Hotel Sommer THE HOTEL gOMMER bO. Leejtee WE CATER TO COMMERCIAL - TRADE - ROOMS WITH BATh STEAM HEATI All Modern Conveniences Best Dining Room Service Oregon. in Eastern A L. MORRIS, Trea. and Manager. Notice to the patrons of La Grande Light and Power Co. That on and after January let we will install a day circuit i. tfcli ilj "d uieaua OI" notifying our patrons. Any changes to be made in lights which can not be turned off during the day should be arranged as soon as possible. Those desiring power can confer with us at any time, regarding prices of motors, rates, etc. We have motors priced as follows, f. o. b. San Francisco. ih. p $ 37 75 6h.p 1192 00 h p 44 50 10 h p 279 75 1 h p 95 50 15 h p 367 70 2 h p 104 15 20 h p 462 50 8 h p 128 85 80 h p 655 65 To this price must be added freight from San Francisco to La Orande. Shipping weights hp 3 phase ,hp " 1 hp 2 hp 8 hp 5 hp 7 bp 10 bp 16 hp 20 hp 30 hp it M (t (( II II II 120 lbs 155 lbs 242 lbs :$4 lbs 425 lbs form K form K form K form K form K form K it ii it . ii i hp single phase i hp 1 hp 2 hp 3 hp 5 hp 810 lbs form L 950 lbi form L ll75lbs form L 1430 !bs form L 2345 lbs form L 2980 lbs form L 225 lbs 270 lbs 275 lbs 380 lbs 466 lbs 680 lbs 670 lbs 820 lbs 1075 lbs 1360 lbs 2300 lbs 2810 lbs For information call at office ol LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER 00. CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THh r-KEFERENCE. Ka Grande Evening Observer rW tKT BROS, Editors A Pr V Entered Urande, Mail at the Poat .Office at La Oregon, as Second ClaM Published daily except Sunday One year in advance 16 60 8iz months in advance. . . .8 60 Per month 65c Single copy 6 ADVEKTlMNU RATBB Display Ad ratas furnished upon application Local reading notice 10c par Una flrat naer- tlon. c dot Una for each subsequent li Uon. Resolutions of oondolenoa, jo i ar Una. Card ot thanks. Be per Una. GOVERNMENT RATE MAKING In the North American Re view for March President Wil cox, of the Delaware & Hudson, discusses what he is pleased to consider " The Dangers of Gov ernment Rate Making," and portray the dangere as the railways see them in colors that might-be alarming if the colors were true. But Preaidant Will, cox proceeds upon false premises, and it is, therefore, of little con sequence what his conclusions may be. His opening sentence is: "The incessaut and at times come with the expectation of making a home somewhere iu the great northwest. It all looks good to them and they will stop one place just as well aa another, with the exception that they have bought their passage to the terminals such as Portland, Spokane and Seattle. But they have atop-over privileges west of Poeatello. Now it does look possible that some arrangement could be made whereby a great many of these people could be induced to atop over and look at this valley. While we know we have one ol the beat counties in the state, the great majority of these borne seekers do not even know there is a Union county. If these people could be met on the trains and our conditions explained, many would stopover and that is all we ask. We would not only be helping the homeseeker but ourselves. Who can put this idea into practical execution? THF mi a. ft a WEST PEACH Will 10011 bar another invoice of elect fruit, shsdeaad ornamental trees Peach, pear, plum, prune and apple, --L. t-- 4. imperious demand of the Inter- including the Boieaua fopUr, Sugar state Gommerce Commission I Maple, Blaok Walnut and the oelebrat- fnr Inrorn .,M nnwara has d Golden West Peach tree. been greatly re-enforced and dig nified by the President's last an nual message." The demand for additional powers has not come from the Interstate Commerce Commiss ion, but from the shippers and from the receivers of freight and from the general public The merits of that demand have been fullv aonreciated by the Presi dent. His message was not for the purpose of dignifying the commission nor its alleged de mands, but for the purpose of urging Congress to the enact ment of measures for relief from an arbitrary and uncontrolled system, adopted and enforced by the railways without adequate measures of redress for the public . There is a difference which President Willcox could, but will not, appreciate. Office opposite U i Land Office. M 6 tf JOHN B HOUGH Ice Cream Call at Selder's Confectionary San day for ioe cream. WANTED-Uirl to do 'general house work Inquire at this office. Branch Office The Singer Hewing Maohlne .Co has opened a branch office at Smith Jewelry Store with a complete line of late improved machine. Call and them. Manager Chaa A Chandler 8 a Notice ACT NOW To Whom It May Concern, Notice la hereby given that on and after the 1 Ith day of March, 1905. Or dinance No. 41, Series of 1892, provid Ing for the taxing and killing of doge, will be atrlotlr enforced by the autb- ritiee of the City of La Orande, Ore gon. CHKSTKK F M I'jWLlN , Recorder of the City of La Orande by order of the City Council. Taga may be procured at the city Becorder'i office. We have the natural surround ings to support a large popula tion. There are now thousands of people coming to this coast, looking for locations, just such as we possess. these thousands are passing through this valley, at this time, not going to come, bat are com ing. Why cannot we arrange to capture a lew ot tne passing thousands? Here is a matter that demand a the very best thought we have at command. loose coming now nave one trip tickets, no return. They Croup Begins with the symptoms of a com mon cold: there ia ohilllnesa. aneetlng sore throat, hot ekin, quick polee, hoarseness and Impeded respiration. Oive Ireqnent small dotes of Ballard's Horehonnd Syrup, (the child will cry for it) and at the first sign of a oroupy cough, apply frequently Uallard'a Snow Liniment to the throat. Mrs. A Vltet. New Castle. Colo. writea' March 19th. 1901: "1 think Ballard's liorehound Syrup a wonder ful remedy, and so pleasant." 