La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 28, 1905, Image 1

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Igbt and Wednesday
ii (in a x i
i '
By BcrlppsNewe Association
San Franc! rco, Feb. 28. A burning
stetwfclcttwa sighted off Crescent
Citx, Cel., proved treC"a iGtegon"
of San Francisco PortlaES steamship
company. . Daring th night Um veessl
crept nearer to the port, and this
morning aeemad to be la an easy posi
tion. Tha env U fighting the flames,
. bat at laat aoooanta tba fire waa con
tinning to make Headway,
All pueengera were transferred to
the ateamer "Del Norte," whloh atood
V, by the "Oregon" early laat evening
and safely landed at Creaoent City.
y The "Oregon" la an old vessel and baa
n been running on the Pacific eoaat lor
H . -"yeara, and In addition to a large num
7 i -1 ,-.
tuff of passengers, she carried a value-
cargo of lumber. "
,Ax fire was discovered yesterday
ning lu the afterh-bold. Tha vee-
at that time waa several miles from
essnt City, bnt the "Del Norte"
collier were near by. Captain
warner ordered a full head ol a team.
while the crew : passed a ord among
tha passengers that there was no
danger, at the aame time signalling to
tbe "Del Norte1 and. the collier for
their assistance and preparing the
launch and the life boats. Great
masses of smoke and flames were poor
tng irom ine natobes, whkb ware
quickly battoned down, allaying In a
measure the fears of tbe passengers
The male passengers and the orew
acted admirably, and succeeded in
preventing a panio among tbe women.
Tbe collier waa the first to stand by.
and all the passengers were transferred
wiinont iron bio, while a portion of
the craw, in tne meantime, were sent
10 fisbt the fire and succeeded la con
fining it to the bold. ynt
when tbe. 'Del Norte" oame alone
side, the passengers were transferrd "to
her by the collier and they were
brought to Cresecent City. . She
Of all sorts and, descriptions are coming in daily and our store is jradudlly
taking on its Spring attire. The new goods are beautiful beyond description,
. the most beautiful we have ever seen. Taking the entire Spring line, being
graduatlll mi,t, in. TJjI.n.A Sin. mi.f 7t n-nA. inMao rt ontn'hnla in. -Ps.! 4l
and h&lcoif staking, care and
1U J
warded by the generous expressions of appreciation by such of our friends as
have had an opportunity to inspect the line. We also feel that YOU will be
equally well pleased. We extend you a hearty invitation to visit our store
and see the new arrivals. ; ' ' :
New Dress Goods
New Wash Goods
New Corsets
New Shoes
New Skirts
New Silks
Lewis and Clark
battle with the flamea on the Oregon
laated all night, and early thie mora
ing, the vessel, with the firee still rag
ing, came into, port, but oommunlaa
tlona with Crercent City are Interrupt
ed. The laat report received here at
tea o'clock, stated that the Teasel waa
til all a.
A dicpatab received this afternoon
states that the doom of the "Oregon"
is sealed. Tbe entiie aiterpert of tbs
vessel is afire and the forward part of
steamer is flooded.
By Boripps News Association
Madison Wis Feb 28-A bill approp
4u sIm mm of twenty five taoa
sand dollars for wlsooosln exhibit at
he Lewis sad Clark Fair passed the
Senate today"
Steamer Tacoma Safe
By fJoripps News Association t
8an Francisco Feb 28 - A cable
gram received this morning states that
the steamer "Tacoma" which bas
been long over due Irom Seattle,
bound for Vladivoetoek with contra.
band ol war, was ooogbt in the ioe t ff
Japan. Great anxiety had been felt
for the vessels safety .
By Boripps News Association
New fork Feb 28 Coioner Flaherty
of Brooklyn today began the search of
investigation into the collapse of tbe
Fleet Street church but night, in whloh
eleven colored people were crushed to
death and over one hundred injured.
Coroner Flaherty says that the accident
waa the result ef gross negligence, and
that he intends to fix tbe blame tor
the disaster. Two of those injured Jn
thr hospital are expected to die.
labor in the selection of these goods, are amply re-
New Neokwear :
New Men's Hats
Now Shirts
Now Hosiery
New Boys' Suits
Eta Eta Etc.
l)y Sorlppa News Association 1
Washington Feb 28 Utah seoured
her statehood by the solemn compact
made by tbe Mormon leaders in beball
of themselves and of their people.
Tbe compact has been broken wilfully
and fieqnontly , and no people in the
Mormon church have publicly pro
tested aga'ast the violation.
This was tbe text of the speech on
the floor of the Senate today, nude
by Kearnee, republican, of Utah, In
bis last utterance before retiring
fawn naMUt life next Saturday. .The
announced intention ' o( 8enaor
Smoot's colleague to express his views
drew a large audienoe.
