La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 15, 1905, Image 1

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Tonight showers and cooler
Wedoesdey pertly cloudy. .
By Scrlpps News Association
London, March 15.--A dispatch to
the Central News from Tie Llug states'
that the Japanese attacked the fcriifl
cationa outside that town, bat were
repaired. It li believed that the Jap
anese loss is very heavy.
8t. Petersburg, March 15 General
Koropatkin reports that the Japanese
have been repulsed at Tie Pass and
left a thousand dead.
8t Petersburg, March 15, Tne re
port U current hnr th Gn;ral Ll
viloh has been cut offend surrounded
by two divisions of the Japanese un
der General Nogl, wbloh was attempt
ing a turning movsment west of 1'le
The decision of the Council of War
to send General Nicholovitoh to re
place General Kuropatkin has been ap
proved by the emperor
St Petersburg Marob 15 Prince
Killkoff. Minister of the Pubiio Works
and railways, in an interview on the
subjot of peace, said that personnally
he would be glad to see an end of the
war, but that peace was impossible
Reverence is Shown
To Mortal Remains
Scripp News Association)
Honolulu, March 15 The remains
of Mrs. Stanford were sent to Sun
Francisco this morning on the steam
er "Alameda," after the services at
the church. All of that portion of the
white population which could get away
from their duties gathered at tbe
thuroh and at the wharf to pay their
final reverence to all that is mortal of
Don't have to be Ugly to toe
A shoe can be snappy and up-to-date in
style and luxurious iu fit and at the same
time bo made bones, plump leather that . , ,-
wears and gives satisfaction. '. 4
1 " Men's S3.50
1 61
after the government had received
General Kuropatkin'e telegraoa rela
tive to the situation, and be stated
that there was no reason for alarm.
Tl e question of peace, he said, nuld
bs solved by, the Zemaki Sobre but
this would not be summoned soon,
The train service on the Yinkow
and fin Min Tin railroad will be re
sumed tomorrow.
St Petersburg Marob. 15 A tele
gram from the front states that the
J;2ccs Ti Ling yesterday
and were repulsed by the troops of
General Linevitob. 1 be Russian loss
ess were a thousand, and many of the
Japanese were left deed upon the
Scrippe News Association
- Washington March. 16 United
States Mjnister Grisoom reports to the
8tate Department that the two Amer
ican military atttohees who wereoar
tore I with tbe Russians al Mukden,
and who will be brought to Tokio, are
Colonel Uaward , of the medical corps
and Capt. Judson of tbe engine
oorps. Tbey will probably be sent
some on a promise not to return to
the Russian forces.
the great philanthropist. The services
at the Central Union church w a at
tended by president Jordsn of Stanford
University, MUm Uerner, and Govern
or Carter, one of the honorary pall
bearers, tbemembrs of the territorial
senate and many others of note. Bishop
Restarick, n old friend of the, deceas
ed, conduced tbe seivices, and, when
he reached the eulogy of the dead,
Other good Peter s Shoes at lowest prices in fact at auj price
you want to pay and we recommend them.
there were few dry eyts l the audience
Miss Iterner wept silently as the Bis
hop recounted the good deeds of her
late mistress.
Immediately after the services, the
remains, under police eeoort, were
conveyed to the wharf and placed on
board the Alameda." Tbe wharf
was orowded and, while the coffin was
being carried to and np the gang plank,
all hate were removed 'and heads re
mained bared until tbe so It ma pro
cession bad passed into the aalon. In
cluding tbe funeral party, there were
on tbe Alameda" deteotlvea Reynolds
and Cullanden, with all the evidence
gathered by themselves and the Hono
lulu police.
Dra Jordan end Uopklni made a
signed statement before Bailing today.
declaring that Mrs. Standard's death
was due to natural causae, brought
about by a comblnatka of circum
stances end conditions. They pointed
out ber advanced age, and stated that
it was unusual exertion, unsuitable
food, that she suffered nnuausl expos
ure that day of ber death,' and that the
strychnine in soda or capsules prob
ably aggravated ber general Indispos
ition. Tbey said that tbe presenoe of
strychnine in the soda was probably
doe to tbe druggist's error, or placed
there for a tonic, and declared that
Miss Kerner partook of the capsules
and soda at tbe same time that Mrs.
