La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 22, 1905, Image 5

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    - v- ".
Real Estate
' O N No 1-4 good ix room boos
Mid three lots. Pnoe.81000. cub.
L Gr Co No 0 A i newXthreeJooin
bouse, two lota, near R Bjhope, City
wiwr in iionw, amaua Darn, i Hoe
050, $100 cash & balauoe mouthlr p7
C L P No 3 A good, nioeiy furnish
ed 6 room house, two lota, near acbool
4KB shops. Price 1000, f 100 caab
ud balauoe monthly payments. I
f- JBBNo A good six room booae,
small barn, two lota, good looation.
ITioe $700.00, 4300 caab, balance
reasonable terms.
ADMNo 5 A fine aiz room booae
comer North Fir & "I". btreet. one
bain, nice shade trees 'and lawn.
Kxtra nice house , price $2500, 00
a sh, balance oue, two mud three years.
T P No 6 A good six room booae,
shade trees and lawn, two lota, good
looation. Price -. own
and balance monthly paym a
II No 7 Small hoo.Be and, large lot
101x120, set to trait. Price I WO, one
half, cash. ... .. ..,
J KNo Three acres of land. Good
10 room house and barn, built two
ears ago with family oi chard. A fine
House, price $3000, one-bait cash and
balance Jto be arranged. .'
O J No 8-Lote No 1 A 8, block
W . a 4 a . Meiw
Cash. .
A 1) 11 No 10-LoU No 10-U & 12,
block No 12, Romig'a Addition, Price
1400, CaBh,
P D P No 11 Four acreaail set to
trait, Dew eight room house, small barn
wind mill and out buildings. A anap.
Price $2500, 1200 caab. $1303 in three
i'JBNo 12-Two lots, block No 98,
Chaplin's Addition. $(100 cash,
f W Q No 13224 acre farm' near
mbler, Oregon, Part in fall sown
rain. Price $30 per acre. 1
A U No 14180 aores eight miles
north of La Urando, 100 aores in cul
tivation, balance timber, Good build
ing and orchard. Price $55tt 0.00, .
A 8 No 1580 acrea six miles north
of Island City, 20 aorea in orchard,
mail buildings. Price $4000.00. Part
cafls; balance on easy terms.
II F No 16 A fine borne, six room
r.onse, shade and Iruit trees, lawns and
four lots -in block No 6, Predmors's
Addition. Price $1400.00, $000 cash
and balance one and two years.
. J OF No 17 A six room house,
barn and orchard, three lots each UOx
110 feet in block SSo 8, Chaplin's ad
dition. Price $1000, half cash, balance
to be arranged satisfactory to buyer.
J O P No 18-Four lota, block No 13,
Chaplin's Addition, fenced and some
small buildings on same. Price $500,
half cash.
FFNNo 19 OneiMook of 8 lota
near high school, Priie $1200, $500
Fiendish Suffering
is of'en caused by sores, ulcers and
cancers, that eat away your skin, Wm
- J odel', of Plat Bock Mich, says; I
hare used Eucklen's Arnica Sslve, for
Ulcers, Sores and Cancers. It is th
Lstbealinc dressing I ever found,
boethes and heals cats, barns and
uc at Newlia Drug store guaranteed.
Best equipped abstractor
in Union county. Many
years experiences with
the Union county records
gives me a great ad v ant.
age. It is folly to pur
chase realestate without
first securing a proper
abstract. An abstract
from my office will shiw
the title just as it appears
on the official record.'
Opposite Sommer House
Notice of Stockholder's Meeting
Notice is hereby given to the stock
holders of the Grande Ronde Valley
Agricultural Society. That the annual
meeting of tbe stockholders will be
held in the parlors of the La Grande
National Bank on Monday March 20th.,
1905 at 2:30 o'olook pm for the pur
pose of eleoting a board of directors to
serve for tbe ensuing year and for the
transaction of auob other business as
may properly come before the moot
ing. Dated this 20th day of Feb 19J2.
By order of tbe President.
. W G AUNTER, Tresi
We all realise the advantage to any
city to bave manufacturing.