2oc, 60c and 11 New I in Drug Co GIFFIN & HOftAN UNDERTAKERS FUN ERA L DIRECTORS Scientific Embalming. Licensed Oregon and Montana Experienced Lady Assistant in attendance The only Exclusive Undertaking Parlors in La Grande. Our office is always open Phone 1761 Office in Lewis Building, opposite Sommer House Uj rw BLOKLAND BROS Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and POLAND0HINA RWTWtt We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Cots wold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need ing choice, bucka, should aee these to appreciate them Young Btock always ou hand, and always glad to have you call and see our hogs, as we breed them for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos before buviug some where else. Notary Public Insurance Money to Loan Representing the Equitable Savings & ,Loan Asso ciation of Portland, Or., the strougest, safest A most reliable institution on the Pacific coast, uuder State supervision. Loans made short or long time to suit. WM. GRANT, Agent City property ,for sale. Meeeee-' fi;ll measure Chain w i by the Cord 128 cubic ft et to the cord. 16-iuch dry chain wood 3 per v.rd. This is cheaper than by the load. You pay for what you get an.d get what you pay for. SHADE TREES POR SALE The undersigned has a limited quan tlty of shade trees which he will sell at a reasonaoie price, xnese trees sre ot the variety known as the Rook Elem and the Gray Ash. Parties wishing me to set the trees oat may do so by paying fifty eents add itional Address J T .lack bod, La Grande, Ore gon, or phone 18i3. rrJMlMrlMl Ma T A T W STHE NEW YORK JOURNAL INVITES YOU To Join a New Club Irrigate Your Lands We have a number of shares of the Capital Stock of the La Grande Irriga tion Company which we will sell. Parties desiring to purchase, should see us at once as work of placing the ditch in shape for the gammer's Irri gation will be oommen vd soon. LA GRANDE IN ViCSmENT CO. weeka. a t Phone 571 H. W. NIBLEY G. E. FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 1611 All order'given prompt attention. I which ia supplying the public with, mag nificent new Bnoyclopia at about the actual cost of production nnd on terms with in the reach of all. If you are interested write today for particulars. The member ship is limited. First come, first served. D E P A R TMENT New York IS ENCYCLOPECIA j 78 Fifth Avenue ENCYCLOPEDIA DEPARTMENT iK null Avenue. New York . rieiwe send me4wlthout charge, infor mation regarding your new Kacyelopa dlaClub also nrcimrn sages of the Kiicyclopadta, laoradlag snap, portraits and olored engraving. Name ...... Htrest ,.' Meats Address 1 -a. ..- state.. NEW YORK JOURNAL rDIMMSJEM Chae. Green FIRST CLASS PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER Stoves set up and repair ed. All work guaranteed and prices reasonable. Telephone No. 24a. RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop, Safe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furuished to commercial travelers, Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Free deliverv to all parts ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1961 Horses, harness and wngona bought snd sold La. GRANDE MARBLE WORKS E. C. DAVIS, Proprietor, Complote assortment of.liu est marble and graph always on band. Estimates cheerfully furnished upon application. Headstones and Monuments A Specialty A Touching Story Is the savins from rWrh nf th i,i ., girl of Geo A Ejler Cumberland, aid, ae writes; :me age or li months our little girl ns in deoliuing health with serious liiroAt Trouble, and -two phyeicians a a uar up We were r1 most in despair, when we resolved t i to try Ur King New Discovery tor Consumption, roughs, and Colds. The first bottle gave relief, alter tak -ing four bottles she was cured, and ia now in perfect health.' Never fa:li to relieve and core s oougb or oo!l At Newlin Drug Store 50c and $100 guarantied Trial bottle free flffSVK CHICKENS WANTED We pay cash for chicken b, and want all we can get at our new warehouse on Je son avenue. Gbandk Rondk Cash Co We manufacture Butter fiom swtet cream. Our butter is full weight and guaranteed. Leave orders at J. D. Mc Ken non's ummerville Creamery Ass'n ATf 4 WU WILL U Ifymr tickets rtad over the Denver and klodiauae Railroad, tne "Hoenlo Line ol the world" BKC5AUSK t'acresresonianyseenle -ut nel on snrt Mlnl of luSSrSBj aloni; the i'IO twwn Onden and Deowr fiat Uu till' never becomes II resoine If you are Eolng esst, write for .ifnr matioii Hint get a pieltybook that will tell you all about It W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third St. aortlard Oregon