Stanford did, and that she fslt no ill
results, .
(By Borippe News Association)
Moscow, Marob IS A heavy explo
sion ocoured laat night in the Plaoe
Den Theatres, one of the largest pubiio
squares, and several persons, inolud-
init. one who was Injured by the
explosion were arrested,
Wrecked in Storm
By Scrippe News Association '
Qoeenstown, March 15 The British
hip "May Castle," from Portland,
Ore., was driven ashore in the White
gate roads, and tbe seas are breaking
over ber, but there is a chance of sav
ing her. , Tbe Iriah and Engliah coasts
have been swept by a hurricane wbloh
baa caused considerable damage .
Women's SB3.00
( By 8crlppa Ne wa Association )
Van Couver Wash Mob. 16 iran
eis it. Boon, Sod. Lieutenant in tbr
19. b Infantry, this morning attempt
ed an escspe immediately upon re
esiviog a sentenoe for one years im
prisonment. He brushed aside the
guards and started to run. Refusing
to halt when oalled opon, be was shot
by tbe guards and is dying. . Last
September be scoured money from bis
brother officers on (alee pretenses, tell
ing them that be was going to visit-
bis wife who was siok iu San Fraoois
oo, but instead, he went with an
other woman fo Canada, and returned
here last Jsnuary to face trial. Boon
was promote! from tbe ranks and was
tbe eon of a wealthy Kentuckian.
Fleet Moving
(By Hcrlppe Mews Association)
Singapore March 16 Four Japa
nese cruisers have arrived 6tt this
port from tbe eastward, apparently
the advance guard ot Admiral Togo'a
Deadly Explosion
By SorlppsNewe Association
Johnstown Pa, Maroh 16 The ex
plosion' of a (locomotive boiler at
Bolivar this afternoon resulted In be
death f tbe engineer and the serious
injury of nine other persons.
Better Fix
The postal inspector of the post
office department was In the city J si
terday and, opon receiving the In for
matlon that the business of this office
had sufficiently increased to justify
the government to putting in a free
delivery system, he made it a point to
iook over u e oiiy to see li tne general
conditions were auch as to romnlr
with the requirements of the postal
department, and he Informed post
master Kicney that, before be would
recommend tbe adoption d tbe system
the sidewalks ot this city would
have to be Improved, and li would be
absolutely necessary that the houses l
In addition to the advantages of hav
ing your mall delivered, this meaus
that fonr government employes will
be added to tbe payroll of the oity
Three mall carriers and one additional
olerk in the postofuoe.
Mr John Ulockland baa pnrobasod
the Henry Bankers farm, twelve miles
north of this city which is one of th
beet Improved (arms on the Sandrldtff
payiug 14,400 for tbe 240 acres beiny
$00 per acre. Prior to tble purchase
Mr Blovkland was one of the largest
land owners in tbe valley.
in one respect this sale la of more
than ordinary importance as it shows
what good land la worth in Grande
Bonds. Mr Ulockland ia no novi e
He Is one of tbe wealthy farmera
thU valley and be has made his wesltli
from tbe products .of our rich land
Be has always followed the system of
Investing bis profits tn tbe best la ul
that eoald be obtained and thoee of u
who have known b!m and know hi
careful and oonservative manner ol
doing business know that when John
dockland pays 100 an acre for laud
that it is worth it -.
The first ear load of oedar poles fur
the Uraade Sonde Electric Co, are ex
pected to arrive oaTtodaye freight.
Vlsalia, Cel., March 16.-Frank
Brady, the well known resident of
Lladaay, who was suffering from an
aneurism in his nerk, committed sui
cide on the steps of tbe Masonic ball
la this city yesterdsy by plunging a
knife blade Into I is neck and died
within a few minutes.
Brady had been In tbe hospital (or
several davs and bad been informed
that he had but a short time to live,
as the aneurism was about to Inrst.
Early In the morning ha left tbe hos
pital, unknown to his attendants.
