4 m - . m en m I- i Y4 LUMBER YARD AND Lumber Doors Boxes Shingles Sash MiJlwork ' 1 STODDARD LUMBER CO. . LA GRANDE, OREGON.! Bc.vcryining you want want tor mat SUNDAY WINNER Is'Awaiting5YourJOrdcr at O. RAUSTON'S 1 NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Ooi. Fir and Jefferson fits. ' 01) U SPECIALTY Full Line "Perferred Stock" Oanred Goods. v A- SHOES Good School Shoes a specialty Grande Ronde Lumber Co. PERRY. OREGON. -"-LUMBER LATH and BOXES Cove Items MIm Stella Belters left Moodiy sight for Daytun, Wuh., where she will spend a few moDtht with reiatlTea. Mrs H II French who has been Id Portland tine before Christmas re turned home Friday. There bare been a few caees of soar let fever in the Core of late There are no eerloui caaea at the present time. The Cove will have electric light by Jane. Active work is going on at the power plant at tbe "head of Mill Creek which power will be transmitted through different parti of the county by the Grande Bonde Eleotrlo Com Union County's fourth of July cele bration will be held in the Cove thla year. and big preparation! will be made for the event. Miss Bonnie Solvers entertained a few of her friends at a High Five party Friday avenlug. - The people of this section aie tot than pleased to hear oi the assurance of an electric line which will be pot through from La Grande by the East ern Oregon Development Company and expect to be going from Cove around the country by next fall. The community was 'grief stricken Sunday morning to hear of tbe death of Mr Arthur Payne who died of con sumption at midnight Saturday after an Ulness of several months. Mr Payne was but 25 years of age and one of tbe noblest and brightest young men In the county. Be was raised in the Cove graduated from the Cove schools snd finished bis education In Portland and Walla Walla. He was manager of the large Payne farm a short distance from town. To the end he had hopes of his re covery snd on tho day of his death was able to alt on the north and walk. ed to his bed that night, realizing his condition only a- few hoars before death. lie leaves a mother, Mrs Vina Payne, and two married sisters to mourn his death. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon from the M E Choi oh In the Uov Music B P Tait, tbe pioneer music teacher of Grande Bonde Valley, Is stH In the ring. Daring my vacation i maae my businees as well as pleasure to at tend conoertf, operas, and in fact ...nthini la mw Una of basinets and 1 foand that I as a teacher, aud in terpreter of musio am etlll in tbe front rank. Pupils who do not wUh the full conservatory coarse mar take tbe pop ular placo course. This places the pupil in poeitloato play the popular mnaie of thejday, Church and Sunday School music The Violin popular coarse places tbe pupil in position to play all kinds of dance musio as well as light overtures. Quite a number of musicians who have been under my Instruction are now making good.money as teachers and soloists. Pupils who are nnder my care will be thoroughly Instructed in B P TAIT, teachea m Croup Begins with tbe symptoms of a com mon cold; there is chilli nets, sneezing sore throat, hot skin, quick pulse, hoarseness ana impedes respiration. Give Irequent small doses of Ballard's Uorehound Syrup, (the child will cry for it) and at the first sign of a oroupy oougb, apply frequently liallard's Unow Luniment to me inroai. Mrs. A Vllet, New Castle, Colo, writes March 19th, 1901: think Ballard's riorebound Syrup a wonder ful remedy, and so pleasant." 26c, GOo and II. Newlln Drug Co 0LASSIFIED Advertisements IF YOUHAVE ANYTHING TO SELL LET THE PEOPLE ABOUT IT THROUGH THIS DEPARTMENT AND YOU WILL FIND A BUYER. IF YOU WANTflO BUY EX PLAIN YOUR WANTS THROUGH THESE COLUMNS. For Sale " - - . . .. .. . r. 1 r..-lr I FOB BALdS UK iiaa-uci o horses, 1 1 inch wagon, 1 4 inch logging truck, 1 4 Inch logging truck. JOHN ANTH0NV. WANTED: An elderly lady to keep, bouse and take care of Ave children. 1 Will pay good wages. Apply at this office. FOB SALE FOR SALE Poland China boar En anira of WT Stein. B F D No. 2, two miles east of La Grande. Phone 1774 w l ia-ioi vnrt SALE Must sell within tbe next fifteen days, building now oc cupied by my meat market. Cor. Fir and Monroe Ave. Two story, six rooms up stairs. Remember the building only Is for isle. I HARRIS 1 week. Many thousand feet of lap siding for Bale by F S Newsoine, north of car shops. M 16 WANTED Furnished or unfurnished bouse Inquire at this offloe.- WANTEP Two apprentices to learn the millinery trade N K West. Grande Ronde Lumber Co. PERRY, OREGON. Rock Island meals are the best on wheels Not very good poetry, perhaps, but what it lacks in rythm, it more than makes up in fact. And the prices are reasonable low enough to be within the reach of people of moder ate means; high enough to ensure good food, good cookintr and eood service. Breakfast and dinner are served on the a la carte plan you pay for what you order. Luncheon 50 cents. Denver to Kansas City ; Denver to Chi cago; St. Paul to St. Louis. Full information on request ! t : : . t, B. CORHAM. tieeefal Aat 140 Thlra . rm a, Ore. t il ktf .. V I , English Army Estimates London March 13 The army esti mates for 1005-00 Issued todsy total 119,000,000, an increase of $4 015,000 over tbe last estimate. The Increase Is due to the provision of 46,065,000 for the rearmament of the artillery. Otherwise there would have been a deoreaie. The estimates provide tor a total force, home and colonial and ex. elusive of India, of 221,300 men. BRICK BRICK Brick furnished in any quanity or any style. No contract too spa all or too large. See samples of our pressed brick. GEO. KREIG1ER. La Grande, Oregon. FOB SALE New Ideal washing ma chine price (7.00 E J Conrad K F D Nol FOB SALE Good paying business dolna 11.500 annually. Address P O box 661 La Grande. Notice I have SCO acres of good pasture land all under new fenoe and with, plenty of good running water. Any body desiring to put stock in can do so after April 15th. I also b,ave several thousand Fir and Tamarack fenoe posts for sale. For prices call on John Anthony. 