mm m today 1& To night end ginrday nil Fair. lGRAN mm VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON FRJDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1905 NUMBER 109 EVENING WORK DURING RECESS Washington Feb 24 The Senate Com mi I toe on later-State Commerce today adopted a resolution providing for the investigation, daring the euro. mer recess of thi railroad rate and kindred question! and to make a re port ten days after tbe assembling r f tbe next Congress. There seems to be no doubt that tbe Senate will give tbe necessary autl ority proposed for tbe investigation FIRST AT WASHINGTON Washington, Feb. 24.-It hat been agreed that the Inter-State Commerce Commission shall assemble in this rity on April IS, (or a aeries ot sessions at this place, and will later go to New York and wiuer citiva to prvmeuuUt their inquiries, . Controversy Settled. Portland, Ore. fsb.21 Tbe contro versy orer the location of the Wash ington state building at tbe Lewis and Cl rk fair was settled today, wben tbe fair management decided to give tbe Washington commission the site formerly designated, for the Massa chusetts and tbe fraternal buildings. Tbe change will plaoe the Wishing ton builJing in a row with tbe Cal ifornia and Oregon buildings. Tbe Massachusetts and tbe fraternal buildings wnicii were displaced were to have been socul buildings for the use of tbe people of MiMacbuseita and for the members of fraternal so cieties who visit the fair. No exhibits of say kind were planned to b placed id them. Both building will be re located. EARLY CONFLICT NOW EXPECTED LOSES LIFE IN EXPLOSION GRANL TWELVE HUNDRED ESCAPE FIRE (By Bcrlpns News Association) New York, Feb 24 The New York Juvenile Asylum at 176th. Street con taining, twelve ouodred inmates took fire today and is stall burning. It is believed that all escaped. FIRE DRILL SAVED LIVES New Vork Feb 24-The children in the asylum followed the lire drill, which had been taught them, perfect ly and witbont any excitement, and all escaped without injury, the fire being without very much loss. Student Kills Police By Soripps News Association Warsaw, "Feb. 24. In a fight at the Vienna Station this morning a police offloer was killed by a student, and the railway lines are practically tied up. The stiike is spreading to the Ubar koff University students, and the Un iversity Technical schools struck to day. MORE Romp; brMa FOUND By Soripps News Association Birmingham Feb 24 Up until the time of noon today one hundred and tbreo budiea bad been reoovered from the Virginia nine. Three more bodies are in sight at the present time, and it is believed that at least ten or twelve are still buried in the remote parts of the mine. Many funerals have already been held today nod the relief fund now amounts to fift een thousand dollars Uy Sorlppa News Association ) St. Petersburg, Feb. 24. Dispatch es from the front state that the Russians have turned all tbe villages oorthe right flank into fortified places with redrubte, surrounded by wire en tanglements. Both sides are prepar ing for an early conflloL (By Scrlppa Newa Association) St Petersburg Feb 2' General Kuropatkjn reports that bs bas. re ceived word that twenty Japanese tor pedo boats and warships have been asen off Vladivostok. It Is believed that the presence of these boats may presage the openiag of a - bombard ment on Vladlystock nity of 8ha river atd also collisions of scouting parties continued on the 22nd and 23rd. He also r sports that on Feb. 23rd. a Russian battery of heavy guns began shelling La petal and that vicinity, and that the Russian prisoners in Japan number 44,400, ol which 616 areoffioere. RUSSIANS' HEAVY SHELLING By Soripps News Association Tokio Feb. 24 tb. General Oyaroa 'reports shelling of a point in tba vici- JAPS BULL ADVANCE St Petersburg Fab 24 A dispatch from Huan Shan states that the for ward movement to the sooth of Muk den by the Japanese still continues, and the Russian outposts are falling back. GRAND DUCHESS APPOINTED By Hcripps News Association