SPRING SPRING Ia coming and you will want to change some of your old furniture and carpet. We are the people you want to aee. We will pay you cash for. your goods and you can buy new. We will trade anything we l are and we have anything you want in the line of Furniture Crockery, Hard ware, Tinware, Trunks and Wood. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams Kemamber w still fcty sad eeU attl kinds mi tro. at Sccoad Head Goodaje Jt jt Phone 1 551 NEW TODAY Holland Milchner Herriner. . Anchovies Cromarty Bloaters New JFat Mackerel Queen OUves BAKER BROS. AdamTAvenue Phone U01 GET THE HABIT Of baying your Goal from as WE HAVE Rock Springs and Cumberland Ask any of our customers about us We are wholesale and retail dealers in Hay, Grain, Millfeed, Flour, Etc. ' I Grande Ronde Cash Company, ! Press Lewis Dean Crowe Phone 1801 New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue X Eggs Eggs Eggs LOCAL , ITEMS WHAT SOME PEOPL IN AND OUT OF TOWN ARE DOING. Tomorrow will 8a tba annirersarj o Georgt WaihlnKtoa's blrthdaj. Attorney J W Knowlee' ha bean oonfload to bit boma (or tba paat twa daya with lumbago. Adoa Rogers made hla flrat appear anoa oo tba atraat today as result of an naanoeeesfal attack o( tba la grlppa. Miaaaa Alklna and Stoddard will en tertain tba 401 olob at tba boma of tba latter next Tueeday arealng. Mre. Oeo. Baaeen and aona Richard and Victor, who ara down from Telo oaeet, will return In tba morning. Tba local Elka are makiig elaborate preparations for their annual ball which will be given tomorrow evening Miss Katharine Slack left thia morn Ing (or Burlington, Iowa, to join her mother who haa been there (or a few month paat. ; ' The little mis who loat a tiny chain pane filled with 8anday Sobool card oan secure aame by calling at thia otfloe. - Mr P L Story superintendent of Bridge of the OBAN arrived in the ed with the road. The members of the La Grande Cor net band are arranging for a flrat class Mlnatrel which they will put on early next month. None ahould (ail to pat ronize the band boya. II. Lewyn, of Denver, a ohef of manyyeare experience, hae accepted a aitnatlon aa chef of the culinary da partment of the Sommer House. Mr Morria atatea the bast is none too good for bit ouitomeri. Cards have been received in the city announcing the marriage of Miaa Graoe Bickers and Mr Joaeph Owen bouse, two of Pendleton's popular yonng people, next Wednesday Marohlat. The ladiea of the Neighborhood olnb held an open meeting at the club room a thia afternoon, the anbject being Lewi and Clark" under the dir ection of Mr Bidwell, of Island City. There were several good papera read on this subject and it proved to be one of the moet interesting programa ever carried out by the club. THE NEW DIS TRICT ATTORNEY INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FooD LEE'S KGO MAKER KOW KURE WOOD WOOD TEFFElfcON AVE. PHONE 1571. It ia with pleasure that the Obierver records the (act that the Uovenor haa appointed to the offloe of Diatrlot Attorney of the new tenth Judioial district our (ellow townsman' Clarence Crawford. Mr Crawford will bear the proud distinction of being the young est diatrlot attorney in the atate aa he was born in 1879 and is therefore but twenty six peara of age. He is a Union county man having apent tba greater part of hla life In this oounty, though ha waa born in Dayton Waablngton. He waa a member of the clasa of 1903 of the Stanford University where he acquitted himself with honor and credit to himself and bla clasa. Mr Crawford has many friend in thia oounty who have known him since hit early boyhood, and who are greatly pleased to know that he ha been thua highly honored. Mr William Kennedy left this morning for Union. ' Frank E Smith of Elgin waa among business visitors in La Grande today. F D MeCully pasaed through the city last evening enroute to Portland on boineai. W D McCuliy, eon of F D McCull; arrived in the city last night