A talk with our former fellow
townsman Mr Wen Murpby who in
addition to his interact here is active
ly engaged in a number of enterprises
in Cbeballa Washington, a city of
about 4000, ia certainly inspiring. He
states that a boot three years ago a
party with the thorough experience
and some capital called she , business
men together and interested them ' in
taking stock in a door plant which
proved a financial auooess, furnished
employment to fifty or more every
month in the year. A few months
later a gutter faotory was secured in a
similar manner, then a mattress fao
tory, furniture factory, and a oonde p
sed milk plant, this was burned down
and is now being rebuilt. Tha point
Mr Murphy markes. In do instance
waa there a bo -us asked but stock
subscriptions whicb proved t be good
investments, lo all they . have eight
factories and it all shows what a little
energy will do. The facta are there it
no natural reason why may of these
factories should be located in Cbeha
lia, there are many other placet where
there could be operated Just as pro
Atabty . . , .. . . . .,, 0
. This holds true .at home. .There
are quite a number of industries, that
Would pay well wherever located ia
Eastern Oregon they would pay in La
Grande, Pendleton and Baker City 4fi
ia just a question of going after them
8ome, possibly all, eon II be secured
without a bonus or even taking stock
The enthnsiastio, loyal home support
is o'ten more valuable than a few boa
dred dollars, and it is just, nossibW
that a little more oonsjdsratiop j upen
our part towards what we bava self at
result in helping to secure, .others,
However tbere is tin's just . cause for
complaint along these . lines, Par
people sre loyal to the oily and eooaly
r . - - -i
Eackand Every Hat now in stock at just '
I Come'ta WScure 'a Genuine Bargain 2
Appointments Made
WJ Church has appointed
administrator of the R M Steele ettate
in place of Hon J M Church deceased
F L Myers has been appointed ex
ecu tor of tbe estate of John Kellogg
in place, of tbe late J M Church,
W Q Barlt K . annAt.t4
. . . -e --f
executor of the estate of Mrs Mary M
Biggers in place of G W Biggnrs de
posed. Edward L Halley has been appoint
ed executor of the estate of Sarah 0
Halley deceaseJ, 1
. "There is so much bad in tbe best of us,
And so much good in the worst of us,
That it hardly behooves any of us
To talk about tbe rtst of us."
Therefore, let us devot3 our spare time to talking
about tbe superior advantages of banking. at the
, farmers and Vraders
Tfational ffiank
of jCa Stand Oregon
F TNo20-Half block of six loU,
Romtg's AddiUon", Price 1100), half!
i ash. j
f F T B No 21 A block of four .lots. J
each 60x140, on Fourth Street in Old
Town, Price tOOO, 2u0 cash. j
F No 22 A good one ttory brick j
building at a bargain, 60 feet wide.!
If you are interested in this, ask for
price and terms.
J K R No 23 A good seven room
houee, city water, best of bath and
l nn. k.:l.ilnr.n
I'lumuuig, vain mu uui uuiiuiukoi
four lare lntti, partly set to fruit and
bearing, fine looation. Prion (2000,
150 cash aud balance monthly payments.
R E No 244 aores about one-half In
g kkI bearing fruit trees, good bouse,
I arn and out buildings, nice sightly
location in L& Urande. Price 1000,
i . - . A. 1 . . i
uurnisnea compieie, onu iot iu goou
i location, all in nood condition with
Wity water ' in bouse and water rent
I aid for about 12 months. Price com
i letelllOO. This ia a snap. Rents for
f 10.00 per month. .
I M C No 20 A i room house and
o rner lot in good location. Prioe 1300,
half oasn.
-' i . . . :
Ibrtbove is a parrlaiiist of proner
ty which we bave tor sale. If this does
not suit you, rail at the olfioe and per
hans we will have jnet what vou want
i We want to write your tire and plne
f glass lnsurauce.
j We will maxe you a loan on your
real estate, or ouu.i you a nous from
iyonr own plans
i Call at oar office in tbe Foley block
y it yoa want anything in our line.
All commercial business attended to promptly and
' It has safety Deposit Boxes for it's patrons, you can
rent One for $3.00 per year, all your papers will be
perfectly safe aud protected from" fire. You have
the key to your own box.
Thtre is a Savings Department connected with this
bank where you get quarterly interest on your money
placed in this department.
From the day of the opening of the Farmers and
Traders National Bank, on November 3, 1890 down to
the present time, all the efforts of it's officers have
been to advance and protect the interests of it's
patrons and depositors; we want your banking
Capital - $60,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 17.000.00
Joseph Palmer,
J. W. Scribkr,
G. E. McCuixy,
Asst. Cashier.
