GREAT DAY AT CENTRAL CHURCH 0L ASSiriCD ; DVCRriSEMCNT S UMBER YARD 1 v - I Headquarters for Mi VE ANYT ING TO SELL LET THE ;"KQPLfi HEAR ABOUT IT THROUGH THIS DEPARTMENT AND YOU WILL FIND A BUYER. IF YOU WANT TO BUY EX PLAIN YOUR WANTS THROUGH THESE COLUMNS. Hath, Shingles, Doors, I biptised rnd a number 0! otbere will follow at tbe meeting today. Subject tonight "Christianity the Remedy for Delusion, and What will you do witb JeeusT Last evening it waa ImpoMible to teat tbe crowd wbfob came to bear Evangelist Goombt. Many stood throughout tbe. service. Additional aeata will be in plaoo tonight. At tbe eloie of tbe ear ice aiz persona were 'a Sash, Boxes g II kinds of Mill Work m ' . ,.. p3. BUILDING PAPER AND OTHER pf BUILDING MATERIAL , W Measure ments ' j on the , -iHj ... Place of ff Business ' f on the ' '11 . i . . TODDARD LIMBER CO. , L OREGON. Everything you want want for that I -y SUNDAY WINNER r . , .:. x .Is AwaitinglYour Order at f-v- ' " ' -; M' . . , . C. RALSTON'S NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE ; jUoi. f ir and Jefferson 8la OUtt SPECIALTY . Full Line "referred Stock" Canned Goods. j , SHOES Good School Shoos J a specialty P - Jft you arrive, r you arc there. The Rock Island System has an enormous advantage over other western railroads in the fact that its Chicago terminal the La Salle Street 1 Station is the only railroad station on the Elevated loop. ' It b located In tht heart of Chicago ' only block from the Board of Trade) 'two blockt from tht Pott Office) within my walking dittanc of tht principal theatre, hotels and More, ' The train of aU Chka(o' elevate i railroad! pua it door and take , quickly and for a 5 -cent ram . to any part of tht city. ' -: Three route Eut via Denver,Ouuha and St. Paul. L. B. QORHAM, Oonl Agt, 140 Thlrtf Ktrvet, , rortUnd," ' Ortt . t r 1 ..1 it lint r v - w. w 11 A GRANDE SCHOOL i OF MUSIC (PP. DAY.!PriiKiplc MfiS, D AY,;AtUn I al on2ofthe;bMt2maaloal In- itatlons la the state. Dating the ' nr.1904 there war nearly Foot oaaand lessons gives. The people this city and valley are begin -' Z to discover the great advantage thissohool. The2syetenj osed la a latest and moat practical, and eludes all the lataat dlaoomlaa the art ot teaching maslo. Tht aool la divided Into two dspart ntsj Mo. 1 la (or beginners, from fear ttp, and taking la the 1st to grades. la ibis ; department pile corns one boor every day No. 3 tbe grades axe from S to . JHera tbe graduate. Pupils be one or two leaeons a week aa ey desire. Mo scholars will be rmltted to remain la this aobool ;o do not study. , '-.:. Music Lewis and Clark, Subject Of Neigborhood Club The ladiea of the Neighborhood olnb beld an open meeting In tbe ladles olnb rooms yesterday . afternoon, - the program being under the direction of Mrs. O H Bldwell, of Inland City! baring for ber subject 'Lewis . and Clark," several rery interesting papers being read on tbe work of tbe great fair. Tbe first somber waa tbe read ing of a paper by Mrs. Hid well, "Fair Proposed and Facts" giving a very good description ot aorne of tbe lead ing buildings. Mrs. W L Brenbolta read an Intereating and descriptive paper on tbe fair grounds wbiob was vary enjoyable. "Architecture' was . rtt 1. .W.. )aanrh Mt. 4. U. UBI ..fl m - - ing tbe different arcbltictnral work of tbe buildings very graphically. Mrs W B Sargent then sang "A Pioture of Home 8weet Home," in ber usual able manner. Mra. Ed Kiddle bad an interesting subject, that of "Foreign Exhibits," describing many of the exhibits that will be abipped in from different Arts" was Mrs. countries "Fine Carana'a aubjeot, speaking of tbe many beautiful works of art that will be aeen at this fair, paintings by many noted artiste, and many who are just olimbing the ladder of fame whose homes are cn the Pacific coast. Mrs. Clara T Lyle very ably read a paper on the Musical feature at tbe fair, which will be one of the most Import ant. Tbe afternoon's program closed witb a piano duet by tbe Mlssea Ivy Long and Ethel Da via. This waa one of the bet programs o. crrlil nnt brtbls olnb, and It la truly wonderful to know bow well many of tbe ladles are keeping posted on the work of this great event and how much they can do in these meet ings to help make It the desired success. Are You Restless at Niht? ; I barassed by a bad eooghf Use lard's Horehoabd Syrap, It will ire 70a sound sleep and effect a mpt and radical cure. 266, COo and Kewlia Drag Co. R P Tait, the pioneer niualo teacher of Uraude Ronde Valley, la still In the ring. Daring my vacation I made It my buslneaa aa well as pleasure to at tend