from Portland and points west and ie now on hi way home in Joseph. Mr. Mo Cully is much improved in health and bopee to be able to gd back to fulfill bia ambitions by again taking up his position with the navy. Tonight at the Baptist Church Mr James Edmunds of Portland gives the dosing lecture of tba institute for parents and Sunday school teachers. His theme is The Moral and Reli gious Education of the Child". This lecture is one' of Mr Edmunds best, a and is everywhere reoeived with the highest commendation. The leolure ia forceful, graphic, brilliantly illustrated and merits the attention of all who arc interested ia the child. NEW HOPE FOR DYSPEPTICS " We insist that associated with well known factors, other underlying and predisposing causes are to be found in the spinal anatomy which, before the rise of the Osteopathic sobool were over looked. We contend, with our experience In locating and .remedying theae abnormal conditions - of one'a anatomy usually along the apina ana in oLnterviug Vun luU ihzi fol low, that snch physical defects (known aa Osteopathic "lesions") are primar ily the flrot caueea of dyspepsia, aa a usual thing,whlle theae other better known faotora are but aecondar causes. Not Guilty In reply to a statement which ap peared in the Chronicle of las week in reference to the Grande Ronde Lum ber Company raialng their flood gates and eto , the Observer received a phone from the company tbja forenoon aaking ua to state that they had not raised a flood gate during the past four months, that they bad been cut ting leh and a Hood would nave re sulted in Injury to themselves. I. nw mi sn The food and the cook are what make or unmake a restaurant. Both must be good or else those who eat will move from Instead of towards the door. The Model restaurant haa the oook -an artist in hia line and the choic est food of every description ia pro cured daily. Thia la prepared In a way that will tempt the dullest appetite and the quality Is high enough to satis fy the sharpest one. MODEL uSTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAYJANDjNlUHT We seii weakly Meal -A Ticket Cash ....$450 1900 WASHING. MACHINE I am agent-for the celebrated 1900 Ball Bear fraahing Machine which I am gelling on an absolute guarantee, 70a can take it on trial with the prerilage of returniug if not satin factory. A trial will convince yon of Ua good qualities. MRS. T. N. MURPHY, CROCKERY AND SPORTING. GOODS- " i - 1 TQ unoMMMM tbeysay. It la becoming w more eomon every day People are exercising their good Jadgmenl by sup plying their BMds la mote at our market; If you want the best, at prices m low the lowest, com la and Ma what wf ha H to eolL, Tofir ejea will tell a bigger a 1 bettarstory than our spaoe pet mile now BOSS Meat Market Stillwell & Vanfermeulen, Proprietor. HENRY So CARR FUNERAL DIRECTORS LICENCED Ef1B!LnER5 Lady assistant Calls 'answered day and night, f bone Wo. f 21. La Grande Oregon :.i h . IU1 m 1 in - ' -y '11 n ful J. 0. Henry, residence 664 ;J J. J. Carr, residence 386 Grande Ronde Eumber Go. PERRY, OREGON. Manufacturer - LUMBER LATH at BOXES and Grande Ronde Lumber Co. perryioregon; REDUCTION SALE W km made a our minds to MO every roll of Wall Paper in our! O) 'store before the next aprinj stock arrive, and in order to Insure a J complete dun-up rc have cut the price rt jardlot of former price 6) Wall Paper from 5 cents up l We Want to dew the boose before March Uuwi expect a carload of Wall Waper lb a arrive oa thai date. We ve more Wall Paper aow on hand than all the ether paper home In the county. There"' fort yon wilhavea rcatcrvarkry to atled (rem. Our present stock ii cosBpltte. CO PAINTS." ieillS AND GLASS S THE i Golden Rule Company - WANTS YOUR BUSINESS t They Have The Goods and Prices to Merit It-- Morc than 500 PIECES YARD GOODS already received. ALL THE NEW WfAVES, Call and See Them 1308-1310-1312 Adam Avenue Largest Store Smallest Prices f ir"1 M"' 1 i in