The Senator asserted that he had" no
Philadelphia, Feb. 38. The eldest
law office of America waa partly da
stroyed Friday, when a fire occurred
In the old Orphan's Court Building.
The flnjs reached the second floor,
occupied by the law offices of W B
Rawle and A T Freedly. ..
Papers belonging to tbe William
Penn estate and law representatives
dating baok to tha time of George L
were destroyed.
'The Rawle' law offices" are world
famous, not alone for their antiquity,
bnt for their library, whloh Is probably
the most valuable private collection of
legal reference books In America ,
The offices were established by
William Raw a in 1783, and are the
oldest In the United States. .
Make Second Cut
By Serlpps News Association
Saa Francisco Fsb 28 A second
cut in the motive pi wer and oar oin
struck feroe on tbe Southern Paciflo
covering the whole Pace Bo system, is
announced for tomorrow. On Feb 1st
Great Special
. Satin Tape
Regular 75c valaes
Pink, Bine and White
quarrel with the religion, but that
the trouble arose from tbe way some
of the accidental Madera of the Mor
mon movement sought to make of tbsir
religion, not only a system of monop
ly, bat also a system of social relation,
a system of finance, a system of com
meroe and a system of politics." Sen
ator Kearns declared that nearly every
min of the governing class In the
M wmon church is, or has bean a poly-
I gamlst, and that every Apostle of the
unuron was responsible for part ol
mac evu in tne church today, main
Ulning a practical monopoly In Utah.
of tbe Senate to serve notice that this
church monarchy must live with 'a the
laws, that the nation Is supreme, and
I that Its Institutions mast be preserved
ten percent of the employees In tbes
departments were laid off, and It was
out that on April 1st, there will be
third ten per cent "cat. This affects
a total of about fifteen hundred work
men from Los Angeles to Portland ,
1 p" i
1 (UySorlpps News Association
Jefferson City Mo Feb ,28 Tb
House today passed a bill making it
a felony to engage In bookmaking,
pool selling or betting on horse' racing
and providing pen a ties of from six
months to five years with fines.
No Constructive Recess
(By Fcripps News Allocation)
Washington Feb 28 The 8enate
Judfoiary Committee today made
report approved by the democrats of
the committee, declaring that there
waa no such thing ss "constructive
r cess." Tbis report is considered
1 I i . . n . ...
reuune to me rresiueni lor tbs ap
pointment of Gmeral Woxl and Col
leotor Crura.
Pleads Not Guilty
(By Bcripps News Asaooia tion)
Judge Taylor of the United 8 tales
court today overruled tbe motions In
the Cbadairk case to quash three of
he indictments brought against Mrs
Chadwlok Bhe was then arraigned
and pleaded not guily.
Boripps News Association
New York Fib 28 Juatioe Gaynor
of the Brooklyn 8upreme Court today
adjourned the habeas corpus proceed
ings in ths case of Nan Patterson un
til next .Wednesday owing to tba in
ability of the assiattnt district attor
ney Ra id to be present Tbs young
actress wss brought over from tbe
tombs in a cab, and was met at tba
oourt room by her father who kissed
ber tenderly en tbe iacf . 8be showed
the effect of her long confinement,
but seemed deligbt9d to seours a tem
porary release Irom her prison quarters
Work In Recess
By Serlpps News Assoclstl. n
Washington Feb 28 Tbe .Senate to
dsy referred to tbe eommittie on on
tlngent expenses tbe resolution re
ported by tbe. committee on Inter
state commerce, providing for aa la
vestlgati'on, daring the recess. Into
freight raes, fares, rebates etc.
There was no opposition to the resola
tion, which undoubtedly passed
t By fjerlpps News Association
San FraiMisoo, Feb. 37. A gasoline
schooner, supposed to be the "Mary U"
8aa Fianetaoo. It is r Darted baa
,track roek tmnoe of Tom
" uey. winy mueo nortn of here
and sunk with all on board. The
"Mary C" carried a orew- of three
man and was making her way to Point
Byes with a cargo of dairy products.
Tbe crew consisted of CapU book. En
glneer Uocker and deck hand Ell Ksl-
son, all of this eity. Searching parties
harried to the eoene, but found no sign
lor either vessel or men.
