La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 25, 1905, Image 1

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    mm MS TODAY
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night and Eater Jay
NU&2EK 113
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(By Scrippa Newt Association
Hot Borings, Ark., Feb 25. A On
whfeh started at 'two thirty o'clock
tbla morning threatena to destroy the
greater part of tha city of Hot Springs.
At seven o'clock alz block of tba city
bad baan awept by . tba devouring
flames, and at eight o'clock, a diatrict
a mile and a halt long . and several
blocks wide had bean laid low and com
pletely wiped off tba faoe of tha earth
by the fire, which ia atill raging and
unchecked. The lost to far ia property
is over two million of dollars, and
several lives have beea sacrificed In
tha flamaa whioh are fanned by a blgb
wind. Tba fire department la handl
capped by a" lack of water and Is power
less ' - ,
Fifty prisoners were removed from
tha bastile In tba new county court
house, acd tba court house and Jail
were soon destroyed. The Govern
ment troops and tha polios have cordon
ed the devastated dlstriot. At nine
thirty a m the fire waa still raging in
the residence district, f J :
Many business houses on Central
A venae have been dynamited in order
to save tba north end of tha olty. A
largo number of resldema are taking
refuge in tba weat mountains In order
to escape tha Intense heat.. . ,
Hot Springs, Feb JS, (later) Among
the buildings destroyed at the present
time are the Plateau Hottl, the South
ern Hotel, the city ball, the publio
school and the Methodist Church The
burned district extends for over a mile
and a half along Quapaw Avenue.
Over a hundred business bouses and
homes have been destroyed, and the
authorities fear that there hit been
considerable loss of life.
New Spring Goods
Of all sorts and descriptions are coming in daily and our store is gradually
taking on Us Spring attire, i. The new goods are beautiful '.beyond descrivtion.
the most beautiful we have ever seen. Taking the
gradually put m place on our shelves and. tables, as a whole, we feel that our
painstaking, care and labor in the selection of these goods, are ampl jj re
warded by the generous expressions of appreciation by such of our friends as
have had an opportunity to insp'ect the line.' We also feel that YOU will h
equally well pleased; We extend you a hearty invitation to visit our store
and see the new arrivals.
New Dress Goods
New, Wash Goods
New Corsets
New Shoes
New Skirts
New Silks
Lewis and Clark
." Ties
Q c
M . &! f
fTJ7't0Tf'T7T m "!7
' . mmmmKmuatmammUitmmiMm ifaiiB ,
, 'I
It ia estimated that tha number of
business bouses destroyed la one
hundred and of dwelling bonses . two
hundred and the numbar of people
homeless is estimated at five handred.
Hot Springs Ark Feb 25 Aside from
the three bodies reported before as
found in the ruins of the Trend Cen
tral Hotel, no other lives are now
known to be lost. The' burned area
comprises about one fiftieth of the olty.
and Is occupied almost entirely by the
poorer class.'
Hot Springs Feb 25 Later ) Other
buildings destroyed by tba Ore at this
time are the Grand Central Hotel, the
Lea House, tha Moody House, the
Court House, tha oounty Jail, tho
Columbia Home, and the House of
Israel. The fire started i.i tha Grand
Central block, and tha department ia
unable to cope with the flames owing
to tho strong wind The First Method
ist Church oaught fire and tbo flames
then spread to the residence district
on tba west. -
Hot Springs, Feb. 25. Later The
fire la now under control, and the
bodies of two men and a woman,
burned beyond recognition, have been
taken from the ruina. Tba Bremen
are aearobing for more bodies. All of
Ithe leading hotels in the city have
thrown open their doors to the suffer
ers. .,
Hot Springs, Feb 25 (Later) A
man , whose clothing bare tbe laun
dry mark "R A H" burned to death
in full view of hundreds of people this
morning. He was caugbt in tbe
flames between tbe buildings on Or
ange street. Several narrow escapes
occurred in the Grand Central Hotel
New Neckwear
New Men's Hats
New Shirts
New Hosiery
New Boys' Suits
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Every market street between Central
and Prospect A v cues baa' been en
tirely destroyed . Beginning at tba
Colombia Hotel, the firs awept . Oak
street almost clean to Grand Avenue
only one block in the path of I'aa fire
being spared. The Mayor bas re
quested tbe citisans to 'throw- open
their homes to the destitute. .