concerts, operas, and In fact everything In my line of baslnesa and I found that I aa a teaoher, and in. terpreter of moalo am still in the front rank. Pupils who do not wish the full conservatory coarse may take tbe pop alar pIsco course. This places the pupil In position to play the popular music ot the day, Church and Sunday Bcbool music Tbe Violin popular oourse places the pupil In position to play alt kinds ot dance maaio as well aa light overture a Quite s number of musicians who bars been under my Instruction are now making goodmoney as teachers and soloists. Pupils who are under my care will be thoroughly lnatruoted in moalo. R P TAIT, teaohcj Croup v FlArrln rctth tha nmntnmi f aa tsrv mon cold ; there la chilliness, aneesing sore inroai, not earn, quioK puisj hoarseness and Impeded respiration uive ireqneni email dotes 01 Ballard Uoreboand Syrap, (the child will ci; for It) and at tbe first sign of a croup: ooogb, apply frequently Ballard' Bnow Liniment to the throat. Mre. A Vltet. New Castle. Colo writes March li)tb, 1901: "I think Ballard a uoreboand SvruD a wonder fnl remedr. and ao nlHaiiant." iTm Union County Murderer 8lem, OreH eb 22 Ojvernor (7hamberUio today granted a full par don to Wong Gee, a Chinaman serv ing a life sentence for murder com mitted In ITiiion county in Oc ober, 1898. The pardon was granted st the rtquestof Prince Kajg Yu Wei, sec- rotary to tbe emperor of China wbo ?s touriug this country on an inspeo tion of its institutions While going through tbe prison Wong One fell at tbe feet of bis prince and begRed forgiveness for bis O'inie Tb; c nvict aas taken to Portland today by two members of the princo'n staff, wbo will send him to Cbiua. JUDGE EAKIN VERY BUSY . .U S Senators Judge Eakln came up from La Grande tbia morning and after passing J . t 4 11 . L ' lew pieuaeuu-iee regnruiUK iuo uew judgeship and how acme people were trying to make it appear that be bad been legislated out of office got down to business with his docket at a table la tbe Clerk's office. There for the entire day he baa worked, with from one to eight or more lawyers and two or three olerks over both shoulders and in front of bim. A record of what he had done was not obtainable daring an interim, for there wasn't any Interim. Baker Herald. WILL RECEIVE HONORARY DEGREE (By Scrlppa News Association Washington, Eab. 22. In a private car attached to the regular express train, the President and party left this morning at aeven thirty for Phila delpbla where the President will ad dress the studenta ot tbe University of Pennsylvania and receive tbe degree of Doctor ot Laws. Long Sentence Manila, Feb 32 Major Carriogtcn convicted ot falsifying vouobers of tbe civil government to tbe amount of 11500 today was sentenced to GENERAL DIRECTORY Theodore Roosevelt President Charles W Fairbanks. .Vice President John Hay Secretary of State Leslie M Shaw.. Secretary of Treasury W H Taft Secretary of War E A Hitchcock.. Secretary of Interior Paul Morton Secretary of Navy James Wilson .Secretary of Agriculture Win. H Moody Attorney General Robt J Wynne.. Post Master General Melville W Fuller.; Chief Justice Victor II Mctoalf. Secretary Commerce U S Pension Commissioner W 8 Richards U S Land Commissioner. .Eugene Ware PO8T OFFICE GMFiohey ..Post Master Ad Gil ham Assistant EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Robert Kakin Judge Leroy Lomax District Attprney U 8 LAND OFFICE A A Huberts Receiver E W Davis Krister U H WEATHER BUREAU WA Wor8tell STATE OP OREO N t'baa. W Fuiton J John H Mitchell t " Binder Herman. .ConRrfasiimn let Dist J N Williamson. .('onroHsnmn 2nd Dist Geo. El hHinherlani Oorprnor FI Duuiiar Sucreti-.ry of citate U d Moore t-Ule 1 leujarer J Jl Ackerman feupt Public inetruotion J R Whitney Htate Printer A M Crawford Attorney General C E Wolvertou 1 R S Rean Supreme Judges K- A Moore I Oswald West. .Agent State Land Board C It Bellinger U S Diet Judge W K Mathews US Marshall D M Dunne . Collector Internal Revenue John Hall U 8 Dist Attorney JOINT SENATOR Walter M Pierce, between Umatilla, Union and Morrow. P A McDonald, Union and Wallowa REPRESENTATIVE NCMcLmkL JOINT REPRESENTATIVE Jay Dobbin, between Union and Wal lowa. COUNT!" OFFICERS MA Harrison Judge Jamea B uilhani Clerk CO Pennington -Sheriff U 11 rr'jctor Keoorder Jaa.U. Morton Assessor John Frawley Treasurer E E Bragg ... .Sohool Superintendent Arthur Curtis Surveyor J U Henry Coroner LA GRANDE PRECINT John E Uungb ...Justice of Peace J a MoLaoulin Constable CITY; OFFICERS J D Slatei Mayor COUNCILMEN W H Bohneukamp. G E Fowler. 