La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 11, 1905, Image 5

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    -Real Estate
) The following U a partial list of
property which we have to offer for
. sale on whloh there era no buildings,
to wit:
In Chaplin's Addition, to La
Grande, Oregon
All ol block No. 10.
"' Lot No 1, block Nd. 4. "B" street.
LoUNo. 3. 4, B. & 6. block No 13.
Lota No. 1 to No. 11 la block No. 47
Will Mil one or mora lota.
Lot No 4, block No. 0.
Lots No 7 to No. 10 in block No. 65
W ill sell one or mora lota.
Lot No. 6 Jfc 6, block No. 57.
Loti No. 7 & 8 in block No. 69.
Lota No. U 2, 3 & 4, block No. 75
All of bkck No. 76.
All of block No. 77,axoept lot No. 6.
All of block No. 78.
All of block No. 83.
Lots No. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 A 13, block No
89. ;
Lota No. 4, 5, & 6 in block No. 96.
' Lota No. 6 & 7, block No. 98.
Lota 10, 11, 12, & 13, block 104.
All of block 120.
LoU 13 & 14, in block 121.
Lota 1 to 16, Inclusive, block 139
Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 11 & 13 In block 154
Lota 14, 15, 16 A 17, block 154.
Lots 10, 11, 12 & 13, in block 151.
Jn Jfomig's Addition to .&
- Urande, uregon.
Lot -a" .
LoU 3 & 3 in block 1.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, k 10, block
Lots 4 to 9 inclusive, block 4
Lota 4, 5 & 6 in block 6.
Lots 4, 6, 6 ft 7, block 9.
Tha west half of block 10.
Lots 10, 11 & 12, block 10.
The West half of lots 1, 2 & 3, block
Lota 4, 5 A 6, block 11. -.
Tha West half of block 12.
Pleasant Home Addition to La
Grande, Oregon,
Lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 1.
Lots 1 A 2, block 2.
Lota 1, 7 A 8 in blook 6.
Lots 2 to 10 io block 7.
Predmore's Addition to La
Grande, Oregon.
Lota 1 to 13 inclusive in block 24.
Home Investment Addition to La
Grande, Oregon.
A large number ol oboloe lots to se
lect from, each lot has a water right. ,;
Gangloffs Second Addition to
La Grande, Oregon.
Theeejlots ars large and have a mag
nificent view of tha entire valley.
' We would be pleased to show any of I
the above property to persons wna ae
slre to purchase nniro proved lots with
the Idea of building thereon or We will
build a house lor yon on any ol the
lots named above, allowing you to pay
for the same on installments.
Call on as and let as talk it over
with yoa.
For an Impaired Appetite
Loss of appetite always results irom
faulty digestion. All that Is needed
is a few doses of Chamberlain's Stom--..s
and i.tvnr Tablets. They will in
vigorate the stomach, strengthen the
digestion ana give juu u
-These Tablets also act as a
ireutle laxative. For sale by Newlm
Drug Co. ;
If it is a bilious attack take Cham
berlain'a Btomacb and Liver Tablets
and a quick cure la certain.' For sale
by New I'm Drug Co.
Public Is Aroused
The public Is aroused to a knowledge
of the curative .merits of that great
medicinal tonlo, Electrio Bitters, for
sick stomach liver and kidneys, Mary
Mary H Walter, of 546 St Clafr Ave.
Columbus O, writes: -For several
months 1 was given opto die, I had
fever and ague my nerves were wreck
ed 1 could not not sleep, and my
Tomachwas so weak, from useless
doctors drugs, that I could Dot eat,
Soon alter beginning to take Elect
Wtters, 1 omainel relief, and io abort
time 1 was entirely cured,- Gaaran.
ead at Newllns drug store, price 60c
Bobt equipped abstractor
in Union county. Many
years experiences with
the Union county records
gives me a great advanU
age. It is folly to pur
chase realestate without
first securing a proper
abstract. An abstract
from my office will show
the title just as it appears
on the official record.
Opposite Bommer House
Notice of Stockholder's Meeting
Notice is hereby given to the stock
holders of the Grande Bonds Valley
Agricultural Society. That the annual
meeting of the stockholders will be
held In the parlors of the La Grande
uauouai ttankoa Monday March 20th.,
1906 at 2:30 o'clock p m for the pur
pose of electing a board of directors tq
serve for the ensuing year and for the
transaction of suoh other business as
say properly come before tha meet
ing. Dated this 20th day of r"eb 1902.
By order of the President.
It seems not to be In tae thought of
a living soul connected with Die
Methodist Church of this city that
the meeting ahould close . ' Br tha
unamlniona vote of the people ll la
decided to ' continue alt tnmmer if
necessary to aooompllah what the
should. '
There will be no meeting tonight
but on Sunday both morning and even
ing 'there will be preaching in the
Cherch. Instead of th afternoon
meetinga through ihe week at the
week the Church, there will be half a
dozen or more in different parte of
the town this la oocaseloned by the
wide spread and deepening tatstest ln
the work of getting the people saved
So every evening next wet k the Church
bell be riugtng at 70
By Scripps News Association
St Petersburg, March . 11 The ex
plosion of a bomb oocared last nigh
at the Bristol Hotel In the room of an
Fnglibman by the same of MoCnl
lock, and, as as a result of the ao-
cident, Mr MoOollock waa killed . and
j fonr Inmates of the hotel were serious-'
ly injured. The police here believe
Revoked Charter
(Scripps Newa Association)
Cleveland, March 10. Grand Chief
8tone thla morning revoked the chart
er of the subdivisions of tha Hundred
Brotherhood of Engineers in New York
to which the strikers belong. . .
