ii-ii-n-iiai,. -i) - 'n II L L Hotel Sommer THE HOTEL gOHHER tO, te WE CATER TO COMMERCIAL TRADE , ROOMS WITH BATh SSTEAM HEAT All Modern Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in Eastern Oregon. Al L. MORRIS, Tres. and Manager. , -a rande Evening Observer LEY EROS, Editors & Pr pt Notice to the patrons of La Grande Light aud Power Co. That on and after January 1st we will install a day circuit in this city and take this means of notifying our Eatrons. Any changes to be made in lights which can not' e turned off daring the day should be arranged as boon as' possible. Those desiring power can confer with us at any tim. ror'l;r price: Cf TZtiZTZ, riiii, ilo. Wo Lave uiuiors priced as follows, f. o. b. San Francisco, ih. p. .......I 37 75 5 h. p. ........119200 hp . 44 60 10 hp 279 75 lhp 05 50 15 hp ........ 367 70 2 hp 10415 20 hp 462 50 8 hp . 128 85 80 hp ........ 655 65 To this price mast be added freight from San Francisco to La Grande. Shipping weights hp 3 phase 120 lbs hp single phase 225 lbs hp - 165 lbs hp " 270 lbs 1 hp , 242 lbs 1 hp " 275 lbs 2 hp " 845 lbs 2 hp M " 380 lbs 8 hp " 425 lbs 3 hp " 465 lbs 5 bp 44 44 680 lbs 5 hp 44 formK 810 lbs ' form L 670 lbs 7 hp 44 form K 950 lb j form L 820 lba 10 bp 44 formK H75ibs form L 1075 lbs 15 hp 44 form K 1430 lbs form L 1350 lbs 20 hp 44 formK 2345 lbs form L 2300 lbs 30 hp 44 formK 2980 lbs form L 2810 lbs For information call.at office ot LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER CO. CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon I Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THh PkEFERENCE. Entered at the Pot .Office at La Grande, Oregon, aa Second Claaa MaU Matter. Published daily except Sunday One year in advance. , .... $6 50 Six months in advance. . . .3 50 Pei month 65c Single copy...... .6c ADVERTISING HATES Dliply Ad rates farniihed apon application uocai reading nuuoev 10c per line first nser- Uon, jc per .Hoe for each subsequent Inser tion. Keaolullona of ooadolence, je rer line. Cards of thanks, ta per line. UATTLE ABOUT MUKDEN The clash of arms between the Russians and Japanese about Mukden' that has been going on for a week or more is the most terrific in modern history. Along a sulphurous front of over forty miles, two hostile forces of some j 400,000 each, have engaged in deadly strife. If the dispatches do not greatly - exaggerate the mortality on each side, two hun dred thousand men have laid nown tltoi ImAii v . - - 1 1 p -r ..,v. u ue uuui erous ' assaults, charges and counter charges that have' taken place between tho warring armies. Such a cold indifference to' human life' may well make the people of the western jvoild wonder and. ask the question, whit show will the Occident have in a conflict with the orient under conditions that will make Hit over 400,000,000 people in Asia as resolute and determined to maintain . their fatherlands as are the JapanesfTof today. ' of that county now give out that by May certainly, and possibly by April 1st the entire county lebt will be paid off and the county out of debt.- While Mul tnomah county has been paying off over half a million of in debtedness, it has, within the past three years done more real build in?, than during any pre vious three years of its history. MONEY IN UNITED STATES The. U. S. Treasury Depart ment in its circulation state ment on March 1 1905, gives the total money in stock in the United Stales on that date at $2,828,937,327 of which $268,322 675, were, held in the U.S. Treasury as asset? of the Gov ernment leaving on March 1st. $256,614,712 in circulation. .The department estimates the popu lation of the United States, ex clusive of IhePhiiippine Islands, Gaum, aud Porto Rico, at 82, 794,000, and the per capita cir culation on March 1st. 1905, at $30.93" The money in stock in the United States on March 1st consisted of gald coin as bullion $1,331,165,720; Standard silver dollars $558,293,881; subsidiary $113,162,870. S treasury notes $50,330,000; Greenbacks $346, CS1.016; National Bank Notes $469,203,840 - PAYING OFF DEB r On December 31st. 1902. Mul tnomah county was in debt $51, 913,685, which drew six per cent interest per annum. The officials THE NEW YORK lOURNALl INVITES YOU To Join a New Club which is supplying vthe public withja mag nificent new Eucyclopia at about the actual cost of production and ou terms with in the reach of all. If you are interested write today for particulars. The member ship is limited. First come, first served. EN CYC LOP EC I A 78 Fifth Avenue D E P A R TMENT New York ENCYCLOPEDIA DEPARTMENT J8 Fifth AVfiiuo. NctYoik. I'lciwe nn1 iiiejwithuut charge, Infor mation ivKiirtlinx jour now KiicjoI.hw (llaClub also sp clmm pises of the KryplOIU, . Including nip. portiatu ami , oIoiyU engraving. . Namo , Street ., !.!""