Kansas Oil Refinery
R (Wlnna Newa Aaaoalatloa ,
Kansas City, Feb. 28. Orders have
been placed with the first ladspsadsnt
oil refinery built ander the protection
given by the new Kansas laws, and
within sixty days the plant wlU be
constructed at Motaao, with a capacity
ol one thousand barrels per week. The
entire output Is sold to Jobbers un.ler
contract, who will compete with the
Standard oil la the soatawest. ;
By Boripps News Association
Washington, Feb. 28. Tbe Seaete
agreed on a esolutlon aoceptlng tbe
invitation to Congress to attend the
Lewis and Clark Exposition, and pro.
vfdln for the appointment of a Joint
committee of ten Senators and fifteen
representatiaes to represent tbe Gov
ernraent. ' ' ,
(By Serlpps Nsws Assoclstola
Moscow, Keb. 28. Seventeen thoua
snd workmsa of tbe Assaraaoff factory
Joined tha ranks of tba striksrs today.
Berlin, Fsb 28. Ths aes paper
Voerwaseta today asserts that an offlo
lal reports that the strike movsmsnt
In Rassla conceals a grave situation.
The paper i sports that tba rebels in ths
provines of Baku, Ellaabethpol, Tiflln'
Eatals and Dagbestan havs proclaimed
their independence and deUrmlned 1 to
hundred thousand workmen
mrm mom
on a strike In the provinces of Kleff,
Kherson, Poltava, Badollaaad Karbofi.
All the railways and connections la
southeastern Russia are Interrupted,
and a tbouaand miles of telegraph
lines bas been destroyed.
Warsaw, Feb 28 The board of di
rectors ol the Vistula Railroad today
decided to grant tba defends of tbe
strikers, snd it is hoped that tbe train
servloe will be resumed immediately
The Nurse and the Doctor
Will tell you that the success of a prescription de
pends on the purity of its ingredience. Thera is
as much variety in medicine as in other merchan
dise. In our prescription-filling "Qulity" is always
our first consideration.
You can implicit trust your prescription to us
quality, accuracy and the right price are the never
failing trio upon which we think we have a right to
appeal lor your patronage. , :
;.:.::,' A. T.
Phone, Farmers lint, 68 .:
Pacific States 1S31
(By Boripps News Association)
Toklo Fb 28 It is reported that
the Russians numbered twelve tbon.
sand la tue fight at Tsin Kbat Cb a
oa Feb 23rd aad tbelr losses ettimatt d
at two thousand and the Japanire
tosses reported to be very slight.
Bt Pstersbarg, Feb. 93. Gear al
Karopatkia reports tea attacks mde
by the Japaneas la two battalions aud
pulsed by the Russians. The Japanese
renewed the attaok oa Feb. 27 and
were again repulsed and left one hun
dred ooreas.' The Russian loss a as
Tokio Feb 28 General Oyama re
ports that the Russian batteries at
Nampol mountain, Bha 'Hapao end
da Fag Tai oootsionally . shell bis
lines. The infantry attaok west of
Uokdea road Sunday night . was rs
pulsed ; The Russians have resututd
ths eonslruotion of defense works in
tbs vioinlty of Litijsa Ton.
Tokio, Fab. 28.-Offlclal reports of a
battle at Tsin Ksloben aUte that the
first assault began at noon Feb. 23, the
Japanese attacking fiercely, and ' I be
Russians,' strongly fortified, offering
stubborn resistance. The fighting a aa
resumed at dawn on the 24ta, and by
tea in the morning tha lines were so
eleaa that tbey-exohanged band grea
adss. Following the Jaranese flank
attack tbe Kuaalans fled, burning .ha
town and leaving one hundred rnd
fifty dead.- The Japanese captui.d
many guns and twenty tour priaoneis.
A dispatch Irom Bt Petersburg tl is
sveaing states that both the RumUu
centre and right are engaged tod y
while heavy' fighting oa'th left st.
eontinaes. It is reported on i
authority that General Kuiopatk a
has notified the Emperor of the iir..
mediate withdrawal of tbe army to
Tie Pass as a necessary result of tl.e
success of Genersl Kuroki's fiauki g
movement oa tha left. " , , .
Mob Hangs Hold Up
:By Boripps Newt Association , '
Reno Wev Feb 23A mob at KsV ft
CbarobiU county, banged a fiolJ ..p
UMt night. Red- Wood and bis' w.n.
nanion robbed twn m.n as j
...,( j .... , i .
uU iuo wuu quioaiy gat&ef a
ana ran tne two men into tbe se
brosb where one was ovsrtaksa a.ii
lynohed. The other party esoaped,
For A Laprtosarium
. (By Serlpps News Association)
Washlnhton, Feb 28 The Hepburn
bill, providiii Jfor the (IV proaarli m
on the HUaurfii falaada, ander tue
control of tbs marine hospital servloe
pafseif th Rouse today.
Pharmacist, ; V -
- ;, - w'' V:' J''
La' Grande, Or.
i -
1 !
' 1 '