i 1 .. fPl Hotel Sqmmer THE HOTEL . pOHHER UO, Lugs WE CATER TO COMMERCIAL TRADE : " ROOMS . WITH BATH teSTEAM HEATS All Modern Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in ' Eastern ' Oregon. J. P. DORPAN, Secretary. A. L. MORRIS, Tret, tad Manager. Notice to the patrons of La Grande Light aud Power Co. That on and after January 1st we will install a day circuit m this city and take this means of notifying oar fiircsi. Ai; ilmi&os lu uiu iu light which can not be tamed off daring the day should be arranged as soon As possible. Those desiring power can confer with us at any time regarding prices of motors, rates, etc. 1 We have motors ' : I f v K fl.ii V.an.iann' ' i b. p. i bp 1 bp 2 hp 3 hp ........$ 37 76 44 60 95 60 104 16 128 85 6 h. p. ....'....$192 00 10 hp ........ 27975 15 hp ........ 367 70 20 h p 452 50 SO h d ........ 655 65 w I- ........ . . To this price must be added freight from San Francisco to La Grande. Shipping weights u u u i bp 3 phase hp 1 hp 2 hp 3 hp 5 hp 7i hp 10 hp 15 bp 20 hp 30 hp 4t 120 lbs 155 lbs . 242 lbs 845 lbs 425 lbs form K form K form K form K form K form K I hp single phase For information call at office ot ihp lhp u 2 hp " 3 hp " 6 hp " 810 lbs 950 lba 1175:ibs 1430 lbs 2345 lbs , 2980 lbs M M It form L form L form L form L form L form L 225 lbs 270 lbs 275 lbs 380 lbs 465 lbs 680 lbs 670 lbs 820 lbs 1075 lbs 1350 lbs 2300 lbs 2310 lbs LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER CO. If! I, GITY iBREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant kvEasiern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best l LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THh REFERENCE. When you want the Best PHONE j i85i I a Grande Evening Observer EY BROS., Editor k Pr pit Entered at tbe IPoetLOffios at La Grande, Oregon. M Second Clai Mail Matter. Published daily except Sunday Omjt&r in advance..... .$650 Six months iu advanced. . .3 50 Per month 65c Single copy 5c ADVERTISING BATD Display ad nld farnUhed a poo application Local nadiof notion lOe per line flnrt - naer . Uon, 5 per line fur each aabaequenl laaer ttoa. KeaolatloMof eoadolence.ei'' Une. OanU of thinks, Se per Mo. KEEP A GOIN If 70a strike a tborn, or roae, Kaep m goin' I If it bails, or it it snows, Keep a goin' I , 'Taint no use to sit and whins, When the fish ain't on your line; Bait your book an keep a tryla' . Keep a goin 1 When the weather kills your crop, ' Keep a goin'! When you tumble from the top, Keep a gom' I S'pose yoa're oat 0' every dime, Gettin' broke ain't any crime; T?.l ths Trcrld j'n uuv Keep a goin'! When it looks like all is up, Keep a goin'! Drain the sweetness from the cop, Keep a goin' 1 Bee the wild birds on the wing, Hear the bells that sweetly ring, When yoa feel like slghin', slog Keep a goin ! ' Frank L Stanton, in the Boston Cooking School Magazine. Now for an exhibit. The Indian weather prophet who, a few yeur9 ago predicted ten mild winters, may yet be come fameu. The county that requires a train for every other day in the year to carry- her exports to the market of the world, can certain ly make a c. editable showing. President Koosevelt enters upon his second term of office today. This means four years of equal rights to all and special privileges to none, as far as he is able to control. After trying fur 40 years or more to properly care for the Yoaemite .valley, one of the wonders'of nature, the Califor nia legislature bus passed an act giving the valley back to the U S. It will hereafter be cared for as a National Paik, The Everett Herald urges the crganiz itiou of a building and loan association to aid the up building of that city. Walla Wall 1 has enjoyed ihe benefits of such an association for years aud heartily urges Everett to follow her example. forth a rich harvest of souls, sanctified and made like unto the Son of God, and deeds holy and good, like Hi J. . It is a time when a man puts his soul on trial; examines rigor ously its meiives and doings; J JUUge8 It by WUai UOU rrquircr. and sees where it stands in its progress heavenward. It is a time when we enter, as it were, a cloud which hides the world and its vanities from view, that in communion with God we may learn how bet to resist tbe every-day temptations which waylay ns from birth to death. It is a time when the repent ant soul, like the Prodigal Sou, arises and goes to its Father and says: "I have sinned." and ftels th joy of forgiveness in His lov ing embrace and kiss. It is a time of spiritual refresh' ment for honest souls seeking God. It is commemorative of tbe forty days of fasting aud prayer which our Saviour spent in the wilderness and during ibis season we learu the wilderness lesson of life. It is the preparation tor tbe great Feabtof Easter the festi val of victory over sin and death, and every one who keeps Lent well can rtjoice in the victories that have secured to him a"risen ife." Parish Leaflet HOCjrAiN A. Be C. Steam Laundry ILalGranie, Oregcn. It is the intention of the rail roads to run excurpionn out of Portland during the fair to the interior cities. Why not ar range for a fruit, vegetable, poultry and 6tock exhibit of the county on La Grande day? Here is a suggestion that is worthy of consideration. WHAT IS LENT? - The word itself is derived fiom a bax:n word wnich means "Spring." Etymologically the Lenten teasou meaus the spring season, and has 110 spiritua significance. e however give it a spiritual character by the u?e we make of it. It is a spiritual springtime when a deep, full plowing iuto the consciences of the people when a generous sowing cf the Word of God will later on bring 4. 