Of buying Furniture, Carpets mid Home Furnishings where you can get more for a dollar 'uanaooiiarwill boy elsewhere 125 Iron Beds $2.75lo$12 00 HrusBels carpet, 65o per yard All wool Ingrains 623 per vard i weol unions 38c per yard tru8?els Ingram 30c per yard E. G. ADCOOK Successor to E. Andross. Andross Old stand Phoue9-l My Picture Frames Mouldings, Plate Rail room mouldings shades and Curtain Fixtures. Picture framing, hand made opaque shades. Oval Bevel Mat , cutting a specialty. I have the only Oval Bevel machine in Union county. Frank Harris , Andross old stand Phone 9-1 Lodge Directory. tCAGLFH La Urande Airie 159 F O K meets every Hunrtay night in K ol I' hill art ; m Visiting brethern Invited U. attend J. A. Matolt, W. P. T. H. Gilhara, W. B. 1 0 0 F La Urande Lodge, No 16 meet .u I heir ball every Saturday nhtht. Vial Uug mem sera cordially invited to attend. U W. KoberUon, N U K, Snook, See, UTAR ENCAMPMENT No 81, I. O. O. F, meets every firm and third Thursdays In the mouth in Odd Fellows bell. Visiting patri archs always welcome I. B Snook, C P. Edmund Kobinson, Scribe A b 6 A. M. La Grande Lodge t 0. 41. meets every 1st vid 3rd 8ator Jay of each month. A C Williams See, O D Huffman W. M KA8TEKN8TAB OKU Hope Chapter No I!" meets the second and fourth Wednesday of atb month at rM n m in Masonic Temple Mrs Clara T Lyle, W M Mary A Waraick. dee M. W.A.- Lb Grande (amp No. 7703 meets every nrpr, wiu tniru rt runrmia y ui mo month at I. 0. O. V. HhII. All visiting nelrh bore are cordially invited 10 attend. E. Keisleud, V. a John Hair, Clerk. rDREHTEBS OF AMtiKOTA-Onirt Maid Marlon, Mo 22 meeta each Thursday night in K of f nail. Brother are Invited to attend. X 8 TlllKon, Chief Ranger. U 8 Williams, Kin. Bee Board or Trustees-Or. U L Diggers, John Hall, and U 1'aUinon. Fiendish Suffering la nttan panaail hv anrAi n narm onrl cancers, that eat away roar akin, Wm bedell, of Flat Rock Mich, say a; I have used Bucklen's Arnica Salve, for Ulcere, Sores and Cancer . It la th beat healing dressing 1 ever found, boethes and heals cats, burns and 6c at Newlin Drag store guaranteed. THE CENTENIIL . HOTEL Mrs. A. E. Murchlson and UihC. M. Uarn. Props. RATES $1.00 PER DAY MEALS 25c Special rates furnished monthly patrons. This house is, sbsolately ' new and Is thoroughly clean from kitchen to parlor. Every room is oa the ground floor All white belp The table is supplied with all the season affords. The Cen tenia Is centrally located Adams Ave, between Greenwood and Kir. Opposite Farmers Feed Yard La Grande, Oregon. A REPLY FROM , J. W. SCRIBER iut ieie rod aalioiooa state, menu made by the Editor ol the unrcnicle of llartb lOib. regarding u farmers and Traders National oaa and myself,! ub lossy:- 'rsi, ioe election of direoiore for uis uatik have alwsvs Us h-i.i ... eording to the National H.nkin. i anu Director elected by a majority of mm anare Holders, and at all share holders meetings there ha.. .1.... been over 400 of the 600 .bare, repre- onwHi. ins annual election ol Di rectoia for all National Banks sr. ... qalred to be held on the second Toes. aay of January of each tear, and cb meeting may be adporned to some future data. Th. . Hw wars is itg VUSWC7 holdora of this Bank were nrMsni Janu.ry 11th 1806, as were preseot on e-cn no. There were 301 .bara re presented by persons present, and 110 bares by proxy Tbla disgruntled abare-holder was nominated for a D rector and received the vole of 10 ahares. and th nth., n. , i ' wwwv. v7VMira rrfjoiv. j ed the rest. I will leave it to the de. cision of the poblio if it would have been wise to have snob an one as the author ol the statement as a director of any institution. Sod, A Nations! Bank Is controlled by Ita board of directors under the supervision of the National Bank Ex miner, and our executive board dui upon all loans made by tbia Bank. The majority ol shareholders pay the same proportion of taxes that the minority do, and what makes divi dends for tbe majirity of the share, holdera, givea the minority the same prorata of dividenda and no prefer enoe can be, or is given, to any one. 3rd, The statement made in aaid article thai I was receiving a salary of only $26.00 per month when 1 left Salem to acoept my preseot position waa a falsehood aud the nartv makln tame lied In 1890 I subscribed and paid in cash for 60 ahares of ths Cap. ital stock of this Bank as the records abow. And I also wish, to state that I owned my own home in Balem Ore gon, valued at that lima at $2000.00. and a one half Interest ic 80 aorea of land 3 miles east of 8alem valued at fsOuO.OO, and aome other property as wtll. I have tried to save part of the money I have earned sinoe coming to maxe my borne here in La Qrande. and so far as I know. I have been a law abiding citisen during all that time, atid I not only think it is every mtns duty as well as privilege, to aoourou'ete and aava aometbinr when enjoying good health, and more estM- cially one who has a family dependant upon him for support and lot their education, and I have tried lo do tnv duty as a citizen and a father. " I do not claim that 1 have made no mistakes, but when I have made them as soon as I have discovered them. I have been only too a-lad to correct them as far as wjs lo'my power. To any one who is doubtful of my atetements, or of my reliability. I would refer you to M sera Ladd and Bush, bankers, or to J. H. Alberts, ol 8alem Oregon, or M. J. Adams, cash- ler for Mwsrs Coolidse A. Mnfll.n. bankers of Stlverton Oregon, as those persona have known me for tome 40 years. To tLose who have known me since coming to La Grande some 14 years ago, thiaatatemenl is ary, but to strangers and new friends 1 wish to say that the Kditor of the Chronicle is unworthy of notice, and D. H. STEWAnn SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlllSSSSSBSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSMMl...?... SSBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS MONDAY, STETSON'S original big double spectacular I UNCLE TOM'S I CABIN CO. THE BARNUM OP THEM ALL r ' under the management of Leon Washburn. r Watch for the big parade r. iiiva ana tier uoidea Chariot Male and Feamale Quartettes i JWCE3 Orchestra 76c; Balance of house 50c: Children 25c. Seats on sale Saturday at Van Buren's. TaMMfAAikAMjLMAMA fi nt ai ai further. I wish to brand bim as a cowardly, slandering liar, atd un worthy ol the post.ioa which he is at templing to Sit, and a disgrace so any community, for bis cowardly attacks will injure our fair city as well as onr homes and loved ones. I wian further to state that this bank is well prepared to continue its business, and appreciate the liberal patronage it has always bad from the oitisens of- this county. Ita Cenital stock is intact and it itaa soeumnleled a good surplus, regardless of the kicks ol one or two disgruntled shareholder who would gladly ruin the business of the community, to correct ao imagin ary wrong. Respectfully, J W Bcriber Fixing His Defense By Scripps He we Association PorUand March 14 Senator John H Mitchell la'here arranffins for hla u. fence on the chargea of eonaplraoy in the land franda, which will be tried in the Federal Oourt In Jnna Mitchell aaid thia mornlnai Tha newspapers have been trying to con vict me. Their conduct has baan damnable. I am innocent." Fierce Storms Abate San Fianolsco. March 11- Reports rrom various points along the coast this morning indicate that the storm is over. It Is believed that all l.e vessels at a a when the storm began, nave reached port. The onlv craft reported mlssibg here la a small lannoh in which three men went fish- log off the Farallonea Bandar. Thi. craft Is given up as lost with Ita oo enpanta. France Wants Peace St Petersburg March 14 While France has made no move aince the battle of Mukden dor offered her ad vice offioiaily, the Russian government has been given to understand eclearly that her ally favors peace, and this may exercise an influence on the Em peror's ultimate deoision. Germany baa refraioed from giving advice either way. Perhaps the attitude of Japan mav be judged by the fact that oue of the great powers, intimated to be the (Jolted States, has strongly urged within a month' that the time waa opportune to t ffer terms to Russia. but, according to information reoeived here, the Japanese government Daid no beed to the advioe