Prisoners Escape
By Scripps News Association
8t Petersburg March 10 Fifteen
political prisoners escaped from Irkut
sk which they were three -months ' in
digging oat. ;
and was planning an assassination,
and that he ' probably dropped the
bomb while filling it. v
FOR 8ALG Many thousand feet of
I lap siding for sale by F 8 Newsome,
north of car shops. M 16
WANTED Furnished or oof urnlihed
' honse Inquire at thla office.
"There is so much bad in the best of us,
- And so much' good in the wor6t of us,
That it hardly behooves any of us
To talk about the rest of us."
Therefore, let as devote oor spare time to talking
about the superior advantages of banking at the
" 'r -
farmers and Uraders
Tfational Stank
of jCa SranJo Oregon. '
All commercial business attended to promptly and
carefully. .
It has safety Deposit Boxes for it's patrons, you can
rent one for $3.00 per year, all your, papers -will be
perfectly safe and protected from fire. You have
the key to your, own box.
There' is a Savings Department connected with this
bank where you get quarterly interest on your money
placed in this department. ' 1
From the day of the opening of the Farmers and
Traders National Bank, on November 3, 1890 down to
the present time, all the efforts of it's officers have -beer
to advance and protect the interests of it's
patrons and depositors; we want your - banking
Capital - - ' $60,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 17,000.00
Joseph Palmer;
Q. E. McCully,
Asst. Cashier.
at a a
We have made np our mind to sell every roll of Wall Paper m our"
dare htfare the next urine: stock arrives, and in order to insure a 3 (O
complete can-up iwe have cut the price re jardlesi of former pricej
Wall Paper nfrom 5 cents up
We Want to clear the house before March bt ai w expect a carload
of Wall Wiper to a arrive on that date. We save more Wall Piper ej
"now on hand than all the other paper house In the county. There." 9
" ore you will hive a jreater" variety to sdct 'from.jOr jvcient '(
stock is complete. )
Stackland & Mdacto
PAINTS. 0IbS AND .61 .ASS r". .
Chicken Dinner
- The Centenolal Ho'el will serve
chicken dinner eain nwnw
usual prloe of twenty five ceota. Item
ember tha place, opposite the Farmers
Feed JTard. - . '' - -'
Pipe Arrives
The eleven "band red feet of large
eighteen Inch pipe from the mllla at
Pittsburg lor the La Grande Water
Storsge Co arrived alter being on the
road since February 4th Thla wll
oonnect the present pipe line to their
first power station Lwhere they will
develops 600 horse power.
Mrs B W Evans. Cbarwater. Kan,
writes; ''My busbandlay etc for
three months. Tbe doctors said
be had quick roneonptlon. We
procured a bottle ' ol Blllard'a U ore
bound rJyrjp,and It oured hlui, 'fnat
waa six yeara ago and since than' we
have aiwaya kept a bottle in the bouse
We csnoot do without It. For coughs
and colds It has no equal" 2So 50u and
1.00 Sold by Newlln Drug Co .
Croup .
Begins with the symptoms of a com
mon cold; there Is chilliness, sneesl ng
sore tbroat, . hot skin, qoiok pnlse,
hoarseness and impeded respiration.
Give frequent small doses of Ballard's
ilorehouud Syrup, (the child will cry
for It) and at the first aign of a oroupy
oough, apply frequently Ballard's
Snow Liniment to the throat.
Mrs. A Vliet, New Castle. Colo,
wrltea' March 19th, 1901: think
Ballard's Horebound Syrup a wonder
fnl remedy, and so pleasant." 26c.
GOo and SI. Newlin Drug Oo
sre tbi-ly kinds we sell.
The meat that has that rich appear
ance and tlckela tbe palate la the kind
yo ill y there.' v
Choice lamb, pork and veal chops,
sirloin, round and porterhouse steskss
and other luxuries la oar line, are
sold here dally ;and plces that are
rights l: .
require good, solid food. Meat is
a necessity to such a man and he
should have it. All women of the
house should have It. All women of
the house should" their hus
bands with food - that will atrensthea
them so that they will bp ingood condi
mod io toil so Mutt the family may
live. ' ,
Bpck& Thomas
Tom Fleming
Honevioin and
North Fir Street :
Each and Every Hat now in stock at just
Come n .and Secure. a Genuine Bargain
Perfiimes, Toifet Soaps ;and Powders
Switches, . Pompadours1'; and Bangs
Novelties Ribbons) and Handke hiefs
'. . Milliner - :
The rash ot Holiday trade is over and business
in generat has got back to its normal condition, I
wish'to iaforoa'aH"my patrpnsand those Jaot my
patrons but who are liable to be, that I am' novr in a
position to take care of all watch, clock and jewelry
repairing with dispatch. I have secured all the neces
sary help in all the latest' tools and materials known
to the trade, as well as the best workmen that money
canprobttreV J J ! 'J"-
All repair work is under, my .personal supervise
ion and I guarantee each and evejry. piece of work done
to be finished in first class workmanlike manner, and
to give (with proper attention) ' perfect satisfaction.
All work sent by paail or express, will receive the same
careful attention as if delivered in . person, ! and . to be '
promptly returned in first class condition.
Thanking my patrons for their past liberal
patronage and assuring them of my utmost ability to
give thera perfect satisfaction in the future. I remain
as ever. ; - J. H. PEARE, :
Neit to Newlin's Drag Store." "La Grands's LeadlnaJJeweler
L. A G R A N D E;; 1
Cbmplelc Machine Shops
and Foundry
Gienereil Blacksmith
Horse Shoeing
and Wago n Wp r k
Manufacturer ot Jht Fitzgerill Roller Feed JMill
D. K I T2 G ESflR A L. D,
ri . . - . . a. . .
. i
New Lace G)Uars
New Shopping .Baskets :
New Hair Switches
New Tablets and School Supplies
JLa Grande
wande, Or.