!"" llu.liif AiMm ;M" iUty w ,..... - , NEW YORK JOURNAL SPLENDID SHOWING Water superintendent II. C. Oilman has just about completed bis report, of the fiscal year which closes at the -next meeting of the city council, which shows the total receipts of the water system to be $9,400, an increase over the preceding year of $4, 955. This is a record breaker and not only does Mr. Gilman great credit, but also reflects to the credit of the entire council who has by their careful admin istration rendered able assist ance. . H0GAN GIFFIN & UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Scientific , Embalming. Licensed Oregon and Montana ' Experienced Lady Assistant in attendance The only Exclusive Undertaking Parlors in ' La Grande. Our office is always open Phone 1751 Office in Lewis Building, opposite Sommer Ilouse While Grande Ronde Valley furnishes the mines of Eastern Oregon thousands of dollars an nually' of Her products, she is overlooking a splendid maikfct at J her very doors by not making an effort to secure men who have the money interested in the many mines up the Grande Ronde river. Were these same properties as close to Baker Oity they would cause a mining stampede. . We are not mine boomers, nevertheless the mines are there and all indications point to the fact that this year will seej; quite a change in the mining operation of upper Grande Ronde. Dry Creek Drifings Farming is the order ot Ibusineaa Ueautifal beautiful sunshine truely we posess a very Paradise in this be loved Grand Rbonde Valley. The ham of the water wheel may be heard at Fibri both night and day and bvthe way. tLe air is impregnated with the aromatlo health giving oder from the pine that is being worked we would be led to suppose that some thing is doing at the factory The saw mills are fast making ready for the summer rnn and the roads will soon be lined with teams hauling the products from vast forest to the market. Notice To Whom it May Concern, Notice is hereby given that on and after the 13th day of March, 1905, Or dinance No. 41, Series of 1892, provid ing for the taxing and killing ot dogs, will be strlotlv enforced by the auth- rlties of the City ot La Grande, Ore gon. CHESTER P NEWLIN, Recorder of the City of La Urande By order of tho City Council. Tags may be procured at the city Recorder's office. SHADE TREES FOR SALE undersigned has a limited quan tity ot shade trees which he will sell at a reasonable price. These trees are of the variety known as the Rook Elotn and the Gray Ash. Parties wishing me to set the trees out may do so by paying fifty cents add itioual Address J T Jackson, La Grande, Ore gon, or phone 18!)3. Irrigate Your Lands We Lave a number of shares of the Capital Stuck of the La Grande Irriga tion Company which we will li Parties desi ring to purchase, should see us at once as work of placing the ditch in "shape for the summer's Irri- gntion will be eommen.'ed soon. LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. I weeks. Char. Green F I RS T CLASS PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER Stoves set up aud repair ed. All work guaranteed ud prices reasonable. Telephone No. 2-lT BLOKL AND BROS Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and fOLANDOIIINA SWINE. We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Cots wold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need in?h?!ct.bcc!::( chculi ccc ih;d i appreciate them Young.stock always on hand, and .always glad to have yon call and see our hogs, as we breed them for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos befor buying some where else. Notary Public Insurance Money to Loan Representing the EquitableJSavings & Lorn Asso ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safest & most reliable institution on the Pacific coast, under State supervision. Loans made short or long time to suit. WM. GRANT, Agent City propertyfor sale. M r sr Chain w rd by .the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain wood $3 per ;,rd. This is cheaper than by the load. You pay lor what you get and get what you pay for. Phone s7i H. W. NIBLEY. ti ft a a a a . G. E, FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal . Phone 1611 All order"given prompt attantion. RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop, Safe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial travelers, Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Free deliverv to all parts ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty Phone 1961 Homos, harncta and wngoni bought and (old CHICKENS WANTED We pay cash for chickens, and want all we can get at our new warehouse on Jef eon avenue. Grande Ronde Cxsn C.n. We manufacture Butter fieni sweet cream. Our butter is full weight aud guaranteed. Leave ordr 5 at J. D. McKennon's jamrville 'Cream eryAss'o J LA. GRANDE MARBLE WORKS E. C. DAVIS, Proprietor, Complote assortment of .fin est marble and gran it ulwayson band. Estimates cheerfully furnished upon application, Headstonesand Monuments A Specialty A Touching Story Is the saving from death of the bahy girl of Geo A Kyler Cuml erland, Ml, He write; -At the sge of 11 month our little girl was in deolialng health with serious Ri.,ut Trouble, and "two phjeiolansgavol.i r op VTe were aN most In despair, hen we resolved M to try Dr King's New Discovery for ConBumptiou, loughs, and Cold. The first bottle gave relief, after tak ing four bottles she was cured, and in now in perfect health." Never fail j to relieve and core s cough or cold At Inewlin Drug Store 60o aud $100 guaranteed. Trial bottle free YOXJ WU, IIS SATISFIED I5'n'r llrk(t" rinrt over the Penver ijeoausk :;' lnS.?.'?"J,.'"!l,,y,cenl0 nH -arl on and KlJilfSl "terwt kIoiiii the me . novor bveorae tiresome W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third St. eeee.eeeeeer 'ortlard Oregon