Real Estate Summcrville'Siftings; tohg the J. . R. OLIVER BUNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS . . . Bun shines one day, rain the next CHURCHES CHKI8T1AN SOINCI5. John . Page, 1st Readei. The Christian Soleaoe aerrloea at the home of J 8 Page old town ever H A Barainsi and anew the aext. Mua Maggie Milla retoroed to Col fax Waah. tbia week. Ur Jim Battel of Ittaad CUt waa a cauer In thiaeity Ifonday: Sunday at 11 a. m. All are cordially DiED-In this olty ' Fel 19 1905 tha one year old aoa of Mr' and lira uiTiiea. X ONKo 1 A good six room iu ium iou. raotLtiw). L Gf Co No 3-A? navrthnOoom houea, two lota," near E Jtahope, City water la boose, small; bara. Price fcVllOO ceab balance moulhly pay- O L P No s A good, nicely I nrulah ed 6 room booee, two lot, near aebool ABB ebopa. Price 81000, 1100 caab end balance monthly paymenta. , J B It Ha AA miaA .1 JLm tuul malt barn, tarn Tnta mwwi lfwbtun Prioo 1750.00, -'tmLvaMbiJ balance wmwiow terms. ADMNo 6 A On elx room Loom owner North Fir "T" Street. One two,' nice ahade 1 trees and - la wn. JCxtre nice aotue p- price 250V,8uu a, ouanee one, two aaa tnreo years. had treaa and location. Prioe t .. . .. own and balance moatay payan a No 6 A good au room bouse, lawn, two lota, food H No 7 Small hooao andi large lot 10U130. oat to trait, Price lsju one haUoaab. - v. . ..r ". J K No H-ItuMum of laud, Good 10 room booae i and bam, bailt' two years ago wttb family wohard. - A fine bouae, prior $3000, one-ball oaab and balance to bo arranged f p ; O J No 9 Lota NO 7 8. block No 68 ChapUn'a Additt, . prtoo ' taSO. i Best equipped abstractor p,u union coantj. Many years experiences with the Union county records gives me a great advant. age. It is folly" to pur chase realestate without first securing a proper abstraot. - An abstract kfrom mv office will bK. ?j the title just as it appears on ine omcial record. J. R OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREO JN opposite Sommer House AUB No 10-LoU No 10.11 A ll blook No 12, Bomig's Addition, Prioo - aauw, vwao F DP No 11 Foor acrceSaU aot to iriui, now eigne room nooaa, amau Darn wind mill and oat bolldinga. A snap. Prioo $3000, 81200 oaab. 11300 In torn years. 15 J B No 12-Two lota, block No 03, Chaplin! Addition. taOOoash, IWQ No 13224 aero' farm near ' mbler, Oregon. Part In fall sown rain. Prioo 130 per aero. J A H No 14180 aoree elgbt miles noru oi l uraode, lUO aerea in .cul tivation, balance timber," Good balU Ing and orchard. Prioo WHOM, . , . , , A 8 No 1680 aoroa six miles north of bland City, 20 aoree-In orchard, small bnildloga. Price $4000.00. Part oaab, balaaoe on easy terms. - H F NoJIO A fine borne, six room Lonee, shade and fruit trees, lawns and foor lota In block No 6, Predmore's Addition Price $1400.00, $900 oaab and balance one and two yean, i - J OF No 17 A sis room house, barn and orchard, three lota each COx 110 feet In block No 8, Cbaulln'a ad dition. Price $1000, half cash, balance to be arranged satisfaotory to buyer. J 0 F No 18 Four lota, block No 1.1. Chaplin's Addition, fenced and Dome mall bnildlnga on aame. Price $500, half M.h .... V E1 N K1 10 On. 'Klnnlr lot.l near high school, Prke $12u0, $UM cash. F T No 20-Half block lof als lots. I Romlg'a Addition, Price $100 half Notice of Stockholder's Meeting Notice la hereby riven to the laak holdera of &e Grande Bonde Valley Agricultural Society. That the annual meeting of the atock holders will be held in the parlors of the La Grande National Bank on Monday March 20th.. 1905 at 2:30 o'clock pm for the pur. pose of electing a board of directors to ww iwr tiie vuauioa year and for tha tranaaotion of soon other bnaineaa aa nay properly coma before the I meet ing. Dated toil 20th day of Feb 19M. By order of the President, i -lt W G HUNTER, Proa. FRED J HOLMES, See Burmnde. Mr X4 Uurohiaoa of La Grande waa ta tbia oily tbta week. Following are the namaa of ihi papils of SumuerTille Peblio rJobool that took the examination and paated Hits Oral Oswald, Heil lios and .'Mr Leroy and Clyde UeEtniie. " Roberta the little daughter of Mr and Mm Pete Wright ta on "the alck hat. ' ' Mr Hooter made a butineef trip to La Grande Wed.