Th' dend rovered from tbe ruina
now reaoh five, two having taen taken
from the ruins o( the Grand Central'
Hotel. ' - ,
Ouer Rules
By Scrlpps Nsws Association
Sacramento, Cal Feb 25th Judge
Hart tbis raoroibg overruled tbe de
murer in tbe boodler cases. Tbis deci
sion or ruling of the court affected
Bunker only. The demurrer 9! Em
mons was with that of Bunker, but
tbe decision of the court in this case
was postponed on sccouut of tbe critic
al condition of Mr. Emmons.. Bunkers
will be arraigned for a plea on March
Will Investigate
(By Scrlpps News Association
Indanpolis, Ind Feb 25 The epoch!
Investigating committee, appointed
by the bouse to , inquire into . the
oharges of . bribery made 'by tbo re
presentative Baker against stats senat
or Jiaker, completed their work today
with tbe result that tha Marlon
oounty Grand Jury will be railed
Mond.y The committee reooramendrd
tba appropriation of Ave thousand
dollars In order to oary on the
mm in
entire Spring line, being I
Great Special
Satin Tape
Regular 75c values
Pink, Blue and White
(By Scrlpps Newe Association)
Chicago, Feb 85 While an aotress
in a Chicago opera bouse was singiog
a sentimental ong this afternoon
atout home, a young man In tba au
dience pulled a revolver out of his
pooket and killed himself Tha suicide
created a panic It la supposed that
homesickness caused tbe ict. Ihe
young man has not been identified.
Embezzlers Caught
By Scrlpps News Association!
Sidney, Ohio, f eb 24-John U Wager
president of tho ' defunct German
AmArlflan Rand mmm a - u w1
charged with embezzling. Frank D
Read, tho oaahicr of tho band, waa
arrested last night on the aame charge
When tbe bank failed, tbo shortage
waa 1240,000.00
In Action
fBv Scrlpna News Association!
Mukden, Feb 25 At eight thirty
thla morning action opened in tbe
centre with aelge guns, and firing cou.
tinned throughout tha day.
By Scrlpps Newa Assoclatoln
Borne Feb 26 Twenty thousand
persona are homeless, and whole
families hsvs disappeared tn the floods
which have inundated tba City of Pari
Italy. Barl is the capitol of tho pro
vince of tbe same name, and baa a
population of about one hundred
thousand, and has a largo trade both
by land and by sea.
Missionary Society
The Home and Foreign Misssionary
8ociety of tbe Presbyterian Guurch
met Friday afternoon at tbe borne of
Mrs. Ben bolts, 'China" being tbe
Roll call currant events
Pper Mrs. Boorey
Chinese customes and characteristics
Bong Mrs. Richardson
PPr Mrs. Brenholts
Present Crisis in China
Discussion entered into by a number
of tbe ladies oa wbst effect it would
have on China if tbe Russian power
should win.
Tbe meeting was well attended and
was both interesting and instructive.
The opinion waa signed by a major
ity of the commissioners, tho only
dissenting voice being that of Admir
al Oanbrssof, tbe Russian member.
The committee convened at three
thirty thia afternoon and tha findings
were read aloud. Tbo findinga con
tained thirteen type written pages. Al
though admitting .that the Russians
had reason for takiuk the utmost ore-
cautioop, the cammiesiou hp!d that tbe
responsibility fur firing and its con
sequences fell upon Rojestvensky. Tbe
commission held that the firing lasted
longer than was n? cesser y, but that
Rojestvensky did bis utmost to protect
the boats ki own to l fl.blng craft.
Under tbe circumstances there waa
sufficient uncertainty to justify Rojest
vensky In continuing on his way, but
regret that he did not Inform the nnv-
al powers in tbe channel of tho occur
ence. Ibe commissioners did not re
flect on the military valor of Rojest
vensky and bis men, and thev make a
statement regarding the indemnity
which will be settled by direct nego
tiations between England and Russia.
By Script Newt Association I
St. Petersburg, Fab.' 25 -Three'
strikers at daylight tbla morning
assassinated Kondratovltoh, tha Chief
of Polios at Baku, as ho was passing
tnroogn the streets. The aaaaaalna,
after accomplishing tnelr purpose, es
caped In a vehicle whioh awaited them.
