i 1 ? I! n A lit se pr 9V SPRING SPRING If coming and you will want to change some of your old furniture and carpels. ; We are the . people you want to aee. We will pay you cash for your goods and you can boy new. We will trade anything we bare and we have anything you want in the line of Furniture. Crockery, Hard ware, Tinware, Trunks and Wood. - - The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams Remember we still buy and sell alF kinds trv roi I second Hud Goodtji jt j jt rhone loot LOCAL ITEMS WHAT SOME PEOPL IN AND OUT OF TOWN ARE DOING. Singapore Pineapples Sliced 20 cents Per Can , 3 tor 50 cents BAKER BROS. Adams Avenue Phone U01 GELT THE HABIT Of buying your Goal from us WE HAVE Rock Springs and Cumberland Ask any of our customers about us We are wholesale and retail dealers in Hay, Grain, Millfeed, Flour, Etc. t ! Gra ide Ronde Cash Company, Press Lewis Dean Crowe Phone 1801 New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue SEEDS SEEDS Jast received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed Mr. and Mrs. F Gelble mads a brief visit la Pendleton yesterday. A car oi wire if expected to arrive oa todayi freight for tbe Grande Sonde Electric Co. Mr. C A Btaplei of Hilsard arrived in tha eitr thia morning on a ahort business visit. Mr. Chat. Brown of Pendleton ar rUnH in this eitr thia forenoon and 1 a guest of Mra M L Causey Attorney J W Kuowle who ha been confined to bit bed for several days if able to be op and ont In tbs yard to day. Mra. Folhnsbee, who two weeks ago underwent a surgical operation, baa now folly recovered and is able to be oat. Mr F A Elliott, land Inspector for tbe Southern Paclflo Railway, is In tbe olty this week vlstlng his siBter Mrs A T U;ll. Mr Christeanson tbe new proprietor of tn a Cedar Valley aaloon baa changed tbe name of bia place of boiiness to "The Arcade." Prefacing bis sermon tomorrow morn ing pastor Gillilan will deliver a short address to tbe roana people of tbe tianaay benovi. Ex Mayor S R Reeves well known In this city, Is at present an inmate of tbe Holdlers home In jCalfornia Mrs Reeves la also In California. John Bay, accompanied by his brother, lion. David Bay, are enroate to San Francisco where Jolin goes to undergo an operation for canoer. Not that we have a machine shop and foundry, and tlnd it so Indiipens Ible, tbe wonder now Is now did we get along so many yean wlthont one. S J WbitS is superintending tbe plaoinKof tbe exhibits In Exhibit Ball, and in a few days nearly every' thing grown or made in tbe county will be there. A V Oliver, this week unloaded the largest oar of salt ever received in thia city, weighing 77,750. As the mininum weight of a oar of salt Is 21,000 pounds this shipment was more than equal to three loads. A V Oliver received a car load of Alfalfa and grass seed this morning. Oliver states that this season will see more grass and alfalfa seed planted than any other year In the bistort of Union county. Tbe La Grande Marble Works, which baa given employment to four meohaa ios for many months past has a number of orders ou hand at present and yes. tsrday they placed two hand so m monuments for Henry Lewis of this olty, one over the grave of his late wife and one over tbe grave of his parents, early pioneers of this valley, aud today they have placed a beautiful stone in the Union cemetery for Mr. Cooper. Tha onn oeoola who attended tbe game of tfak t ball between tbe. La Grand and Baker High Sobojl teams returned borne this morning and (re- Dort bavins been royally entertained by the people of Baker, . Veterinary anrgeon Cnarl ton who has been attending E, J Conrad's fine registered bull. Eclipse 85097, reports that tbe injury to bis foot is rapidly Improving.' - At the reaalar dance given by tbe Commercial club at tbe ball but even In lira Chas Me'aalst and Mr John rvinnoltT vera awarded the prizes In tbs prize waltz. ' Some of our men folks ar becoming "leary" of building tbe morning fires since Tom Johnson's range Mew op, and ar Inclined to torn tbe job. over to their wives. Union Republican. Comrade Ell N R lobar da wbo served in tbe 153 Infantry of Indiana doting tbe civil war. and now resides In Lor- ena City, Wyo, is now on a tour of in spection and gave tbe Observer office a pleasant call this morning' ' E Ray Jones, a young man from La Grande, who. has been employed In tbe official cap city there, a In Kaker today