tendered. Another Big Fire Sorlpps News Association Chicago. March 14. Fire this morn. ing destroyed the plant of the Grand Crossing Teck Co , wbiob covered near, ly an entire block. The loss ia esti mated at a, half of a million dollars. The eight bundled employees In the plant escaped. Incendiary Origin "By Scrippe Nowa Aaaociatlon. J Karakoff Ruaala March 14-Nlna shops and the Su.dal arc ade were dea- troyed by fire today The loas la halt a million dollars. Nine persona were Injured in the fire, which, it la believ ed, was etartod by the revolutionists. vWWvwWfrtWWWW pi . MARCH 20 More grand novelties than everl Georgeons scenery. Mechanical Effects Prof. Gerlach's- Military band ' Oolored Military baud Blood Hounds. Beautiful Chariots and 1 Tableaux Genuine Cake Walkers Buck and Wing Dancers Jubilee Singers Wegons drawn by hand- A Shetland ponies Grand Visions and Trans i scenes Son Shoots Father Auburn Cat March 14 . F Nis on, living near Lincoln, baa been anoi oy nis eon. The a'atement is made that Nisson ordered his wife lo milk the eow and her abiee being bad aba declined. He picked up a rifle and ordered trer lo go or he would kill ber. Hia aon then took a ahot run and fired both barrels, striking his father In the btck, the charge going through bis body. The man is still alive, but there is no hope of bis recovery. Young Nisson as under arrest. Holy Jailer Stays Goldeudale Wash March 14 Dr Cay wood, the former f'entlat of Portland Ore who waa tarred and leathered last night by a mob because of his object ionable methods of conducting revival etrvlcea for the Holy fiollara' mt and bla harsh criticism of certain oltixena, is still in GoldenJate aud announces th.t he will remain to preach to hia congregation. Caywood waa notified last n'ght that unlets he left town he would be lynohed. Good Bill Lost (By Scripps News Association Lincoln Neb March 11 The bill t permit the Governmert to oon.Umn the atate lands of the Upper North Platte valley and merge the property Into an Irrigation diatrlct waa defeated In the senate this mornina tk. a.. feat of the bill la charae.l to Hill n.l Uarriman. who own laiwe traeta in t h. district. This ends the Government project to spend five million dollars in irrigation. Witnesses Summoned - ., (By SorlppiNewa Aasoolation) Omaha Neb March 14-lwenty per sons oonnected with the Omaha paok Ing plantabave been aummoned before the Federal Grand Jury at Uhloago on the twentieth day or Maroh to testify in the beef tmat" investigation. High Art Painting Peraona desiring fine work In the line of interior finishing, suob as grain Ing to match the furniture, woodfllling to match the walla, and all the flat finishes or glntses, shonld call on or address Sanford D Kinney, I413 Adams Avenue, Corner Greenwood s treat, La Grande, Oregon. tf - WANTED The ucderalgned wiabes a set of books to keep. Rates reason able and eatiefaotlon guaranteed. Satisfactory references famished. Lon L Fox, La Grande, Oregon. M 14-21 1 CLAIRVOYANCY and Magnetic Healing First visit to La Qrande of the great H IN D O O CLAIRVOYANT Prof. Coathathoussavesa V Uosendleayboxleayae -Jut arrived from Calcutta, Fj-st India; tbe world's greatest spirit Medi um and Clairvoyant. Without knowing who you are or from whence you came thlM reinnrkableanan )' his eyes and tell you everything, rhls man Is not to be compared with fortune tellers and such like imtiostors who irtv upon tbe puhlie with their nn principled methods. No matter whttt your trouble may be or what vou want to know, ou will be given dales, facts, names, etc. Positively glviw dales of inarrlRKeaud nainua ol future wife or husband -0"ll and be ennvlnmul iIi.b'i niK. Savnntil he is gone and then regret ll- Phrenologist siltlngs, $1. Astrology "l.l.l!nK". "lrvoyaiilslitlnK$l up. All kludaofdlreaHes located forli. Any one giried by birth with mtwIluiiMlilp I will beln to develop them in it! day's time. Will relieve bad luck spells and give gold luck to all. Bim'tluil to see this Hindoo. Advice given on all busi ness undertakings. Walk up stairs, Her-e f r limited time only COME EARLY IWt Delay Ron Je Vi"fy House Rooms 12 , oltlce hours S a m to p m, Phone :t-ti, no