Tbe report that the Chief of Police at
Bartoom baJ bean killed by the atrlk-
rs ia unfounded.' .
Kills Two Women
By 801 ippe News Association
Gothrls O T Feb 25-A be Clench, a
polioeman In Oklahoma City, today
murdered his paramour, Mrs. Dell
Patterson, and then killed her com
panion, Mrs Maud Patterson, beoanss
she Interfered. After committing these
horrible orlmes. bs killed himself.
Senator Improves T-
By 8oripps News Association
Saoreraeoto Feb .25-The attending
phj alolans of Senator Emm-n feel
slightly enoouraged today over the
aspeot of his oars. He Is still Ins
critical condition, but tbsrs Is mors
bops for recovery than there was yes
terday. ZcMSKY ZOBER
By Sorlpps Nsws Association
8t Petersburg Feb 25 Tbo com
mittee of ministers have pcatponsd
tho summoning of tho Zemsky Zobsr
indefinitely. Tbe work at the Potilofl
works was raaumed today. ' ",
(ByHcrlppa Ctews Aasoolation)
WrshlDgton, Feb. 25. Former Sen
ator Thurston this morning began tbe
closing argument for Judge Swayne in
he impeachment trial before tho Sen
ate, being allowed two houra to sum
up tho evidence. He will be followed
by House manager Palmer Dearmond.
The trial will close this afternoon
Representative DeArmond conclud
ed the argument for the prosecution
at two thirty this afternoon, and tho
doors of tbo Senate are closed for
consideration of tbe case.
.(By Scrlpps News Association)
Olympla Wash Feb. 36 AfUr
bitter fight, tbe House today at noon
paaasd the railway commission I 111
without amendment by a vote of 73 to
In some portions of the valley the
froat la sufficiently out of the ground
to permit of spring plowing. .
The Nurse and the Doctor
Will tell you that the success of a prescription de
- penda on the purity of its ingredieoce. ? Thers l
as much variety in medioioe as in other tnerchan-
diee. (n our prescription-filling "Qulity" is always
our fiigt consideration.
You can implicity trust your prescription to us
quality, accuracy and tho right price are the never
fuiling trio upon which we think we have a right to
appeal for your patronage.
A. T.
Phone, Farmers Line, 68
Pacific States 1361
5 Scrlpps News .Association
. London, Fob 23 -A Et Petersburg
correspondent of the szobasge tele
graph reports that martial law fcta .
been declared at Baku.
' St Petersburg Feb 25-Tne Re vol .1
tionists today sat fire to the military'
magasine at . Kief, - and Immens ;
quantities of grain, hay and stou t''
were destroyed -
(By Boripps Nsws Association) j
Des Moines Iowa Feb 35-Let i ;
Bullies, tho Napoleon of Finenoe, and ,
at one lime the owner of tbe Baker !
City Herald, will be released Tuesd iy
without a rviog his entirs ' three
months sentence for obtaining a:
quarter or a million dollars by fraudu
lent use of tbs maila and through 1 ho
Whits Swan Mining Ofmpany, Hs
escapee with a fine of ten thousnd :
dollars and the ooets thereunto i.n
nsxed. Ills understood Ihst tiwrs
will be no prosecution on tbe Psc fio
001st wbers moat of his viotims live.
: u, AfUr Trusb " :
Iy Scrlpps News Association
Helena Mont Feb 25 The Hons
today direoted the Attorney Gener I
to inquire into ts operation of trn-t
and combinations In Montana and if
found t ) bs eonduoting business any
way In violation of the laws of ' tho
state t) prosecute them under tin
oivil or criminal laws or both. .
Will Work Refinery
(By Sorlpps Nsws Association ) )
Topeka fob 25 Governor Hoci '
has decided to put tbe stats refine y
in operation at ones, and a bond leu s
s being prepared. The . Govern, r
hopes to bavs tbs works started 1 y
April 1st.
Nominated Mayor
(By Boripps News Association)
flhlosgo Feb 26 Judge Edwarrl F
Dunns was this afternoon nominaioi
for mayor of (Jbloago on tha demo,
cratio ticket. . - ,
Two Miners Killed
Tucson Ar'sona' Feb 25 By t'ie
cava in of fl"r tons of rock In a ; mine
at Helvetia tb'S morning two miners
were killed.
' ,. -
La Grande, Or.