and it is understood desires to secure the fillet of court stenographer in the new clroult district here-Hetald O E Lemmons a well known O R A N fireman of La Grande wbo has many friends in Pendleton has juat been promoted to tbe position of loco motive engineer on tbe mountain division. Pendleton E O A W Harper, cashier of the Violin State Bank, of South Dakota, is in the olty visiting his brother O E Harp er, of tbe La Grande creamery. This ia bis first visit to the west and is de lighted with our climate and sur roundings He will remain several days. Mr Earl B Cox, of Chula, Mo, who has been at Joseph, Ore, for some time on account of bis health died at the latter plaoe on Feb 23rd. The re mains were brought to La Grande last evening, and placed in tbe charge of Glffln & Uoaan, the undertakers wbo arranged and shipped Lis remains to Chula this morning. Wm Altenderfer aooompanied the body having raised tbe young man who was an orphan. 1000 WASHING MACHINE 0 I am agent for the celebrated 1900 Ball Bear Washing Machine which I am selling on an absolute gaaiint."G,7CT: czzi take it on trial with the previlage of returning if not satis factory. A trial will convince you ot , its good qualities. ( 1 MRS. T. N. MURPHY, CROCKERY AND SPORTING GOODS'.' fagg!triiaBgmBSa5B'jiaEMi!a5BM5a &SSBSK3BZTM X1 Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top, All kinds of Grass sseds. Bock's Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats 7S. V.OLJVBR IEFFERSON AVE PHONE I57I. svwpni wit si El 'ilM; J 111 I, h I i : I ' nil mMl msnH l .1 anootaoa so they say. It la beoomlng more eomoa every dayc People are czOTclDlng their good Judgment by sop plying their aeediia meats at oar market; If yoa want tbe beat, at prioea aa low tbe lowest, eome tn and see what w ha to soil. Your net will tell a bigger a i batter story than our space pet mlta now BOSS Meat Market Stillwell & Vandermeulen, - FroprLator. ,.. , Extending Watcrwork Water superintendent U. C. Oilman has just received 1000 feet of two inch pipe to extend the service where it is much needed. 300 feet will go north ol the tisnk, 250 feet on O stand 300 feet on Jefferson Avcnuo at 2nd et H EN RY cS6 CARR FUNER.L DIRECTORS ' LIQCtUEb Ef1B1Lf1ER5 ; . Lady assistant. Oallsanswered day and night, Phone No. 121. ." , J. G. Henry, reaidence 664 J. J. Garr, residence 386 La Grande Oregon 1 Grand Ronde Lumber Co. PERRY, OREGON. Bom CHANDLEll In Canyon City, on Feb. 21, 1905, to Mr. and Mra. Per ry F Chandler, a son. Mr. ULand- ler is well known in this city. FOR RENT Furnished rooms suitable (or light house keeping, Inquire of Mrs Shearer, near Geddis Bros grocery store. KOK BALK New Ideal washing ma chine price $7.00 E J Conrad AFD Nol u i ss a The food and the cook are what make or unmake a restaurant. Both most be good or else those who eat will move from instead ot towards the door. The Model rentaaraat has the cook an artist in his line and the choic est tood ot every description is pro cared daily. Thia la prepared in a way that will tempt the dullest appetite and tbe quality is high enongh to satis fy the sharpest one. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUOKLE, Prop. OPEN DYJANDJNIUHT We eeii weekly Meal 1 . CA Tickets Casta Manufacturer of and LUMBER LATH BOXES Grande Ronde Lumber Co. PERRY10REG0N. , The kind your mother used to make. Baked very day and deliver ed at your home. Why net buy the best when it costs no more. f lIOSiOlOLlWU FBoxnut prompt attention given LA GRANDE MARBLE WORKS E. C. DAVIS, Proprietor, Complote assortment of fin est marble and granit alsays on hand. Estimates cheerfully furnished upon application. Headstones and Monuments A Specialty We manufacture Butter " fiom aweet cream. Our S butter ia full weight aud guaranteed. Leave orders at J. D. McKennon's tuamerrille Creamery Assn ' For Investments In MALHEUR COUNTY Write to C.T. McDANlEL Ontario.... Oregon THE wifirfoi Kino rnminkO vr WANTS YOUR BUSINESS They Have The Goods and Prices to Merit It - More than 500 PIECES YARD GOODS already received. ALL THE NEW WEAVES, i Call and See Them : .130&-1310-lS12dams Avenue Largest Store c Smallest Prices I SaaaAAAAA AAa SLAaLAAAAAA -a-a-aJt A-aAAAi-S.A -SV I aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaf.ta.. " w " " sBPrsssj m W ww w ww-slW sjsjgsi resssssisSssaWSsijMSMMSsalassssssVAAAAA M. m. m m t V i nr ' ii A .....''...,. ...