- - ' Qalet a number of the yea be folki weat to Imbler" Wedaeaday aight to tbedanos. There will be a sapper gWea ben b the Epworth n League Friday night ETarybody istited h. BORN-In this oily Fab ; 17. 1905 loMrandMrsRoyeaa'daughter. ' MUG LATTER OAT BAINT3 Sunday School . 10 a. m Regular aervlcee , . t p. m . Mutual Improvement Aaaoolatlon meets conjointly at 7 :30 p. m. CATHOLIO CHURCH ' W. J. Why te. Rector Ka every 8undy 8am 11 a m Rosary and Benediction following 11 a m mats. Maaa on week daya 8am bland City Items- A little wind and rala greets as this morning. The Epworth Laagat gives a social thia CFrldav) avealna'. at tk hnm of Mrs. Riddle. Ladies brlag aandwlch ea and sake enough (or two. Mrs. Riddle, at her home la May Park, entertaiaed a few of kar f rlenda, WadDetday, to afteraeea tea. All ea joyed aaveral eeps. , " PRESBYTERIAN CH JROH Rev E B Haya, pastor Sunday School . 10 a m Junior Endeavor , 3 p ro Senior Endeavor 6;30p m Prayer Meetiog Taurtday 7: 30 p to Preaehiog Sunday 11 a m. 7:30 pro Morning 'Invitation of boa to Ruth" Bvaaing "Acquaintance With God ' The chorus choir nnder ' the direc tion of Mn Lyle. A cordial invita tion la given to' all who have no cburoh home to attend theie tervicei. SALE Each and Every Hat now in stock : at just Half Price IFTRNa SI A hliuk mnl Inn, if I each 00x140, on Fourtb Street In Old! Town, Prioo $000, $2&0oasb. F No 22 A good one story brlok i building at a bargain, 60 feet wide. u yiNi sro lOMreeua m wis, sax tor pries and terms. J K R No S3 A good seven room noose, city "water, beet of bath and plumbing, barn . and out bolldinga; four large lota, partly set to fruit and bearing, fine location. Price $2000, $350 oaab and balance monthly pay. R B No 244 bores about oncbalf In gjod bearing fruit trees, good . bouae, barn and oat -buUdinga,nice sightly location in la Grand. Prln aaunrt: part oaan. . furnlthed oomplete, one . lot In good location, all in good -condition with V city water In hones and water rent psld for a boat 13 months. Price com plete $1100. This Is s snsp. Rents for 18.00 per month. M O No 90 A 4 room bouss and vruw iu in iwi location, mot eow. -7ail eaah.' The above Is a parrlalliat of proper- not suit yon, call at the office and pr- ud w wiu nsvo jut wnac you want We want to write your Ore and plate glaaa inanrance. we win maxe you a loan on your real estate: or build you a boos from your own plans T , . Call at oar office In the Foley blook " yow want anytning in our line. LA GRANDE IlWESTMENTr.CO.: Hendtsh Suffcrbj la often eaaeed by sores, ulcers and cancers, that eat away your akin, Win 1 edeli, of Flat Rock Micb, says; I nave need xtooklen'a Arnica Salve, for Ulcers, Borea and Cancers It Is tb Lest heailnsT dressing I evti found boethea and heals outs, burns and tv at Newlln Drug atoro goaranteed. "There is so much bad in the best of us, And so much good in the worst of us, - That it hardly behooves any of us To talk about the rest of us." Therefore, let us devote our spare time to talking about the superior advantages of bankipg at the farmers and Uradcrs Tfational Siank of jCa Srando Oregon. AU commercial business attended to promptly and carefully. It has safety Deposit Boxes for it's patrons, you can rent one for $3.00 per year, all your papers will be perfectly safe and protected from, fire. You , have the key to your own box. There is a Saviugs Department connected with this ' bank where you get quarterly interest on your money placed in this department. From the day of the opening of the Farmers and Traders National Bank, on November 3,' 1890 down to the present time, all the efforts of it's officers have , been to advance and protect the interests of it's1 patrons and depositors; we want your banking business. Capital . . $60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 17,000.00 Joseph Palmer, President. J. W. Scbiber, ' G. E. McCully, Cashier. Asst. Cashier. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. ' O B Crockett, psator Sunday School 10:15 a m . Preaoaintf 1 1 m 7 -so The public ia invited to attend all the meeting. - Come in and Secure a Genuine Bargain Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and Powders Switches,' . Pompadours and Bangs Novelties Ribbons, and HandSehleTs . f ... , ..,' a. X : TITT C3 T Y TSAnTk-nnm Milliner , 81 PETER'S EPI8COPALCHURCa Upton H Gibb, rector. Septuageeima Sunday Suuday School 10 am Holy Communion 8am Evening services ? :30 pm Morning aervicea 11 a m Morning "The Satisfaction of the Beatifie Viaioaw, . Evflnlnv ,Th Will n. ritt O "J ..... VIJUD Monday evening 1 Veatry meeting 7-30 p ra M. E. CHURCH Rev. JDUillilan, paetor Bunday School . . 10 am Epworth' League , 6:30pm Unurcb aervioes, . 7:31) p m 11 a ni The ! aoeoial meetinva itnnMnii. daily at 2 o'clock except Saturday and Hunday and at 7:30 exoept Haturday, faitor Qillilan does the preaching now ainos the departure of Mr Hart- anorn. -." TO THE PUBLIC: REDUCTION SALE We havt made nn our mind to aril everv roll of Wall Pancr In 'f store before tha next spring stock arrives, and in order to Insure s eompine cian-up we nave cut ine price regardless 01 tormer pries t , Wall 5 Paper from 5 cents, up " We Want to clear the house before March 1st ss wi expect a carload of Will Winer to a arrive on that date. We save more Wall finer ; 'now on hand than all the other paper houses in the codntj.'Therc fort you will have a greater variety to select from. Our present stock Is complete. Stackland ft Mrlarhlen t j : PAINTS.- GILiS AND GIASS CENTRAL CUDRCH of CHRIST OPIOSITB SOMMER HOUSE O U King MinUter 1308 P 8t Feb. 12, 1906 hi Die School 1ft A M morning Woiabip 11 A M Y P 8 0 E meeting 6:4 1 pro Kvangeliatic service , 7 :30 d m Mid-week service Wed 7 :30 p m I Meeting for Womeo only at 3pm &ev j v Coomita will conduct tha Sunday aervicea.' A cordial invitation to all The rush of Holiday trade is over and busiuesi in general has got back to its normal condition, I wish to inform all my patrons, and those Jnot my patrons but who are liable to be, that J am now in a -position to take oaro of all watch, clook and jewelry repairing with dispatch.- I have secured all the neces sary help in all the latest tools and miteriala known to the trade, as well as the best workmen' that money " can procure. All repair work is under my personal supervis ion and I guarantee eaoh and every piece of work done to be finished in first class workmanlike 'manner, aud to give (with proper attention) perfect satisfaction. All work sent by mail or express will receive the same careful attention as it delivered in person, and to bo promptly returned in first class condition. Thanking tny patrons for their past liberal patronage aud assuring them of my utmost ability to give them perfect satisfaction in the future. I remain, as ever. J. II. PEAR E, " Neat to Newlln'a Drug Store. La Grande'e Leading jeweler m B.PTIST CHURCH 3 F Day, paato Bunday School 10 a m Claaaea for ail ages Young People's meeting 6 :30 p m You are invited. Sermons Morning "8alvation by Grace" Evening "The Earnest of the Spirit" iou are cordially invited to eom and bring your friends. Strangers maaa welcome. L A GRAND E. 1 rKUlN WUKKS 3 ; kw4 '-. ' - ' d ComplelciMachtne Shops f and Foundry m General B lad ks m It h Horse Shoeing Q and Wagon Work Manufacturer ot The Fitz;efdl 1 Roller Feed !MUI W4 Estray Notice Notice Is hsreby aiven that I hv taken up at my farm three quart era of a mile southeaat of Alicel. Union county, Oregon, on January 1, 1005, one eorrel, bald faced aeldlnff. hrandH ngure 4, on right shoulder, about 0 o 7 yaara old, weight about 800 pounds. Appraised value 115. Owner can h same by proving ownorahip and paying expenses, otherwise the onitnal will be aold according to law. W J C ASE Fabl7-Mch 25 Alicel R ft D No. 1 ... . fc3 D. FIT2G ERALD, P r-KOPRIETOR . :M 6UOt.'E990R TO H. L. ALEXANDER SSI jCha?. Green aw "FIRST CLASS PLUMBER ( AND STEAM FITTER Stoves set up and repair ed. AU work guaranteed and prices reasonable. Telephone No. 213. . ' ' THE BARGAIN STORE New Lace Collars ' New ShoppingBaskets New Hair Switches New Tablets and SchoolJSupplies E M WELLMAN & CO 1 Ilia Qraade Orecon e t