8 A Gardiuier, J W Kennedy, L D Keavis, A u Kionardson. L Rayburn Marshal B V Wade Depty Marshal Cheater P Newliu Recorder E J Walsh Treasurer J W Knowlea Citv Attv H CGilman.... Water Superintendent Fred Synhorst.. Street Superintendent LA URANDE SCHOOL DISTRICT Directors Geo. Hanson, chairman; Henry Young F 8 lvanhoe, F Kilpatriok, David f ay. A C W illiams Clerk U J Uookenberry.... Superintendent im- total of sixty years and five days prieonment. Destructive Fire ;By Boripps New Awoolatlon London Feb 22 Fire loday destroy ed several establishments in long acre centre, and a motor car and industry, causing a loss of a snd a quarter dollars. Itch Ringworm E T Lucas, Wlugo, Ky , writes. April 20th 1902: 'For 10 to 12 years I bad been afflicted with a maladi known aa the Itch.' The I'ching wat moat unbearable; 1 bad tried for yean to rind relief, having tried all remedies I could hear of, besides a number ot doctors. I wish to state that one sin gle application of Ballard's enow Lin iineut cured me completely and per nanentlj. Sinoe then I hav nal n,. carriage liniment on two separate occasion for millinn r,n WOTln 'ud ,l eani oompletelv. million wo and 1 bottle. Newlin Drug I Co. s For Sale FOR SALE OR TRADE 6 good work horses, 1 8H wagon, 1 4 Inch logging track, 1 4X Inch logging truck. JOHN ANTHON?. FOR SALE Pure Bred Black Minorca Roosters from Imported Stock Also Eggs for hatching. F D Ualsten Hecond Hand Store Board and Lodging by Mrs Good all 2114 3rd st. Phone 707 tf For Rent FOR RENT Barn 3 stalls, water, close In. Apply to Baker IBroe grocery store FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms to rent. Inquire of MrsZuber. FOR RENT Famished rooms with or without Data, in beat rwluiiuw district. Inquire at Cor Fourth and Main st., the George Hansen proper ty. ? Janfitf FOR RENT Furnished boose keep ing rooms, in suits of two, three and four rooms., Inquire' of Mrs. Mary Noble. Phone 6-4-7. tf. WANTED: An elderly lady to keep house and take care of five children. Will pay good wages. Apply at this office. Lost WANTED Some good energetb lady or gentleman to represent a large business firm. Good salary. No ex. perlence necessary. Call or address ) V Anderson, Roods Valley House. FOR SALE 3 lots for sale 00 Adams Ave nown as tbe greenhouse property. Will sell reasonable if sold at , onoe. Fenoo shade trees and quite a lot ot good lumber, rocks and brioka. Apply to Wm Gilpin, La Grande, or Mr. J F Richardson text door to lot. F 15-23 : Free Washing Now Is your chance to have t fami ly washing done free of charge. If you wish to know . bow to have this done call up Thoa. Slegmnnd at the Ronde Valley House snd be will ex. plain It all. . General agent for tbe Ideal Washer, Call np Phone 8-6 I week UI1JM.X U We have 710 acres of some of the best land In this county, for sale at f 28 per acre. All but 175 aores under tivat Ion and irrigation. A bargain. A big list of other lands in tho county. Call on or write couch &. McDonald, Wallowa, Oregon. Home Cured If yon want a good home oared bam or bacon or first class lard. Call at tbe Harris meat market. Opposite Geddes. 2-1-3-1 LOST By Mrs Fred Stanley, in this city yesterday, a pearl collar pin. The finder will please leave same at tbe residence of Mr J M Berry and receive reward for same. WANTED To bay legelmate business State what yon have tor sale Address S3 care Observer. F 8 tf ' ..J C.I. assM v ww Peculiar Disappearance J D Uunyan of 'Butlervllle, O laid tbe peculiar disappearance of his pain ful systems, of Indigestion and bili ousness, to Dr King's New Life Pills He says: "They ere a perfect remedy, for dixzineas soar stomsoh, headache, constipation, etc," Guaranteed at Newlin drag store, price 26o. o-c-oc- aoo"oooooooooooeoooo Oregon Produce Co Phone 1761 La Grande Oregon. Corner Jefferson Avenue and Greenwood Streets L,argest Packing House In Eastern HOreafone WilLPay Highest Gash Price ior Marketable $ A.prles. t Brick furnished in any quanity or any style. No contract too small or too large. See samples of our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGER. La Grande, Oregon. Notice T o whom it may concern Notice , ia hereby given tbat my wife, Alios Crip pen, having left me without any Just cause or provocation, I will not be responsible tor any debts tbat ebe may contract Dated at La Grande, Oregon this 11th day of Feb. A D., 1905. M XCRIPPEN. G. FOWLER Truck and Transfer Woodland Coal Phone 1611 All orderjjgivenjprompt attention. WOOD SAW G. W, ALLEN, rToprietor. AllOrders receive prompt attention Phone 1846 I Residence 615 Osborn St. I a a 60a and U. MewlJn Drug Oo. J