Shortly before dayllgLt he waa seen
sitting on the stei a of the ball., lie
drew a knife from his pocket, opened
tbe blade, pulled down his shirt collar
and plunged the blade into his neck.
tie was dead when help arrived.
By Soripps News Association
Washington March 16 Commission
er ol Corporations, Jamea R Oar Held,
will leave tonlg'.t for a short fishing
rip in the south, and then prooeed
to Kansas to tackle tbe oil octopus.
There will be no public hearings but
conference will be 'held with men
connected with the oil interests and
members' of the legifrfatnre. Com
missioner Garfield will, visit Chanute
and other ot the storm centres ot the
oil agitation
The Czar Threatened
By Soripps News Asoolation
Berlin March 16-The fiuwlan
Revolutionist Society announce that
the Czar has received an ultimatum
from the revolutionary committee
tatin that ouless he granted tbe
parliament ou a basis ot universal
suffrage and secret ballot by April 1st
other means of coercion would be
employed against him, from vhioh
nothing can proteot him,
Soripps Newa Association
Harrlsburg March 16. The pardon
board today contjnued the oases of tbe
negro, Bamuel Greasou, and Mrs. Kae
Edwards, who were oonvlcte J of mur
derlng the woman's husband
Set For Trial
'By BcrlppsNewr Atfociatlon
New York Maroh 16-AsaUtant
Attorney Rand announced today that
the of trialNan Patterson would . bo
moved for thJ 10th day of April. The
announcement was made after consult
atlon with Miss Patterson's attorney,
The Nurse
Will tell you that the success of a prescription de
pends on tbe purity of its ingredience. There is
as much variety in medicine as in other merchan
dise. In our prescription-filling "Qnlity" is always
our first consideration.
. You can implicity trust your prescription to us
quality, accuracy and the right price are the never
failing trio upon which we think we have a right to
appeal for your patronage.
A. X.
Phone, Farmers Line, 68
Pacific States 1361
By Soripps News Awooi ition
Chanute, Kan., March 16. The tak
ing of depositions in the United States
caaeaga.nat the Santa Fe railway, in
beball of tne oil producer, began here
today. The' Santa Fe people were
repreeened by three attorneys, who ob
jected to the entire proceeding on le
gal grounds Foster Allen, manager
for I N Knapp, testified that th ad
vance tn freight rates drove Knapp out
of business " ,
By Scripps News Association
New York, March 16. Thomas G
Degan, a young broker, has been held
by the police in connection wltb the
death of pretty Mamie 8avage, ag d
twenty six years, whose desd body waa
taaen ont oia oab at the Gates Avenue
polioe ststlon In Brooklyn esrlv th's
morning. The death was the result ol
a heavy drinking bout, from which le
gan recovered.
Writ Withdrawn
( Uy Soripps News Association)
Chicago March 15 Attorn Ptnb
yesterday withdrew the petition for a
writ of hitbeaa corpus for Jobann Hoch,
wno ia cbarged with bigamy and wif"
murder, thla notion leavea the oaaa 'ln
statu quo," and Hoch will now to
compelled to stand trial for both
bigamy an I murder.
He Kills His
Gras Valley, Pal , March 16.-WI1I
lam Trebilcox shot and instantly kill- l
bis wife and dangerously wounded h r
cousin, Charles Allen, in tbe outskirts
of this city. No apparent cause is
KiTou luririe crime, ireouooi ana ha
wife had been married eight year,
bnt their life was unhappy. He carou
home after an absence ot some tim-.
and waa met at the front door by A I
ten, who has not yet reached his n.:i-.
joriry. lie burst In ordered Allen out
of the place and threatened to kit
Allen jumped behind a door, drev a
pistol, having naught sight ot Trebii
cox's weapon, and fired. The eh t
went wild and Trebilcox reach i
around the door and, fired,' sending a
bullet through Allen's thigh, lie t hr n
dashed through the door and his a ife
fled out the rear door. As she did i o,
Trtbilcox flrod at close range, t he
( bullet stria u I or In the back of the
head. 8Iie fill .'uad in a pool of
and the Doctor
La Grande, Or.