We have made np our mind to tell every roll of Wall Paper In our C)
store before the next spring stock arrives, and in order to insure a j (O
eompltte clean-up we have cut the price regardless of former price ))
Wall Paper from 5 cents up
We Want to dear the house before March 1st as wt expect a carload
of Will Waper to a arrive on that date. We tave more Wall Paper
now on hand than all the. other paper houses at the county. There
fore you will hive a greater variety to select from. Our present
stock is comphtc, - '
! Stackland & McLaclilen
; ). paints, ems and glass
Perfumes, Toilet ' Soaps and Powders
Swltchess ; Pompadours ' and - Bangs
Novelties Ribbons, "and ftandke hiefs
.... Milliner ,
(Special to the Obeerrer)
Whitney Feb 22 Claud Huffman a
well known young man in, th etmps
01 ine upper levels came to town ' ana
aftor looking upon the winewhioh was
red until tbe early hours of the mora
ing, when he remembered ' stelng a
box of beautiful Grande Ronde apples
in one of the stores and proceeded si
break In and help himself. He waj
arrested and sentonoed to six niontui
in the county jail. Had his attorney
ouereu ine d)xoi sppibs to .eviuenoa
all who ssw the fruit are,1 eonvin,ceii
mat tne judge would bave been mor.
itj.jiop. hot iiiey certainly , . were
Silos A Success
Mr. J. L. Caviness - was a t pleasant
visitor toourofflie yesterday and In
respone to tbe query as to the result of
bis experience this winter j with hie
three silos stated that they , were an
unqualified success. He made I three
last fell wbiob contained forty tout
eech and states that not only ; tits
dsiry betd thrive on it but his borses
and hogs relish it. Mr. Csvioe-s fur
nishes the . creamery tbe product of
ten cows.
An Electric load
While we have no reason to doubk
the esrly oonstruotion of the proposed
electric railroad around the valley it is
plain to be seen thst in case It does
not mature that there will sooner or
later be an electrio road from the Cove
to this oity. The power which is now
being developed at tbe Cove and
brought to this oity, makes thai a
logical conclusion In case the other
propoaitson fails.
Russians Still Active
( By Soripps News Association) - -Tokio,
Feb 22 General Oysma re
ports the continusnoe of tbe Russian
bombardment at vsrious parts aloag
the Jspanete lines Tbe Russians bave
recently pl ced a large number of
heavy guns at Obisoiatum, two miles
miles wett of Ti mountain
Creates A Commission
Helena, Feb. 22 By a almost vnao
imoiis vote tbe bouse todsy pssed
bill creating a state railroad commis
sion, providing for three commission
ers at salaries of 14000 p r annum and
a secretary at a salary of $J40O Tbi
legislature is to name two of the com
missioners and the governor the third
M. L Dsvidson of Dillon and Nathan
Godfrey, of Helena have been deoided
on as tbe choict o( tbe legislature.
Naval Improvements
By Scripps Naws Association
Tokio, Feb 22-Tbe Japanese Go
ernment bss ordered tb immediate
ooLstruotion of - twenty five ,torped
boats, fifteen government yards and
ten private naval yards. -, .
-Tht ,rub o! Holiday trade ia over tad business
ia gaMrai hu got btck io its aormial oooditioa, I
wiah to iafQrpa all my i patrons, aud thosajao. my
patroni but who are liable to be, that I tin now iu a.
poiitioa to take oare of all Watoh, block aud jewelry
repairing with dispatch. I have secured all tbe neces
sary help in all the latest tools and uuteriala knowa
to the trade as well as. the best workmen that - money
can procure. -.
All repair work is under my personal 'supervise
ion and I guarantee each and every piece of work dona
-to be finished in first class, workmanlike manner, an I
to give (with proper attention) perfect satisfaction,
f JUwprjtVept bj aU or expreBS wUrr'eceivw ihe saat t
f careful attention as if delivered in person, and to be
promptly returned in first class condition.
Thanking my patrons for their past liberal
patronage and assuring them of my utmost ability t
give them perfect satisfaction in the future. I remain
as ever. J, E. PEARE, -"' " -'. - 1
(last to Newlln'e Drug Store. La Grande's LeadlnsJJeweW
Will ,W ready for business FebruirSl5 M
Gomplelc Machine Shops
and Foundry
General B I ac ksm ith
and Waon Work U
Elanufacturer ot The Fitzgerall RolIer.Feed Mill
D. F. FIT2G E R A L. D,
' ' Proprietor - 7
suoce8sor to h. u. alexander
14. .
- It :- t ' .' t : t , i
: THE '
' New Lace Collars
NcwrShoppingiBasket -..
New Hair Switches - -: '
I New Tablets and ScboolJSuppUes
e IU'Wellman & co
5 JDa. Graude - Oregon
. y - - -
: 1
i i
i !
' ! !
-i: ' . ""77
j ,