St. Petersburg, Feb. 24 The Ciar has appointed tbe Grand Duohers Elizsboth, widow of Grand Duke Ser gius, who was assaBilnaUd, comman der of the Grenadier regiment at Kirpen. COMMISSIONER STUART REMOVED RUSSIANS DESTROY BRIDGE Mukden, Feb 24 The Russian rai dere under Colonel Slenamidt com pletely destroyed the bridge at Hai Chang on Feb.21st, blowing off seven ty feet of is. . ' ; , By Scrlppa News Association -Antigo Wis Feb 24 The Wonderly planing mill was wrecked this morn- iug by a tsrriflo boiler explosion, and tba engineer, P F Luegera, was liter ally blow to pieces. Besides this, a score of olbrs were, mote or less serlonsly injured. Cudger Made Judge It Koripps Newa Association Washington Feb 24 Tbe Panama Oanal Commission today appointed Consul Cudger of Panama, Judge ol tbe canal sine in place ol Judge Kyle who is on indefinite leave. WORK DONE , (By 8crlpps Newa Association J Geneva Switzerland Feb H-Tbs boring of tbe Slmplon tunnel waa com plated this morning at seven twenty This Immense tunnel extends under tbe Alpe from Brlgoe, Baitaerland, to Isola, Italy, distance of over tblrt'eu , miles, and baa been ever five years In building. There waa only one let deviation when tbe two ends we're brought together. , REPEAL LAW OF P(J0L SELLING tBy Soripps News Association Portland, Ore., Fab. 24. Federal Judge Bellinger this afternoon removed from offloe James M Stuart, United o . . t r - ri i I t o .11 onaccount of alleged complicity ln "o'ngi the bill makng it a felony st the Oregon land frauds. fly Scrlppa News Asaoclatolo St Louis Feb 24 The House today repealed the breeders law licensing book making and pool selling on bone Legislative Bribery (By Scrlppa News Association Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 24 Judge Alford ot tbe Criminal Court today announced a special session of tbe Grand J ury would be called Immediate ly in order to lake np the Legislative bribery cases Reform Leader Released (By 8crlpsNews Association) St Petersburg Feb 24 It is reported that Maxim Gorka, the reform leader, will be released today under bail In the sum of five thousand roubles. New Spring Goods Of all sorts and descriptions are coming in daily and our store is gradually taking on its Spring attire. The new goods are beautiful .beyond description, the most beautiful we have ever seen. Taking the entire Spring line, being gradually put in place on our shelves and tables, as a whole, we feel that our painstaking, care and labor in the selection of these goods, are amply re warded by the generous expressions of appreciation by such of our friends as have had an opportunity to inspect the line. We also feel that YOU will be the races to engage in was then introduced. book making MAY BE TRIED BY HIGHER COURT DUKE TRIAL Scrlppa Newa Association St. Petersburg, Fob. 24 Aa order ol the day bas bee a issued by Grand Duke Vladimir, oiderlng tbe trial by couitmartial of Capt. Dsvidoff aid three other ofBoers in ooaneotion with the affair of January 19th. al whloh me a charge of grape shot waa fired in the direction of tbe Emperor in lbs ceremony of blessing the Neva. By Scrlppa News Association Saoramento, Feb. 24. Tbe oondit Ion of Senator Emmons, who Is charged with bribery, is growing more serious and it ia feared that be will not be able to survive until tomorrow. equally well pleased. We extend you a hearty invitation to visit our store and see the new arrivals. - New Dress Goods New Wash Goods New Corsets New Shoes New Skirts New Silks New Neckwear New Men's Hats New Shirts Great Special Satin Tape GIRDLE CORSETS Regular 75c values 49c - Colors: Pink, Blue and White Recover Chadwick Jewels By Bcrippa News Association . Cleveland, Ohio Feb 24 United States Customs Collector Leach re turned this morning from Washington and New York with considerable jewelry la bis possession, whlob at one time belonged to Mra Chadwick, It Is said that tbe Jewelry Is .worth fifty tbonsund dollars, and has never been entered for "Import duty. Tbe possesors surrendered the Jewelry and gems without protest. Lewis and Clark Ties 25c New Hosiery New Boys' Suits Etc. Etc. Eto. OFFICERS CAPTURE TWO ASSAULTERS By ScrippvNews Association Jackson Miss., Feb. 24 Tbe police here bave captured two negroes, whom it is bolieved, attacked Miss Mamie Merh, and for whom Governor Var damanu bas offered a reward of five hundred dollars if taken alive. The suspects are now in Jil where they are surrounded by tbe md.t a. Wben they were arrested one of them bad bloody clothing and scratches on bis face. ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION More Forgeries Found ( My Soripps News Association ) Sail Lake Feb 24 A oommittee of tbe legislature . investigating It World's Fair commission forgerioi and Irregularities Cisco vered anotne of 8svon hundred dollars today. Ii. II probability tbe ootnmiltee will go to Bt Louis in order to gather addi tional evidence. ". ' , Lewis & Clark Guards Portland Feb 24 In a communica tion addressed to Major Chas B Mo Donnell, of the Oregon National Uuard Director-General H V7 Gode, of tbe Lewis & Clark World's Fair, bas officially annonndad the plans for tbe guard and patrol of the exposition. Tbe guard will be recalled among the men of Oregon's National Guard and will constat ol two provisional companies aa follows : One major, two captains, two lleut- tensnts, one first sergeant, one aoater mas er sergeant, one duty sergeant. three corporals, two moslolans, 140 privates and two cooks. A blouse of dark blue with light fac ings and aguiletlo ot the snuie color, light bine trousers, ball shaped caps with foil dress band, web belt, bayo net and scat bard, white collar, white glovea and blaok shoes, have been selected as the uniform and equipment Fifty Thousand Strike By Soripps Newt Association 8t PetersbuigFeb 24 -Fifty thousand employees in five ot the St Petersburg factories went oat on a strike sgaln today. Police May Strike By Borippa News Association Warsaw Feb 24 A atrike of tbe polios In this olty Is threateaed. Tbev have received bat tbe earn of six dollars per month and their uniforms S. D. Ripley Dead V ' ' By 8oripps News Association ,. New York Feb J4 Sidney, Dillon Ripley, treasurer of tba Equitable Life Insurance- society, died today after an opertion for appendioltis, Ha waa a brother-in-law of James Hassn Hyde Vice-president of the society. , . i lUtlUlliSjU 1UI IVCUdll) . s (Uy Borlppa News Aaaoclatlon) Copenhagen Feb 24 The auxUlairy cruiser, Rossis, ot the Third Russian Baltio squadron, baa returned to Llbaa tor repalra, tbe trouble was In th turaalc dawn al th tnanhlnAr. 7" rrrvrri a JURY DRAWN By Bcrippa News Association Cbioago Feb 14 The special Feder al Grand Juty for the purpose' ol in vestigating the beef trust waa draw.i. today in the office of tbe clerk in tbj United States District Court, Tr. namea will not be made publio unl I a few days before Marob SO. Th't will be done in order to prevent . pre judiced persons from 'getting on ii Jury. It is expected that it will tal tbe Jury six or eight weeks to beat all the evidence. Tbe evidence 'will like -ly bit the railroad companies and re frigerator liaes and it is tbe belief ol those ioterett I in tbo proascnl'om that indiotmeuu w 11 be bought ( By Hcrirpa News Association Washington Feb. 24 Minister Dawson, representing tbe United Slates at 8an Domingo, cables tbe State Department that an attempt was made this morning to assassinate President Morales . Five of tbe assail ants were captured and tbe others es caped. . The Nurse and the Doctor Will tell you tbat the success of ft prescription de pends on the parity of its ingredieoce. There is as much variety iu medicine as in other ' merchan dise. In our prescription-filling "Qolity" is always our fiiet consideration. You can implicity trust your prescription to us quality, accuracy and the right price are the never failing trio upon which we think we have a right to appeal for your patronage. - - - A T. HILL, Registered Pharmacist. Phone, Farmers Line, 68 -( ' ' Pacific States 1861 ; : . . . . La Grande, Orv