sign on ths door PASTU R E I have leased the Silk pas ture for the season and am then-fnrs in position to care fos iw. kinds of stock, and especially the Ntown cow" at rates which are just. I will gun nntee firnt class treatment,, good feed and water. Address E. E.Jones, Phone 1276 . La Grand The 811k paslnre eonslsU of over 800 aorm and is divided Into sis separate lota Homes and cattle will not run together PnOFESS!ONALE,CARD3 PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. OSos over HUTs Drag Store. vsum rnoae Ubs . Mfirs Tfcnas 3tl N. MOLITOR, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ooraer Adams avaaoe and Depot 8L ' OflleePboaeXM aaatdanaa Fknu at WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 711 Lewis baildlng, opposite Bosoms Horsss Offlos Boats, I te 4, T to S BACON & HALL, Y3t CIAN3 AND SURGEONS Ufflee la Foley buUdlag, Fnoae UL C. T. Baeon, Bosidenos Phone list 4 M. K. Bail, Bealdene 2131 DKS. B1GGERS & BIGGCRS Ptiraiciana and Hnn... O W Blggers, M. D. Geo, L. Blggata. M. D Telephones Offloe 1321 ' i.M.hU loa, Qnioe Ralston BnUdln am l u u. Store. Raldeoos on Madison AVs. second don, weatofbrmer realdenoe, Or. a W.Blggets ansuus ORBGON Profeioaal calls promptly atteaded to dayeralghu DENTISTS REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. Offlos Somsser Building Offloe Phon. M Besldenoe Phoae 117 C. B. Cauthorn DENTIST Offlos Over Hill Drugstore I La Grande, Oregon : R. L. LINCOLN DENTIST Up stairs, oor Adams aveaas and Depot BV Phoneys VETERINAAY SURQEON Dr. P A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON. Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone 701 Farmers' line 58 DR, W. T. D3WNE3. VETERINARY SURQEON AND DENTIST teave orders at Red Residence Cor Cross Drug store 6th and I st Thirty five years experience, beat of reference furnished ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA ORANDE, OREGON Ofllee In Bomrrter mlldlng. J. W KN0WLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law Office la Ralston Bnlldlag ' Phone 166 La Orande Or. H. T. Williams AC. WUllams WILLIAMS BROS. ATl'ORN EYS-AT.LAW Offlos in Ralatoa Building PhonsiOjl La Oranda, (Jr. ACOOUNTANTS W, I. BISONETT ' EXPKHT ACCOUNTANT. Offloe with J.T.WiUUmson, La Grande Parties wishing the servlees of a cont- KUnt bookkeeper are assured satis story results. Prioaa reaeonabU D. O. KELLEY, Booka posted and complicated ao ooauta adjusted. Pen .Ion papers a ipeolalty. Notary Public. Claims against the government considered. Correspondents solicited. Addree Lock box C13 10 PER CENT OFF On all cash purchases of li.uu or over, complete stock of. meats poultry, lard, our own cured breakfast bacon andjhains aspeoialty. Phone 1601 I. HARRIS We pay the highest market I price for hides, pelts, and furs i -Z a. i Liinr. nnn - CMS, LIQUUT, Proprkf or. '"; WJNES, LIQUORS li AND CIGAHS . t: U animals on the Pacific jjjoast ti 1 1 ii nen a i ssi i Blue - Front Saloon i E. THOMSON. ProprictoT; FINEST I WINES, LIQUORS f imported and domestic CIGABS Hot or cold lunch all hours Jefferson Aveaas Opposite Depot itlllhlttlllMtitMHites 444fc44fcMtfctfcM-M -t-- : Palaco Saloon CHAS. ANDERSON. Prop. FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on hand Jafferaoa Avenne o Opposite Depot iMsTwWMWVVVwtwVM , . THE OXFORb P1R . JOHN BIEVEb. Prop. Coasplets aasortmenl of . WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Mixed Drinks a Specialty Fir St, rWrVvrVvrVVvvVVWV Bo THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT. Prop, vine ;. - - WHIE& LIQU0R5 2 CIQ1R5 Gentlemen always Welcome Mr Street Eaglo Saloon ULRJCH L0TT1S. Prop. FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Lunches are our speciilty 1 leOVt A veo Opposite depot I Thel'AMTLEK J.MOKAIlHlJ.F.EMP.rOF( PINE WINES - i k .T aia4WIW And the best brands ol M Alwaiva nit hsail J , MUed . drinks a specialty Ask and 0 see If you don't get It. This la a gen- tlcmen'a resort and will be ru as much m Tom PlemiDg I BLACKSMITH Horseshoin g and Wajonwcrk North Fir Street i Hies I Missises - - - , , Chickens Wanttd ' The highest market price paid cash for chiokena. . Phone 1801. 1 oaosisectivatiaai GRANDE RONDECidll CO.