage and assuring them of my utmost ability to give them perfect satisfaction' in the future I remain .1 .as ever. Tq ,M54. HPSABft r,tF.rv ; Next to Newlin'a Drug Btora. 'La Orandea LeadlntJJawelar 1 h- L A GRAND TRON WORKS Complelc adiine i Shops V 'Md'tlFounictry.:: ; v. - . . .. . 1 Cdonereir . maoKsmiiin q And Wagon SV&vk iJ. ' . ' 1' . '.I'm ".ii r..i. cj law-it i' jvianuiaciurer 01 lncrnzecrau tsjxier rcca .ivuu OSS 1 ' -: .. S ' f r a i D. T l T Z-QlE R A Li D, suocessoR to HrU'AuexANoe? , V.i H t V... 4 . i. THE, BARGAIN STORE 1 New Lace Collars - New ShopUig ' baskets !New Hair' Switches 4 , ; New Tablet and School Supplies 1 i i La Grahde: Oregon! 16 T hem, ara, near i)nly 1 ' Uch" the lee. Vn tst uy t u t kO to i. d r i 1 i 1 L