'u'fiv 'y'jnv VlHLLiT GIFFIN & UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Scientific Embalming. Licensed Oregon and Montana" Experienced Lady Assistant in attendance only Exclusive Undertaking Parlors in '' 'La Grande. 1 ; Our office U always open . The n M M Phone 1761 OEBce in Lewis Building, opposite Sommer House BLOKLAND BROS Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and rOLANDOHINA ; 8 WINE. ' We now have eight yoanc bucks, pure bred. Cot wold and sbropshires, ready for service, anyone need ing choice, bucks, should see these to appreciate them Young stock always on hand, and always glad to have yoa call and see our hogs, as we brerd .them for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos be for buviug some where else.' CIIY ELECTION NOTICE To Whom It May Concern; Notice is hereby giTeu that there will be a General Election held ia the City of La Grande, Union County, Oregon, on Mouday the 13th .day of March 1905, for t'.e purpose of electing a Mayor, KecorJ.-r, Marsl.tl and Xrea- suer, of a, l i.lty to nrre lor one year an ! oiie ooancilman from each wari n said City to serve fur tbe -er 'i iwo years. -iie.'polllng place in the First Wari will.be inthe.old Council Chamber, and the following named persons have been appointed to act as judges and clt-rks of sala first ward,. Judges, t'erry Clark, J L Curtis, and O Rals ton, Olurks, Wttrnick, Cd Cuclidge, and Fraok Brown The polling place In the Second Ward will be in the r ire Department Building .on Elm Streat, and 4the fol lowing named persons have been ap poiute ) to act as judges and clerks of said Second Ward, Judges, 11 VV Stone r, .u m Maaterton, and K B New som, Clerks, ui urant, 1 K BuOoK, and U i Vauderpool. The polling place in tbe third ward will be in the Gs'iglotl building on Fourth Street north of Jefferson .Ave. aod the following named persons have been appointed to act as judges and cleiksofsakd Third Wrad, Judges, Arthur Williams, Win Grandy, and It L Lincoln, Clerks, Clare St ribor, W I Bissonett, and C L Thornton. The polling place will be open from eight o'clock A M until seven o'clock P Mot said 13th day of Marcti, 1905. Dated this second day of .Feb 1905. t .heater 1' Newlin. . Reoorder ot the City ot La Grande Union County, Oregon. MtiMttHHKsstetHSftmmmt Notary Pablic Insurance Money to Loan Representiug the Equitable.Savings & Loan Asso ciation of Portland, Or.', the strongest, safest & most reliable institution on the Pacific coast, under State supervision. Loans made short or long time to suit. WM. GRANT, Agent City property ,for sale. FCM, MEASURE Chain w d by the Cord 128 cubic ft et to the cord. 16-iiich dry chain wood 3 per rd. This is cheaper than by the load. I You pay tor what you get and get what you pay for. ' phone 57' H. W. NIBLEY 111 JUICY MEATS are the ly kiuJs we sell. The meat that had that rich appear ance and tickels the p.ilnte is tho kio yo will gi t bere. . Choice lanih, pork aud veal chops, sirloin, round und porterhouse steakbt and other luxuries iu our line, art sold here daily fand p ices that arf iight.!Sr , HARD WORKERS require gool, solid food. Meat i a necessity to such a mad and b should have it. All women of lh rxuse should hve It. All wornerr c the house should prjvlJe their hus bands with food tlint will atrengthei them so that they will be ingood cond tiou to toll so thit the family ma; live. Bock & Thomas G. L FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 1611 All order"given prompt attention. RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop, Safe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial travelers, Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Free deliverv to all parts ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone. 1961 Hone, barnen and wagous CHICKENS WANTED We pay cash for chickens, and want all we can get at our uew warehouse on Jef son avenue. ; Grande Rondb Cash Co W e mannfacture Butter . firm sweet cream. Our ' butter is full weight aud guaranteed. Leave orders at J. D. McKennon'a umaierville Creianry Ass'a LA GRANDE MARBLE WORKS E. C. DAVIS, Proprietor. Coin plote assortment of fin est marble and granii ulaays on band. Estimates cheerfully furnished upon application. Headstones and Moruments A Specialty SHADE TREES FOR SALE The undented has a limited qua. tityof.ba le . s which he will h II atareB.onb:o; ic8. Tbswtrees r e ?' the ",ripl a. the B..ck aud tU Gray Ash. P.ri... wishing ma to set tfa. trtes out n ,y do so by paying m, 6W)U t ' AddrsMJTJackoB,Uft,dc O.o gon, or phone lfj:;3. mjmmmm Vtl ITU t H i 11 V it L(a. oi urn VW' ' v ' W C MCBRIOE, AenV 24 Third 8t. ortlard rt Oregon 4 in, iiip