3 13-15 The Best Physic wnen you want a onyi mild and gentle, easy , to tak and gentle, easy to take and certain to act always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Newlia Drug Company. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY. Principle. ' MRS. DAY, AnUUrU ThU s one of tbe.bestmasical Jn stitotlons in the state Daring the viar 1904 there were nesrly Four thousand lessons given. Tbe people ln.tbia city and valley are Defin ing to discover the great advantage of this school. Theayitem used is the latest and moat practical, and i Deludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching musio Ths school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 Is for beginners, from 5 year up, aod taking In the 1st to 3rd grades. In this department pnpila oome one boor every day In No.,2 the grades are from 3 to 15. 'Here they graduate. PuplU take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school wto do not study. 4 . HOME GROWN TREES - HELPED TO I MAKE GRANDE RONDE FAMOUS Apple, Cherry, Peach and Plum trees. Blackberries; Raspberiies, currants, mammoth pie plaut, Hood River strawberry plants, ornamental and shade trees, weeping willow, Rhododendron, English Holly; ehruba, dutchman's pipe and climbing tines. I have also a good stock of Carolina poplars for btreet planting. Address LA GRANDE NURSERY Box 637 Or leave order at Thorn's Grocerv Store. 1 A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE La Granie, 18S1 Oregon. Should come to our laundry when in J of anything from a pleasant smile to clean liueo YOU NEED WASHING is our business WE DO IT RIGHT : For Rent FOR BENT Furnished rooms with or without bath. In best residence district. Inquire at Cor Fourth and Main st, the George Hansen proper ty. JanOtf FOB KENT Furnished bouse keep ing rooms, in suits of two, three and four rooms. Inquire of Mrs. Msry Noble .Phone 6-4-7. tf. Board and Lodglnz by Mrs Goodall 2114 3rd st. Phone 707 tf Taken Up One blue roan mare oolt with new halter on, no visible brand. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. JUD DRAPER Andreas Ranch d&w310 24 J f c - - ci. Laiiu ju vt .jut Unrestricted forest reserve scrip for sale at lowest market prices. My scrip secures title to timbered, farming, grating or desert land, lu any quan tity, without residence or improve ment. Ac drees U M Hamilton, Tbe Portland, Portland, Oregon. Strayed One Itlue roan colt from my place in Fraitdale last Friday. A suitable reward will be paid for its return or Information leading to its reoover. BR Sparrow. La Grande R F D No 1 FOR BENT All parties wishing to rent a portion of the O'Connor tract for the present yesr, call at residence as the land will be rented immediate ly. Dr. O'CONNOR, corner Park and Oak street. WANTED First class single driver, ing horse. Inquire Boss Meat Mar ket. ANTED Ll or nl'imau with fair education for h Lminess posi tion, salary $15 to f20 per week. Ad dress with stamp and give your flame and the name of the town. Mrs. L F Rich, La Grande, Ore., GD 3t For Sale Fiiet class teed potatoes, Carmen no 3 and Early Rose, one half mile east of L Oldenburg, t f J S CHANDLER, Fraitdale BEES FOR SALE The undersigned has eight stands of Italian bees which he will dispose of at reasonable prioe If sold at once. These are all good strong and healthy collnies and will surely thrive if given proper attention. II O Thomason? La Grande Oregon Residence Fourth street Old Town . M2D&W For Sale Splendid yearling Short Horn, regis tered bull. Weighed, when soven months of age, seven hundred and Ave pounds. Is no in splendid con dition. Address J E Reynolds R D no 2 La Grande Oregon . Cows for Sale Splendid dairy cows for sale, Will sell one or more or the entire business. Mrs. A J OR1DEK, La Grande, Oregon, R F D No. 2 M 11 21 Estray Notice Notice Is hereby given that I have taken up at my farm three quarters of a mile southeast of Allcel, Union county, Oregon, on January 1, 1005, one sorrel, bald faced gelding, branded figure 4, on right shoulder, about C 0 7 years old, weight about 800 pounds. Appraised value $15. Owner can have same by proving ownership and paying expenses, otherwise the animal will be sold according to law. W J UA8E, ' Feb 17-Mch 25 Allcel RED No. 1 Estray Nile: Notlo is hereby given that the following described stook has .been taken up at my place six miles east of La Grande Union County Oregon and appraised, as follows, one bay mare branded n on left hip weight about 950, aged 13. One sorrel mare .brand ed w on left shoulder, weight about 800 .aged 4. One bald faced filly, white feet no brand weight about 700 pounds. W D Grandy P O at La Grande. Feb 27 March 27 For Investments In LHEUR COUNTY Write to C, T.JMcDANIEL Ontario Orego t Oregon Produce Co f hone 1761 La Grande Oregon. Corner Jefferson Avenue and Green wood Streets. O 0 0 Largest Packing House In Eastern Oregon. APPLES 25c PER BUSHELT, -,Qoo& No 2 annlna at iU n.Ai,;n 1 .. a.. " ; r-iug uouse. uaiiand see , .,OMgUW1 as loose offered by peddlers (